You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

So the answer is to no teach the children to read.
Spoken like a true progressive. But the real answer is to teach children to think. Noting scares the left more than an independent person who thinks for themselves.
So the answer is to no teach the children to read.
Spoken like a true progressive. But the real answer is to teach children to think. Noting scares the left more than an independent person who thinks for themselves.

And when are YOU going to start thinking, cupcake. What scares me most is you running around outside of a mental home armed. The rest of us are doing just fine. Stop making shit up.
So the answer is to no teach the children to read.
Spoken like a true progressive. But the real answer is to teach children to think. Noting scares the left more than an independent person who thinks for themselves.

And when are YOU going to start thinking, cupcake. What scares me most is you running around outside of a mental home armed. The rest of us are doing just fine. Stop making shit up.
See what I mean? The mere suggestion of teaching children to think causes the left to lose their shit. Thank you for illustrating the point perfectly for the class, Duh-ryl.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
The economic situation in Venezuela is so dire that the minimum wage is equivalent to that of one U.S. dollar per month.
And the left is desperate to bring these same failed policies to the U.S.

Venezuela tries to combat crippling inflation by removing five zeroes from currency

This had nothing to do with left wing policy. This has to do with a Dictator that is out of control. You stupid people are grasping as at anything you can these days. It just make you look dumber.
This has to do with a Dictator that is out of control.
That is left-wing policy, stupid. MaObama was a dictator who was “out of control”.

You people keep using that tired and idiotic phrase every time one of your beloved left-wing nation collapses into extreme poverty - U.S.S.R., Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.

At the very minimum, you idiots are proving that left-wing policy produces corrupt dictators! :laugh:
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled

Do you ever get tired of being a retard?

Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions
Do you ever get tired of being a retard?
Do you ever get tired of being a dumb polack? :laugh:

A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled
This has to do with a Dictator that is out of control.
That is left-wing policy, stupid. MaObama was a dictator who was “out of control”.

You people keep using that tired and idiotic phrase every time one of your beloved left-wing nation collapses into extreme poverty - U.S.S.R., Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.

At the very minimum, you idiots are proving that left-wing policy produces corrupt dictators! :laugh:

Not a single government you keep bring up was socialist in any way. They are Dictatorship. One man rules through utter fear and ruthlessness and all others do what they must to survive. You forgot to add Hitlers Germany and Misoulinis Italy to that list as well. "Hey Look, We can't be all bad because we have the word Socialist in our Name". The really stupid buy that one. And since you seem to buy it well......
Do you ever get tired of being a retard?
Do you ever get tired of being a dumb polack? :laugh:

A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled

Americans already pay 3.4 trillion in medical care by the government a year, so this plan is actually cheaper.

Here's how much the average American spends on health care

You British Hicks down South are such primitives.
Americans already pay 3.4 trillion in medical care by the government a year
No snowflake, they don’t. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government does not spend “$3.4 trillion” per year on healthcare. Period. Nitwit.
Not a single government you keep bring up was socialist in any way. They are Dictatorship.
My God, you are ignorant. A very special kind of ignorantly. Socialism is an economic system. Dictatorship is a political system. Two distinctly different concepts. A nation can be both socialist economically and a dictatorship politically at the same time. In fact, most socialist nations are.

We came up for a blanket term for that decades ago: communism.

You’re so fucking stupid, you literally had no idea that there are political systems (dictatorships, republics, etc.) and economic systems (capitalism, socialism, etc.). And don’t even attempt to pretend like you do - because your own words right here clearly prove that you are oblivious.
Americans already pay 3.4 trillion in medical care by the government a year
No snowflake, they don’t. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government does not spend “$3.4 trillion” per year on healthcare. Period. Nitwit.

Instead of just a blanket denial, you break it down. I am sure if you are educated enough to do the rebuttal then you must have the facts to back up that rebuttal, cupcake.

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