You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

How many conservative political parties has America had, and how many failed, and no longer even exist?
Someday you may catch up to the real world.
I would say that “someday” you may read the U.S. Constitution, but we both know that a greedy fascist such as yourself isn’t going to do that.
How many conservative political parties has America had, and how many failed, and no longer even exist?
How many? Can you give us at least 3 legitimate? The Tea Party is still around. So is the Libertarian Party. So is the Constitution Party. So? Can you?

And while you’re at it, care to share with the class how many progressive political parties America has had and how many failed, and no longer even exist? Well?
So why is it that every economic catastrophe comes from republican administrations?
It doesn’t. Ever. Who ruled over the Great Depression? FDR (D). Who ruled over the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter (D). Who ruled over the Great Oppression? Barack Insane Obama (D).

Who ruled over the “Roaring 20’s”? The Republicans. Who fixed the Great Recession and ushered in the era of prosperity in the 1980’? Ronald Reagan (R). And who was elected in the 2010 mid-terms to rescue the U.S. from MaObama’s Great Oppression? The Republicans.

Thanks for playing, snowflake.
For without some form of Socialism, even the Mighty United States of America could not exist.
Really? Perhaps you could share with the class what “form” of “socialism” existed in 1776?
The Constitution of The United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
And not for nothing dimwit, but “promote the general welfare” does not mean “provide for the general welfare”.

I wholeheartedly agree that our government should set policy that promotes the general welfare (such as liberty, free market, minimal taxes). But promoting is not providing. Thanks for playing.
Someday you may catch up to the real world.

I guess he wants to go back to the days when the Orphanages made all the caskets for the dead indigents at 50 cents a box paid for by the county. And have them take in wash for the community. Work them 14 hours a day. Make the little bastards work for that one bowl of bad stew they got each day and the rags on their backs. Capitalism at it's best, right? One would think that this was not done in the United States but it was done clean into the 20th century in many areas of the United States. Many of those children got there because their parents were put into prison because of debts. It was capitalism gone insane before there were social programs and laws to prevent it from happening.

Ah, let's bring back the Public Floggings. You know, the good old days.
So why is it that every economic catastrophe comes from republican administrations?
It doesn’t. Ever. Who ruled over the Great Depression? FDR (D). Who ruled over the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter (D). Who ruled over the Great Oppression? Barack Insane Obama (D).

Who ruled over the “Roaring 20’s”? The Republicans. Who fixed the Great Recession and ushered in the era of prosperity in the 1980’? Ronald Reagan (R). And who was elected in the 2010 mid-terms to rescue the U.S. from MaObama’s Great Oppression? The Republicans.

Thanks for playing, snowflake.

Okay, cupcake. Let's take that ride.

What did the Roaring 20s bring? It brought extreme Tariffs that set off a world wide Depression. When it hits just the lower income, it's called a recession. During the early to middle 20s, the US was in a recession. It hit the Farmers and Factory Workers as well as the small businesses. In the last years of the 20s, it became a full blown Depression in 1929. Count back 6 years from 1929 and you come up with when it actually began. And what party was in office? And in 1929, what party was in office? The trigger that made it go from a recession to a depression was the extreme tariffs and the isolation of the United States in World Trade. Funny, in 2003, Bush, Jr. predicted that we were headed into another depression in 2003. He was laughed right out of Capital Hill by every Congress Critter. He even presented a 733 billion dollar relief bill to them. And in 2009, to prevent a Depression, it ended up taking 1.2 trillion because it was left to run too long. The Buyout was not put together by Obama. It was put together by Bush Jr. And the only difference between 1929 and 2009 was that they Federal Government did something up front about it instead of after the fact. Your Roaring 20s was created by the Republicans and cleaned up by FDR. Yes, FDR did some pretty drastic things. Had he not done what he did, there were about 3 1/2 million armed Vets with hungry and cold children and wives that were about 1 step from a full blown armed revolution. What really pulled us out of it was the beginning of WWII in 1939.

