You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Thing is, obama had a basket case failed economy and a wall street crash handed to him on day one, and an uncalled for major war that bush and cheney started
Thing is, you’re a very immature partisan hack. Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to bail out Solyndra, GM, Chrysler, or Wall Street. In fact, what he did was insanely illegal.

And Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to keep any wars going. And he sure as hell didn’t have to create new one’s in Egypt, Libya, or Syria.

The debt is squarely on his shoulders. He took office with $10 trillion accumulated over 230 years, he left office with $20 trillion.

And his predecessor started with close to zero debt and drove it up to 10 trillion, then left obama with the crash of 2008 to deal with. I'm not a huge obama fan since he was too corporate right wing too much of the time, but compared to bush, who lied us into the iraq fiasco....Obama will go down in history as one of the better presidents I think. I'm sure you will disagree but we all see things from different perspectives it looks like.
And his predecessor started with close to zero debt and drove it up to 10 trillion
Uh...George W. Bush took office with $4 trillion in debt. He added $6 trillion. Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion (or as much as all presidents in 230 years of history combined had added).
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Another socialist country in financial peril. Argentine President Mauricio Macri has turned to the International Monetary Fund to seek a $US30 billion line of credit in an effort to avoid another economic collapse like the one that nearly devastated the country in 2001.
Left-wing policy always collapses economies.

ECONOMY: Another socialist country headed for financial ruin, Argentina seeks $30B bailout from IMF
The end result would have been a total revolution, the Rich no longer being rich, the Government no longer existing, total chaos
Yeah...because poor people (who couldn’t afford firearms) would have defeated the U.S. military. :eusa_doh:

At the time, the US Federal Army consisted of about 139,000 spread across the globe. About the most that the Feds could have fielded would have been about 75,000. Yes against 3 million revolters. The Military would have been overwhelmed in a matter of days even before the National Guard could have been called up. And many of the Revolters would have been National Guard as well. This would have happened about 1935 when the people were simmered down with the promise of the New Deal, food, heat and work. And that was all they were after. Don't do that and they have lots of ammo and guns. FDR and Congress did what they had to do. You honestly think they like it? It went against every fiber in the Bodies but had to be done.

Poor People could afford firearms. They used them for hunting. They purchased surplus WWI firearms for pennies on the dollars and were trained to use them. You honestly think the Rich were drafted for WWI? Not a chance. And most of those draftees were rural people and knew how to use guns from a very early age. They grew up with them and they owned guns. Lots of guns. You really need to look at how the population was made up in 1935. You can't use today's mix and apply it to 1935. Most of the Population were rural and armed with rifles and shotguns. Very few had handguns as you can't feed your family as well with a handgun as you can with a long gun.

You honestly think the Rich were drafted for WWI?
They didn’t have to be, you ignoramus. The Kennedy’s were extremely wealthy and all of them voluntarily enlisted in the military. In fact, the oldest died in service. The Bush’s were also extremely wealthy and they too enlisted voluntarily.

You continue to prove that you are ignorant and that you make shit up as you go.
You honestly think the Rich were drafted for WWI?
They didn’t have to be, you ignoramus. The Kennedy’s were extremely wealthy and all of them voluntarily enlisted in the military. In fact, the oldest died in service. The Bush’s were also extremely wealthy and they too enlisted voluntarily.

You continue to prove that you are ignorant and that you make shit up as you go.

These were the exception to the Rule. How many Rockefellers were in the Military and saw combat. There were a ton of other uber rich that didn't see military. In fact, at one time, it was a tradition for the Rich to pay the poor to serve out any military commitment their kids had. Add to the fact, the Rich could easily find a deferment that the poor did not have available to them. Case in point, Clinton and Trump. Bone Spurs my ass. Yes, I had all those deferments available to me as well. It costs lots of money to use them and the poor or even the middle class could not afford them. If a Rich Family had kids in the Military, it was usually a Tradition like in the case of the Kennedys and Bushes as well as the McCains. But those were the exceptions. The Getty's never served. The Uber Rich could always find a way around it. And they did with only the exceptions if they chose to serve. Meanwhile, the rest of us got our Draft Numbers, piled on the Busses and reported for induction. Most were drafted while people like me elected to enlist rather than be drafted.

Obviously, you didn't live through it like some of did. And your selective research shows it.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The nation's most troublesome and dangerous cities have been run by Democrats, often black Democrats, for nearly a half-century. It's Democrat-run cities where blacks suffer the highest murder rates and their youngsters attend the poorest-performing and most unsafe schools.
Left-wing policy always ends in poverty.

