You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse








FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?
OMG - how retarded!!! You people are cherry picking fabricated straw-man lies out of whole cloth! Facts are facts! EVERY Republican President causes Job Killing Recessions or depressions for every term they are in office. How is that cherry picking???? I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!! Democrat presidents rarely cause recession.







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?
OMG - how retarded!!! You people are cherry picking fabricated straw-man lies out of whole cloth! Facts are facts! EVERY Republican President causes Job Killing Recessions or depressions for every term they are in office. How is that cherry picking???? I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!! Democrat presidents rarely cause recession.
You can write in caps all you want, but you know that a single president usually falls into a bad situation that has been brewing in bubbles threatening to burst or had just bursted when they took office. Culture's, business, banking, trade deals, natural disasters, man made disasters, and wars are all contributors of the coming or active crisis that each administration has to deal with.

Now who deals with crisis better would be the more appropriate question to be asked.







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?

The depression was already full blown on by the time FDR took office. It was already 6 years old. it hit in 1928 and was in full bloom in 1934. The biggest problem was the isolationism of the US. The US had one big chance to really grow by providing goods and services to the Post War WWI Europe but didn't capitalize on it. Instead, there were 2 million returning GIs without jobs in 1919. Industry could not support that many. And many of the jobs they had had already been either replaced or been done away with. This started under Wilson who was so ill he could barely get out of bed. They covered that up pretty well. And Hoover and congress did nothing to relieve the situtation. It just got worse until the dam broke in 1928. No one cares when it's the poor that are suffering. But in 1928, the poor no longer could afford the goods and services that the rich were offering and many of them went south with a bang. There was nothing in place to keep it from happening. Hoover and Congress of the time could have prevented this from happening with some behind the scenes methods that we take for granted today. But since it was only the poor that were suffering they didn't care. FDR didn't really care either but he was faced with a very real possibility of an armed Revolution that would have destroyed not only the Federal and State Governments but the entire Ruling and Rich Class. So He and Congress sold the poor an idea that they bought lock stock and barrel that prevented the revolution. He put the poor to work. If they are busy working then they are too busy to revolt.

It was the coming of WWII that brought the US out of the Depression. The new deal was just a time buyer. Unlike Wilson and Hoover, FDR opened up the borders and started to encourage open trading with Europe and Asia. At one point, not only was the US trading with what would become the Allies but it was also heavily trading with what would become the Axis right up until the declaration of War. Did you often wonder just how many of the Axis Ships and Planes were made from scrap metal from the US? Some CEOs tried to continue trading with the Axis Powers after they were supposed to stop. Not ONE single CEO went to prison over it. Instead, they sent lower managers to prison in their places. But they did stop. So, it wasn't FDR that actually stopped the Depression but he did buy enough time to keep the Revolution from forming.







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?

The depression was already full blown on by the time FDR took office. It was already 6 years old. it hit in 1928 and was in full bloom in 1934. The biggest problem was the isolationism of the US. The US had one big chance to really grow by providing goods and services to the Post War WWI Europe but didn't capitalize on it. Instead, there were 2 million returning GIs without jobs in 1919. Industry could not support that many. And many of the jobs they had had already been either replaced or been done away with. This started under Wilson who was so ill he could barely get out of bed. They covered that up pretty well. And Hoover and congress did nothing to relieve the situtation. It just got worse until the dam broke in 1928. No one cares when it's the poor that are suffering. But in 1928, the poor no longer could afford the goods and services that the rich were offering and many of them went south with a bang. There was nothing in place to keep it from happening. Hoover and Congress of the time could have prevented this from happening with some behind the scenes methods that we take for granted today. But since it was only the poor that were suffering they didn't care. FDR didn't really care either but he was faced with a very real possibility of an armed Revolution that would have destroyed not only the Federal and State Governments but the entire Ruling and Rich Class. So He and Congress sold the poor an idea that they bought lock stock and barrel that prevented the revolution. He put the poor to work. If they are busy working then they are too busy to revolt.

It was the coming of WWII that brought the US out of the Depression. The new deal was just a time buyer. Unlike Wilson and Hoover, FDR opened up the borders and started to encourage open trading with Europe and Asia. At one point, not only was the US trading with what would become the Allies but it was also heavily trading with what would become the Axis right up until the declaration of War. Did you often wonder just how many of the Axis Ships and Planes were made from scrap metal from the US? Some CEOs tried to continue trading with the Axis Powers after they were supposed to stop. Not ONE single CEO went to prison over it. Instead, they sent lower managers to prison in their places. But they did stop. So, it wasn't FDR that actually stopped the Depression but he did buy enough time to keep the Revolution from forming.







