You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Not a single government you keep bring up was socialist in any way. They are Dictatorship.
My God, you are ignorant. A very special kind of ignorantly. Socialism is an economic system. Dictatorship is a political system. Two distinctly different concepts. A nation can be both socialist economically and a dictatorship politically at the same time. In fact, most socialist nations are.

We came up for a blanket term for that decades ago: communism.

You’re so fucking stupid, you literally had no idea that there are political systems (dictatorships, republics, etc.) and economic systems (capitalism, socialism, etc.). And don’t even attempt to pretend like you do - because your own words right here clearly prove that you are oblivious.

And it's proven that Communism can't exist. You keep banding that term around and yet there just isn't one single Communist country that has ever existed. Just like you keep saying that X country is a Socialist Country. Now, what government does Denmark have again and what Economic system does Denmark have and why does it work so well? Why does it work for them but not for other countries? Could it be that they are Not a corrupt government that really does look after their people much better than we do in the US and much, much better than Venezuela? The US has more in common with Valenzuela than Denmark has. Corruption in Capitalism isn't any real different than corruption in Socialism.
Now, what government does Denmark have again and what Economic system does Denmark have and why does it work so well?
I hate to break the news to you - but Denmark is pure capitalism. Even the left-wing Huffington Post acknowledges as much. And Denmark’s own President slammed people like you and Bernie Sanders for being so ignorant. With each post you make, you continue to illustrate to everyone that you have no idea what you’re talking about (which is the hallmark of a socialist).

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily

Denmark's prime minister says Bernie Sanders is wrong to call his country socialist

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
ou keep banding that term around and yet there just isn't one single Communist country that has ever existed.
The U.S.S.R. was 100% communist. Cuba remains 100% communist to this day. Why would there be a term for something if it has “never existed”? :eusa_doh:
Now, what government does Denmark have again and what Economic system does Denmark have and why does it work so well?
I hate to break the news to you - but Denmark is pure capitalism. Even the left-wing Huffington Post acknowledges as much. And Denmark’s own President slammed people like you and Bernie Sanders for being so ignorant. With each post you make, you continue to illustrate to everyone that you have no idea what you’re talking about (which is the hallmark of a socialist).

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily

Denmark's prime minister says Bernie Sanders is wrong to call his country socialist

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Denmark is part Capitalism and part Socialism for Business Model. And so is the US but we lean more towards the Capitalism. You can call a duck a fish but if it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it floats like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

You are just reaching to try and make whatever point you are trying to make and it's pure nonsense.
ou keep banding that term around and yet there just isn't one single Communist country that has ever existed.
The U.S.S.R. was 100% communist. Cuba remains 100% communist to this day. Why would there be a term for something if it has “never existed”? :eusa_doh:

The USSR was somewhere between an Oligarch and a Dictatorship. Communism, like Democracy, requires every single person to have a vote on everything and that just doesn't work on a large scale. The USSR was setup to bring Communism to the world through military means. It wasn't communism at all. It was a means to an end. Lenin's USSR was a Oligarch while Stalin took it all the way to a Dictatorship. After Stalin died, it returned back to the Oligarchy. The new Russian Federation has returned back to the Oligarchy once again so the USSR is alive and not so well. Cuba is still a Dictatorship and has been since Fidel took over with the promise of a better life over Batista. Batista was a Dictator. All Cuba did was trade one Dictator for another except Fidel was less violent than Batista. You can call it communism but it's nothing more than a Dictatorship. Communism cannot exist except in a very small community. One person has one vote and that is about as useful as a true Democracy. Hence the use of the Republic which uses elected representatives. Most successful Governments of any size are some forms of a Federal Republic including Denmark and the United States.
Now, what government does Denmark have again and what Economic system does Denmark have and why does it work so well?
I hate to break the news to you - but Denmark is pure capitalism. Even the left-wing Huffington Post acknowledges as much. And Denmark’s own President slammed people like you and Bernie Sanders for being so ignorant. With each post you make, you continue to illustrate to everyone that you have no idea what you’re talking about (which is the hallmark of a socialist).

