You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

So it once again proves that left-wing policy has a tremendous negative impact on an economy. And rather than admit that your ideology end in extreme poverty like Venezuela, you say “so what”.

Progressives would rather see the U.S. collapse and everyone suffer in poverty than acknowledge their ideology was wrong and consider better solutions.
Amazon was started in and became a huge company in Seattle dumb ass.
Yeah...30 years ago. And the left has become so radicalized in that time, Amazon halts operations to see what the outcome will be of their vote.
So far...yes. I keep expecting him to be a typical idiot RINO liberal considering his life long liberal beliefs. But in his first year and a half, he has been an exceptional conservative. He hasn’t even misused a single Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum.
So you will never call trump a rino? Coming from someone like you with no moral principals at all I find that hard to believe.
So you will continue with your desperate straw man? :laugh:
So it once again proves that left-wing policy has a tremendous negative impact on an economy. And rather than admit that your ideology end in extreme poverty like Venezuela, you say “so what”.

Progressives would rather see the U.S. collapse and everyone suffer in poverty than acknowledge their ideology was wrong and consider better solutions.
Amazon was started in and became a huge company in Seattle dumb ass.
Yeah...30 years ago. And the left has become so radicalized in that time, Amazon halts operations to see what the outcome will be of their vote.
Republicans are so radicalized Reagan would be a rino and they are embracing the white nationalist movement.
So far...yes. I keep expecting him to be a typical idiot RINO liberal considering his life long liberal beliefs. But in his first year and a half, he has been an exceptional conservative. He hasn’t even misused a single Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum.
So you will never call trump a rino? Coming from someone like you with no moral principals at all I find that hard to believe.
So you will continue with your desperate straw man? :laugh:
Straw man? You use the rino excuse like drinking water. How about taking some personal responsibility and not going back on your assesment of trump as a conservative.
The Left is consistent if nothing else.

Every major city where they rule is a failed state. Baltimore can't even find a high school grad that can count to ten! (yes I exaggerate for effect)

Chicago, a liberal bomb, California, no one but illegals and Hollywood can afford to live there, New York State might as well be Cuomostan. Healthcare a total fail. Hillary is trying to stay out of jail, Bill can't get it up anymore, Loretta and Susan Rice hiring lawyers and taking the fifth, the Mueller investigation, nyet, the Senate hearing into Trump a total fail, they can't even get him to shut up on Twitter! Now they even lose elections where they practically buy the thing out setting new spending records and even have Mr. Sulu to back them up with phasors!!!

I honestly think you should have to show your voter registration card and be denied if looking to buy rope at the hardware and are a Lib, because I'm expecting any minute for a lot of liberals to start wanting to hang themselves!

Hey, I'm just trying to save a few lives.

And then we remember the all the children of conservatives from shithole states like Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama that move to Liberal cities to thrive.
Back in the 1990s Kansas highways were the best I had driven on. This week Kansas highways were a major disappointment as I traveled from Missouri to Colorado.
How about taking some personal responsibility and not going back on your assesment of trump as a conservative.
I take full “personal responsibility” for everything I do. But I can’t take responsibility for someone else. I didn’t vote for Lindsey Graham (I couldn’t even if I wanted to) and I can’t control his liberal actions.

As far as President Trump, I’m not going to be a partisan hack or an absolutist like you. When Trump acts like a conservative - I will properly recognize it. If and when he acts like a liberal, I will call him out on it.
Republicans are so radicalized Reagan would be a rino and they are embracing the white nationalist movement.
You progressives are so radicalized now you’d consider Ronald Reagan a “white nationalist” and a “radical” because he wanted low taxes. And that’s no exaggeration. The Tea Party perfectly aligns with Ronald Reagan and you radicals consider the Tea Party “terrorists”.
How about taking some personal responsibility and not going back on your assesment of trump as a conservative.
I take full “personal responsibility” for everything I do. But I can’t take responsibility for someone else. I didn’t vote for Lindsey Graham (I couldn’t even if I wanted to) and I can’t control his liberal actions.

As far as President Trump, I’m not going to be a partisan hack or an absolutist like you. When Trump acts like a conservative - I will properly recognize it. If and when he acts like a liberal, I will call him out on it.
Are you sure you aren't one of those dumbasses that calls trump god emperor? You seem like the authoritarian type that would fall into that easily.
Should be easy to show how they have moved further left, go for it.
The government’s size and power expanded more under George W. Bush (the Department of Homelamd Security, the TSA, the Patriot Act) than it did Bill Clinton.

And there wasn’t some 70 gap between administrations there that you could use an excuse like “it was a different era”. Those were back-to-back administrations.

Now be a big boy and admit I just “showed” it and it’s true. No? Yeah, didn’t think you had the maturity to have an honest conversation.
Are you sure you aren't one of those dumbasses that calls trump god emperor? You seem like the authoritarian type that would fall into that easily.
Do a search here on USMB. I was the ultimate “Never Trump” conservative. But I’m a mature adult and can admit when I’m wrong. And so far, I’ve been wrong. He’s been more conservative in his first year and half than any president (other than Ronald Reagan) in the last 200 years and more successful than any president (including Ronald Reagan) in the last 200 years.

