Yo! Beer drinkers -

No, but McDonald's has its place as an eating establishment.

I don't consider Bud the high end of beer by any imagination, what I don't do is put my nose down on it, or on people who drink it. THAT's snobbery.

As an example here are my 5 current favorite beers in no particular order

Magic Hat #9
Brooklyn IPA
Delirium Tremens
Brown Bag IPA.

And my favorite 5 cheapo mass produced swill beers.

Miller high Life

You are being defensive. I did not 'put my nose down' on anybody who drinks it: I just said imo it is garbage and I would never drink it. I do find it laughable that so many American men think they are being cool dudes drinking stuff like Coors and Bud. It's funny. And they aren't just drinking it on hot summer afternoons or picnics: go into any American tavern and you will find those type of beers on tap and most if not all of the guys there drinking and thinking it's the coolest, even arguing over which is best. But that has to do with a certain type of man. I didn't say everyone who drinks it is a buffoon. However, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Yeah, calling it garbage is looking down on those who drink it.

The proper term is swill btw.

So if I say Macdonald's food or Burger King food, etc. is junk, garbage, etc., I am looking down my nose at people who eat is? LOL You are being defensive. It is my opinion. You don't like it, so what. But it isn't being a snob or looking down my nose: it is just one person's opinion. Stop being so self righteous: trust me, your beer and beer drinking habits aren't worth it. If you didn't feel insecure about it, you wouldn't be so pushed out of shape.
I am a beer snob then.

Tile snob, too. Strong correlation.

I am a beer snob then.

Tile snob, too. Strong correlation.


Dundee: Some nitwit's put two dunnies in here.

Sue: One dunny, one bidet

Dundee: Bidet?

Sue: Mmm. It's for, um... After you... you, um...You know. You figure it out.
:eusa_shhh: :lol:

I have been sitting there trying to remember the name for it since I posted it.
I really just wanted a picture of tile with a toilet. That was the message I was trying to convey. But, now........I should have thought through that.
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