As for Reagan, he removed quite a few regulations that kept banks from doing some pretty stupid things. He released Wall Street to do whatever they damned well pleased. It took it about 20 years for the fat cats to learn to really take full advantage of things but when they learned, we went into a deep recession starting in 2003 and had the buyout not happened we would have went into a depression. And like in 1929, we would have taken the rest of the world down with us. You seem to believe that it's only a recession when it affects the rich. I am here to tell you that we are still in a recession with small businesses and middle class and down right now. I hear on the news how well things are going yet I see on a major commercial thoroughfares where there are buildings after buildings that are for rent. I see Manufacturing Jobs that are gone leaving empty complexes. What is replacing them? Fast food jobs. And all those jobs that are advertised as increases are mostly part time jobs at just above minimum wage. Let's give the rich more tax breaks. Average People don't deserve a decent living.
Many of those children got there because their parents were put into prison because of debts.
Maybe that's why the citizens of the U.S. didn't have $1.5 trillion worth of debt back then. And maybe that's why our government didn't have $21 trillion in debt back then.

Ah yes...Duh-ryl's idea of the "good old days": no personal responsibility for anyone! Spend like your Bill Gates, force someone else to pick up the bill! What could possibly go wrong with the idiotic left-wing "no responsibility for anyone" plan!
What did the Roaring 20s bring? brought unprecedented economic prosperity. That's why it is referred to as the roaring 20's.
As for Reagan, he removed quite a few regulations that kept banks from doing some pretty stupid things. He released Wall Street to do whatever they damned well pleased. It took it about 20 years for the fat cats to learn to really take full advantage of things but when they learned, we went into a deep recession
Isn't it funny how those 20 years just happen to coincide with the aftermath of Bill Clinton's idiotic 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans to people they previous denied? Because idiot socialists believe everyone should own a home - even if they can't afford it. know....feelz and shit.
Many of those children got there because their parents were put into prison because of debts.
Maybe that's why the citizens of the U.S. didn't have $1.5 trillion worth of debt back then. And maybe that's why our government didn't have $21 trillion in debt back then.

Ah yes...Duh-ryl's idea of the "good old days": no personal responsibility for anyone! Spend like your Bill Gates, force someone else to pick up the bill! What could possibly go wrong with the idiotic left-wing "no responsibility for anyone" plan!

And back then,people had jobs. Factory Owners made things in the United States. And people were employed. Until they discovered that they would no longer go to prison if they moved their manufacturing to Canada for a 4% savings or Mexico for a 10% savings or Asia for a 20% savings that left entire cities with empty rotting buildings and large populations of unemployed people. You want to blame the Dems for the crime and drugs? Try the Reps when they moved the jobs overseas leaving nothing but misery in their wake. You want all this cured, get the jobs back and get America Working again and I don't mean a lousy 3.9% increase. I mean a whopping 100% increase all at once. Then you can brag about your 3.9% if you wish. With all those folks working Universal Health care will be very affordable because the tax base will be overflowing.
You cannot pay people not to work. It will end in bankruptcy, collapse, and poverty every time.
But federal regulators are paying careful attention, because Sears’ pension shortfall could end up becoming the government’s problem.
So basic, only the left can't understand it.

Feds keeping an eye on Sears’ bid to unload Kenmore due to pension shortfall

Sears was one of the first to start the Part Time Workers programs. The preceded Walmart by about a decade. You are using a Republican run business as an example to show a Democratic nature. Sorry, cupcake, it's a red problem all the way. Part Time and Minimum Wage only gets you Minimum People.
What did the Roaring 20s bring? brought unprecedented economic prosperity. That's why it is referred to as the roaring 20's.
As for Reagan, he removed quite a few regulations that kept banks from doing some pretty stupid things. He released Wall Street to do whatever they damned well pleased. It took it about 20 years for the fat cats to learn to really take full advantage of things but when they learned, we went into a deep recession
Isn't it funny how those 20 years just happen to coincide with the aftermath of Bill Clinton's idiotic 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans to people they previous denied? Because idiot socialists believe everyone should own a home - even if they can't afford it. know....feelz and shit.

