You all know where this Russian collusion thing is going...

Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
If there wasn't outright collusion between Trump and Russia putting out hacked and false info via wikeleaks and guccifier, then the Russians successfully trolled Trump and got him to retweet their postings to influence the election. I think Trump may be able to legally pull that off, but hopefully no mainstream goper/indep will ever vote for him agan.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
Haha, is Rice the new diversion? cool. Did the FBI clear Flynn when they denied him immunity?


No, "RUSSIA DUN HACKED US" is the old diversion, but it has fallen flat. 10 months in and you fascists have yet to produce even a HINT of evidence.

You spew your slander at Flynn, but Flynn was cleared months ago, by the FBI. There is nothing there. You fascists have lots of noise and fury, unbridled hatred that you spew without control.

You have not a hint of fact or smidgen of evidence.

But that is only on the Russian hacking bullshit, that was never meant to be anything more than a way to impede the new administration. The democrats and their press, both in the pocket of George Soros, have all sorts of slander and libel, but that's all it ever was. The incoming president is a bit of a blowhard and picked a fight with the deep state actors, including Comey. So Comey jumped in with the Soros crowd, but will only go so far.

However, starting investigations can have side effects, in this case the revelation that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign from the very start, impeachable and felonious acts by Obama.

Nunes elaborated that this “monitoring” by government agencies during the Obama administration involved the “incidental collection” of intelligence, primarily during the period between November and January. He conceded that the intelligence collection appeared to be lawful but was troubled by the fact that it disclosed the identities of Trump-connected people whose communications had been intercepted. Normally, “minimization procedures” require the NSA to “mask” the identities of American citizens whose communications have been “incidentally” intercepted in the course of intelligence collection against foreign targets. There is no contradiction between Nunes and Comey, for the reasons I laid out in the last third of a lengthy column two weekends ago. Comey was talking about whether Trump was the subject of targeted FISA surveillance. Nunes, by contrast, is claiming that Trump and/or his associates were subjected to other forms of foreign-intelligence investigation.

Read more at: FISAgate and Russia: Comey and Nunes Stir the Muddy Waters}

NOW we know that the source of the leaks of incidental information is Susan Rice.

Rice will go to prison, just as Scooter Libby did. Obama will escape being caught up in it, like a good capo, Rice will fall on her sword. But the "Russiagate" bullshit is done, fizzled, overshadowed by actual events.

Comey comes out with egg on his face, because he is either woefully incompetent and has no idea what is going on in his own agency, or he perjured himself before congress. We both know it is the latter, though there is no way to prove it. Either way, he's out.
Last edited:
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
This again?

Didn't I already bitch slap you over this and teach you a lesson already?

We have every sentence, phrase, paragraph ever said by The Trump Team to anyone they talked to in Russia.

When you have The FBI exonerating Flynn with transcripts of Surveillance instead of burying his ass with it, then you know it was a fishing expedition that came up empty.

When you have an Obama Sycophant and Political Hack as THEE HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CLAPPER) come out and Publicly State that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION......then you as a party are PHUCKED if you keep going with THAT NARRATIVE.

You may as well jump off a tall bridge with that then, because THAT IS WHERE THIS IS GOING!

The Dems signed a suicide pact with "The Russian Narrative" and The Devil Will Come To Collect on it.

Good Luck getting out of that deal.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.
Haha, is Rice the new diversion? cool. Did the FBI clear Flynn when they denied him immunity?


No, "RUSSIA DUN HACKED US" is the old diversion, but it has fallen flat. 10 months in and you fascists have yet to produce even a HINT of evidence.

You spew you slander at Flynn, but Flynn was cleared months ago, buy the FBI. There is nothing there. You fascists have lots of noise and fury, unbridled hatred that you spew without control.

But you have not a hint of fact or smidgen of evidence.

But that is only on the Russian hacking bullshit, that was never meant to be anything more than a way to impede the new administration. The democrats and their press, both in the pocket of George Soros, have all sorts of slander and libel, but that's all it ever was. The incoming president is a bit of a blowhard and picked a fight with the deep state actors, including Comey. So Comey jumped in with the Soros crowd, but will only go so far.

However, starting investigations can have side effects, in this case the revelation that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign from the very start, impeachable and felonious acts by Obama.

