You are a great American!

busted? I think not.

"I am only a proud American who is incensed with the partisan idiocy that has put love of power and love OF Bush OVER love of country. In another time, these people would be tried for treason, but because it is their party that controls the executive and judicial branches of government, they are not only not incarcerated as traitors, they hold themselves out to be, inexplicably, patriots. The time is coming when that will change. I only hope we have enough jail cells, or walls in lonely prison courtyards, to hold them all."

If you haven't noticed by now, I tend to chose my words carefully most of the time, even if many of them are saltier than some folks like.

In the above paragraph, I am putting MYSELF up as a proud American and contrasting MY patriotism with "those people" who "love Bush". I am not comparing myself to Bush himself...ever. Nowhere in that sentence do I ever refer to Bush as a traitor, do I?

What else ya got?:eusa_dance:

What more do you expect? Calvinazi's forte is mindlessly reciting rote, not comprehension. ;)
What more do you expect? Calvinazi's forte is mindlessly reciting rote, not comprehension. ;)

Y'know ... it's my guess Maineman ignores you because you sort of represt the left in a whacked-out sort of way.

I wouldn't question his patriotism to this country which you obviously hate so much ... might backfire in your face.
I'm a "Great American" aren't I, gunny?

Y'know ... it's my guess Maineman ignores you because you sort of represt the left in a whacked-out sort of way.

I wouldn't question his patriotism to this country which you obviously hate so much ... might backfire in your face.

Do I need to quote you?
So what's "just an American"?

Well personally, being a passionately patriotic American, I don't think there is any such thing as 'just an American'. :) But for a "Hannitized' 'great American' I refer to my previous definition.
Well personally, being a passionately patriotic American, I don't think there is any such thing as 'just an American'. :) But for a "Hannitized' 'great American' I refer to my previous definition.

I do. The adjectives are unnecessary.
Some day in the future, when crabbed old archaeologists dig up caches of Newsweek, they will decipher the script and come to the conclusion that...

"Great American" means "Large American" which means..."Fat American" and they will believe there was a whole subculture who called each other and themselves "Fat Americans..."

And sadly, the human remain archaeological evidence will support the theory.
Some day in the future, when crabbed old archaeologists dig up caches of Newsweek, they will decipher the script and come to the conclusion that...

"Great American" means "Large American" which means..."Fat American" and they will believe there was a whole subculture who called each other and themselves "Fat Americans..."

And sadly, the human remain archaeological evidence will support the theory.

Speak for yourself, cupcake.:rofl:
I do. The adjectives are unnecessary.

The adjectives were necessary (at least to me) to explain why nobody is 'just an American'. I recogize the uniqueness in all of us and why that is either positive or counterproductive for promotion of the common welfare. Each brings gifts, boons, and banes to the mix and no two are exactly alike. So 'just an American' to me suggests a sameness that simply does not exist.

Those who advance the common welfare through their values and/or behavior and/or gifts/productivity are in my estimation 'Great Americans'. Those who diminish the whole by their behaviors and/or intentional nonproductivity are not.
Y'know ... it's my guess Maineman ignores you because you sort of represt the left in a whacked-out sort of way.

I wouldn't question his patriotism to this country which you obviously hate so much ... might backfire in your face.

Translation – MM is like me. His self-serving sense of superiority won’t let him see reality.
I'm an American. I'm not "great" because of it anymore than I'm a "hero" because I served 20 years in the Marines and went where I was told to go and did what I was supposed to do.

I don't agree with hannity using the word "great" anymore than I agree with those who automatically call those who serve "heroes."

I pay my taxes and I vote, and I will die standing over the Constitution, not a politician nor a political party. If that's all it takes to be "great," the bar is pretty low. I consider it doing what's right, and i'll do it no matter what I'm called for it.

I dont know enough about your personal life to say one way or the other, but I think you might qualify as "great".

When it is all said and done, the leaders are the ones who occasionally get labeled great but yet the fact is in a country like America, during WWII for example, it is your masses of everyday Joes who ARE great Americans.
They dont feel great, they havent done anything extraordinary, but without them selfllishly giving of themselves, putting their lives on the line, fallig in line and not demanding they be "unique" and allowed to "express themselves", doing the everyday mundane things in life, like serving in the military, going to work everyday,
playing catch with their son, reading to their daughter, loving their wife, and giving up many of the pleasures one must give up to do those things for their family, not being a drug addict, not spending time in jail, and TAKING THE TIME TO VOTE,
These are the everyday things that make millions of everyday Americans GREAT.
Without the hundreds of thousands, Macarthur, Patton, Rooselvelt and others would just be ordinary everyday Joes too.
No average Joe American will be able to be singled out as a great American by history, but as a group, historians will proclaim, during the 20th century and at least into the 21st century, the GREAT American spirit of doing what was right, loving freedom, putting their family first, working hard, these truly were the GREAT AMERICANS.

As for thse who served or are serving, even if they dont ever fire a gun or step into a battlefield, their MERE PRESENCE says: "They dont sleep at night, so we can".
Im great because i said so, :eusa_dance:

thanks hannity :cool:

I dont know enough about your personal life to say one way or the other, but I think you might qualify as "great".

When it is all said and done, the leaders are the ones who occasionally get labeled great but yet the fact is in a country like America, during WWII for example, it is your masses of everyday Joes who ARE great Americans.
They dont feel great, they havent done anything extraordinary, but without them selfllishly giving of themselves, putting their lives on the line, fallig in line and not demanding they be "unique" and allowed to "express themselves", doing the everyday mundane things in life, like serving in the military, going to work everyday,
playing catch with their son, reading to their daughter, loving their wife, and giving up many of the pleasures one must give up to do those things for their family, not being a drug addict, not spending time in jail, and TAKING THE TIME TO VOTE,
These are the everyday things that make millions of everyday Americans GREAT.
Without the hundreds of thousands, Macarthur, Patton, Rooselvelt and others would just be ordinary everyday Joes too.
No average Joe American will be able to be singled out as a great American by history, but as a group, historians will proclaim, during the 20th century and at least into the 21st century, the GREAT American spirit of doing what was right, loving freedom, putting their family first, working hard, these truly were the GREAT AMERICANS.

As for thse who served or are serving, even if they dont ever fire a gun or step into a battlefield, their MERE PRESENCE says: "They dont sleep at night, so we can".
Overheard on the Sean Hannity Show this afternoon on the drive home from work:

Sean: “Let’s go to Fred from Chicago. Fred, you’re on the Sean Hannity Show”

Fred: “Sean, thanks for taking my call. You are a great American”

Sean: Fred, YOU are a great American...”


How in the world can Sean Hannity possibly know that this disembodied voice claiming to be Fred from Chicago belongs to a man who is, in fact, a “GREAT AMERICAN”???? The ONLY thing that Sean Hannity knows about Fred is that Fred thinks that SEAN is a great American.

.....Which (also) proves how delusional Fred happens to be.

December 22, 2012

Sean Hannity;
Loud-Mouthed Pussy

"It has now been 1340 days, or three years and eight months, since Sean Hannity said, on April 22, 2009, he'd undergo waterboarding to prove it's not torture - and do it to raise money for charity."


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