But Republicans will NEVER step up the plate and accept any responsibility for it at all even though they are the ones that set it in motion. Sort of like blaming FDR and absolving Hoover of all sin even though FDR came into office 4 years AFTER the Depression started.

Step up the plate. Take it on the chin for a change.
So why is it that every economic catastrophe comes from republican administrations?
It doesn’t. Ever. Who ruled over the Great Depression? FDR (D). Who ruled over the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter (D). Who ruled over the Great Oppression? Barack Insane Obama (D).

Who ruled over the “Roaring 20’s”? The Republicans. Who fixed the Great Recession and ushered in the era of prosperity in the 1980’? Ronald Reagan (R). And who was elected in the 2010 mid-terms to rescue the U.S. from MaObama’s Great Oppression? The Republicans.

Thanks for playing, snowflake.

Okay, cupcake. Let's take that ride.

What did the Roaring 20s bring? It brought extreme Tariffs that set off a world wide Depression. When it hits just the lower income, it's called a recession. During the early to middle 20s, the US was in a recession. It hit the Farmers and Factory Workers as well as the small businesses. In the last years of the 20s, it became a full blown Depression in 1929. Count back 6 years from 1929 and you come up with when it actually began. And what party was in office? And in 1929, what party was in office? The trigger that made it go from a recession to a depression was the extreme tariffs and the isolation of the United States in World Trade. Funny, in 2003, Bush, Jr. predicted that we were headed into another depression in 2003. He was laughed right out of Capital Hill by every Congress Critter. He even presented a 733 billion dollar relief bill to them. And in 2009, to prevent a Depression, it ended up taking 1.2 trillion because it was left to run too long. The Buyout was not put together by Obama. It was put together by Bush Jr. And the only difference between 1929 and 2009 was that they Federal Government did something up front about it instead of after the fact. Your Roaring 20s was created by the Republicans and cleaned up by FDR. Yes, FDR did some pretty drastic things. Had he not done what he did, there were about 3 1/2 million armed Vets with hungry and cold children and wives that were about 1 step from a full blown armed revolution. What really pulled us out of it was the beginning of WWII in 1939.

As for Reagan, he removed quite a few regulations that kept banks from doing some pretty stupid things. He released Wall Street to do whatever they damned well pleased. It took it about 20 years for the fat cats to learn to really take full advantage of things but when they learned, we went into a deep recession starting in 2003 and had the buyout not happened we would have went into a depression. And like in 1929, we would have taken the rest of the world down with us. You seem to believe that it's only a recession when it affects the rich. I am here to tell you that we are still in a recession with small businesses and middle class and down right now. I hear on the news how well things are going yet I see on a major commercial thoroughfares where there are buildings after buildings that are for rent. I see Manufacturing Jobs that are gone leaving empty complexes. What is replacing them? Fast food jobs. And all those jobs that are advertised as increases are mostly part time jobs at just above minimum wage. Let's give the rich more tax breaks. Average People don't deserve a decent living.

Actually you are completely wrong about what caused "The Great Depression"

The Establishment of two Unconstitutional Entities caused it.

The IRS and The Federal Reserve.

Both prior to an intentional crash of the economy caused by the policies of both of these organizations were given Civil Asset Forfeiture Powers, which is YET ANOTHER in a long line of UNCONSTITUTIONAL POWERS granted two Unconstitutional Organizations.

The United States Economy ran on a Constitutional Currency: US Treasury Notes, Gold and Silver Coins, or Gold Notes, and Silver Notes.

The Federal Reserve wanted to end that practice and substitute it's own Bank Notes, which is not Currency at ALL. Not even in the wildest imagination is a Federal Reserve Note currency. They are Bank Notes, and Debt Instruments which are LOANS taken out by THE US Government using THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and their EARNINGS as COLLATERAL along with every possession they own SUBJECT NOW to REPOSSESSION by THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM or IRS.

