Yet another BLACK MAN murders cop. What an epidemic.

I'm with you on how to handle people with chronic mental illness that just aren't safe to be in society. But "nuthouses" cost $$$$ and we stopped wanting to fund that a long time ago. There are probably meds that would settle this guy down, but they have side effects and patients refuse to take them. They are "free" and "have rights" so they walk around insane.

Since the Hinckley attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan the consensus has been to simply jail the crazies as criminals when they do criminal things. This guy was let out after 8 felonies, and being here illegally. This is plainly wrong. He should at least be in jail and then deported ASAP. I actually would totally support quick trial and execution of these types who will never behave right -- which is probably true of most violent criminals.

Nearly all the blacks who were the subject of big BLM marches and riots after they were killed by police were doing some outrageous crime at the time. The idea of BLM is that blacks should get to freely do crimes. I sure wish this guy had been slower and the cop faster.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I remember asking what country run by a negro over the last 100 years is not a shit hole. I got no answers. Pathetic disaster of a race.

The U.S Virgin Islands?
Oh wait that's part of the U.S.A, and still has a massive murder, and crime problem despite being fairly wealthy by global standards.
He is said to be an illegal alien, unhinged black man.

I never read he was an illegal alien.
There is a law that a legal immigrant can be returned to their home country if they commit certain crimes. I know the Sheriff here was hoping for that outcome with a guy from (Europe) who was causing a lot of trouble among the women folk. Don't know the particulars, though.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Are you really as stupid as your posts suggest?
I thought you were ignoring me.
Another lie from a white conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?

In Florida , yes:
Florida failed to carry out background checks on gun buyers for over a year
Well, you sure seem to have a funny way of showing remorse for White victims of Black crime.

Now the inverse on the other hand...............
Moving the goalpost again I see...

Anyway, I'll engage. How does one "show remorse" on an online forum?

And can you point to any instance of you showing any remorse for anything?

He is said to be an illegal alien, unhinged black man.

I never read he was an illegal alien.
-------------------------------------- Maybe he was legal , and that just illustrates my never ending advice that there is NO difference between illegal and legal Third world imports or immigrants to the USA . So thanks Penny !!

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope they burn your house down, next. Faggot

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Are you really as stupid as your posts suggest?
I thought you were ignoring me.
Another lie from a white conservative.View attachment 207025

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I took you off ignore what's your point? be

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?

In Florida , yes:
Florida failed to carry out background checks on gun buyers for over a year
Your reply makes no sense.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Are you really as stupid as your posts suggest?
I thought you were ignoring me.
Another lie from a white conservative.View attachment 207025

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Just like an N word. Making no sense, rambling on with stupidity. Probably smell too.

Boy, that is some list of countries run by your pathetic race that are not shit holes. Maaan, what an embarrassment.

No wonder YOU PEOPLE are always pissed and killing each other. Not that hard to believe you YOUR PEOPLE enslaved YOU PEOPLE.


Need test scores lowered so YOU PEOPLE can get into schools and make it LOOK LIKE you earned it?

Waiting for that list of countries. Zimbabwe? Mali? Burundi? Republic of the Congo? Haiti? Liberia? Nigeria? Kenya?


All toilets.
Well, you sure seem to have a funny way of showing remorse for White victims of Black crime.

Now the inverse on the other hand...............
Moving the goalpost again I see...

Anyway, I'll engage. How does one "show remorse" on an online forum?

And can you point to any instance of you showing any remorse for anything?


You seem to be awfully desperate, and defensive, could it be that you're a Black Supremacist?
Where was all this poutrage and anti-criminal rhetoric over the Dillan Roof church massacre?

He got assaulted from all angles.
Only people like steve mcgarret and odium praised him.
Thats the level you and billyboom are on. Odiums :lol:
Fucking retarded asshole
He is said to be an illegal alien, unhinged black man.

I never read he was an illegal alien.
There is a law that a legal immigrant can be returned to their home country if they commit certain crimes. I know the Sheriff here was hoping for that outcome with a guy from (Europe) who was causing a lot of trouble among the women folk. Don't know the particulars, though.
Grounds of Deportability: When Legal U.S. Residents Can Be Removed
He got assaulted from all angles.
Only people like steve mcgarret and odium praised him.
Thats the level you and billyboom are on. Odiums :lol:
Fucking retarded asshole
Of course you'll say that "he [Dillan Roof] was assaulted on all angles", and of course you'll say I'm just like the poster going by Odium.

But tell me something....where is my praise of the killer featured in this thread?
He got assaulted from all angles.
Only people like steve mcgarret and odium praised him.
Thats the level you and billyboom are on. Odiums :lol:
Fucking retarded asshole
Of course you'll say that "he [Dillan Roof] was assaulted on all angles", and of course you'll say I'm just like the poster going by Odium.

But tell me something....where is my praise of the killer featured in this thread?

Well, I think he meant that Dylan Roof was assaulted from angles on this forum, but I could be wrong...
He got assaulted from all angles.
Only people like steve mcgarret and odium praised him.
Thats the level you and billyboom are on. Odiums :lol:
Fucking retarded asshole
Of course you'll say that "he [Dillan Roof] was assaulted on all angles", and of course you'll say I'm just like the poster going by Odium.

But tell me something....where is my praise of the killer featured in this thread?
Of course i will say that. He was. Except from like minded bigots like your faggoty ass.
Oh please, marc. You made your feelings well known with your post.
Ban black people in this country, problem solved -- especially really dirty ones who aren't even from this country ....

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?
I know he could have never made that shot from Haiti. No matter how he got the gun...

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope they burn your house down, next. Faggot
Fuck off.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

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