Yikes, sky dad...morals are absolute, though

Im sure there are many people who never read the bible already living kosher lives without even knowing it, without ever giving much thought to whats for dinner.

If you have already surmised or learned things of value being taught to the children of ancient nomads how can you say there is no relevant insights, nothing of value being taught?
Because the way that it was presented pulled a lot of human lives away from their true potential. You do know folks devote their entire lives to believing theyre going to heaven and worshipping invisible/unproven things as a result, and believing in morally reprehensible things as well, as a result. And frivolous things, and experiencing a retardation of truly seeking answers. All i all, its a net negative but for the tautologies regarding life that are resolved with or without their fairy tale.

Yes, I have noticed and yes I am just as appalled.

Then I started wondering why.

This is what I found out. It was deliberate.

Just like much of the OT, the NT was written during and after times of harsh oppression by people who witness the destruction of their nation, way of life, and the slaughter, exile and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Jews.

To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels, "The nations" were the enemy.

When Jesus said that he came to bring a sword, he was referring to the sword in Jeremiah 25:15.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See? the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

Again in revelation 19:15,, "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

So maybe the gospels weren't written because God loved the world so much...Maybe it was their version of a nuclear option.
Eh, I dont much care why they were written and I dont care about Jesus or his life or if he existed or not whatsoever, either. The supernatural claims, metaphorical or literal, do nothing for my betterment intellectually and especially not morally.....Jenny McCarthy wrote a better book on Women's Pregnancy than the Bible serves as a roadmap for anyone's life.

Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
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Because the way that it was presented pulled a lot of human lives away from their true potential. You do know folks devote their entire lives to believing theyre going to heaven and worshipping invisible/unproven things as a result, and believing in morally reprehensible things as well, as a result. And frivolous things, and experiencing a retardation of truly seeking answers. All i all, its a net negative but for the tautologies regarding life that are resolved with or without their fairy tale.

Yes, I have noticed and yes I am just as appalled.

Then I started wondering why.

This is what I found out. It was deliberate.

Just like much of the OT, the NT was written during and after times of harsh oppression by people who witness the destruction of their nation, way of life, and the slaughter, exile and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Jews.

To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels, "The nations" were the enemy.

When Jesus said that he came to bring a sword, he was referring to the sword in Jeremiah 25:15.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See? the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

Again in revelation 19:15,, "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

So maybe the gospels weren't written because God loved the world so much...Maybe it was their version of a nuclear option.
Eh, I dont much care why they were written and I dont care about Jesus or his life or if he existed or not whatsoever, either. The supernatural claims, metaphorical or literal, do nothing for my betterment intellectually and especially not morally.....Jenny McCarthy wrote a better book on Women's Pregnancy than the Bible serves as a roadmap for anyone's life.

Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
Are you agnostic?

I suppose these terms are useless after I heard one gentleman state that atheism is not the affirmation of no God but instead a lack of belief in any that've been presented thus far. I used to think atheism was the positive claim of "no God," and therefore irrational as it hadnt met the burden of proof....but he describes it as the absence of any claim, therefore no burden of proof.

It seems all of the "non theist" positions require further explanation because of a muddying of terms.

Personally, "we dont know" is my conclusion based on the testimony of hundreds and hundreds of these conversations being had.

For everyone who thinks theyve got the smoking gun, there are alternative explanations that are equally as plausible and therefore, per Occam's razor and basic logic ~ we dont know is the position that makes the least assumptions.

Its fun to wonder about simulation theory....holographs....computer programs...multiverse...etc so I keep a close eye on theoretical physics. Its intriguing.
You brought up their claims to the origins of humanity.

I told you that Genesis is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the planet or the first humans. I am not in error. If you have taken it literally, you are.

When God said "Let there be light." it is a metaphorical account of the law being given as a light to the nations in a world that had been without form and void, lawless, and darkness, ignorance, covered the face of the deep, the unknown, for billions of years.
I dont take it literally, and metaphorically its no more meaningful to me than the latest episode of CareBears I watched with my daughter.