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily

Denmark's prime minister says Bernie Sanders is wrong to call his country socialist

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
You are just reaching to try and make whatever point you are trying to make and it's pure nonsense.
“Reaching”? “Nonsense”? I just provided you with a quote from the President of Denmark himself. As if that wasn’t enough, I provided you with an article from hard core left-wing HuffPo confirming the same.

Admit it chief. You got bent over. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You never do.
Communism, like Democracy, requires every single person to have a vote on everything
That’s not what communism is, you nitwit. What you’re describing is a social democracy (the very thing you keep calling for). How ironic. You admit it doesn’t work because you’re too stupid to even understand what you’re supporting.

Communism is a term to describe a nation that is politically a dictatorship and economically a socialist state.
Communism, like Democracy, requires every single person to have a vote on everything
That’s not what communism is, you nitwit. What you’re describing is a social democracy (the very thing you keep calling for). How ironic. You admit it doesn’t work because you’re too stupid to even understand what you’re supporting.

Communism is a term to describe a nation that is politically a dictatorship and economically a socialist state.

Communism, in it's pure form, is where each person has one vote, everyone works, everyone owns everything, no one owns anything individually except for their personal items. There is no class of Rulers, only a class of Workers. It's what Karl Marx envisioned but it's impossible to obtain in anything but a very small community. Hence the name is derived from community or commune. I believe that there is only one very small village in Israel that operates that way. It stays very small. No cars, no real possessions or riches of any kind. And no real progression. It's stuck in the far away past and will never grow. The people there like it that way so no one bothers them. Each person has a specific job usually handed down from birth. The reason it doesn't grow is that they do have a high rate of young people leaving it. It's been shrinking for decades and someday will no longer exist.

The Marx/Engels Communist Manfest was a means to an end to a dream that could never exist on a global or even a national scale. Lenin took it one step further and came up with his own Military Answer to forcing the rest of the world to change to it. He decided that first he had to take the world militarily and then convert it to Marxism/Communism when the time came. His dream was as fill with as much folly as Marx and Engles was. Lenin used Oligarchy to accomplish his task. Stalin didn't believe in any of this tripe, he just loved being in power as a Dictator. Both claimed to be Communists but in fact, neither were communists at all since it's impossible for true communism to exist at a National Level.

Socialism isn't a Government. It's an Economic pattern. You can't have a pure Capitalist Pattern on a National Level because things just get too complicated fast. Just like you can't have a pure Socialist Pattern on a National Level for the same reasons. What you end up with is a mixture of both. A Federal Republic is a Government that uses both of these economic methods to exist. They pay the bills and extend the life of the country.

You say that you can have Capitalism with a Dictator? Yes you can. As long as the Dictator owns or controls it all. Otherwise, you have a violent overthrow of the Dictator every day or so as each wanna be dictator Capitalist seizes power over and over again.

Can you have Socialism with a Dictator? Yes you can. But sooner or later, the Dictator is going to do what he always does and screw things up. And here we go with the Violent overthrow again. Venezuela is in that mess right now. It's somewhere between the Capitalist Dictator and the Socialist Dictator and it's a real mess. It's the worst of two worlds. In the end, it's what happens in almost all Dictator Governments. Dictators Dictate. And sooner or later, that Dictator will be violently overthrown.

Like most western countries, Denmark is a Federal Republic that has many social programs. But it also has many capital programs as well. The US also has that. But the blend is a bit different between the two countries. But Denmark calls itself a Constitutional Monarchy. The only difference is, the Monarch doesn't change every so many years as we do your President. They still have the other branches and courts. But it operates very much like ours does. The people elect representatives that represent them in the Cabinets, they elect a Prime Minister that operates much like our President, they have their Legal System, etc.. Their system actually works pretty danged well and has worked well for a few hundred years. I was wrong when I said that the US had the longest standing Government on Earth. Denmark beats the US out by a narrow margin.

