You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

They throw money so that cronies can get paid off. The money never reaches the poor or the schoolchildren. Then, when the results aren’t there, they blame Consrvatives for not making people pay their “fair share”.

The problem is, there is no such things as a "Fair Wage" being paid. When the CEO makes 100 times as much as the average worker and it keeps going up and the workers benefits keep going down, workers keep getting laid off and more, actually less, then it's not a fair wage. The CEO can bankrupt the company and still walk out with millions in pay for that year. Meanwhile, the workers bite the bullet. They need to start putting those CEOs in prison that do that and seizing their assets and turning it over to the workers. It's just not moral although it's probably legal. But Laws are suppose to be moral.

Like it or not, only one person can be CEO. If a CEO is subject to imprisonment or asset seizure, why be CEO? A CEO can walk away with millions in payout because he negotiated that has part of the risk of taking the job. If he/she willfully acted out of malice, then, yes, they should go to prison and/or subject to fines. Having been laid off, it’s no fun but it’s no reason to send a CEO to jail.

When the CEO receives 14 million bonus on top of his 3 million pay to lay off workers and ship jobs overseas then there is a real problem. There are CEOs that specialize doing this. We even had one run for President and the Public didn't care for it one bit. It brought us Obama for his first term. I would have preferred Romney over Obama as a President but not as a CEO of a company since I know that company was going to be gutted. Romney was a very good Governor.

But we have been raped by these CEOs over and over and our Factories have been gutted over and over to the point where it's never going to recover. It's cause us so many social problems that both sides just can't seem to be able to put their finger on who's fault it is so they blame each other. Yes, Margeret, sometimes, a little Socialism is needed in the form of Regulation when concerning greedy CEOs. When Capitalism is allowed to run totally unchecked it tends to grab the bucks on a very short range and the future be damned. They don't look at the long haul and they certainly don't look at what is best for the Country. They only look at what is best for their own short ranged pocket books. And, no, you can't have the Government manage it either. But you can set limits where they have to look at what is best for the Company for the long haul, the Workers for the Long Haul and the Country for the Long haul. It used to be that the CEOs operated that way because it was just the right thing to do. Case in point was Henry Ford the First. He started that Revolution and other companies were forced to follow. But he died. And so did his compatriots. What he was replaced with is the CEOs of today who aren't good for anyone other than themselves.

I don't have a fix on this one. I don't know if anyone else has either. It's way above my pay grade.
You don't seem to mind if a major corporation does this or ships those jobs overseas.
I mind very much. That’s why I never vote Dumbocrat. The ignorant policies that you support (highest taxes in the world, devastating labor laws, crushing environmental regulations, greedy unions, etc.) are what result in all of those jobs being shipped overseas. Businesses sure as hell don’t do that for “fun”. Nitwit.
But we have been raped by these CEOs over and over and our Factories have been gutted over and over to the point where it's never going to recover.
No...the American people have been “raped” by the Dumbocrats. It remains to be seen whether or not we can recover. It is doubtful. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid did unimaginable damage.
When Capitalism is allowed to run totally unchecked it tends to grab the bucks on a very short range and the future be damned.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Every corporation has a robust “strategic planning” strategy for long term success. You’re ignorance is astounding.

Furthermore, even if that were true, so what? A corporation does not owe you shit. If they choose to sacrifice everything for short term success, that is their prerogative. It’s none of your damn business, you fuck’n parasite.
You don't seem to mind if a major corporation does this or ships those jobs overseas.
I mind very much. That’s why I never vote Dumbocrat. The ignorant policies that you support (highest taxes in the world, devastating labor laws, crushing environmental regulations, greedy unions, etc.) are what result in all of those jobs being shipped overseas. Businesses sure as hell don’t do that for “fun”. Nitwit.

So you vote Republican who are the major people purchased by the CEOs that shut down businesses and ship them overseas. I guess you must enjoy drug running and crime since that is all that is left to those areas.
So you vote Republican who are the major people purchased by the CEOs that shut down businesses and ship them overseas.
They have absolutely no choice thanks to the failed left-wing polices you support. Nobody spends the money, time, and effort to ship job overseas if they don’t have to.
So you vote Republican who are the major people purchased by the CEOs that shut down businesses and ship them overseas.
They have absolutely no choice thanks to the failed left-wing polices you support. Nobody spends the money, time, and effort to ship job overseas if they don’t have to.