There's not a single insight ....in the Bible or any other of the ancient texts that have been found........... about the course of living a human life that you couldnt, wouldnt happen upon simply by living it. Its not even the least bit interesting, in that sense. Well, in my opinion anyhow. There's no enlightenment to be had for me, there...that I didnt already learn or surmise.

Im sure there are many people who never read the bible already living kosher lives without even knowing it, without ever giving much thought to whats for dinner.

If you have already surmised or learned things of value being taught to the children of ancient nomads how can you say there is no relevant insights, nothing of value being taught?
Because the way that it was presented pulled a lot of human lives away from their true potential. You do know folks devote their entire lives to believing theyre going to heaven and worshipping invisible/unproven things as a result, and believing in morally reprehensible things as well, as a result. And frivolous things, and experiencing a retardation of truly seeking answers. All i all, its a net negative but for the tautologies regarding life that are resolved with or without their fairy tale.
Objective truth is discovered through a conflict and confusion process. Everything works itself out in the end because error cannot stand. It seems to me that you want to bypass this process and go straight to homogenization of thought. Who are you to say what the best way to go through life is for everyone? Each person must make their own walk. I am more than happy for people to express their beliefs and to live their life accordingly. This is true for even people whose actions differ from their beliefs. Because I know there is a self compensating feature at work.
I dont care what you say or think, and dont read most of your posts.

Like I said many times....I have no issue going through these convos with cordial folks like merriweather, hobelim etc...

You, though? I see through snakes pretty easily and I dont give 2 shits about your opinions.
That is entirely your call, GT.
Because the way that it was presented pulled a lot of human lives away from their true potential. You do know folks devote their entire lives to believing theyre going to heaven and worshipping invisible/unproven things as a result, and believing in morally reprehensible things as well, as a result. And frivolous things, and experiencing a retardation of truly seeking answers. All i all, its a net negative but for the tautologies regarding life that are resolved with or without their fairy tale.

Yes, I have noticed and yes I am just as appalled.

Then I started wondering why.

This is what I found out. It was deliberate.

Just like much of the OT, the NT was written during and after times of harsh oppression by people who witness the destruction of their nation, way of life, and the slaughter, exile and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Jews.

To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels, "The nations" were the enemy.

When Jesus said that he came to bring a sword, he was referring to the sword in Jeremiah 25:15.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See? the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

Again in revelation 19:15,, "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

So maybe the gospels weren't written because God loved the world so much...Maybe it was their version of a nuclear option.
Eh, I dont much care why they were written and I dont care about Jesus or his life or if he existed or not whatsoever, either. The supernatural claims, metaphorical or literal, do nothing for my betterment intellectually and especially not morally.....Jenny McCarthy wrote a better book on Women's Pregnancy than the Bible serves as a roadmap for anyone's life.

Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
They tried that in the 20th century. It didn't turn out so well.
Yes, I have noticed and yes I am just as appalled.

Then I started wondering why.

This is what I found out. It was deliberate.

Just like much of the OT, the NT was written during and after times of harsh oppression by people who witness the destruction of their nation, way of life, and the slaughter, exile and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Jews.

To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels, "The nations" were the enemy.

When Jesus said that he came to bring a sword, he was referring to the sword in Jeremiah 25:15.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See? the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

Again in revelation 19:15,, "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

So maybe the gospels weren't written because God loved the world so much...Maybe it was their version of a nuclear option.
Eh, I dont much care why they were written and I dont care about Jesus or his life or if he existed or not whatsoever, either. The supernatural claims, metaphorical or literal, do nothing for my betterment intellectually and especially not morally.....Jenny McCarthy wrote a better book on Women's Pregnancy than the Bible serves as a roadmap for anyone's life.

Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
Are you agnostic?

I suppose these terms are useless after I heard one gentleman state that atheism is not the affirmation of no God but instead a lack of belief in any that've been presented thus far. I used to think atheism was the positive claim of "no God," and therefore irrational as it hadnt met the burden of proof....but he describes it as the absence of any claim, therefore no burden of proof.

