Yet another 'unintended consequence"of the tax cut [scam]

Kimberly-Clark needs to reduce costs and restructure or thousands more U.S. workers will be laid off you retard, hello. This restructuring was happening regardless of the tax cut bill why do you keep forgetting to mention that. That the tax cuts will help cover the cost of restructuring which helps stock holders including middle class pension funds that are heavily invested in corporations, why do you fail to mention that. The tax cuts will fund capital spending to keep the remaining 12,000 U.S. workers employed why do you fail to mention that. Only lying liberal scum could spin this story negative.

Ask the 5,500 people without a job that question moron.. lets see a link to the tax cuts keeping 12,000 employed.


Dummy its in the article the OP linked to, maybe you are too stupid to understand it I don't know :itsok:

Open your eyes, the company is hurting because of online Amazon delivery stores..

I can almost bet that these employees as well as thousands of future employees of Kimberly- Clark and other manufacturers will be replaced with machines who work 24 hours a day, no retirement, no vacation..

The Tax cuts are going to help buy the machines..

We are going to see a big change , and big layoffs ahead.

Stop drinking the Kool-aid and see what is happening..

Christ almighty, okay the company tells you point blank what its planning to do and you ignore that, and instead fabricate a far flung liberal talking point theory.

I will believe it when I see it..Sorry to say that I think going to the grocery store is going to be a thing of the past..


No it won't, maybe in some shithole liberal inner city.
A tax cut means the government takes less of your money. That's no more a "windfall" than avoiding being mugged.

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