To make this happen the Federal Reserve once granted the authority to control our banking system and manage our currency called in Treasury Notes and all other forms or Constitutional Currency from the Independent Banks it was granted the Power to now Oversee. They then promised to replace this Constitutional Currency with Federal Reserve notes which in effect made Every American HOME OWNER, EVERY Farmer who toiled in the Earth Now Indebted and Obligated to The Federal Reserve and IRS and by Proxy The Federal Government and Subject to Asset Forfeiture.

What The Federal Reserve did was Confiscate Constitutional Currency and then INTENTIONALLY with held The Federal Reserve Notes it promised to replace them with. This was Intentional, and we know it was Intentional because Alan Greenspan stated in an Interview that they intentionally did this to Consolidate The US Banking System and Wipe out Independent Community Banks that were run by your neighbors and replace them with Federal Reserve Banks, which really aren't banks at all. They are Loan Warehouses and Debt Collectors, same as The Tax Man....or IRS.

What this also meant was that NOW The Federal Reserve could call in a loan at any time they wanted, and force a Community Bank to Cover any loans it had with The Federal Reserve, and if they could not cover the loan, they were foreclosed upon. Same as homes, and farms.

The Federal Reserve at the same time was shorting community banks of Federal Reserve Notes they had promised them when they exchanged Constitutional Currency for Reserve notes. So when a loan was called in by a Federal Reserve Parent Bank, the Community Banks often could not pay them. Banks were foreclosed upon and taken over by The Federal Reserve in this fashion. This shortage of Reserve Notes to replace Treasury Notes, (An Intentional Shortage) caused bank shortages and then Bank Runs as people panicked and rightfully so demanded their entire life savings at their community banks feeling that they were going to be defrauded of their savings and property by The Federal Reserve Banking System. Many people refused to keep money in the banks or to hand over their gold and silver and buried money in their yards, or hid it in mattresses.

These Bank Runs became pandemic, and caused a Stock Market Crash and gave Rise to Cult Heroes such as Bonnie and Clyde who would only Rob Federal Reserve Banks, much to the delights of the common people who were victims of this Evil Scheme.

Essentially in just a couple decades, The Federal Government, along with The IRS and Federal Reserve turned Free Americans in to Debtors who never actually owned their own property but effectively rented it from The Federal Reserve and IRS. If you fell behind on your mortgage or taxes your property was seized and sold again to someone else, multiple times generating multiple profits for The Federal Reserve over the multiple sale and refinancing of the same property over and over again, and the IRS and Federal Government got rich too, and is now the single largest property holder in THE US.

In all, 9,000 banks failed during the decade of the 30s. It's estimated that 4,000 banks failed during the one year of 1933 alone. By 1933, depositors saw $140 billion disappear through bank failures. Gresham, Nebraska, had two banks – one too many for that small town.
Bank Failures during the 1930s Great Depression

As many as 11,000 small community banks vanished over the span of the Great Depression, all replaced by Federal Reserve so called banks. $144 Billion is Savings disappeared because of it, and NO, that is not inflated in to today's dollars, so you can imagine what a shock that was to The American Economy, and how the wealth of this NATION was Intentionally Transferred from the Little guy, to our Government and Federal Reserve System.

The entire thing was an orchestrated take over of our economy much in the same way Obamacare represented a takeover of the Health Care Industry which represented 1\6th of the US Economy.

With just a few strokes of the pen from politicians looking to cash in, gain more wealth and power, and revenue, they turned The United States from a Constitutional Currency and a Free Market in to a Credit-Debt Economy. And because of the now Debt-Credit economy, those with the purse strings were able to inflate the prices of goods such as tractors and motor vehicles, property and homes, forcing consumers to acquire loans at interest rather than save for items and pay cash for them.

This is our current economy now. We mortgage our future on the backs of our children and grandchildren.