It seems all of the "non theist" positions require further explanation because of a muddying of terms.

Personally, "we dont know" is my conclusion based on the testimony of hundreds and hundreds of these conversations being had.

For everyone who thinks theyve got the smoking gun, there are alternative explanations that are equally as plausible and therefore, per Occam's razor and basic logic ~ we dont know is the position that makes the least assumptions.

Its fun to wonder about simulation theory....holographs....computer programs...multiverse...etc so I keep a close eye on theoretical physics. Its intriguing.

No, I am not agnostic or atheist even though what I perceive to be true about God has absolutely nothing to do with what many people profess to believe about God, beliefs that create many false man made images of different Gods which I affirm do not exist. For instance there is no such thing as a God that is an unequalled coequal trinity that became an edible man. There is no such thing as a God who cares about what you eat or don't eat for dinner. There is no such thing as a God who chose a degenerate hallucinating megalomaniac with a thing for little girls as his greatest prophet and example of the perfect man..

Anyway anyone who may subscribe to one or another of those beliefs is already living in their own hologram completed disconnected from and unrelated to actual reality which to them all is exactly like a fire that will never go out.
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Eh, I dont much care why they were written and I dont care about Jesus or his life or if he existed or not whatsoever, either. The supernatural claims, metaphorical or literal, do nothing for my betterment intellectually and especially not morally.....Jenny McCarthy wrote a better book on Women's Pregnancy than the Bible serves as a roadmap for anyone's life.

Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
Are you agnostic?

I suppose these terms are useless after I heard one gentleman state that atheism is not the affirmation of no God but instead a lack of belief in any that've been presented thus far. I used to think atheism was the positive claim of "no God," and therefore irrational as it hadnt met the burden of proof....but he describes it as the absence of any claim, therefore no burden of proof.

It seems all of the "non theist" positions require further explanation because of a muddying of terms.

Personally, "we dont know" is my conclusion based on the testimony of hundreds and hundreds of these conversations being had.

For everyone who thinks theyve got the smoking gun, there are alternative explanations that are equally as plausible and therefore, per Occam's razor and basic logic ~ we dont know is the position that makes the least assumptions.

Its fun to wonder about simulation theory....holographs....computer programs...multiverse...etc so I keep a close eye on theoretical physics. Its intriguing.

No, I am not agnostic or atheist even though what I perceive to be true about God has absolutely nothing to do with what many people profess to believe about God that create many false man made images which I affirm do not exist. For instance there is no such thing as a God that is an unequalled coequal trinity that became an edible man. There is no such thing as a God who cares about what you eat or don't eat for dinner. There is no such thing as a God who chose a degenerate hallucinating megalomaniac with a thing for little girls as his greatest prophet and example of the perfect man..

Anyway anyone who may subscribe to one or another of those beliefs is already living in their own hologram completed disconnected from and unrelated to actual reality.
Wait what how is it not plausible that a suuuuUuUuUper smart deity creates a being, and knows everything that will transpire and creates rules that he knows theyre gunna break and then creates a son that hes gunna murder to make up for his creation breaking his created rules that he knew theyd break when he made them.....i feel like this is completely easy to follow
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Lol, can't say that I blame you but you must have noticed that people who amount to being mentally ill, driven mad by those silly stories have usurped positions of authority..

Whatever you think about scripture this fact might actually adversely affect your life.
Yeah, I totally agree which is why anytime these discussions come up it's important to spread the word of the burden of proof not being met, and letting our rational minds sit at the forefront of our life decisions rather than some dogmatic beliefs which have not met said burden.

I listened to an interesting commentary by a Biblical scholar yesterday that said something to this effect: If the morality prescribed in the Bible for Christians had not been yanked forward and revised by secular humanity over the years, there would be zero Christians in the world today.

Thats a testament to human morality and reasoning, versus dogmatic ones.

Looks like sober people need to take the wheel from the drunk or else we all will surely die.
Are you agnostic?

