You Call This A “News Report” ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You Call This A “News Report” ?

Recently, I saw a video clip of a southwestern state farmer whining about his fruit allegedly, rotting on the vine. The video made the rounds of the MSM shows, and I imagine it was on CNN and MSNBC too. The story was that illegal aliens, caught by ICE, and detained, were no longer picking his fruit, and he claimed he couldn’t get anybody to work for him. He claimed Americans wouldn’t do the work.

In every case, the FAKE NEWS media ended the “report” right there, with nothing shown about the other side of this subject. Here’s what the liberal BS media chose to not mention, and leave viewers uninformed about >>>

1. No mention that the farmer was paying substandard wages, and minimal benefits (if any).

2. No mention of repeated studies by CIS ( Center for Immigration Studies) that have shown there are more Americans working in jobs (including ones that immigrants commonly do) than immigrants (including farm/orchards).

3. The toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America are being done by Americans, not illegal aliens (Examples ? >> cops, firefighters, coal miners, troops in Afghanistan & Iraq)

Oh, so the farmer claims he can’t afford to pay a standard American wage or offer benefits ? Well, then that means he can’t afford to be in the business he’s in, and he shouldn’t be in it. If he can’t afford to hire American citizens at normal American wage rates & benefits, then that simply means he’s no different than the rest of us, who also can’t afford to own an orchard, or some other business. He should do what all the rest of us do who are in the same category >> Get a job!

But we won’t hear that on the FAKE NEWS media, will we ? Of course not. They continue to push the leftist narrative that supports illegal immigration, gives sanctuary and stacks up millions of VOTES for Democrats.

It’s time for the Republicans to expose the “poor farmer” routine for the sham that it is.
No one should be holding their nose in the air about farmers. Damned little you or I would be eating without them. I've never known one that was rich. They just love the work. They are continually borrowing money and paying it back, worrying about weather, getting the crop in without damage. It is a tough job and one you gotta love.
I agree we shouldn't allow them to hire illegals for less than the going rate, but maybe we have made the rate too high, if farmers can't afford to pay it.
Farmers are heavily subsidized.
Farmers hire illegals therefore creating incentive for more illegals.
Some farmers are rich. OldLady I think one of the 100 richest people in the world is an American farmer. I know a couple local farmers that are loaded. Land handed down for generations. Every generations buys more land. One family, have land in 3 counties. Could be more now.
But what do you do about it? Like you said, they feed us..
Fuck it. Require e-verify and fine the fuck out of them. Maybe even cut off their subsidies.
No one should be holding their nose in the air about farmers. Damned little you or I would be eating without them. I've never known one that was rich. They just love the work. They are continually borrowing money and paying it back, worrying about weather, getting the crop in without damage. It is a tough job and one you gotta love.
I agree we shouldn't allow them to hire illegals for less than the going rate, but maybe we have made the rate too high, if farmers can't afford to pay it.

Then why did the fascist democrats in California declare war on farmers and drive 80% of agriculture away from the most fertile state in the union?

Here is the voice of the fascists pimping the war your party wages on farmers;

Water Wars in California: Factory Farms Draining the State Dry | The Huffington Post
Look at what has happened to family farms in Alabama since 2011. No migrant farm workers and Americans won't do the work. Same is happening across the country and I saw it first hand when I lived in AZ.

Don't worry though, the 1%'s are more than happy to buy them out for pennies on the dollar. I have no doubt that makes the RWNJs very happy.

The US needs migrant farm workers. We have always needed them and we have always treated them like shit.

You racist, ignorant RWNJs will never know it but they are good, decent people who will damn near anything to feed their families. In fact, you will never find a more family-oriented, family-loving culture.

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Farmers are heavily subsidized.
Farmers hire illegals therefore creating incentive for more illegals.
Some farmers are rich. OldLady I think one of the 100 richest people in the world is an American farmer. I know a couple local farmers that are loaded. Land handed down for generations. Every generations buys more land. One family, have land in 3 counties. Could be more now.
But what do you do about it? Like you said, they feed us..
Fuck it. Require e-verify and fine the fuck out of them. Maybe even cut off their subsidies.
I'm glad farmers down your way are doing better than they do in the Northeast. Makes sense, I guess, if you think about the weather. And I agree, e-verify or whatever. Subsidies I don't know about. I do know that up here for the past few years, people have been clearing land for wild blueberries and removing the big rocks so it can be harvested by machine. It's because the government was paying them to do it, some way or other. Now there is a glut of blueberries and the cost has gone way down (on the harvester end, probably not in the stores).
No one should be holding their nose in the air about farmers. Damned little you or I would be eating without them. I've never known one that was rich. They just love the work. They are continually borrowing money and paying it back, worrying about weather, getting the crop in without damage. It is a tough job and one you gotta love.
I agree we shouldn't allow them to hire illegals for less than the going rate, but maybe we have made the rate too high, if farmers can't afford to pay it.

