Yet Another Lying Mainstream Media "Obamacare Victim" Story


Radical Centrist
Apr 14, 2012
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress

If Obamacare is so awful already, than we should be given real examples of its awfulness instead of one lying invention after another.

It is becoming more and more obvious if you look at the mainstream media, that they're all collectively freaking out over the Obamacare website and following the lead of apparently FOX News and the right-wing blogs.

Maybe only MSNBC is actually covering and uncovering the truth that Obamacare is beginning to work. It is not immune from problems, but it's working, and it's the reason why it's approval rating is now in the mid-40's and no longer in the 30's.

All three guests on Sean Hannity a couple weeks ago are going to save thousands under Obamacare. They just hadn't looked into it. No one could see beyond the, "My insurer is dropping my plan!" even though the truth is that they've got better and more affordable plans awaiting them.

Now the Wall Street Journal has proven that its victim was just another big lie as well.
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress

If Obamacare is so awful already, than we should be given real examples of its awfulness instead of one lying invention after another.

It is becoming more and more obvious if you look at the mainstream media, that they're all collectively freaking out over the Obamacare website and following the lead of apparently FOX News and the right-wing blogs.

Maybe only MSNBC is actually covering and uncovering the truth that Obamacare is beginning to work. It is not immune from problems, but it's working, and it's the reason why it's approval rating is now in the mid-40's and no longer in the 30's.

All three guests on Sean Hannity a couple weeks ago are going to save thousands under Obamacare. They just hadn't looked into it. No one could see beyond the, "My insurer is dropping my plan!" even though the truth is that they've got better and more affordable plans awaiting them.

Now the Wall Street Journal has proven that its victim was just another big lie as well.
Before ACA was even passed the gop/tp had started a steady barrage of lies and misinformation (Death panels, Obama wants to kill granny, it's socialism, it's communism, it's fascism, it doesn't work in [fill in a country], it will bankrupt the US, republicans had no input, no one has read it, it is not constitutional, it will punish the poor, it will punish [fill in a minority], and on, and on, and on!). I HAVE REACHED A POINT WHERE I NO LONGER BELIEVE ANYTHING THE GOP SAYS. Think of it as being similar to the story of the little boy who cried wolf. Eventually no one listened to him and he ended up being devoured by the wolf he screamed about. I believe the gop's lies will lead them to the same fate the little boy suffered. The sooner, the better!
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I HAVE REACHED A POINT WHERE I NO LONGER BELIEVE ANYTHING THE GOP SAYS. Think of it as being similar to the story of the little boy who cried wolf. Eventually no one listened to him and he ended up being devoured by the wolf he screamed about. I believe the gop's lies will lead them to the same fate the little boy suffered. The sooner, the better![/SIZE][/FONT]

Patience, sweet child.

Mayhap you haven't gotten your health insurance cancellation letter yet.

Or maybe you DID get a letter telling you how much sweeter your Medicaid coverage has become.
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress

If Obamacare is so awful already, than we should be given real examples of its awfulness instead of one lying invention after another.

It is becoming more and more obvious if you look at the mainstream media, that they're all collectively freaking out over the Obamacare website and following the lead of apparently FOX News and the right-wing blogs.

Maybe only MSNBC is actually covering and uncovering the truth that Obamacare is beginning to work. It is not immune from problems, but it's working, and it's the reason why it's approval rating is now in the mid-40's and no longer in the 30's.

All three guests on Sean Hannity a couple weeks ago are going to save thousands under Obamacare. They just hadn't looked into it. No one could see beyond the, "My insurer is dropping my plan!" even though the truth is that they've got better and more affordable plans awaiting them.

Now the Wall Street Journal has proven that its victim was just another big lie as well.


When your insurer drops your plan, and you're left with a more expensive alternative, just how much money are you saving? There are 4.2 million examples out there of how Obamacare is awful. You are in denial, accusing people of lying and not giving proof when all you need do is look around you.
And, it works pretty well among the brain dead.

Like HenryBHough and Young Master Temper Tantrum.

While they're doing their best to keep the lies going, more than 17K a day are signing up at the website and thousands more at the state exchanges.

The only people who are having trouble are those who live in red states controlled by regressive, repressive Rs.

And, it works pretty well among the brain dead.

Like HenryBHough and Young Master Temper Tantrum.

While they're doing their best to keep the lies going, more than 17K a day are signing up at the website and thousands more at the state exchanges.

The only people who are having trouble are those who live in red states controlled by regressive, repressive Rs.


Patience, dear child. Don't rush into anything. You obviously did that twice (assuming you were old enough on either occasion) and look where THAT got you.
HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare
Guy Benson | Oct 18, 2013

What's the point of even trying to spin this thing? It's an obvious disaster, and pretending otherwise -- in the face of a mountain range of evidence -- is useless. Even Kathleen Sebelius, in whom the president still has "full confidence" for some reason, has been forced to acknowledge that things aren't going according to plan. The Huffington Post is out with the latest brutal piece about the failed Obamacare launch:

HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare - Guy Benson
HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare
Guy Benson | Oct 18, 2013

What's the point of even trying to spin this thing? It's an obvious disaster, and pretending otherwise -- in the face of a mountain range of evidence -- is useless. Even Kathleen Sebelius, in whom the president still has "full confidence" for some reason, has been forced to acknowledge that things aren't going according to plan. The Huffington Post is out with the latest brutal piece about the failed Obamacare launch:

HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare - Guy Benson


Yesterday and tomorrow, you yammer that HuffPo is part of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

You're wrong of course but, as soon as it serves your agenda, you'll tell the same lie again.
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress

If Obamacare is so awful already, than we should be given real examples of its awfulness instead of one lying invention after another.

It is becoming more and more obvious if you look at the mainstream media, that they're all collectively freaking out over the Obamacare website and following the lead of apparently FOX News and the right-wing blogs.

Maybe only MSNBC is actually covering and uncovering the truth that Obamacare is beginning to work. It is not immune from problems, but it's working, and it's the reason why it's approval rating is now in the mid-40's and no longer in the 30's.

All three guests on Sean Hannity a couple weeks ago are going to save thousands under Obamacare. They just hadn't looked into it. No one could see beyond the, "My insurer is dropping my plan!" even though the truth is that they've got better and more affordable plans awaiting them.

Now the Wall Street Journal has proven that its victim was just another big lie as well.

That's because people like me are now having to pay 44% more on our premiums to subsidize part of their costs.

No vacations for us next summer. No new car either. Will be cutting back on other things too.
HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare
Guy Benson | Oct 18, 2013

What's the point of even trying to spin this thing? It's an obvious disaster, and pretending otherwise -- in the face of a mountain range of evidence -- is useless. Even Kathleen Sebelius, in whom the president still has "full confidence" for some reason, has been forced to acknowledge that things aren't going according to plan. The Huffington Post is out with the latest brutal piece about the failed Obamacare launch:

HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare - Guy Benson


Yesterday and tomorrow, you yammer that HuffPo is part of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

You're wrong of course but, as soon as it serves your agenda, you'll tell the same lie again.

what lie did i tell? i thought using a lefty news source would appease you but i see you have head in sand syndrome.

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