Kanye West Threatens the Democratic Party's Hold on Black Americans
You honestly think the Rich were drafted for WWI?
They didn’t have to be, you ignoramus. The Kennedy’s were extremely wealthy and all of them voluntarily enlisted in the military. In fact, the oldest died in service. The Bush’s were also extremely wealthy and they too enlisted voluntarily.

You continue to prove that you are ignorant and that you make shit up as you go.

These were the exception to the Rule. Case in point, Clinton and Trump.
Drastically different era, you tool. Clinton and Trump are the products of the selfish progressive era. The Bush’s and Kennedy’s (and others) were all voluntarily serving in WWII and WWI.
You honestly think the Rich were drafted for WWI?
They didn’t have to be, you ignoramus. The Kennedy’s were extremely wealthy and all of them voluntarily enlisted in the military. In fact, the oldest died in service. The Bush’s were also extremely wealthy and they too enlisted voluntarily.

You continue to prove that you are ignorant and that you make shit up as you go.

These were the exception to the Rule. Case in point, Clinton and Trump.
Drastically different era, you tool. Clinton and Trump are the products of the selfish progressive era. The Bush’s and Kennedy’s (and others) were all voluntarily serving in WWII and WWI.

You can't even post a followon without an insult in it. No wonder you helped to elect Trump who has the same problem.
More of the reich wing propaganda. How you people can even find food is beyond me.
The right doesnt "find" food, they buy it. The left "finds" it via good old uncle Sam and the taxes of the right.
Tell that to the millions of right wingers that live in Appalachia. They "pay" for food with the food stamps there were given by liberals. Now, their rich leaders want to take those away to pay for needy billionaires tax cuts.
They'll learn.
It will be too late, but they WILL learn.
More of the reich wing propaganda. How you people can even find food is beyond me.
The right doesnt "find" food, they buy it. The left "finds" it via good old uncle Sam and the taxes of the right.
Tell that to the millions of right wingers that live in Appalachia. They "pay" for food with the food stamps there were given by liberals. Now, their rich leaders want to take those away to pay for needy billionaires tax cuts.
They'll learn.
It will be too late, but they WILL learn.
They will "learn" when they realize being a fatass on the couch is not a marketable skill.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy...

6 In 10 Able-Bodied Food Stamp Recipients Do Not Work At All
That's under Trump's presidency. In the Great Depression the able bodied worked and began rebuilding America. Why do Republicans allow that?

The fake Patriot is just reporting one his many lies. 6 of 10 are not unemployed. Most are employed. To give you an idea, most of the Walmart Employees are elible for food stamps. And Walmart is the largest civilian employment in the US today. Plus, the largest pervayors of food stamps are the Red States. It seems that most of the jobs in a red state is minimum wage. Or they have the highest unemployment rates. Meanwhile, they keep pointing fingers at the Blue States that are actually better off. Granted All states aren't that healthy and need improvement in decent jobs.

The programs we have today are the only reason we are in a recession and have not gone into a full blown depression. But we need to get out of the recession. It's not only wrong, it's embarrassing.
You can't even post a followon without an insult in it. No wonder you helped to elect Trump who has the same problem.
And you can’t handle the truth without melting like a fragile little snowflake. Like all fragile progressives who weren’t raised equipped to deal with reality, you’re more concerned with words than actions or results. How sad.
And his predecessor started with close to zero debt and drove it up to 10 trillion
Uh...George W. Bush took office with $4 trillion in debt. He added $6 trillion. Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion (or as much as all presidents in 230 years of history combined had added).
Republicans took away the ability to raise revenue from Obama. Part of their plot to destroy his presidency. How would it look for a black guy to be successful when white Republicans are failures?

It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
Like Obamacare! Trump got rid of that Day One!!

This was the headline in the London Daily Telegraph today. Over 1 million people per day in England can't even see a general practitioner. It would be absolutely comical - SNL skit like comical - if it wasn't so tragic. And this is the type of failed healthcare that LWNJ's want to bring here to America.

View attachment 137747
As opposed to Conservative health care, where no one gets to see the doctor
Republicans took away the ability to raise revenue from Obama.
First of all dimwit, the biggest deficits Obama ever ran were in his first two years when he had a (near) Dumbocrat super-majority in Congress. Oops.

Second, because of that, the American people sent the Republicans to Washington to stop the nightmare. They tried to do that to the best of their ability (as they are constitutionally empowered to do). It then becomes Obama’s constitutional responsibility to cut government so that it functions within the budget approved by Congress. Like everything else he did, Obama failed.
As opposed to Conservative health care, where no one gets to see the doctor
As opposed to conservative healthcare system where 100% of the population who takes care of their business gets fast and unfettered access to the best healthcare in the world.
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