You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

California is Booming! It carries the entire USA with the Largest GDP & Growing, with Exploding 40 million population!
Yeah...uh....about 20 million of those are illegal aliens. The rest are dead beat parents and illegitimate children.

California can’t even supply water for their citizens. Typical left-wing shit-hole.
That would be Texas who forces it citizens to drink sewer water because it used & ruined their fresh water fracking.
California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day

It's called Drought, stupid. We are having one here. But we are at the top of the food chain for water supply., And when we have a drought, all hell breaks loose on the other end. And California is the other end. Our Irrigation water has been rationed for years. You can only water your lawn on odd days or even days depending on where you live. But we just live with it. More and more people are putting in rock lawns or gardens instead of lawns. They have completely outlawed all sale and use of Fireworks this year and we are in a constant "Red Flag" situation where almost anything can set off huge forest fires. This has nothing to do with Politics, nothing. You idiots that keep hammering like it does just shows your ignorance.

BTW, for a State doing so bad, it's the 5th largest economy in the World. Not the 5th largest economy for a state, but the 5th largest for a Country in the World. Sounds like you need it more than it needs you.
California is Booming! It carries the entire USA with the Largest GDP & Growing, with Exploding 40 million population!
Yeah...uh....about 20 million of those are illegal aliens. The rest are dead beat parents and illegitimate children.

California can’t even supply water for their citizens. Typical left-wing shit-hole.
That would be Texas who forces it citizens to drink sewer water because it used & ruined their fresh water fracking.
It's a cute lie - but a dumb one. No such problem in Texas. Or in North Dakota (which experienced an unimaginable economic BOOM from leading the U.S. in fracking).

Again...left-wing policy is so idiotic, it can't even keep U.S. citizens provided with water!
California is Booming! It carries the entire USA with the Largest GDP & Growing, with Exploding 40 million population!
Yeah...uh....about 20 million of those are illegal aliens. The rest are dead beat parents and illegitimate children.

California can’t even supply water for their citizens. Typical left-wing shit-hole.
That would be Texas who forces it citizens to drink sewer water because it used & ruined their fresh water fracking.
It's a cute lie - but a dumb one. No such problem in Texas. Or in North Dakota (which experienced an unimaginable economic BOOM from leading the U.S. in fracking).

Again...left-wing policy is so idiotic, it can't even keep U.S. citizens provided with water!
You Lie! Sh!t-Hole Texas Drinking Sh!t-Water

Fox News: Texas Turns Wastewater Into Drinking Water

Texas only has half the population of California.
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You Lie! Sh!t-Hole Texas Drinking Sh!t-Water

Fox News: Texas Turns Wastewater Into Drinking Water

Texas only has half the population of California.
LMAO!!! Holy literally just proved everything I said was 100% accurate. While progressive California has to ration water because of left-wing incompetence - conservative Texas was able to turn “waste wate” into consumable drinking water!

You may just be the dumbest person here. Thank you for defeating yourself! :lmao:
You Lie! Sh!t-Hole Texas Drinking Sh!t-Water

Fox News: Texas Turns Wastewater Into Drinking Water

Texas only has half the population of California.
LMAO!!! Holy literally just proved everything I said was 100% accurate. While progressive California has to ration water because of left-wing incompetence - conservative Texas was able to turn “waste wate” into consumable drinking water!

You may just be the dumbest person here. Thank you for defeating yourself! :lmao:

You have shit for brains. California provides clean, safe, great tasting drinking water 2 times the population of Texas plus irrigation for crops without forcing people to drink shitwater!!!

Every Texan I know refuses to drink tap water!!! Texas tap water is unsafely very high in salts, petroleum byproducts & taste like shit!!! They buy & Inconveniently haul EXPENSIVE bottled water from reverse osmosis water generator supply depots. Texas has failed to cheaply & efficiently provide great tasting, clean, safe drinking water to it's people.
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But, Leftists will try to corrupt the system and take control through nefarious means since honesty and transparency never work out for them without tricking a TON of weak minded fools.