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?
OMG - how retarded!!! You people are cherry picking fabricated straw-man lies out of whole cloth! Facts are facts! EVERY Republican President causes Job Killing Recessions or depressions for every term they are in office. How is that cherry picking???? I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!! Democrat presidents rarely cause recession.
You can write in caps all you want, but you know that a single president usually falls into a bad situation that has been brewing in bubbles threatening to burst or had just bursted when they took office. Culture's, business, banking, trade deals, natural disasters, man made disasters, and wars are all contributors of the coming or active crisis that each administration has to deal with.

Now who deals with crisis better would be the more appropriate question to be asked.

LOL! - Another FAIL!!! You could not name a single Republican President that did not cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression during their administration.

FACT: Republican presidents cause Job Killing Recessions even when following previous Job Killing Recession Repubtard presidents or following their first term as a Repubtard Job Killing Recession President.

FACT: Democrats repair Repubtards damage & create More Jobs than Repubtards.
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FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?
OMG - how retarded!!! You people are cherry picking fabricated straw-man lies out of whole cloth! Facts are facts! EVERY Republican President causes Job Killing Recessions or depressions for every term they are in office. How is that cherry picking???? I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!! Democrat presidents rarely cause recession.
You can write in caps all you want, but you know that a single president usually falls into a bad situation that has been brewing in bubbles threatening to burst or had just bursted when they took office. Culture's, business, banking, trade deals, natural disasters, man made disasters, and wars are all contributors of the coming or active crisis that each administration has to deal with.

Now who deals with crisis better would be the more appropriate question to be asked.

LOL! - Another FAIL!!! You could not name a single Republican President that did not cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression during their administration.

FACT: Republican presidents cause Job Killing Recessions even when following previous Job Killing Recession Repubtard presidents or following their first term as a Repubtard Job Killing Recession President.

FACT: Democrats repair Repubtards damage & create More Jobs than Repubtards.
Your premise or question is all wrong, but of course your bias has you so brainwashed that your mind is pure mush. Demon-crats are on their way to becoming extinct, so keep on bailing out their boat if you want to, but it will still sink or it is sinking slowly and surely.







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?
OMG - how retarded!!! You people are cherry picking fabricated straw-man lies out of whole cloth! Facts are facts! EVERY Republican President causes Job Killing Recessions or depressions for every term they are in office. How is that cherry picking???? I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!! Democrat presidents rarely cause recession.
You can write in caps all you want, but you know that a single president usually falls into a bad situation that has been brewing in bubbles threatening to burst or had just bursted when they took office. Culture's, business, banking, trade deals, natural disasters, man made disasters, and wars are all contributors of the coming or active crisis that each administration has to deal with.

Now who deals with crisis better would be the more appropriate question to be asked.

LOL! - Another FAIL!!! You could not name a single Republican President that did not cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression during their administration.

FACT: Republican presidents cause Job Killing Recessions even when following previous Job Killing Recession Repubtard presidents or following their first term as a Repubtard Job Killing Recession President.

FACT: Democrats repair Repubtards damage & create More Jobs than Repubtards.
Your premise or question is all wrong, but of course your bias has you so brainwashed that your mind is pure mush. Demon-crats are on their way to becoming extinct, so keep on bailing out their boat if you want to, but it will still sink or it is sinking slowly and surely.

You STILL FAILED to name a single Republican President that did not cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression during their administration.
Facts are facts!
Yes they are. And the facts are - the three worst economies in U.S. history occurred under Dumbocrats (FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Insane Obama).
I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!!
I already did that, snowflake. Ronald Reagan. Gerald Ford. Dwight Eisenhower. The list goes on and on and on.

In fact, the only Republican presidents who experienced a recession on their watch did so with a Dumbocrat Congress that passed legislation causing the recessions.
Facts are facts!
Yes they are. And the facts are - the three worst economies in U.S. history occurred under Dumbocrats (FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Insane Obama).
I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!!
I already did that, snowflake. Ronald Reagan. Gerald Ford. Dwight Eisenhower. The list goes on and on and on.

In fact, the only Republican presidents who experienced a recession on their watch did so with a Dumbocrat Congress that passed legislation causing the recessions.

You LIE in EVERY Post!!!

Obama did NOT cause any recessions!