I suppose these terms are useless after I heard one gentleman state that atheism is not the affirmation of no God but instead a lack of belief in any that've been presented thus far. I used to think atheism was the positive claim of "no God," and therefore irrational as it hadnt met the burden of proof....but he describes it as the absence of any claim, therefore no burden of proof.

It seems all of the "non theist" positions require further explanation because of a muddying of terms.

Personally, "we dont know" is my conclusion based on the testimony of hundreds and hundreds of these conversations being had.

For everyone who thinks theyve got the smoking gun, there are alternative explanations that are equally as plausible and therefore, per Occam's razor and basic logic ~ we dont know is the position that makes the least assumptions.

Its fun to wonder about simulation theory....holographs....computer programs...multiverse...etc so I keep a close eye on theoretical physics. Its intriguing.

No, I am not agnostic or atheist even though what I perceive to be true about God has absolutely nothing to do with what many people profess to believe about God that create many false man made images which I affirm do not exist. For instance there is no such thing as a God that is an unequalled coequal trinity that became an edible man. There is no such thing as a God who cares about what you eat or don't eat for dinner. There is no such thing as a God who chose a degenerate hallucinating megalomaniac with a thing for little girls as his greatest prophet and example of the perfect man..

Anyway anyone who may subscribe to one or another of those beliefs is already living in their own hologram completed disconnected from and unrelated to actual reality.
Wait what how is it not plausible that a suuuuUuUuUper smart deity creates a being, and knows everything that will transpire and creates rules that he knows theyre gunna break and then creates a son that hes gunna murder to make up for his creation breaking his created rules.....i feel like this is completely easy to follow

IDK. Ask someone who professes to believe that shit.
God's morality is different from humans'. This is so because humans' morality is basically based on a baseline with whether a human's physical body is harmed or not.

God's morality is based whether a human's soul will wind up in hell instead. From this perspective, the Canaanites are already the dead because they are Baal worshipers by killing and sacrificing their own children. God gives the command to eradicated the already dead such that Israel can survive history to bring God's message of salvation to save the souls of today's humans.

If God didn't kill those Canaanites, the war will continue and will case more death on both sides. The Canaanites may in the end outnumber the Jews and wipe them out, such that God's message will cease to convey.

God knows everything before hand by no means says that He can bring anyone to Heaven legitimately. The analogy is in the case that your mayor knows clearly that you are a criminal, is it ok for him to put you in jail right away? It's not ok in a nation ruled of law. You need to be judged openly by law with a group of juries, instead of the knowledge of the mayor.

Similarly, earth is a place for everyone to show up as who he is, and thus be judged openly on the judgment day.
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God's morality is different from humans'. This is so because humans' morality is basically based on a baseline with whether a human's physical body is harmed or not.

God's morality is based whether a human's soul will wind up in hell instead. From this perspective, the Canaanites are already the dead because they are Baal worshipers by killing and sacrificing their own children. God gives the command to eradicated the already dead such that Israel can survive history to bring God's message of salvation to save the souls of today's humans.

If God didn't kill those Canaanites, the war will continue and will case more death on both sides. The Canaanites may in the end outnumber the Jews and wipe them out, such that God's message will cease to convey.
I understand that take on the Genocide ~ not sure why the rape, torcher and slavery or the killing of babies either.

Do babies have free will?
God's morality is different from humans'. This is so because humans' morality is basically based on a baseline with whether a human's physical body is harmed or not.

God's morality is based whether a human's soul will wind up in hell instead. From this perspective, the Canaanites are already the dead because they are Baal worshipers by killing and sacrificing their own children. God gives the command to eradicated the already dead such that Israel can survive history to bring God's message of salvation to save the souls of today's humans.

If God didn't kill those Canaanites, the war will continue and will case more death on both sides. The Canaanites may in the end outnumber the Jews and wipe them out, such that God's message will cease to convey.
I understand that take on the Genocide ~ not sure why the rape, torcher and slavery or the killing of babies either.

