You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Which is getting better each month. Can you say the same where you are? Bet your state is getting worse each month. Most are. Mine is getting better. Even Ronnie had to raise taxes in California by a large margin even though he promised during his campaign that he was going to do a cut when he ran for Governor of California in order to make ends meet. Ronnie turned a vibrant economy over to the next Governor who road high on that. Unfortunately, Arnold screwed the pooch all the way around with his tax cuts. California is just now starting to dig it's way out of that Republican Money Pit. Do you care to display Kansas or Oklahoma? How about some of the Southern States. You can't tax cut your way out of debt like that. You can only tax cut if the economy is healthy and most states are NOT healthy right now with the economy in a bust state clean across the US. When the clock starts ticking (it started 2 months ago) on Trump, it went wild. The US is in serious financial trouble and you can't tax cut your way out of it. Especially by rewarding the Rich. The Middle Class got very little out of it and the poor lost what little shirt it had left. And it's just going to get worse before it gets better. And you can't blame it on Obama. Trump owns this one.

Even though my State is starting to get better, we are still experiencing wholesale shutdowns of small businesses. You know, the people that Trump said he would protect. So don't give me that crap about how wonderful your ultra right economy works. It only works for people making a lot of money but it nails those that are middle class and below. Small Business is in serious trouble.

Unfortunately, the first line of your essay destroys it in total. After all, my initial post about the economic disaster in which California finds itself is posted below followed by the one which appeared today.

Initial post of the California Debt Clock


Today's California Debt Clock

If by "getting better each month" you mean getting deeper into debt, then I'd agree!

First you have to slow it down. It's slowing down. Then you have to freeze it. Then you have to reverse it. It takes years if not decades. Once you learn that California is the 5th largest economy in the world., yes even when including the major countries, the figures don't look nearly as bad as long as they can get a handle on it. Most Countries are in worse shape and I don't see you dinging them. Just California. And I don't see you including Kansas or Oklahoma figures either. You only want to harp on the richest and most successful economy of any state and ding it. What's the matter, you jealous?

You said it was getting better each month. Being $800+ Million deeper in debt than a few months ago is clearly, not getting better.
Which is getting better each month. Can you say the same where you are? Bet your state is getting worse each month. Most are. Mine is getting better. Even Ronnie had to raise taxes in California by a large margin even though he promised during his campaign that he was going to do a cut when he ran for Governor of California in order to make ends meet. Ronnie turned a vibrant economy over to the next Governor who road high on that. Unfortunately, Arnold screwed the pooch all the way around with his tax cuts. California is just now starting to dig it's way out of that Republican Money Pit. Do you care to display Kansas or Oklahoma? How about some of the Southern States. You can't tax cut your way out of debt like that. You can only tax cut if the economy is healthy and most states are NOT healthy right now with the economy in a bust state clean across the US. When the clock starts ticking (it started 2 months ago) on Trump, it went wild. The US is in serious financial trouble and you can't tax cut your way out of it. Especially by rewarding the Rich. The Middle Class got very little out of it and the poor lost what little shirt it had left. And it's just going to get worse before it gets better. And you can't blame it on Obama. Trump owns this one.

Even though my State is starting to get better, we are still experiencing wholesale shutdowns of small businesses. You know, the people that Trump said he would protect. So don't give me that crap about how wonderful your ultra right economy works. It only works for people making a lot of money but it nails those that are middle class and below. Small Business is in serious trouble.

Unfortunately, the first line of your essay destroys it in total. After all, my initial post about the economic disaster in which California finds itself is posted below followed by the one which appeared today.

Initial post of the California Debt Clock


Today's California Debt Clock

If by "getting better each month" you mean getting deeper into debt, then I'd agree!

First you have to slow it down. It's slowing down. Then you have to freeze it. Then you have to reverse it. It takes years if not decades. Once you learn that California is the 5th largest economy in the world., yes even when including the major countries, the figures don't look nearly as bad as long as they can get a handle on it. Most Countries are in worse shape and I don't see you dinging them. Just California. And I don't see you including Kansas or Oklahoma figures either. You only want to harp on the richest and most successful economy of any state and ding it. What's the matter, you jealous?

You said it was getting better each month. Being $800+ Million deeper in debt than a few months ago is clearly, not getting better.