Dwight Eisenhower Presidential term; January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961. First Eisenhower Job Killing Recession July 1953-May 1954, Second Eisenhower Job Killing Recession Aug 1957-April 1958, Third Eisenhower Job Killing Recession Apr 1960-Feb 1961.

Nixon / Ford Presidential term; January 20, 1969 – January 20, 1977. First Job Killing Recession Dec 1969-Nov 1970, Second Recession Nov 1973-Mar 1975.

Ronald Reagan Presidential term; January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989, Reagan Double Dip Job Killing Recession July 1981-Nov 1982
Ronald Reagan Presidential term; January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989, Reagan Double Dip Job Killing Recession July 1981-Nov 1982
Snowflake...that was still the Great Recession that Jimmy Carter handed off to Ronald Reagan. He took that and built one of the strongest economies the world has ever seen.
Ronald Reagan Presidential term; January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989, Reagan Double Dip Job Killing Recession July 1981-Nov 1982
Snowflake...that was still the Great Recession that Jimmy Carter handed off to Ronald Reagan. He took that and built one of the strongest economies the world has ever seen.


More Bullshit LIES from you!!!

Carter pulled US out of recession before July 1980,

Debit Exploding Repubtard Reagan Caused a Much Larger, Longer & Deeper Job Killing Recession 9 months after he was elected!!!

Then Repubtard Reagan's Bush-1 Crashed US into another Job Killing Recession July 1990-Mar 1991

Bill Clinton had NO recessions, Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!!
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Bill Clinton had NO recessions, Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!!
Listen...once you get past junior high, you’ll realize how immature and idiotic you sound. Bill Clinton’s legacy is firmly cemented and it’s not good.

1. Monica Lewinsky scandal

2. Refusing the offer to have Osama Bin Laden killed

3. Destroying the entire housing market with his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act

As far as the economy, all he did was ride the tidal wave of prosperity created by Ronald Reagan and the Republicans. And it was Republican Newt Gingrich (Speaker of the House) and the Republican Congress that did such a great job with the federal budget.
Facts are facts!
Yes they are. And the facts are - the three worst economies in U.S. history occurred under Dumbocrats (FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Insane Obama).
I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!!
I already did that, snowflake. Ronald Reagan. Gerald Ford. Dwight Eisenhower. The list goes on and on and on.

In fact, the only Republican presidents who experienced a recession on their watch did so with a Dumbocrat Congress that passed legislation causing the recessions.

Actually, it went like this, in 1973, Nixon had a bumper year with him starting to shut down the cash cow of Vietnam. He had started the shutdown in 1971 and by 1973, it was pretty well shut down. For 1973 and into 1974 he had balanced budgets until he screwed the pooch. Had it not been for Watergate going down like it did, Nixon would have been listed as one of the all time greats. Ford continued with Nixons policies and so did Carter. Reagan inherited a bang up economy. Had Reagan did exactly nothing he would have had 8 years of bumper economy. Instead, he did the old "Trickle Down Economy" to tickle the economy. It worked for awhile. But in the end, the Rich ended up taking advantage of the new found Tax Breaks and slackened regulations and started opening up off shore bank accounts. It's not that the trickle down was bad. It was that it was allowed to run too long until it became detrimental to the well being of the nation.

Bush Sr.comes along. Enter DS1. We had a pretty stable economy at that point. Not many frills or room for error but stable up to that point. We ended up financing DS1 on credit. Not really something the nation could not handle. I rather liked Bush Sr. But watching the debates I saw that it was time for him to go fishing. He is a nice man and was just tired of it all. It broke my heart to watch that.

Clinton comes along and raises taxes. He does exactly what Reagan did when Reagan was Governor of California that brought California out of near Bankruptcy. California went on to be the 5th largest Economy in the World and still is even with all it's problems. Clinton even did this when he was faced with both houses controlled by the Republicans. There was a whole hell of lot less partisan politics involved back then. Tipper Jordan and company was actually good for the nation and placed the Nation above the party. Not like it is today. Then, like Nixon, he screwed the pooch.