Do babies have free will?

There's no rape recorded. You are a liar if mention rape. Babies will grow up and kill the Jews then wind up in hell. But if they die as children they won't be in hell as they are not up to the age of being judged. It is thus said that there are no children in hell (even as an original Jewish concept).

Virgins were taken as wives as some culture allows the virgins to adapt the religion of their husbands. So among the culture of a certain group of Canaanites, the virgins remain the only group of humans who are savable, by marrying the Jews.

In wars against secular people (instead of worshipers of Baal or false gods), the Jews are allowed to capture them as labors, such that some of them will be saved by adapting the Jewish religion. In a nutshell, God's morality is soul-based while humans' morality is body-based. That lies the difference.
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Anyway anyone who may subscribe to one or another of those beliefs is already living in their own hologram completed disconnected from and unrelated to actual reality which to them
Which is pretty much what any magical thinker says about all other magical thinkers who share differing magical beliefs.
God's morality is different from humans'. This is so because humans' morality is basically based on a baseline with whether a human's physical body is harmed or not.

God's morality is based whether a human's soul will wind up in hell instead. From this perspective, the Canaanites are already the dead because they are Baal worshipers by killing and sacrificing their own children. God gives the command to eradicated the already dead such that Israel can survive history to bring God's message of salvation to save the souls of today's humans.

If God didn't kill those Canaanites, the war will continue and will case more death on both sides. The Canaanites may in the end outnumber the Jews and wipe them out, such that God's message will cease to convey.
I understand that take on the Genocide ~ not sure why the rape, torcher and slavery or the killing of babies either.

Do babies have free will?

There's no rape recorded. You are a liar if mention rape. Babies will grow up and kill the Jews then wind up in hell. But if they die as children they won't be in hell as they are not up to the age of being judged. It is thus said that there are no children in hell (even as an original Jewish concept).

Virgins were taken as wives as some culture allows the virgins to adapt the religion of their husbands. So among the culture of a certain group of Canaanites, the virgins remain the only group of humans who are savable, by marrying the Jews.

In wars against secular people (instead of worshipers of Baal or false gods), the Jews are allowed to capture them as labors, such that some of them will be saved by adapting the Jewish religion. In a nutshell, God's morality is soul-based while humans' morality is body-based. That lies the difference.
Thats false, theres rape literally commanded.

Forced marriage is reprehensible, whether youre God, human, chipmunk or Satan....and babies being born to be tortured and die pre-cognition is disturbing. The god you describe wouldn't be allowed within 5 football fields or he'd be arrested and given the hole. .where he'd likely hang himself because there's nobody there to blow smoke up his sorry ass
Let's for second pretend that we have perfect knowledge about this - which we don't - did God say what he commanded was moral? No.

Is war moral? No. Yet we engage in wars. The real problem comes when we rationalize when we are doing wrong that we are doing right.

The error with the OP is in making the leap that morality isn't absolute. Of course morality is absolute because it exists independent of man. The right thing cannot be anything we want it to be. The right thing is.
So when a comet smashes into a planet and destroys everything, the comet is immoral?

Morality does not exist outside of agency
don't look now but your ravi obsession is showing.

get in line, bub. you ain't special.
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Here's the whole thing:

Numbers 5:11-31 King James Version (KJV)
11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:

15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

16 And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the Lord:

17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:

18 And the priest shall set the woman before the Lord, and uncover the woman's head, and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jealousy offering: and the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse:

19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse:

20 But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine husband:

21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The Lord make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;

22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.

23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.

25 Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave the offering before the Lord, and offer it upon the altar:

26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.

27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.

29 This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled;

30 Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the Lord, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

31 Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version
also, the good Lord is SO "pro life" unless that bitch ho was unfaithful...

in THAT case, the priest prescribes "bitter water so her womb will miscarry".

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31

Yeah, that's all kinds of out of context. I would expect nothing less from someone who doesn't understand, though.

says the guy who doesn't understand basic female physiology

that guy who claims to know what others don't understand :laugh:

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