Then why did the fascist democrats in California declare war on farmers and drive 80% of agriculture away from the most fertile state in the union?

Here is the voice of the fascists pimping the war your party wages on farmers;

Water Wars in California: Factory Farms Draining the State Dry | The Huffington Post
How many times do I have to tell you guys, it's not my "party."
Look at what has happened to family farms in Alabama since 2011. No migrant farm workers and Americans won't do the work. Same is happening across the country and I saw it first hand when I lived in AZ.

Don't worry though, the 1%'s are more than happy to buy them out for pennies on the dollar. I have no doubt that makes the RWNJs very happy.

The US needs migrant farm workers. We have always needed them and we have always treated them like shit.

You racist, ignorant RWNJs will never know it but they are good, decent people who will damn near anything to feed their families. In fact, you will never find a more family-oriented, family-loving culture.

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The ones I've met have been like you said, Luddly, but we don't need illegal ones. That SHOULD be fixed, with increased visas or whatever. The Hispanic cultures do value family above all else--and teachers. Maybe that's why there is such screaming about the deportations. It is splitting up some families, and even a "cousin" counts.
No one should be holding their nose in the air about farmers. Damned little you or I would be eating without them. I've never known one that was rich. They just love the work. They are continually borrowing money and paying it back, worrying about weather, getting the crop in without damage. It is a tough job and one you gotta love.
I agree we shouldn't allow them to hire illegals for less than the going rate, but maybe we have made the rate too high, if farmers can't afford to pay it.
If they can't they shouldn't be in business. get a job.
Farmers are heavily subsidized.
Farmers hire illegals therefore creating incentive for more illegals.
Some farmers are rich. OldLady I think one of the 100 richest people in the world is an American farmer. I know a couple local farmers that are loaded. Land handed down for generations. Every generations buys more land. One family, have land in 3 counties. Could be more now.
But what do you do about it? Like you said, they feed us..
Fuck it. Require e-verify and fine the fuck out of them. Maybe even cut off their subsidies.
Hellooooo ICE!
Look at what has happened to family farms in Alabama since 2011. No migrant farm workers and Americans won't do the work. Same is happening across the country and I saw it first hand when I lived in AZ.

Don't worry though, the 1%'s are more than happy to buy them out for pennies on the dollar. I have no doubt that makes the RWNJs very happy.

The US needs migrant farm workers. We have always needed them and we have always treated them like shit.

You racist, ignorant RWNJs will never know it but they are good, decent people who will damn near anything to feed their families. In fact, you will never find a more family-oriented, family-loving culture.
You are talking TREASON, or SEDITION at the very least. You are talking war against the American people, and especially the American WORKER. You have no idea what you're talking about. Migrant farm workers as you call them are far more than just that. All illegal aliens are of 21st century imperialism, being carried out without guns or bombs, but just by sacking the prey country (USA) for tens of Billions$$$ per year out of its economy (in remittances$$) + tens of Billions$$$ more out of its tax treasuries via the anchor baby racket, a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, and false documentation.

The list of harms of immigration is very long and very serious. You;re nothing but a silly, warped brainwashed leftist loon, who couldn't wage a valid argument in this forum if they paid you a million $$ to do it.

As for American workers being willing to do ANY job, in America (including ones a lot tougher than farmwork), I already covered that in the OP, and thoroughly.

PS - your laughable and silly race card ceased functioning 23 years ago with the OJ Simpson trial. White illegal aliens from Ireland are just as unwelcome as any others.

The ones I've met have been like you said, Luddly, but we don't need illegal ones. That SHOULD be fixed, with increased visas or whatever. The Hispanic cultures do value family above all else--and teachers. Maybe that's why there is such screaming about the deportations. It is splitting up some families, and even a "cousin" counts.
Increasing visas to make illegal immigration legal, is like legalizing auto theft. All it does is allow the bad guys to harm Americans without repercussions. Why in the world would anyone want to do that ?

Right now we're trying to STOP the issuance of visas.

As for families being split, they wouldn't be, if the illegal migrants had not disrespected our laws (and us) to begin with. They brought it on themselves.

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