Yo, da Gubbermint is coming to inter you!!

all you need to know folks

#155 (permalink) Add to Statistikhengst's Reputation Report Post Old Today, 06:23 AM
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Member #46168
Supporting Member Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: deep within the statistical brain!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Delta4Embassy View Post
Don't think a professional propagandist is required to combat conservative versions.

Nope. Kindergarden kids could do it for free!!!


Use Kindergarten in a sentence

kin·der·gar·ten [kin-der-gahr-tn, -dn] Show IPA

a school or class for young children between the ages of four and six years.
all you need to know folks

#155 (permalink) Add to Statistikhengst's Reputation Report Post Old Today, 06:23 AM
Statistikhengst's Avatar Statistikhengst Statistikhengst is online now
תיקון עולם (Tikkun Olam)
Member #46168
Supporting Member Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: deep within the statistical brain!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Delta4Embassy View Post
Don't think a professional propagandist is required to combat conservative versions.

Nope. Kindergarden kids could do it for free!!!


Use Kindergarten in a sentence

kin·der·gar·ten [kin-der-gahr-tn, -dn] Show IPA

a school or class for young children between the ages of four and six years.

U mad, bro???

tsk, tsk, tsk....

Now, what was that again about trolling?
I'm sure a lot of people will join the board for this type of stupidity and nonsense

and be abused if you don't bow at their feet for it
I think Ron Paul is missing his tinfoil antenna.

Article has no quotes and no connection to Ron Paul that I can decipher. Not sure why you included his name.

Just some random right wing blog..

On our planet, this is known as humor.

When you first descend from orbit and land and go through customs, you may experience that homo sapiens have this tendency to like to express humor. If that disturbs you, you can easily re-enter your spacecraft, achieve altitude and leave the planet's orbit. And all of Vulcan thanks you for your visit. Please take care to not use the flouride while you are here, it could cause yet another mothership to want to take over your mind and force you to swim to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where the AMEROs are being stored in pirate chests, waiting for the NAU.

I think Ron Paul is missing his tinfoil antenna.

Article has no quotes and no connection to Ron Paul that I can decipher. Not sure why you included his name.

Just some random right wing blog..

On our planet, this is known as humor.

When you first descend from orbit and land and go through customs, you may experience that homo sapiens have this tendency to like to express humor. If that disturbs you, you can easily re-enter your spacecraft, achieve altitude and leave the planet's orbit. And all of Vulcan thanks you for your visit. Please take care to not use the flouride while you are here, it could cause yet another mothership to want to take over your mind and force you to swim to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where the AMEROs are being stored in pirate chests, waiting for the NAU.


Hey, I'm just calling you out for posting a story and unfairly connecting a politician's name to it that had absolutely no connection to it. That's totally unproductive. There's so much junk on the internet, and so much information that when I come across MORE of it I feel compelled to call people out.

I asked a logical question - "why would you include his name"?

I don't buy your humor argument, and I feel like you're mocking me (which is very insulting).

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YOU Have Been Targeted for Internment & Resettlement | Dave Hodges ? The Common Sense Show

(...omg.... rofl....)

This is not just another FEMA camp article which can be easily debunked. This article deals with the fact that a recent government manual, leaked to the public, details the plans for mass arresting dissident Americans and stripping them of their citizenship so as to be able to violate the Constitution and the Geneva Convention for the treatment of prisoners.

The previously mentioned document which has been leaked online, is entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country.

There are two terms which should concern you, namely, Internment and Resettlement (I/R). As if this needs any further elaboration, the two terms simply mean that you will be snatched from your home and sent to a detention camp for an undetermined period of time and treated in a manner which will not be defined by any law.


It's a miliitary manual for interment in time of war, and not on our soil.



I think Ron Paul is missing his tinfoil antenna.

O Noes!:D
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnzHtm1jhL4]Napoleon XIV: 'They're coming to take me away' - YouTube[/ame]
Article has no quotes and no connection to Ron Paul that I can decipher. Not sure why you included his name.

Just some random right wing blog..

On our planet, this is known as humor.

When you first descend from orbit and land and go through customs, you may experience that homo sapiens have this tendency to like to express humor. If that disturbs you, you can easily re-enter your spacecraft, achieve altitude and leave the planet's orbit. And all of Vulcan thanks you for your visit. Please take care to not use the flouride while you are here, it could cause yet another mothership to want to take over your mind and force you to swim to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where the AMEROs are being stored in pirate chests, waiting for the NAU.


Hey, I'm just calling you out for posting a story and unfairly connecting a politician's name to it that had absolutely no connection to it. That's slander. There's so much junk on the internet, and so much information that when I come across MORE of it I feel compelled to call people out.

I asked a logical question - "why would you include his name"?

I don't buy your humor argument, and I feel like you're mocking me (which is very insulting).


Ok, let me spell it out for you, V E R Y S L O W L Y....

