Yet another BLACK MAN murders cop. What an epidemic.


Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope they burn your house down, next. Faggot
Fuck off.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
aww poor little prick got his feelings hurt.
Fuck off.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Yep your little feelers are hurt. Poor little prick.
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?

In Florida , yes:
Florida failed to carry out background checks on gun buyers for over a year
Can you link or show the trail that causes you to infere kick backs?


I suspect it as a lie that he could not get into the computer, and I also infer the Republican in charge got kickbacks from the NRA.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw a Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
May this officer rest, you're making this black guy the poster child for violence against cops, yes? Or is this an immigration issue? Because from where I stand....MORE REDNECK WHITE BOYS IN THIS COUNTRY AND OUR BELOVED COPS, HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY IMMIGRANT COMBINED. Lets not get this shit twisted...this brother will stand trial, go to prison or get the many cops to date, have gone to jail or even been accused of murder of unarmed blacks....not that fuckin many

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw a Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
May this officer rest, you're making this black guy the poster child for violence against cops, yes? Or is this an immigration issue? Because from where I stand....MORE REDNECK WHITE BOYS IN THIS COUNTRY AND OUR BELOVED COPS, HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY IMMIGRANT COMBINED. Lets not get this shit twisted...this brother will stand trial, go to prison or get the many cops to date, have gone to jail or even been accused of murder of unarmed blacks....not that fuckin many
Lets all hope this piece of shit fries.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hate that you had to go there....but thats how I feel. I pray for his soul, his family, but I also pray for the countless minorities in this country who die needlessly from the violence they recieve from law officers
This isn't about being from Haiti, or about being black. It is about him and every other nutjob in this country having such free and easy access to guns.

He is a repeat criminal, and an immigrant. That is a combination that could have solved this and saved that cops life. DEPORT HIS CRIMINAL ASS BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM.

He is a violent repeat criminal with a history of mental illness. That is a combination that could and should have led to him being locked up in a nut house, or deported. That would have saved that cop's life.

And without violating the rights of the rest of society, AND remaking vast swatches of our culture.
To Old Lady. DO you really think this scum would obtain a gun legally?

In Florida , yes:
Florida failed to carry out background checks on gun buyers for over a year


I suspect it as a lie that he could not get into the computer, and I also infer the Republican in charge got kickbacks from the NRA.

Gun purchases do not go through the Florida Commissioner of Ag computer.
I'm with you on how to handle people with chronic mental illness that just aren't safe to be in society. But "nuthouses" cost $$$$ and we stopped wanting to fund that a long time ago. There are probably meds that would settle this guy down, but they have side effects and patients refuse to take them. They are "free" and "have rights" so they walk around insane.

Since the Hinckley attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan the consensus has been to simply jail the crazies as criminals when they do criminal things. This guy was let out after 8 felonies, and being here illegally. This is plainly wrong. He should at least be in jail and then deported ASAP. I actually would totally support quick trial and execution of these types who will never behave right -- which is probably true of most violent criminals.

Nearly all the blacks who were the subject of big BLM marches and riots after they were killed by police were doing some outrageous crime at the time. The idea of BLM is that blacks should get to freely do crimes. I sure wish this guy had been slower and the cop faster.
doing some outrageous crime at the time.
No, most of them weren't, which was the point of the protests. But I was talking about the mental illness piece, not BLM.
What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw a Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?

OMG shut it.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hate that you had to go there....but thats how I feel. I pray for his soul, his family, but I also pray for the countless minorities in this country who die needlessly from the violence they recieve from law officers

Hardly happens and official statistical evidence shows that fact.

Too bad the democrats still own you. They do. Too bad they rely your ignorance.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw a Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
The grocery told him food stamps didn’t cover bubble gum.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope they burn your house down, next. Faggot
Fuck off.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Fuck you, hate filled monster.

Y U wanna get into it with asshat phone poster?

With a Samsung J7. (Weaksauce phone).

Do you?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Where was all this poutrage and anti-criminal rhetoric over the Dillan Roof church massacre?

He got the death penalty, let’s hope this asshole does. Florida carries through!
I hope he gets shot while " trying to escape".
Spoken like true Christian

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
LOL right? What kind of christian wants a murderous psychopath to be put down quickly?

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw a Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
May this officer rest, you're making this black guy the poster child for violence against cops, yes? Or is this an immigration issue? Because from where I stand....MORE REDNECK WHITE BOYS IN THIS COUNTRY AND OUR BELOVED COPS, HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY IMMIGRANT COMBINED. Lets not get this shit twisted...this brother will stand trial, go to prison or get the many cops to date, have gone to jail or even been accused of murder of unarmed blacks....not that fuckin many
Do you have the stats to back your big ass up? No ewe do not!
Where was all this poutrage and anti-criminal rhetoric over the Dillan Roof church massacre?

He got the death penalty, let’s hope this asshole does. Florida carries through!
I hope he gets shot while " trying to escape".
Spoken like true Christian

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
LOL right? What kind of christian wants a murderous psychopath to be put down quickly?
Thou shalt not kill.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Where was all this poutrage and anti-criminal rhetoric over the Dillan Roof church massacre?

He got the death penalty, let’s hope this asshole does. Florida carries through!
I hope he gets shot while " trying to escape".
Spoken like true Christian

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
LOL right? What kind of christian wants a murderous psychopath to be put down quickly?
Thou shalt not kill.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
God commanded dylans death :D
Where was all this poutrage and anti-criminal rhetoric over the Dillan Roof church massacre?

He got the death penalty, let’s hope this asshole does. Florida carries through!
I hope he gets shot while " trying to escape".
Spoken like true Christian

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
LOL right? What kind of christian wants a murderous psychopath to be put down quickly?
Thou shalt not kill.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Tell that to the fucking scum that killed the cop.

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