First it has to slow down, then it must stop and only then it can get better. California has just voted in a large tax increase. It doesn't happen over night. it hasn't taken into affect yet. You are leaving out data to try and make a BS statement.
First it has to slow down, then it must stop and only then it can get better. California has just voted in a large tax increase. It doesn't happen over night. it hasn't taken into affect yet. You are leaving out data to try and make a BS statement.

So you are confessing that you lied. How nice of you. I said that as soon as you threw the lie up. Did you think you were smarter than everyone else and no one would know the truth? Pretty lame.

What do you think the effect will be of another "large tax increase"? More people flooding into California or more people flooding out?

By the way, "over night" is one word and the word you were looking for is Effect not Affect.
First it has to slow down, then it must stop and only then it can get better. California has just voted in a large tax increase. It doesn't happen over night. it hasn't taken into affect yet. You are leaving out data to try and make a BS statement.

So you are confessing that you lied. How nice of you. I said that as soon as you threw the lie up. Did you think you were smarter than everyone else and no one would know the truth? Pretty lame.

What do you think the effect will be of another "large tax increase"? More people flooding into California or more people flooding out?

By the way, "over night" is one word and the word you were looking for is Effect not Affect.

First of all, the population of California is increasing. The extra population has to go somewhere. I come from a town where the major export is children. Even today. I say that to those that stay there and they look at me with a blank expression not being able to comprehend. You seem to have that same expression.

It takes time for the raised taxes to take affect. If California were doing so bad, they wouldn't be the 5th largest economy in the World just behind the US, Japan, China and one other Country. It's economy is more stable than MOST countries in the World. And it's more stable than most States in the US. This is regardless of the debt which is on par with most Countries of it's size. Is it a utopia, No, and neither is any other place. But because of it's size in population and economy, it does have a larger say in the US than the other states. You want to change that in your state, get more successful. Until then, you are just crying over jealousy.

I know when a person can't present a good complete argument. You resorted to insulting and spell checking. And that is all you got. Hell, I can tell you are from one of the poorly run states that is envious the successful states. I am from a Western State that is economically more sound than where you are from. Why is it more successful? We compete instead of blaming others. And we don't bother using insults and spell checking to try and win arguments. We just nabbed the main Amazon Company Offices and their main Warehouse. Many major Corporations are moving here (and yes, some come from California) because we compete. Our taxes are going down. Our Roads are good, our schools are better than yours, our police forces are better than yours, our crime is lower than yours. We have a higher quality of life. And we have a long way to go before we are satisfied. It's not California's fault or the people moving here from there if we don't get better. It's our own. And because your area is doing so poorly, guess what, it's YOUR fault. Stand up and take it on the chin. Be a man for a change.
First it has to slow down, then it must stop and only then it can get better. California has just voted in a large tax increase. It doesn't happen over night. it hasn't taken into affect yet. You are leaving out data to try and make a BS statement.

So you are confessing that you lied. How nice of you. I said that as soon as you threw the lie up. Did you think you were smarter than everyone else and no one would know the truth? Pretty lame.

What do you think the effect will be of another "large tax increase"? More people flooding into California or more people flooding out?

By the way, "over night" is one word and the word you were looking for is Effect not Affect.

First of all, the population of California is increasing. The extra population has to go somewhere. I come from a town where the major export is children. Even today. I say that to those that stay there and they look at me with a blank expression not being able to comprehend. You seem to have that same expression.

It takes time for the raised taxes to take affect. If California were doing so bad, they wouldn't be the 5th largest economy in the World just behind the US, Japan, China and one other Country. It's economy is more stable than MOST countries in the World. And it's more stable than most States in the US. This is regardless of the debt which is on par with most Countries of it's size. Is it a utopia, No, and neither is any other place. But because of it's size in population and economy, it does have a larger say in the US than the other states. You want to change that in your state, get more successful. Until then, you are just crying over jealousy.

