Yet another fake "hate" crime


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
"A 15-year-old transgender teen admitted to police Tuesday that (s)he made up a story about being sexually assaulted a day earlier in the boys bathroom at Hercules Middle High School, authorities said."

Hercules student recants bathroom sex attack story - SFGate

How many times have these stories turned out to be complete bullshit?

  • A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.
  • In December a mother of a former high school football player claimed that racist slurs were spray painted on her home in Massachusetts. The woman later confessed to having spray painted the slurs herself.
  • In November of last year a waitress in New Jersey claimed that a family left a gay slur written on a diner receipt and refused to tip her because she was gay. It was soon discovered that her claims were untrue.
  • Last year, students at Oberlin College in Ohio claimed that the KKK had posted swastikas and anti-gay graffiti on campus. It was then found that several liberal students perpetrated the hoax as a "joke."
  • Another waitress in Tennessee claimed that a customer left a racist slur written on a dinner receipt. This also turned out to be untrue.
  • An African American student standing for election to his high school student government claimed he was harassed by racist texts last August. An investigation revealed he had sent the racist texts to himself so he could get in the news.

Hell, there's a website dedicated to logging fake hate crimes, where you'll find hundreds of them!

This guy wrote a book about it (now a bit dated):

Crying Wolf, Laird Wilcox

It got the WSJs attention:

Best of the Web Today: 'Hate Crime' Hoaxes -

My question is, what the fuck is it with these people???
A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.

"Homophobe" (n) - A perjorative term invented by homosexual advocates for the purpose of insulting and denigrating normal people, with an implication that their normal aversion to homosexual acts was somehow based on fear.
by another with the fake designation of 'transgender'.. you can no more change your genetic gender than you can change your species
A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.

"Homophobe" (n) - A perjorative term invented by homosexual advocates for the purpose of insulting and denigrating normal people, with an implication that their normal aversion to homosexual acts was somehow based on fear.

You mean dimocraps.

Most of them, frankly, aren't very good at being what they are... The 'men' aren't very good at being Men.

They really don't want to take care of their family, they'd prefer the gubmint do it for them. They have the inventiveness and curiosity of road kill (and the personality) they can't think for themselves, they run away at the slightest sign of physical confrontation when death is a possibility, then make excuses for their running and hiding....

Their women aren't very good at being women, either. Most of them can't cook, can't fuck, won't clean, eat too much and turn into fat pigs by the age of thirty, and they prefer to spend their time in the company of other women far too much becaus ehtye hate men..... Real Men because we won't have anything to do with their fat asses and the things that call themselves 'men' in their circles are a joke...

If they do manage to squirt out a kid (without killing it first) they generally do a very poor job of raising it. The poor sap hardly has a chance in life. A feckless coward for a father, a fat lezbo for a mother, sent to the indoctrination institutes that pass for Schools in this Country where they learn that having two daddies or two mommies is just cool as shit....

I'm not too far off in that assessment. Not far off at all.

A little sardonic, perhaps but accurate in a general way.

Kinda sad, really.

More like sick
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?
A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.

"Homophobe" (n) - A perjorative term invented by homosexual advocates for the purpose of insulting and denigrating normal people, with an implication that their normal aversion to homosexual acts was somehow based on fear.

You mean dimocraps.

No, I don't.
Those fake hate crimes do nothing less than take away form the severity of the damage done to those that are true victims of such hate crimes....


Are we saying that there is no such thing as racism and homophobia, and some people don't act on such hate?
My question is, what the fuck is it with these people???
Modern progressivism has a tap root in the deep pool of victimhood.

The more victimized and oppressed you can claim to be, the more cachet you have within the circles of progressive politics.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two prime examples of how that dynamic operates.
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Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

its to point out that for every 100 actual hate crimes, there is one fake hate crime.
"A 15-year-old transgender teen admitted to police Tuesday that (s)he made up a story about being sexually assaulted a day earlier in the boys bathroom at Hercules Middle High School, authorities said."

Hercules student recants bathroom sex attack story - SFGate

How many times have these stories turned out to be complete bullshit?

  • A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.
  • In December a mother of a former high school football player claimed that racist slurs were spray painted on her home in Massachusetts. The woman later confessed to having spray painted the slurs herself.
  • In November of last year a waitress in New Jersey claimed that a family left a gay slur written on a diner receipt and refused to tip her because she was gay. It was soon discovered that her claims were untrue.
  • Last year, students at Oberlin College in Ohio claimed that the KKK had posted swastikas and anti-gay graffiti on campus. It was then found that several liberal students perpetrated the hoax as a "joke."
  • Another waitress in Tennessee claimed that a customer left a racist slur written on a dinner receipt. This also turned out to be untrue.
  • An African American student standing for election to his high school student government claimed he was harassed by racist texts last August. An investigation revealed he had sent the racist texts to himself so he could get in the news.

Hell, there's a website dedicated to logging fake hate crimes, where you'll find hundreds of them!

This guy wrote a book about it (now a bit dated):

Crying Wolf, Laird Wilcox

It got the WSJs attention:

Best of the Web Today: 'Hate Crime' Hoaxes -

My question is, what the fuck is it with these people???

Great post, e!

I've got one, too!

"Madonna G. Constantine[1] is a former psychology and education professor at Columbia University's Teachers College. She was fired in 2008 on grounds of plagiarism.

In October 2007, Constantine, who is African-American, received national attention when a noose was discovered hanging on the door of her office.[5] Students rallied on Teachers College steps and walked through Columbia's campus denouncing racism at a press conference, where Constantine read from a statement.[8] In March, 2008, a grand jury was convened to investigate the noose incident.[9] Columbia University stonewalled law enforcement for 24 hours, originally demanding a subpoena, before agreeing to release security tapes that could help identify the suspect.[10] There were allegations that Constantine placed the noose on her own door in an attempt to fabricate an apparent hate crime.[11]"
Madonna Constantine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

.....and the mother of all Liberal hoaxes!