Along comes Bush Jr. Another really nice person. He gets a nicely run economy. Then the twin towers happens. I supported Afghanistan all the way. It needed to be done. We took it to the ones that murdered over 3000 people. We were attacked and a Nation was supporting it. Bush Jr. went after that nation. Again, we had to finance it. We borrowed money to do so. Not a bad thing if that's the only war you are fighting. About half way through, Bush Jr. starts another major war that didn't need to be fought. He split our forces, borrowed even more money and now we were in a huge mess. In 2003, Bush Jr. predicted the collapse and presented capital hill with a 733 million dollar relief bill. Congress laughed him off the hill. Bush saw it coming. Like the start of the Depression, the lower income people were already in the heavy recession and it was growing in 2003. The Rich didn't get hit until 2008. And no one on capital hill gives a crap about anyone under a income level. Small businesses were devastated starting in 2003. Mine survived but it was real rough going and where was MY help from the Government. Nope, only the rich got that cash. What we got was dried up credit.

Enter Obama. This is what he inherited. The cost of both wars were hitting about then. We had to replace the equipment that was expended in both wars. The bill was due. And the only way to pay for it was borrow it. So we go further into debt. The Bill has been paid for the most part under Obama.

Enter Trump. He pretty much got a clean slate. We are still paying on both wars but it's manageable. I think we all know we can't afford a 3rd war at this point until we finish with the two we already have and pay for them. The Economy is doing better but Trump was given a pretty good economy from Obama with most of the bills already paid. Under Trumps watch, he has to be careful that he doesn't start anything that we have to borrow any large amounts of money to finance. Like go to war with North Korea or Iran. Well, at least until we get Afghanistan and Iraq completed that is. Congress is watching him very close on this one. But Trump still has to pay for what we have expended in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. We borrowed that money. Time is going to tell on that one.
Bill Clinton had NO recessions, Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!!
Listen...once you get past junior high, you’ll realize how immature and idiotic you sound. Bill Clinton’s legacy is firmly cemented and it’s not good.

1. Monica Lewinsky scandal

2. Refusing the offer to have Osama Bin Laden killed

3. Destroying the entire housing market with his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act

As far as the economy, all he did was ride the tidal wave of prosperity created by Ronald Reagan and the Republicans. And it was Republican Newt Gingrich (Speaker of the House) and the Republican Congress that did such a great job with the federal budget.


Fairy Tail Lies!!!

Bush allowed 9/11 attacks & refused to get Bin Laden!

Bush created the Subprime Disaster. The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003. Bush & the Repubtards pushed subprime loans to boost GDP so they could claim his tax cuts boosted the economy. Republicans controlled the entire government when Bush started that disaster!

Clinton & Democrat Congress Slashed Spending in 1993 & taxed Creating SURPLUS. It was NOT the Gingrich Repubtards!

Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!! Clinton had NO recessions & Created More Jobs than Repubtards Reagan + Bush 1 + Bush 2 + Ford Combined!!!
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Facts are facts!
Yes they are. And the facts are - the three worst economies in U.S. history occurred under Dumbocrats (FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Insane Obama).
I dare you to name a Repubtard President in the entire US history who did not cause a Job Killing Recession!!!
I already did that, snowflake. Ronald Reagan. Gerald Ford. Dwight Eisenhower. The list goes on and on and on.

In fact, the only Republican presidents who experienced a recession on their watch did so with a Dumbocrat Congress that passed legislation causing the recessions.

Actually, it went like this, in 1973, Nixon had a bumper year with him starting to shut down the cash cow of Vietnam. He had started the shutdown in 1971 and by 1973, it was pretty well shut down. For 1973 and into 1974 he had balanced budgets until he screwed the pooch. Had it not been for Watergate going down like it did, Nixon would have been listed as one of the all time greats. Ford continued with Nixons policies and so did Carter. Reagan inherited a bang up economy. Had Reagan did exactly nothing he would have had 8 years of bumper economy. Instead, he did the old "Trickle Down Economy" to tickle the economy. It worked for awhile. But in the end, the Rich ended up taking advantage of the new found Tax Breaks and slackened regulations and started opening up off shore bank accounts. It's not that the trickle down was bad. It was that it was allowed to run too long until it became detrimental to the well being of the nation.

Bush Sr.comes along. Enter DS1. We had a pretty stable economy at that point. Not many frills or room for error but stable up to that point. We ended up financing DS1 on credit. Not really something the nation could not handle. I rather liked Bush Sr. But watching the debates I saw that it was time for him to go fishing. He is a nice man and was just tired of it all. It broke my heart to watch that.

Clinton comes along and raises taxes. He does exactly what Reagan did when Reagan was Governor of California that brought California out of near Bankruptcy. California went on to be the 5th largest Economy in the World and still is even with all it's problems. Clinton even did this when he was faced with both houses controlled by the Republicans. There was a whole hell of lot less partisan politics involved back then. Tipper Jordan and company was actually good for the nation and placed the Nation above the party. Not like it is today. Then, like Nixon, he screwed the pooch.