Farmers Faced Foreclosure during the Great Depression

"Here's what often happened. During the 20s, many farmers borrowed money from banks to buy more land or new machinery. Farmers pledged their assets as security on the loan. So if a farmer couldn't make the payments on a loan for land, the bank could take back the asset – the land – and sell it to get back their money. In the 1920s, many loans were written when land values and crop prices were high. After the stock market crash, few people had the money to buy land, and so land values plummeted.

When a bank had to foreclose and sell the land, they couldn't make up the difference. So, banks would take all of the assets pledged to the loan. Families were often thrown off their farms and lost everything.

Harvey Pickrel (left) had two experiences with foreclosure. His father-in-law, Merle, couldn't pay off his loan, so the bank sold his farm at auction. But Merle was luckier than most. He kept farming – only now he was a renter rather than an owner of the farm. Later in the decade, Harvey got behind on payments for a $400 tractor. In 1939, he came close to being foreclosed upon. But his banker was willing to give him more time, and Harvey was able to pay off the loan later."

By the way it was the creation of the Credit-Credit economy which allowed The Federal Reserve to push a Socialist Agenda, and encourage our Government to run deficits with The Federal Reserve to fight the "so called" War on Poverty to the tune of $21 Trillion which not so coincidentally is the exact figure for our National Debt which we owe not to ourselves but to a group of Private Bankers called The Federal Reserve.

One man tried to reverse that injustice. His Name was John F. Kennedy who seeing the oppression of The American People placed us back on a Constitutional Money supply, Treasury Notes, and Silver Coinage. He was his own man, and not beholden to lobbyists and The Elite. Sadly though, his attempt to fix this injustice was cut short by his assassination, and his Brother's vow to carry on his work, met the same fate.

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So why is it that every economic catastrophe comes from republican administrations?
It doesn’t. Ever. Who ruled over the Great Depression? FDR (D). Who ruled over the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter (D). Who ruled over the Great Oppression? Barack Insane Obama (D).

Who ruled over the “Roaring 20’s”? The Republicans. Who fixed the Great Recession and ushered in the era of prosperity in the 1980’? Ronald Reagan (R). And who was elected in the 2010 mid-terms to rescue the U.S. from MaObama’s Great Oppression? The Republicans.

Thanks for playing, snowflake.

Okay, cupcake. Let's take that ride.

What did the Roaring 20s bring? It brought extreme Tariffs that set off a world wide Depression. When it hits just the lower income, it's called a recession. During the early to middle 20s, the US was in a recession. It hit the Farmers and Factory Workers as well as the small businesses. In the last years of the 20s, it became a full blown Depression in 1929. Count back 6 years from 1929 and you come up with when it actually began. And what party was in office? And in 1929, what party was in office? The trigger that made it go from a recession to a depression was the extreme tariffs and the isolation of the United States in World Trade. Funny, in 2003, Bush, Jr. predicted that we were headed into another depression in 2003. He was laughed right out of Capital Hill by every Congress Critter. He even presented a 733 billion dollar relief bill to them. And in 2009, to prevent a Depression, it ended up taking 1.2 trillion because it was left to run too long. The Buyout was not put together by Obama. It was put together by Bush Jr. And the only difference between 1929 and 2009 was that they Federal Government did something up front about it instead of after the fact. Your Roaring 20s was created by the Republicans and cleaned up by FDR. Yes, FDR did some pretty drastic things. Had he not done what he did, there were about 3 1/2 million armed Vets with hungry and cold children and wives that were about 1 step from a full blown armed revolution. What really pulled us out of it was the beginning of WWII in 1939.

As for Reagan, he removed quite a few regulations that kept banks from doing some pretty stupid things. He released Wall Street to do whatever they damned well pleased. It took it about 20 years for the fat cats to learn to really take full advantage of things but when they learned, we went into a deep recession starting in 2003 and had the buyout not happened we would have went into a depression. And like in 1929, we would have taken the rest of the world down with us. You seem to believe that it's only a recession when it affects the rich. I am here to tell you that we are still in a recession with small businesses and middle class and down right now. I hear on the news how well things are going yet I see on a major commercial thoroughfares where there are buildings after buildings that are for rent. I see Manufacturing Jobs that are gone leaving empty complexes. What is replacing them? Fast food jobs. And all those jobs that are advertised as increases are mostly part time jobs at just above minimum wage. Let's give the rich more tax breaks. Average People don't deserve a decent living.