If and when that changes - I’ll be the first to call his ass out on it.
Liberal policy destined to collapse...Seattle to enact a jobs killing tax on business to fund 200 homes for homeless people...wait for it...they have 4,000 homeless people.
Are you sure you aren't one of those dumbasses that calls trump god emperor? You seem like the authoritarian type that would fall into that easily.
Do a search here on USMB. I was the ultimate “Never Trump” conservative. But I’m a mature adult and can admit when I’m wrong. And so far, I’ve been wrong. He’s been more conservative in his first year and half than any president (other than Ronald Reagan) in the last 200 years and more successful than any president (including Ronald Reagan) in the last 200 years.

If and when that changes - I’ll be the first to call his ass out on it.
Fair enough.
Republicans are so radicalized Reagan would be a rino and they are embracing the white nationalist movement.
Republicans have moved further left, genius. Why do you think the Tea Party came about?

I know why the Tea Party came about. I was part of it. It was to put the People back into the Government. Since then, it's been hijacked by you John Birchers and is pretty well dead.
People like Daryl Hunt fight for Socialism......

Because they've completely failed as a productive Human being and getting others to pay their way is what they feel entitled to.

If they had accomplished anything, they wouldn't be so eager to redistribute everything they've worked for and earned. Instead, He's eager to redistribute what YOU worked for.
People like Daryl Hunt fight for Socialism......

Because they've completely failed as a productive Human being and getting others to pay their way is what they feel entitled to.

If they had accomplished anything, they wouldn't be so eager to redistribute everything they've worked for and earned. Instead, He's eager to redistribute what YOU worked for.

You need to keep working to keep paying me. I really appreciate it. I get two Government entitlements each month and don't feel the absolute need to work. So keep paying in so I can keep taking it out.

Of course, you mental midget, those two entitlements are SSI and Retired Military. Myself and others paid for the right for you to post this complete nonsense. I thanked you for working. You should thank me for earning you the rights that YOU have. You certainly didn't earn them yourself.
Which is getting better each month. Can you say the same where you are? Bet your state is getting worse each month. Most are. Mine is getting better. Even Ronnie had to raise taxes in California by a large margin even though he promised during his campaign that he was going to do a cut when he ran for Governor of California in order to make ends meet. Ronnie turned a vibrant economy over to the next Governor who road high on that. Unfortunately, Arnold screwed the pooch all the way around with his tax cuts. California is just now starting to dig it's way out of that Republican Money Pit. Do you care to display Kansas or Oklahoma? How about some of the Southern States. You can't tax cut your way out of debt like that. You can only tax cut if the economy is healthy and most states are NOT healthy right now with the economy in a bust state clean across the US. When the clock starts ticking (it started 2 months ago) on Trump, it went wild. The US is in serious financial trouble and you can't tax cut your way out of it. Especially by rewarding the Rich. The Middle Class got very little out of it and the poor lost what little shirt it had left. And it's just going to get worse before it gets better. And you can't blame it on Obama. Trump owns this one.

Even though my State is starting to get better, we are still experiencing wholesale shutdowns of small businesses. You know, the people that Trump said he would protect. So don't give me that crap about how wonderful your ultra right economy works. It only works for people making a lot of money but it nails those that are middle class and below. Small Business is in serious trouble.

Unfortunately, the first line of your essay destroys it in total. After all, my initial post about the economic disaster in which California finds itself is posted below followed by the one which appeared today.

Initial post of the California Debt Clock


Today's California Debt Clock

If by "getting better each month" you mean getting deeper into debt, then I'd agree!
Which is getting better each month. Can you say the same where you are? Bet your state is getting worse each month. Most are. Mine is getting better. Even Ronnie had to raise taxes in California by a large margin even though he promised during his campaign that he was going to do a cut when he ran for Governor of California in order to make ends meet. Ronnie turned a vibrant economy over to the next Governor who road high on that. Unfortunately, Arnold screwed the pooch all the way around with his tax cuts. California is just now starting to dig it's way out of that Republican Money Pit. Do you care to display Kansas or Oklahoma? How about some of the Southern States. You can't tax cut your way out of debt like that. You can only tax cut if the economy is healthy and most states are NOT healthy right now with the economy in a bust state clean across the US. When the clock starts ticking (it started 2 months ago) on Trump, it went wild. The US is in serious financial trouble and you can't tax cut your way out of it. Especially by rewarding the Rich. The Middle Class got very little out of it and the poor lost what little shirt it had left. And it's just going to get worse before it gets better. And you can't blame it on Obama. Trump owns this one.

Even though my State is starting to get better, we are still experiencing wholesale shutdowns of small businesses. You know, the people that Trump said he would protect. So don't give me that crap about how wonderful your ultra right economy works. It only works for people making a lot of money but it nails those that are middle class and below. Small Business is in serious trouble.

Unfortunately, the first line of your essay destroys it in total. After all, my initial post about the economic disaster in which California finds itself is posted below followed by the one which appeared today.

Initial post of the California Debt Clock


Today's California Debt Clock

If by "getting better each month" you mean getting deeper into debt, then I'd agree!

First you have to slow it down. It's slowing down. Then you have to freeze it. Then you have to reverse it. It takes years if not decades. Once you learn that California is the 5th largest economy in the world., yes even when including the major countries, the figures don't look nearly as bad as long as they can get a handle on it. Most Countries are in worse shape and I don't see you dinging them. Just California. And I don't see you including Kansas or Oklahoma figures either. You only want to harp on the richest and most successful economy of any state and ding it. What's the matter, you jealous?

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