"Tawana Glenda Brawley (born 1972) is an African-American woman from Wappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for falsely accusing six white men of having raped her.

The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces).

Brawley's accusations were given widespread media attention in part from the involvement of her advisers, including the Reverend Al Sharpton and attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason.[1]

After hearing evidence, a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of an attack.[2] The New York prosecutor whom Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation.[3]
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, of course, the Liberal MSNBC awarded the hoaxer-in-chief, Al Sharpton, with a cable tv show!!!
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

Let me get this straight...

You use a homophobic slur to denigrate someone pointing out the hypocrisy of all these fake hate crimes carried out by members of the LGBT community.

Wow. Rather ironic.

And by the way, I never said a damn thing about "liberals"...not that we need another reason to hate them.

Wow again. Not too bright, are ya? :lol:
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

just exposing your's fun and is done so often, I'm sorry it offends you
"A 15-year-old transgender teen admitted to police Tuesday that (s)he made up a story about being sexually assaulted a day earlier in the boys bathroom at Hercules Middle High School, authorities said."

Hercules student recants bathroom sex attack story - SFGate

How many times have these stories turned out to be complete bullshit?

  • A month ago a story about a "homophobic" mom who objected to gay parents sending her child an invite to a birthday party went viral. Days later the radio station that pushed the story admitted it was a hoax.
  • In December a mother of a former high school football player claimed that racist slurs were spray painted on her home in Massachusetts. The woman later confessed to having spray painted the slurs herself.
  • In November of last year a waitress in New Jersey claimed that a family left a gay slur written on a diner receipt and refused to tip her because she was gay. It was soon discovered that her claims were untrue.
  • Last year, students at Oberlin College in Ohio claimed that the KKK had posted swastikas and anti-gay graffiti on campus. It was then found that several liberal students perpetrated the hoax as a "joke."
  • Another waitress in Tennessee claimed that a customer left a racist slur written on a dinner receipt. This also turned out to be untrue.
  • An African American student standing for election to his high school student government claimed he was harassed by racist texts last August. An investigation revealed he had sent the racist texts to himself so he could get in the news.

Hell, there's a website dedicated to logging fake hate crimes, where you'll find hundreds of them!

This guy wrote a book about it (now a bit dated):

Crying Wolf, Laird Wilcox

It got the WSJs attention:

Best of the Web Today: 'Hate Crime' Hoaxes -

My question is, what the fuck is it with these people???

Turns out he/she/it was just having one of these.
[ame=]Aldo Nova - Fantasy - YouTube[/ame]
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

Hatred is a strong emotion, a commonly misused word, and is mostly used by liberal/socialists in their attempts to denigrate those who differ with their idiotology. Intelligent people don't hate liberal/socialists, they pity them for their abject ignorance of what life is all about.

To enjoy life, one has to face the challenges of life with the confidence that one can and will win in the end. Liberal/socialists fear that they are not up to the challenge, and continually look for some easy way out. That is why the majority of them are unhappy, spiteful, greedy, little wimps, attempting to throw scorn at those who are winning the battles.
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

Let me get this straight...

You use a homophobic slur to denigrate someone pointing out the hypocrisy of all these fake hate crimes carried out by members of the LGBT community.

Wow. Rather ironic.

And by the way, I never said a damn thing about "liberals"...not that we need another reason to hate them.

Wow again. Not too bright, are ya? :lol:

The Lib is upset because all of the stories seem to prove an irredeemable dishonesty of Liberals.

It's only fair to provide the most egregious conservative hoax......

"The story [of George Washington admitting that he chopped down the cherry tree] was invented by Parson Mason Weems who wrote a biography of George Washington shortly after Washington’s death.

Since so little is known about Washington’s childhood, Weems invented several anecdotes about Washington’s early life to illustrate the origins of the heroic qualities Washington exhibited as an adult.

Introduced to countless schoolchildren as a moral tale in the McGuffey Reader textbook, the parable has become a persistent part of American mythology."
Did George Washington Chop Down A Cherry Tree? - Top News - Mount Vernon, VA Patch

ANOTHER case of a self-inflicted fake 'hate crime'! Again on a college campus. What kind of fucked up mentality does it take to make shit like this up??? :dunno:

The original story:
GVSU police investigating 'hateful' threats to African American students |

What this fucked up person wrote that started the whole thing:
Sinner. Saint., So this allegedly happened on campus today? But...

The uncovering of the hoax:
Racist dorm door writing was hoax, Grand Valley State U police say

and here:

“The person believed to be responsible for the drawing and language written on the dry erase board is a Grand Valley student and the owner of the message board,”said Grand Valley police department chief Renee Freeman in a statement released Friday.

Statement from GVSU police chief - GVNow - Grand Valley State University

I say it's time to end the very idea of a "hate crime". Enough of this bullshit PC nonsense!
Is there a point to this? Or is this just another excuse for Teabaggers to congratulate each other for hating "liberals"?

Let me get this straight...

You use a homophobic slur to denigrate someone pointing out the hypocrisy of all these fake hate crimes carried out by members of the LGBT community.

Wow. Rather ironic.

And by the way, I never said a damn thing about "liberals"...not that we need another reason to hate them.

Wow again. Not too bright, are ya? :lol:

You are spot on. But I seriously doubt the liberals realize what they are doing. As you say they use homosexual terms as what they think is an insult. But as with all things liberal it has nothing to do with gays or race it has to do with winning. They have to win regardless of the truth, it is their way.

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