Nunes elaborated that this “monitoring” by government agencies during the Obama administration involved the “incidental collection” of intelligence, primarily during the period between November and January. He conceded that the intelligence collection appeared to be lawful but was troubled by the fact that it disclosed the identities of Trump-connected people whose communications had been intercepted. Normally, “minimization procedures” require the NSA to “mask” the identities of American citizens whose communications have been “incidentally” intercepted in the course of intelligence collection against foreign targets. There is no contradiction between Nunes and Comey, for the reasons I laid out in the last third of a lengthy column two weekends ago. Comey was talking about whether Trump was the subject of targeted FISA surveillance. Nunes, by contrast, is claiming that Trump and/or his associates were subjected to other forms of foreign-intelligence investigation.

Read more at: FISAgate and Russia: Comey and Nunes Stir the Muddy Waters}

NOW we know that the source of the leaks of incidental information is Susan Rice.

Rice will go to prison, just as Scooter Libby did. Obama will escape being caught up in it, like a good capo, Rice will fall on her sword. But the "Russiagate" bullshit is done, fizzled, overshadowed by actual events.

Comey comes out with egg on his face, because he is either woefully incompetent and has no idea what is going on in his own agency, or he perjured himself before congress. We both know it is the latter, though there is no way to prove it. Either way, he's out.
Trump acknowledged Russian hacking and interference with the election after he saw the classified intel. This was against his interest and he made many statements before saying that he didn't think Russia did anything. Thats all you need to know to confirm the validity of the intel.

Flynn got fired for Lying. Flynn is getting denied immunity by the FBI for testifying. New information about improper business relations he had with Russia and Turkey is surfacing. He is not in the clear as you inaccurately claim. He is right in the thick of things
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
This again?

Didn't I already bitch slap you over this and teach you a lesson already?

We have every sentence, phrase, paragraph ever said by The Trump Team to anyone they talked to in Russia.

When you have The FBI exonerating Flynn with transcripts of Surveillance instead of burying his ass with it, then you know it was a fishing expedition that came up empty.

When you have an Obama Sycophant and Political Hack as THEE HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CLAPPER) come out and Publicly State that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION......then you as a party are PHUCKED if you keep going with THAT NARRATIVE.

You may as well jump off a tall bridge with that then, because THAT IS WHERE THIS IS GOING!

The Dems signed a suicide pact with "The Russian Narrative" and The Devil Will Come To Collect on it.

Good Luck getting out of that deal.
No no, your bitch slaps are only landing on yourself... Your ranting, unintelligent posts, and petty insults are only making you look senile
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
This again?

Didn't I already bitch slap you over this and teach you a lesson already?

We have every sentence, phrase, paragraph ever said by The Trump Team to anyone they talked to in Russia.

When you have The FBI exonerating Flynn with transcripts of Surveillance instead of burying his ass with it, then you know it was a fishing expedition that came up empty.

When you have an Obama Sycophant and Political Hack as THEE HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CLAPPER) come out and Publicly State that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION......then you as a party are PHUCKED if you keep going with THAT NARRATIVE.

You may as well jump off a tall bridge with that then, because THAT IS WHERE THIS IS GOING!

The Dems signed a suicide pact with "The Russian Narrative" and The Devil Will Come To Collect on it.

Good Luck getting out of that deal.
No no, your bitch slaps are only landing on yourself... Your ranting, unintelligent posts, and petty insults are only making you look senile
LOL. Sure, pokemon. Whatever you have to say to yourself so you can sleep at night. OWNAGE COMPLETE.

Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
This again?

Didn't I already bitch slap you over this and teach you a lesson already?

We have every sentence, phrase, paragraph ever said by The Trump Team to anyone they talked to in Russia.

When you have The FBI exonerating Flynn with transcripts of Surveillance instead of burying his ass with it, then you know it was a fishing expedition that came up empty.

When you have an Obama Sycophant and Political Hack as THEE HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CLAPPER) come out and Publicly State that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION......then you as a party are PHUCKED if you keep going with THAT NARRATIVE.

You may as well jump off a tall bridge with that then, because THAT IS WHERE THIS IS GOING!

The Dems signed a suicide pact with "The Russian Narrative" and The Devil Will Come To Collect on it.