Actually you are completely wrong about what caused "The Great Depression"

The Establishment of two Unconstitutional Entities caused it.

The IRS and The Federal Reserve.

Both prior to an intentional crash of the economy caused by the policies of both of these organizations were given Civil Asset Forfeiture Powers, which is YET ANOTHER in a long line of UNCONSTITUTIONAL POWERS granted two Unconstitutional Organizations.

The United States Economy ran on a Constitutional Currency: US Treasury Notes, Gold and Silver Coins, or Gold Notes, and Silver Notes.

The Federal Reserve wanted to end that practice and substitute it's own Bank Notes, which is not Currency at ALL. Not even in the wildest imagination is a Federal Reserve Note currency. They are Bank Notes, and Debt Instruments which are LOANS taken out by THE US Government using THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and their EARNINGS as COLLATERAL along with every possession they own SUBJECT NOW to REPOSSESSION by THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM or IRS.

To make this happen the Federal Reserve once granted the authority to control our banking system and manage our currency called in Treasury Notes and all other forms or Constitutional Currency from the Independent Banks it was granted the Power to now Oversee. They then promised to replace this Constitutional Currency with Federal Reserve notes which in effect made Every American HOME OWNER, EVERY Farmer who toiled in the Earth Now Indebted and Obligated to The Federal Reserve and IRS and by Proxy The Federal Government and Subject to Asset Forfeiture.

What The Federal Reserve did was Confiscate Constitutional Currency and then INTENTIONALLY with held The Federal Reserve Notes it promised to replace them with. This was Intentional, and we know it was Intentional because Alan Greenspan stated in an Interview that they intentionally did this to Consolidate The US Banking System and Wipe out Independent Community Banks that were run by your neighbors and replace them with Federal Reserve Banks, which really aren't banks at all. They are Loan Warehouses and Debt Collectors, same as The Tax Man....or IRS.

What this also meant was that NOW The Federal Reserve could call in a loan at any time they wanted, and force a Community Bank to Cover any loans it had with The Federal Reserve, and if they could not cover the loan, they were foreclosed upon. Same as homes, and farms.

The Federal Reserve at the same time was shorting community banks of Federal Reserve Notes they had promised them when they exchanged Constitutional Currency for Reserve notes. So when a loan was called in by a Federal Reserve Parent Bank, the Community Banks often could not pay them. Banks were foreclosed upon and taken over by The Federal Reserve in this fashion. This shortage of Reserve Notes to replace Treasury Notes, (An Intentional Shortage) caused bank shortages and then Bank Runs as people panicked and rightfully so demanded their entire life savings at their community banks feeling that they were going to be defrauded of their savings and property by The Federal Reserve Banking System. Many people refused to keep money in the banks or to hand over their gold and silver and buried money in their yards, or hid it in mattresses.

These Bank Runs became pandemic, and caused a Stock Market Crash and gave Rise to Cult Heroes such as Bonnie and Clyde who would only Rob Federal Reserve Banks, much to the delights of the common people who were victims of this Evil Scheme.

Essentially in just a couple decades, The Federal Government, along with The IRS and Federal Reserve turned Free Americans in to Debtors who never actually owned their own property but effectively rented it from The Federal Reserve and IRS. If you fell behind on your mortgage or taxes your property was seized and sold again to someone else, multiple times generating multiple profits for The Federal Reserve over the multiple sale and refinancing of the same property over and over again, and the IRS and Federal Government got rich too, and is now the single largest property holder in THE US.