The only reason Obama won the 2nd time around was that the Republicans fielded a corporate raider for their candidate. Romney wouldn't make a bad president. He is one hell of a lot better than Trump by a long shot. But he had just retired from being paid to shut down businesses and transferring them overseas. Had he not had that on his Resume there is a good chance he could have won the election. Now, tell me again that it isn't happening when there are Corporate Raiders that are hired just to shut down profitable businesses so that they can be moved overseas and can make even larger profits.
Now, tell me again that it isn't happening when there are Corporate Raiders that are hired just to shut down profitable businesses so that they can be moved overseas and can make even larger profits.
If you understood the market (and you clearly don’t), you would realize that “profitable” is completely and totally irrelevant. I vividly recall GM clearing a $4 billion profit in the early 90’s and they responded by moving their break division to Mexico.

It’s about stock prices and company valuation. Period. It’s the end all, be all. And that is driven by greedy progressives who want to get wealthy without having to work. At the end of the day, if corporations could clear a larger profit here (which would result in higher stock prices), no company would ever move their operations overseas. It’s not something they want to do. It’s something they have to do. Their shareholders demand it.
Now, tell me again that it isn't happening when there are Corporate Raiders that are hired just to shut down profitable businesses so that they can be moved overseas and can make even larger profits.
If you understood the market (and you clearly don’t), you would realize that “profitable” is completely and totally irrelevant. I vividly recall GM clearing a $4 billion profit in the early 90’s and they responded by moving their break division to Mexico.

It’s about stock prices and company valuation. Period. It’s the end all, be all. And that is driven by greedy progressives who want to get wealthy without having to work. At the end of the day, if corporations could clear a larger profit here (which would result in higher stock prices), no company would ever move their operations overseas. It’s not something they want to do. It’s something they have to do. Their shareholders demand it.

And if they could do that that means they can do a larger profit by moving it overseas. And that is exactly what they do. It doesn't matter how much profit the US work force can make them when the overseas workforce can make them a larger return.
And if they could do that that means they can do a larger profit by moving it overseas. And that is exactly what they do.
Bingo! A larger profit because the progressives in this nation are ignorant of basic economics and greedy.
And if they could do that that means they can do a larger profit by moving it overseas. And that is exactly what they do.
Bingo! A larger profit because the progressives in this nation are ignorant of basic economics and greedy.

Or is it the greed of the Corporates? Moving overseas usually means that not only are the people in the US being taken advantage of but the people in the 3rd world country is as well. During the Chinese Olympics, the Chinese had to completely shut down all manufacturing just so the air could get below a lethal level. This was very costly to the chinese workers. After the Olympics, they fired up the manufacturing and it was business and lethal air as usual which is also very deadly to the population. But China isn't even the dirtiest country in the world, that goes to India who would never even think of bringing the Olympics there since it would mean shutting down and they would never do that. Both countries have very little care about human lives or human health. The next time you fire up that Microwave, Blender or such, think of that.
After the Olympics, they fired up the manufacturing and it was business and lethal air as usual which is also very deadly to the population.
Like you lefties loooooove to crow about...."you can't stop progress"!
This was the headline in the London Daily Telegraph today. Over 1 million people per day in England can't even see a general practitioner. It would be absolutely comical - SNL skit like comical - if it wasn't so tragic. And this is the type of failed healthcare that LWNJ's want to bring here to America.

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Thanks to Tories, the second stupidest conservative party, which keeps funding down to 8% of GDP, super dupe. Less than half the cost of our scam GOP non system.
Only pathetic trust fund losers who have no real clue what it is to pay their own bills with all of those responsibilities would chant for "higher taxes."
Higher taxes on the incredibly bloated rich only, super dupe. How exactly can you brainwashed functional morons Miss the fact that the greedy idiot GOP has been in charge of tax rates and policy the last 37 years when this inequality has been produced? Absolute idiocy.
dems. dems had control of the congress from ww2 all the way up to reagan. and most of the years since reagan, too.
California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day
California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day
California is Booming! It carries the entire USA with the Largest GDP & Growing, with Exploding 40 million population!
California is Booming! It carries the entire USA with the Largest GDP & Growing, with Exploding 40 million population!
Yeah...uh....about 20 million of those are illegal aliens. The rest are dead beat parents and illegitimate children.

California can’t even supply water for their citizens. Typical left-wing shit-hole.

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