Yet Another Democrat Busted for Screwing His Employee - Literally

If it was two consenting adults who cares?

I really don't care but they have rules and he and his staff member broke them.

Wonder if they will land in jail. LMAO.

it is not a criminal offense you fucking moron

I know that you fucking moron. Its a rule and rules were made to be broken.

Your ass isn't smart enough to know when I'm being a smart ass.

So how bout you fuck off dipshit.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth, people.

It is senseless and, frankly, stupid to try to apply normal standards of morality to dimocrap scum.

dimocraps are not normal. They are truly the scum of the Earth.

I am seriously tired, sickened, by people of good will on the Right applying normal standards to dimocrap FILTH.

Please stop. Just.Fucking.Stop.Doing.It.

It's like trying to equate human reactions to an animal's reactions. Which is an insult to animals everywhere. dimocrap filth don't even rise to the standards of an animal.

I'm not talking about scum like this --


I'm talking about the people who vote these SCUM into Office then hide like they have no idea what you're talking about when shit like this happens. How they dodge responsibility for the absolute SCUM they put in office.

What else can you expect from scumbag dimocrap filth? All they know how to do is eat, shit, lie, fuck and then lie some more.

Accept the fact that dimocraps including your friends, neighbors, relatives and everybody else that votes for these scum is him/herself a piece of scum.

They know EXACTLY who and what they're voting for.

Accept it. Don't try to change them. You can't.

Just accept the fact that they are the scum of the Earth and move along with your life.

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