When you are tossing the terms out like Communism, Socialism like they are bad words and we should hide under the mattress for fear of them, think of this, one is a myth and the other is used to keep national governments operating. For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
Communism, in it's pure form, is where each person has one vote
Nothing could be further from the truth. You simply have no clue what you’re talking about. Communism is a blanket term to describe nations that were economically socialist and politically dictatorships.

What you’re describing is idiot democratic socialism.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Communism, in it's pure form, is where each person has one vote
Nothing could be further from the truth. You simply have no clue what you’re talking about. Communism is a blanket term to describe nations that were economically socialist and politically dictatorships.

What you’re describing is idiot democratic socialism.
You have a lot of hot air! Nothing you post is ever true but you sure set parameters so that they look true.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Those WORDS were not an actual program, nitwit. :lmao:

They didn’t put food on any citizens table or a roof over any citizens head. So I ask again (since you’re clearly dumb as a box of rocks) - what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
Communism, in it's pure form, is where each person has one vote
Nothing could be further from the truth. You simply have no clue what you’re talking about. Communism is a blanket term to describe nations that were economically socialist and politically dictatorships.

What you’re describing is idiot democratic socialism.
Nothing you post is ever true but you sure set parameters so that they look true.
They “look” true because they are true, snowflake. And that’s what has you so upset.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
And not for nothing dimwit, but “promote the general welfare” does not mean “provide for the general welfare”.

I wholeheartedly agree that our government should set policy that promotes the general welfare (such as liberty, free market, minimal taxes). But promoting is not providing. Thanks for playing.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?

Any community property. Like the cobblestone streets, the meeting houses, and more. All owned by the "Community", hence the word commune. They were all part of the social network that the community needed to exist. Of course, they could have gotten by without them but life was much easier to get on with with those things. And let's not forget about the schools. It wasn't a called socialism at the time. It was called community property. The term socialism wasn't invented yet. AS the community continued to grow, more things had to be owned by the community at large.

If you wish to get completely away from Socialism and social programs, I suggest you find a very far away cave and just move right in. You can live off the land in your far far away land. No running water, no roads, no car, no electricity, no matches, no fuel, no clothing, no medical, no....... I would say you get the idea but you would never admit to it.

Socialism comes from the word Social and those Social Programs are Socialist. We need those things in todays world and they were also needed in 1776 as well unless one lived away from the towns and cities, didn't depend on anything modern of the time. Even the Native Americans had social programs to survive. But in 1776, it could be done to live a short time without those social programs. But most that tried it died slowly or quickly but they still died. Those that survived living completely outside the social programs were called Mountain Men. BTW, one of my Greats crossed the Mississippi River in 1793 and lived, for the most part, outside of those social programs. But even he adopted those Native American Social programs from time to time to live.

IF you are going to constantly complain about Social Programs, please stop sucking off them. Just find your far far away land, move into your cave and die already.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Funny how you think you can ignore the word “Posterity” while applying a modern interpretation to “welfare”....
The left refuses to learn. Insanity is making the same idiotic mistake over and over and over and expecting a different result each time. And that's what the left does.
Tubbs and SEED are optimistic about the program, despite the recent failure of a three-year program in Canada that ended after only a year, and the non-renewal of a similar program in Finland.
This doesn't work. It's been done. And it never works. It never will work. The ignorance of the left is astounding. Feelz over facts every time with those people.

California city gears up for universal basic income trial. Here’s how they’ll pay for it.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
And not for nothing dimwit, but “promote the general welfare” does not mean “provide for the general welfare”.

I wholeheartedly agree that our government should set policy that promotes the general welfare (such as liberty, free market, minimal taxes). But promoting is not providing. Thanks for playing.
Someday you may catch up to the real world.
The left refuses to learn. Insanity is making the same idiotic mistake over and over and over and expecting a different result each time. And that's what the left does.
Tubbs and SEED are optimistic about the program, despite the recent failure of a three-year program in Canada that ended after only a year, and the non-renewal of a similar program in Finland.
This doesn't work. It's been done. And it never works. It never will work. The ignorance of the left is astounding. Feelz over facts every time with those people.

California city gears up for universal basic income trial. Here’s how they’ll pay for it.
So why is it that every economic catastrophe comes from republican administrations?

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