I know when a person can't present a good complete argument. You resorted to insulting and spell checking. And that is all you got. Hell, I can tell you are from one of the poorly run states that is envious the successful states. I am from a Western State that is economically more sound than where you are from. Why is it more successful? We compete instead of blaming others. And we don't bother using insults and spell checking to try and win arguments. We just nabbed the main Amazon Company Offices and their main Warehouse. Many major Corporations are moving here (and yes, some come from California) because we compete. Our taxes are going down. Our Roads are good, our schools are better than yours, our police forces are better than yours, our crime is lower than yours. We have a higher quality of life. And we have a long way to go before we are satisfied. It's not California's fault or the people moving here from there if we don't get better. It's our own. And because your area is doing so poorly, guess what, it's YOUR fault. Stand up and take it on the chin. Be a man for a change.

Most amusing, in an earlier post you said you had a big tax INCREASE.

I live in Florida.

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Looks like that massive influx of people eager to pay higher taxes is a fragment of your imagination.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges
Published: May 6, 2018 10:58 a.m. ET
The median sale price for a home in California is more than double that in the rest of the nation

Say goodbye to Hollywood, Billy Joel sang in 1976.

Now, in the midst of a deepening housing crisis, thousands of people are following that advice.

Over a million more people moved out of California from 2006 to 2016 than moved in, according to a new report, due mainly to the high cost of housing that hits lower-income people the hardest.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges
California is such a shit-hole. It's unbelievable. They lead the U.S. in every negative metric (such as debt) and are dead-last in every metric one would want to be top in (such as affordable fuels and quality of life).
Motorists in California, the state with the most expensive gasoline, could see pump prices that begin with a 4 again as oil markets rally.
The state has all of the natural resources to be a paradise. Instead, left-wing policy has turned the state into a near third-world shit-hole. South Central Los Angeles is a mess. Hollywood is a cesspool of drugs and sexual violence. The state has more gangs and gang violence than all other 49 states combined.

California Could See the Return of $4 Gasoline by May
Actually according to one link here, bush increased the debt by 101% while obama only increased it by 68%. bush couldn't destroy a country like iraq so his vice prezident's company could rebuild it without wasting trillions, you know.
According to reality - George W. Bush added $4 trillion and change to the national debt. Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion (or almost as much as all presidents in U.S. combined).

Who increased the debt more, obama or bush. We could chase links all day long but here's a couple being kinder to obama. Thing is, obama had a basket case failed economy and a wall street crash handed to him on day one, and an uncalled for major war that bush and cheney started - basically destroy Iraq and let cheney's company and others rebuild it. Those big spending projects that added to the debt didn't stop when bush left office either and I doubt if you're taking that in consideration.

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Look at these Red State basket cases following 150 years of loser conservative economic policies and knowing that without liberal Blue State charity nothing would be keeping them afloat.
And still, they have the nerve to somehow make fun of liberals. Hilarious!
Looks like that massive influx of people eager to pay higher taxes is a fragment of your imagination.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges
Published: May 6, 2018 10:58 a.m. ET
The median sale price for a home in California is more than double that in the rest of the nation

Say goodbye to Hollywood, Billy Joel sang in 1976.

Now, in the midst of a deepening housing crisis, thousands of people are following that advice.

Over a million more people moved out of California from 2006 to 2016 than moved in, according to a new report, due mainly to the high cost of housing that hits lower-income people the hardest.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges

If it weren't for the 'amnesties' of illegals in the past and the criminal illegal aliens, California would have lost 12 more seats in Congress by now. Soon it's going to be Nancy, Diane, Beverly Hills and their gardeners and live -in slaves, and nobody else, and those will leave when they have to pay taxes.
Looks like that massive influx of people eager to pay higher taxes is a fragment of your imagination.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges
Published: May 6, 2018 10:58 a.m. ET
The median sale price for a home in California is more than double that in the rest of the nation

Say goodbye to Hollywood, Billy Joel sang in 1976.

Now, in the midst of a deepening housing crisis, thousands of people are following that advice.

Over a million more people moved out of California from 2006 to 2016 than moved in, according to a new report, due mainly to the high cost of housing that hits lower-income people the hardest.

