Yet another BLACK MAN murders cop. What an epidemic.


Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.
Because this shithead would get his gun legally, right?

He shoulda been in a Chattahoochee day room, Thorazined up and watching Sesame Street.

Scratch that! He should have been deported back to Haiti. Not the US's problem.
When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?

Well, there was this dude - But it wasn't here and he only killed 77. :icon_rolleyes:
Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik changes his name to Fjotolf Hansen

This dude only made threats - Could be Danish .. definitely white. Lovely looking man I think you will agree.
Man arrested in Wareham for making threat to kill police officer


His surname is LePage apparently, that's now Danish?

I was being sarcastic ;-) I'm real sick of these racist posts by clowns who go looking for stories at places like Breitbart, Infowars, Stormfront etc looking for the latest black on white crime. They then Google the name to find the story on a presentable site, and post lots of huge jpegs if the black dude is sufficiently scary enough.

That may very well be true, however Liberals tend to put out, and dwell on the opposite stories where the Black is the victim, and the White cop is the perpetrator.
When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?

Well, there was this dude - But it wasn't here and he only killed 77. :icon_rolleyes:
Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik changes his name to Fjotolf Hansen

This dude only made threats - Could be Danish .. definitely white. Lovely looking man I think you will agree.
Man arrested in Wareham for making threat to kill police officer


His surname is LePage apparently, that's now Danish?

I was being sarcastic ;-) I'm real sick of these racist posts by clowns who go looking for stories at places like Breitbart, Infowars, Stormfront etc looking for the latest black on white crime. They then Google the name to find the story on a presentable site, and post lots of huge jpegs if the black dude is sufficiently scary enough.
Are you just as sick by the racist clowns that go out of there way to post stories of white on black crime?

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?
Dunno. Hopefully after 8 arrests, no. But less guns equal less stolen guns to commit crime with. Look at Europe. THAT is why they use vans over there.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?
Dunno. Hopefully after 8 arrests, no. But less guns equal less stolen guns to commit crime with. Look at Europe. THAT is why they use vans over there.

Don't forget the knives.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
----------------------------------------------- thing thats funny is that the dems and liberals want the scum of the earth in the USA . Also funny how the libs , dems , media always fall back on the excuse of mentally ill .

Mental Institutions need to make a comeback.
--------------------------------- maybe so but its kinda silly for Americans to Pay for foreigners in insane asylums or Jails. They oughta be deported or disposed of in other ways . Better yet , stop importing them , all can see with their eyes what this guy is if they have any brains Marion .

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?
Dunno. Hopefully after 8 arrests, no. But less guns equal less stolen guns to commit crime with. Look at Europe. THAT is why they use vans over there.
Because it is more humane to be killed by a van? The problem isn't the gun. The problem is the criminal. A criminal will use any means available to commit a crime. This guy should have never been allowed to be here. The authorities knew it and did nothing.
This is the by product of liberals being soft on crime and early release from prison. While the criminal is guilty of the crime, politicians enable them to do these things.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
I'm with you on how to handle people with chronic mental illness that just aren't safe to be in society. But "nuthouses" cost $$$$ and we stopped wanting to fund that a long time ago. There are probably meds that would settle this guy down, but they have side effects and patients refuse to take them. They are "free" and "have rights" so they walk around insane.
The hard part is figuring out if the person is dangerous or just bizarre. But in this guy's case, eight arrests, if they involved violence, should have been a good indicator that the guy needed to be confined. Of course, in a structured environment, on the right medication, he would be "normal" in months and released.....

Fuck that "Chemical Restraint" shit! People like that need physical and chemical restraints!!

See, that was a liberal thing: "Oh, we'll just give them some pills, it'll be ok". Probably backed by Big Pharma lobbyists. "We'll just close the Mental Hospitals down, and give them pills, just as good, amirite?"


Well it's not okay, fuck that! Mentally ill people walk right among innocent American citizens, and it's not right, and we had that in check before, but now it's not! Grr!
Why are you hollering at me? I'm just telling it like it IS. I agree that the chemical solution doesn't work when the violently mentally ill have a choice whether to take their medication. Pills or mental hospital. Take your pick, imo. The vast majority of mentally ill people are harmless, like the vast majority of not-mentally-ill people. Statistically, the mentally ill are more likely to be the VICTIMS of crime than the perpetrators. The problem is predicting a person's behavior. This guy seems to be easy to take odds on, but we don't know what the other 8 arrests are for. Were they violent crimes?

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
I'm with you on how to handle people with chronic mental illness that just aren't safe to be in society. But "nuthouses" cost $$$$ and we stopped wanting to fund that a long time ago. There are probably meds that would settle this guy down, but they have side effects and patients refuse to take them. They are "free" and "have rights" so they walk around insane.
The hard part is figuring out if the person is dangerous or just bizarre. But in this guy's case, eight arrests, if they involved violence, should have been a good indicator that the guy needed to be confined. Of course, in a structured environment, on the right medication, he would be "normal" in months and released.....

Fuck that "Chemical Restraint" shit! People like that need physical and chemical restraints!!

See, that was a liberal thing: "Oh, we'll just give them some pills, it'll be ok". Probably backed by Big Pharma lobbyists. "We'll just close the Mental Hospitals down, and give them pills, just as good, amirite?"


Well it's not okay, fuck that! Mentally ill people walk right among innocent American citizens, and it's not right, and we had that in check before, but now it's not! Grr!
Why are you hollering at me? I'm just telling it like it IS. I agree that the chemical solution doesn't work when the violently mentally ill have a choice whether to take their medication. Pills or mental hospital. Take your pick, imo. The vast majority of mentally ill people are harmless, like the vast majority of not-mentally-ill people. Statistically, the mentally ill are more likely to be the VICTIMS of crime than the perpetrators. The problem is predicting a person's behavior. This guy seems to be easy to take odds on, but we don't know what the other 8 arrests are for. Were they violent crimes?

That wasn't directed at you, just the situation. There can be a nicer wing for the harmless crazies that can't make it in society. Some can function with family support. I know exactly how that goes.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


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I remember asking what country run by a negro over the last 100 years is not a shit hole. I got no answers. Pathetic disaster of a race.

How does it feel to be owned by democrats still. How are those urban plantations? Need another free hand out?

You are not even embarrassed, which actually makes you more pathetic. The fact that you don't get it, does not shock me. Takes a brain that has the capability of abstract thought to understand.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
I'm with you on how to handle people with chronic mental illness that just aren't safe to be in society. But "nuthouses" cost $$$$ and we stopped wanting to fund that a long time ago. There are probably meds that would settle this guy down, but they have side effects and patients refuse to take them. They are "free" and "have rights" so they walk around insane.
The hard part is figuring out if the person is dangerous or just bizarre. But in this guy's case, eight arrests, if they involved violence, should have been a good indicator that the guy needed to be confined. Of course, in a structured environment, on the right medication, he would be "normal" in months and released.....

Agreed, part of the problem is money. Nuthouses do cost money. ON the other hand, they are instead spending quite a bit on half way houses, often for people that cannot benefit. THe other half of that problem is that lib lawyers and judges have made it very difficult to lock up a crazy person.

Deportation does not cost much.
half way houses, often for people that cannot benefit.
Who does not benefit?
So, to you only Black lives matter?
You'd be hard pressed to post anywhere I stated, or suggested, that.

Why the whataboutism though? What purpose does that serve?

Well, you sure seem to have a funny way of showing remorse for White victims of Black crime.

Now the inverse on the other hand...............

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