ONLY if they can get an authoritarian state can they temporarily prevail.

See China under Mao, Russia under Stalin/Lenin, Venezuela under Maduro, NK under Kim Jung etc ....ALL Leftist favorites and "heros"
California provides clean, safe, great tasting drinking water
No. They don’t. That’s why that shit-hole third-world state has to ration water. Fuck, even the U.S.S.R. didn’t do that when it collapsed.
You Lie! Sh!t-Hole Texas Drinking Sh!t-Water

Fox News: Texas Turns Wastewater Into Drinking Water

Texas only has half the population of California.
LMAO!!! Holy literally just proved everything I said was 100% accurate. While progressive California has to ration water because of left-wing incompetence - conservative Texas was able to turn “waste wate” into consumable drinking water!

You may just be the dumbest person here. Thank you for defeating yourself! :lmao:

Meanwhile, the western part of Texas is in as severe a drought as California but the eastern side is slowly being washed into the Gulf. The Last flood in Houston, a friend of mine started out in his home (it flooded the first floor), he moved into his RV which is quite a ways off the ground (it came into that), he ended up moving to his newly finished tree house where they rescued him and his family from there. It's all wastewater. It's either spend the extra bucks to process it, not have any water, or get poisoned from it by drinking it. One thing I have to say about the Texans is that they are resourceful and resilient. But don't be knocking other states using Texas as something good. It's a friggin mess there right now.

As for the Western side, it's a drought there. They can't get water. All that water in the eastern side, and they can't get a drop of it. Water won't run up hill. So they do without and ration the hell out of what little they have. Of course, they never did have much but it's worse right now. Some of that water that fell from the sky in eastern Texas was supposed to fall onto Western Texas.
California provides clean, safe, great tasting drinking water
No. They don’t. That’s why that shit-hole third-world state has to ration water. Fuck, even the U.S.S.R. didn’t do that when it collapsed.
Shit-hole Texas has been rationing, ticketing & fining citizens for using too much water for years!

"If a business or homeowner does not comply with the request for compliance, there is a good chance that the next violation will be witnessed by a conservation enforcement officer and they will be ticketed.

Water restriction violations are misdemeanors that become part of a person's record in the same manner as a speeding ticket does. It is also no fun to spend the time in court necessary to address the violation.

The fine can range from $100 for a first offense to $1,000 or more for further offenses."
Nothing ends in collapse, poverty, and misery like failed left-wing policy...

‘Fight for 15’ gets results: McDonald’s to use self-service kiosks in all American stores by 2020

Wrong - Companies used the tax cut money to buy technology to replace workers instead of increasing their pay.
Really? They've had a whopping two months of "tax cut money" and it's not like it resulted in billions. Good God are you an idiot. Your greed is causing jobs to be lost - as is always the case with left-wing greed.
The main thing wrong with the leftist/Demon-crats, is their radicalized agenda, and their usery of the poor to beat their opponents into submission. It's been working forever now, but is the game up ??

The thing wrong with the right/repubs is their selfish agenda in which leaves millions out of their utopic private world's in which they create for themselves. However, the left doesn't want to join the utopic right-wing world ever.

The poor are being caught in between the two giants fighting, and when this happens people end up lost, uneducated, confused, and feeling hopeless in their exploited state of minds.

The poor lean Demon-crat because the Demon-crats are experts at promising other people's money to them through the government programs in which they control or promise to continue to control forever if elected.

Along with that loyalty however, it is alledgedly expected that the poor play along for as long as it takes for the Demon-crats to seize power, and then the brats begin to fleece not only the poor afterwards (getting the money back from them), but also fleecing all of America in the process to get their agenda through or to keep their alledged agenda going strong.

Are the Demon-crats alledgedly the most corrupt in the end or is it the republi-crats ??
The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.
The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.

That is the lie....the Republicans fix the economy, then the democrats crash the economy and blame the Republicans....

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