The crazy shit in the link from the OP is precisely the kind of nonsense you hear from the Paulians.

Dots now connected. All better?

I don't know you well enough to mock you. Would you like for me to mock you? Are you a Paulbot?


Well, if you feel insulted, then you know that your personal liberty allows you to feel insulted. I'm ok with that, for my personal liberty allows your personal liberty to, oh, what the heck....

On our planet, this is known as humor.

When you first descend from orbit and land and go through customs, you may experience that homo sapiens have this tendency to like to express humor. If that disturbs you, you can easily re-enter your spacecraft, achieve altitude and leave the planet's orbit. And all of Vulcan thanks you for your visit. Please take care to not use the flouride while you are here, it could cause yet another mothership to want to take over your mind and force you to swim to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where the AMEROs are being stored in pirate chests, waiting for the NAU.


Hey, I'm just calling you out for posting a story and unfairly connecting a politician's name to it that had absolutely no connection to it. That's slander. There's so much junk on the internet, and so much information that when I come across MORE of it I feel compelled to call people out.

I asked a logical question - "why would you include his name"?

I don't buy your humor argument, and I feel like you're mocking me (which is very insulting).


Ok, let me spell it out for you, V E R Y S L O W L Y....

The crazy shit in the link from the OP is precisely the kind of nonsense you hear from the Paulians.

Dots now connected. All better?

I don't know you well enough to mock you. Would you like for me to mock you? Are you a Paulbot?


Well, if you feel insulted, then you know that your personal liberty allows you to feel insulted. I'm ok with that, for my personal liberty allows your personal liberty to, oh, what the heck....


Hey man all I said is that it's unfair to connect a politician to a story that he's not connected to in order to prove some point that you have in your head, or reinforce some biased idea you have. You're just adding more biased garbage to the internet, and that hurts ALL OF US.

What specifically has Ron Paul said (maybe a quote or something?) that is non-sense? We can start there.

You engage people like a dickhead, by the way. You should grow up.
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think for yourselves folks, you don't need some Democrat/progressive useful tool trying to act like they have all the inside info

Just look at this Democrat party and the elected asses in it...Reid, Obama, etc have been nothing but hostile towards you and have attacked American citizens openly...they attack Rush, the Koch brothers, a new station, Obama accused some of you didn't like him because he's black, etc etc

so doesn't it make you wonder what else this administration in charge now can do next?

don't play the op games...and remember not to feed the moonbat troll
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No, no, tell me it is not so!!!!!!!!! Someone said something bad about that obese junkie on the radio? The one that never, never insults anybody else? The one that never tells lies?

So, Staph is a dittohead, who'ad a' thunk it?
Hey, I'm just calling you out for posting a story and unfairly connecting a politician's name to it that had absolutely no connection to it. That's slander. There's so much junk on the internet, and so much information that when I come across MORE of it I feel compelled to call people out.

I asked a logical question - "why would you include his name"?

I don't buy your humor argument, and I feel like you're mocking me (which is very insulting).


Ok, let me spell it out for you, V E R Y S L O W L Y....

The crazy shit in the link from the OP is precisely the kind of nonsense you hear from the Paulians.

Dots now connected. All better?

I don't know you well enough to mock you. Would you like for me to mock you? Are you a Paulbot?


Well, if you feel insulted, then you know that your personal liberty allows you to feel insulted. I'm ok with that, for my personal liberty allows your personal liberty to, oh, what the heck....


Hey man all I said is that it's unfair to connect a politician to a story that he's not connected to in order to prove some point that you have in your head, or reinforce some biased idea you have. You're just adding more biased garbage to the internet, and that hurts ALL OF US.

What specifically has Ron Paul said (maybe a quote or something?) that is non-sense? We can start there.

You engage people like a dickhead, by the way. You should grow up.

It's always the Righties, who, after issuing one shit statement after another, get their panties all up in a wad. Love it!

Here, buddy!

think for yourselves folks, you don't need some Democrat/progressive useful tool trying to act like they have all the inside info

Just look at this Democrat party and the elected asses in it...Reid, Obama, etc have been nothing but hostile towards you and have attacked American citizens openly...they attack Rush, the Koch brothers, a new station, Obama accused some of you didn't like him because he's black, etc etc

so doesn't it make you wonder what else this administration in charge now can do next?

don't play the op games...and remember not to feed the moonbat troll

You heard her yourselves, folks: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT respond to anything Stephanie writes.

Thank you, Stephanie, for finally coming to terms with your, uh, condition. It's the first step toward healing, dearie...
No, no, tell me it is not so!!!!!!!!! Someone said something bad about that obese junkie on the radio? The one that never, never insults anybody else? The one that never tells lies?

So, Staph is a dittohead, who'ad a' thunk it?

My sis once had a bad Staph infection. She killed it off with some really heavy-duty antibiotics!!!

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