Good Luck getting out of that deal.
No no, your bitch slaps are only landing on yourself... Your ranting, unintelligent posts, and petty insults are only making you look senile
LOL. Sure, pokemon. Whatever you have to say to yourself so you can sleep at night. OWNAGE COMPLETE.

Whats Pokemon... how old are you?
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
AND THE PHUCKING IRS being used as a weapon.


And then to find out Clinton and Obama were hiring members of Al Queda affiliates and other terrorist organizations to do their dirty work in the ME, like knocking off Qadaffi, overthrowing the Government of Libya & Egypt.

That is what The Deep State is all about. Shit like that.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.
I don't assume you are a Democrat.


That is the difference between Assumption and Innuendo.....


I know you are a dumb ass. I don't have to assume.

When you are making Emotional Arguments and ignoring facts......

Then it's over for your party.

The best thing The Dems can do is wave The White Flag, deny they did anything, and try to Impress The American People by actually doing their jobs and working to resolve issues and challenges The American People Face.
Last edited:
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
This again?

Didn't I already bitch slap you over this and teach you a lesson already?

We have every sentence, phrase, paragraph ever said by The Trump Team to anyone they talked to in Russia.

When you have The FBI exonerating Flynn with transcripts of Surveillance instead of burying his ass with it, then you know it was a fishing expedition that came up empty.

When you have an Obama Sycophant and Political Hack as THEE HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CLAPPER) come out and Publicly State that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION......then you as a party are PHUCKED if you keep going with THAT NARRATIVE.

You may as well jump off a tall bridge with that then, because THAT IS WHERE THIS IS GOING!

The Dems signed a suicide pact with "The Russian Narrative" and The Devil Will Come To Collect on it.

Good Luck getting out of that deal.
No no, your bitch slaps are only landing on yourself... Your ranting, unintelligent posts, and petty insults are only making you look senile
LOL. Sure, pokemon. Whatever you have to say to yourself so you can sleep at night. OWNAGE COMPLETE.

Whats Pokemon... how old are you?

Why the question? Are you getting tired of getting your ass handed to you by a 13 year old political genius?
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
AND THE PHUCKING IRS being used as a weapon.


And then to find out Clinton and Obama were hiring members of Al Queda affiliates and other terrorist organizations to do their dirty work in the ME, like knocking off Qadaffi, overthrowing the Government of Libya & Egypt.

That is what The Deep State is all about. Shit like that.
Hey child... Fuck is spelt with an "F" Someday you may actually get to experience it.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

So funny!

So let's get this straight... After all these months of claiming Trump is conspiring with the Russians and they threw the 2016 elections by hacking the system... All the domestic spying and questionable use of our intelligence apparatus... All the assurances from the Democrats that evidence would be produced of Trump/Russia collusion.... Suddenly, you're resigned to settling for a few technicalities you can hang on Flynn and calling it a day because this is just all so incredibly boring?

Yeah... Here's the thing. Democrats opened this can of worms and there are some serious questions that need to be answered. Whether it's boring to you is not the issue. We already know felonies have been committed by the leaking of classified information. I think a full congressional investigation with a grand jury is in order. I think some people need to be deposed and testify under oath. I want us to get to the bottom of this spying thing because I actually think that is MORE serious than Russians trying to hack our elections.
I never said any of those things in your first paragraph... What are you talking about? I've always said that I think the Russians were collecting data on Trump and Clinton and actively going after Clinton to discredit her and the USA. I think they were just as surprised as we were to see that Trump won.

Jesus, you are also drinking Trumps leaking koolaid? Another Trump puppet. You were more sane when you were writing OP's about wanting to vote for Clinton.

It's not a matter of what you said, your party does and says things and you are accountable because you are a party hack. That's how that works. You don't get to run away from your party whenever they do something seriously wrong and proclaim your independence from them. If that is your party, your ideals, your politics, your team, your side... you're going down with them.

My concerns aren't about Trump. I'm not in this to make Trump look good or make his detractors look bad. I am genuinely concerned about the "Deep State" using our intelligence apparatus to spy on private American citizens and then leak information to the media to destroy political enemies. If that's what happened, we're no better than some third-world banana republic. And I do strongly believe that happened here.
You assume that I am a Democrat... Another thing you are wrong about.
I don't assume you are a Democrat.


That is the difference between Assumption and Innuendo.....

Did you think I was talking to you with that last post? No, I was talking to Boss, ya know, the person whose post I replied to.

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