With no letup in home prices, the California exodus surges

If it weren't for the 'amnesties' of illegals in the past and the criminal illegal aliens, California would have lost 12 more seats in Congress by now. Soon it's going to be Nancy, Diane, Beverly Hills and their gardeners and live -in slaves, and nobody else, and those will leave when they have to pay taxes.

glad you brought up illegal aliens and he left - their wall building immigration policy sure collapsed like a ton of bricks didnt it.

oh, wait ........


maybe you heard the one about how their repeal/replace Obamacare policy cratered ... thank goodness for the right.

buncha f'n idgets :badgrin:
Thing is, obama had a basket case failed economy and a wall street crash handed to him on day one, and an uncalled for major war that bush and cheney started
Thing is, you’re a very immature partisan hack. Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to bail out Solyndra, GM, Chrysler, or Wall Street. In fact, what he did was insanely illegal.

And Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to keep any wars going. And he sure as hell didn’t have to create new one’s in Egypt, Libya, or Syria.

The debt is squarely on his shoulders. He took office with $10 trillion accumulated over 230 years, he left office with $20 trillion.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

Sure, let's look at the two great economic collapses of the last 100 years in America.

The Great Depression came after republican rule and was ended by Democratic policies.

The Great Recession came after republican rule and was ended by Democratic policies.
Thing is, obama had a basket case failed economy and a wall street crash handed to him on day one, and an uncalled for major war that bush and cheney started
Thing is, you’re a very immature partisan hack. Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to bail out Solyndra, GM, Chrysler, or Wall Street. In fact, what he did was insanely illegal.

And Barack Insane Obama didn’t have to keep any wars going. And he sure as hell didn’t have to create new one’s in Egypt, Libya, or Syria.

The debt is squarely on his shoulders. He took office with $10 trillion accumulated over 230 years, he left office with $20 trillion.

Oh Nutcase one, Obama used the Plan that Bush Jr.drew up in 2003. For all of Bush Jr's shortcomings, he saw it coming. And our small business (including mine) were already in the recession. The Big Boys weren't affected yet. We were headed for a Depression. My Parents lived through one of those and it wasn't pretty. If it wasn't stopped in it's tracks it would have caused a cascade of failed businesses, wholesale loss of jobs, the works where at least 100 million people would have been out of work, starving, cold and living out the back of cars, boxes etc. if their cars weren't taken from them. As it were, that recession closed many small businesses doors long before 2008 and 9. Many Small Business owners went from successful business owners to employees. They lost their houses, their kids didn't go to college and more. We never recovered from it even today.

The Cause? The lessening of the Regulations that allowed banks and corporations from taking very risky risks where the little guy paid the bill. Meanwhile, the CEOs were paid outlandish bonuses even when the businesses were failing and they were paid outlandish pay. These regulations were stripped during Ronald Reagans time in office and were never put back into affect. It protected America for about 200 years and in just a few short bunch of decades almost destroyed America. If the same practices had been done in the 60s and back, the CEOs would have been fined millions and locked up in prisons. Now, they just get a bigger bonus and a ridiculous raise.

This is what both Obama and Bush Jr. were faced with. And they did about the best they could do.
The Great Recession came after republican rule and was ended by Democratic policies.
Uh...The Great Recession came during Dumbocrat rule snowflake (Jimmy Carter). And Ronald Reagan saved the U.S. from falling into a second Great Depression.

The last economic downturn came after 8 years of Bill Clinton and 2 years of complete Dumbocrat control in Congress (under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid). Once again, the American people turned to conservatives (2010 midterms) to save the U.S.
You do not remember Richard Nixon having the start of the economic depression? That got passed on to Ford who came up with the WIN badge, Whip Inflation Now. The Carter got screwed by letting the Shah of Iran get booted. Patriot you are just to dumb to know truth,
The Great Depression came after republican rule and was ended by Democratic policies.
No matter how much you attempt to rewrite history, you will never be successful...

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

You left out another real possibility that was staring them directly in the face. 3 1/2 million hungry, cold and angry out of work family males that were armed. It wouldn't have made 7 years. The end result would have been a total revolution, the Rich no longer being rich, the Government no longer existing, total chaos and God only know what kind of stongman coming to the rescue. The Republic would have been gone for a very very long time. In it's place would have been a Despot. But don't let that worry you. You seem to want that to happen even today as long as it's YOUR Despot that is in charge.
The end result would have been a total revolution, the Rich no longer being rich, the Government no longer existing, total chaos
Yeah...because poor people (who couldn’t afford firearms) would have defeated the U.S. military. :eusa_doh:

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