Along comes Bush Jr. Another really nice person. He gets a nicely run economy. Then the twin towers happens. I supported Afghanistan all the way. It needed to be done. We took it to the ones that murdered over 3000 people. We were attacked and a Nation was supporting it. Bush Jr. went after that nation. Again, we had to finance it. We borrowed money to do so. Not a bad thing if that's the only war you are fighting. About half way through, Bush Jr. starts another major war that didn't need to be fought. He split our forces, borrowed even more money and now we were in a huge mess. In 2003, Bush Jr. predicted the collapse and presented capital hill with a 733 million dollar relief bill. Congress laughed him off the hill. Bush saw it coming. Like the start of the Depression, the lower income people were already in the heavy recession and it was growing in 2003. The Rich didn't get hit until 2008. And no one on capital hill gives a crap about anyone under a income level. Small businesses were devastated starting in 2003. Mine survived but it was real rough going and where was MY help from the Government. Nope, only the rich got that cash. What we got was dried up credit.

Enter Obama. This is what he inherited. The cost of both wars were hitting about then. We had to replace the equipment that was expended in both wars. The bill was due. And the only way to pay for it was borrow it. So we go further into debt. The Bill has been paid for the most part under Obama.

Enter Trump. He pretty much got a clean slate. We are still paying on both wars but it's manageable. I think we all know we can't afford a 3rd war at this point until we finish with the two we already have and pay for them. The Economy is doing better but Trump was given a pretty good economy from Obama with most of the bills already paid. Under Trumps watch, he has to be careful that he doesn't start anything that we have to borrow any large amounts of money to finance. Like go to war with North Korea or Iran. Well, at least until we get Afghanistan and Iraq completed that is. Congress is watching him very close on this one. But Trump still has to pay for what we have expended in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. We borrowed that money. Time is going to tell on that one.
Good job on explaining how it rolls in these things. Presidents have to deal with the hands they are dealt, and if don't act quickly after elected, then the past can bring a presidency to it's knees or make people think that a single presidency is responsible for the past 3 presidencies.

Trump is determined not to allow the past to destroy his legacy or his presidency. It might be why the left hates him so bad - they know they can't hang the past on him or destroy him with it. LOL.
Bill Clinton had NO recessions, Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!!
Listen...once you get past junior high, you’ll realize how immature and idiotic you sound. Bill Clinton’s legacy is firmly cemented and it’s not good.

1. Monica Lewinsky scandal

2. Refusing the offer to have Osama Bin Laden killed

3. Destroying the entire housing market with his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act

As far as the economy, all he did was ride the tidal wave of prosperity created by Ronald Reagan and the Republicans. And it was Republican Newt Gingrich (Speaker of the House) and the Republican Congress that did such a great job with the federal budget.


Fairy Tail Lies!!!

Bush allowed 9/11 attacks & refused to get Bin Laden!

Bush created the Subprime Disaster. The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003. Bush & the Repubtards pushed subprime loans to boost GDP so they could claim his tax cuts boosted the economy. Republicans controlled the entire government when Bush started that disaster!

Clinton & Democrat Congress Slashed Spending in 1993 & taxed Creating SURPLUS. It was NOT the Gingrich Repubtards!

Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!! Clinton had NO recessions & Created More Jobs than Repubtards Reagan + Bush 1 + Bush 2 + Ford Combined!!!

Bush allowed 9-11 attacks eh ??? ROTFLMBO... Good grief.
Bush allowed 9/11 attacks & refused to get Bin Laden!
Like I said, once you get out of junior high, you'll get a better understanding.
A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.

Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998

Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden - The ...

You better call Bill Clinton a "liar" now! :lmao:
Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!
Oh snowflake...all he did was ride the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan and then he stayed out of the way while Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress implemented proven conservative policy. Clinton's worked! He's got junior high students such as yourself completely snowed! :lmao:
Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!
Oh snowflake...all he did was ride the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan and then he stayed out of the way while Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress implemented proven conservative policy. Clinton's worked! He's got junior high students such as yourself completely snowed! :lmao:

Your Snow-Job is in Complete Meltdown! Sorry I had to smack facts upside your fragile snowflake head & made you CRY. :boo_hoo14:

It's going to be difficult waking up from the Repubtard cult of brainwashing Lies!
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