You all know where this Russian collusion thing is going...

People don't seem to have to dig too deep to find out anyone connected to Trump
has had or is having some connection with Russians...
Which Russian you ask...
At this point I think it's ALL of them.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The Clintons and the Podesta brothers took millions from Russia........and what no one can answer is what has Russia done to be in the crosshairs of USA.INC that we should be concerned about? USA.INC and their globalist owners have been trying to push Putin into a wbut so far he has shown remarkable restraint. Seems that the leftard clown posses would have a nuclear war than have someone other than a commie running this country....un -fucking believable. The stupidity of the leftists makes me shake my head in wonder.....
You really don't get it do you. The left isn't looking for war with Russia, they are simply going after Trump however they can, Russia is the biggest weak spot that has been exposed... And its working as he is obviously scrambling as he tries to punch back and divert his way out of it.

No, had the Hildebeast gotten in, she would have mandated a "no fly zone" over Syria so the CIA funded mercenaries could take out Assad that is aligned with Russia that is actually fighting ISIS/al qaeda. The Deep state has put up "anti-missile" defense shields in Romania that can be EASILY converted into offensive weapons. Putin isn't playing ball with the globalists so they are attacking him like they are Trump....don't worry about me....I know EXACTLY what is going on.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
AND THE PHUCKING IRS being used as a weapon.


And then to find out Clinton and Obama were hiring members of Al Queda affiliates and other terrorist organizations to do their dirty work in the ME, like knocking off Qadaffi, overthrowing the Government of Libya & Egypt.

That is what The Deep State is all about. Shit like that.
Hey child... Fuck is spelt with an "F" Someday you may actually get to experience it.

Phuck is Spelled with a "P" in my world, as in "Get Obama Bin Lying's Penis out of your Bunghole!
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.

Well assuming someone a Democrat these days is like assuming someone is Christian. You can always claim you are but how does anyone really know? Personally, I don't care if you're a registered Democrat or not. I make my judgement of you based on your postings. Everything I've ever seen you post is far left-wing which is the side of the Democrats.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The Clintons and the Podesta brothers took millions from Russia........and what no one can answer is what has Russia done to be in the crosshairs of USA.INC that we should be concerned about? USA.INC and their globalist owners have been trying to push Putin into a wbut so far he has shown remarkable restraint. Seems that the leftard clown posses would have a nuclear war than have someone other than a commie running this country....un -fucking believable. The stupidity of the leftists makes me shake my head in wonder.....
You really don't get it do you. The left isn't looking for war with Russia, they are simply going after Trump however they can, Russia is the biggest weak spot that has been exposed... And its working as he is obviously scrambling as he tries to punch back and divert his way out of it.

No, had the Hildebeast gotten in, she would have mandated a "no fly zone" over Syria so the CIA funded mercenaries could take out Assad that is aligned with Russia that is actually fighting ISIS/al qaeda. The Deep state has put up "anti-missile" defense shields in Romania that can be EASILY converted into offensive weapons. Putin isn't playing ball with the globalists so they are attacking him like they are Trump....don't worry about me....I know EXACTLY what is going on.
I know you think you do ;-)
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.

Well assuming someone a Democrat these days is like assuming someone is Christian. You can always claim you are but how does anyone really know? Personally, I don't care if you're a registered Democrat or not. I make my judgement of you based on your postings. Everything I've ever seen you post is far left-wing which is the side of the Democrats.
Cool, if you want to live your life in a cloud of presumption then that's your call
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The Clintons and the Podesta brothers took millions from Russia........and what no one can answer is what has Russia done to be in the crosshairs of USA.INC that we should be concerned about? USA.INC and their globalist owners have been trying to push Putin into a wbut so far he has shown remarkable restraint. Seems that the leftard clown posses would have a nuclear war than have someone other than a commie running this country....un -fucking believable. The stupidity of the leftists makes me shake my head in wonder.....
You really don't get it do you. The left isn't looking for war with Russia, they are simply going after Trump however they can, Russia is the biggest weak spot that has been exposed... And its working as he is obviously scrambling as he tries to punch back and divert his way out of it.

No, had the Hildebeast gotten in, she would have mandated a "no fly zone" over Syria so the CIA funded mercenaries could take out Assad that is aligned with Russia that is actually fighting ISIS/al qaeda. The Deep state has put up "anti-missile" defense shields in Romania that can be EASILY converted into offensive weapons. Putin isn't playing ball with the globalists so they are attacking him like they are Trump....don't worry about me....I know EXACTLY what is going on.
I know you think you do ;-)

I know quite a's an obsession of mine and like you I have no respect for either political party AND there has been every indication in my mind that Trump gives us at least a fighting chance.
So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.

Well assuming someone a Democrat these days is like assuming someone is Christian. You can always claim you are but how does anyone really know? Personally, I don't care if you're a registered Democrat or not. I make my judgement of you based on your postings. Everything I've ever seen you post is far left-wing which is the side of the Democrats.
Cool, if you want to live your life in a cloud of presumption then that's your call

I don't live in a cloud of presumption, that's what the left is doing.

I know that you all wish the NSA, FBI, CIA would release that bombshell video of Trump conversing with Putin where he's saying... "Hold my beer and watch this, Vladdy...!" ...But look, I live in a reality where such a thing doesn't exist. There is no evidence after all this time that ANY collusion happened between Trump and the Russian government. NONE.

The Problem is... The Dummycrats seemed to have, in their zeal of presumption, used national security resources intended for surveillance of possible terrorists and enemies of state, to gather information on their political enemy, Donald Trump. And now we hear from SOME on the (D) side claiming that "it's ok as long as they got the goods on drumpth!"

So now is the time when real Americans will stand up. Those who aren't committed to party loyalty above everything else. It's just a different universe from the one you live in. You don't understand it because you live in a universe where someone is going to suddenly prove Trump and Russia conspired to win the election.

At this point, it is high time we demand to know some answers from the people behind this shadowy "investigation" of Trump and his associates. This is sketchy just from the start... He's a presidential candidate of the opposition party. I mean... come on. In the words of the illustrious Joe Biden, that's a big fucking deal. I want to see what their justifications were. If they amount to nothing more than conjecture and presumptions, I want some people going to prison.

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