In all, 9,000 banks failed during the decade of the 30s. It's estimated that 4,000 banks failed during the one year of 1933 alone. By 1933, depositors saw $140 billion disappear through bank failures. Gresham, Nebraska, had two banks – one too many for that small town.
Bank Failures during the 1930s Great Depression

As many as 11,000 small community banks vanished over the span of the Great Depression, all replaced by Federal Reserve so called banks. $144 Billion is Savings disappeared because of it, and NO, that is not inflated in to today's dollars, so you can imagine what a shock that was to The American Economy, and how the wealth of this NATION was Intentionally Transferred from the Little guy, to our Government and Federal Reserve System.

The entire thing was an orchestrated take over of our economy much in the same way Obamacare represented a takeover of the Health Care Industry which represented 1\6th of the US Economy.

With just a few strokes of the pen from politicians looking to cash in, gain more wealth and power, and revenue, they turned The United States from a Constitutional Currency and a Free Market in to a Credit-Debt Economy. And because of the now Debt-Credit economy, those with the purse strings were able to inflate the prices of goods such as tractors and motor vehicles, property and homes, forcing consumers to acquire loans at interest rather than save for items and pay cash for them.

This is our current economy now. We mortgage our future on the backs of our children and grandchildren.

Farmers Faced Foreclosure during the Great Depression

"Here's what often happened. During the 20s, many farmers borrowed money from banks to buy more land or new machinery. Farmers pledged their assets as security on the loan. So if a farmer couldn't make the payments on a loan for land, the bank could take back the asset – the land – and sell it to get back their money. In the 1920s, many loans were written when land values and crop prices were high. After the stock market crash, few people had the money to buy land, and so land values plummeted.

When a bank had to foreclose and sell the land, they couldn't make up the difference. So, banks would take all of the assets pledged to the loan. Families were often thrown off their farms and lost everything.

Harvey Pickrel (left) had two experiences with foreclosure. His father-in-law, Merle, couldn't pay off his loan, so the bank sold his farm at auction. But Merle was luckier than most. He kept farming – only now he was a renter rather than an owner of the farm. Later in the decade, Harvey got behind on payments for a $400 tractor. In 1939, he came close to being foreclosed upon. But his banker was willing to give him more time, and Harvey was able to pay off the loan later."

By the way it was the creation of the Credit-Credit economy which allowed The Federal Reserve to push a Socialist Agenda, and encourage our Government to run deficits with The Federal Reserve to fight the "so called" War on Poverty to the tune of $21 Trillion which not so coincidentally is the exact figure for our National Debt which we owe not to ourselves but to a group of Private Bankers called The Federal Reserve.

One man tried to reverse that injustice. His Name was John F. Kennedy who seeing the oppression of The American People placed us back on a Constitutional Money supply, Treasury Notes, and Silver Coinage. He was his own man, and not beholden to lobbyists and The Elite. Sadly though, his attempt to fix this injustice was cut short by his assassination, and his Brother's vow to carry on his work, met the same fate.

The conservative regime and capitalist robber barons caused it. Your version of history is quite boring.
Actually according to one link here, bush increased the debt by 101% while obama only increased it by 68%. bush couldn't destroy a country like iraq so his vice prezident's company could rebuild it without wasting trillions, you know.
According to reality - George W. Bush added $4 trillion and change to the national debt. Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion (or almost as much as all presidents in U.S. combined).
Yeah, paying for W's two wars off the books, W's bankster bailout, W's unfunded Medicare benefit, W's tax cuts during war time, W's ownership society, and the second GOP great depression cost a lot of money.
As Andrew Wilkow has said for many years "Socialism is for the people...not the socialist"!
A video recently surfaced of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, once democratically elected but now clinging to power through brute force and fraud elections, eating at one of the most expensive restaurants in the world.
The citizens of Venezuela can't even get toilet paper. They are hunting stray cats and dogs to keep them from starving to death. And here sits the advocate of socialism dining at their most exclusive restaurant.

Some Are More Equal Than Others in Socialist Venezuela
The ignorance of the left is astounding. The ignorance of the Hollywood elite is even worse.
Writing in an open letter published in Runrunes, Venezuelan columnist Laureano Márquez eloquently explains that socialism in the root cause of Venezuela’s current crisis
So much for the idiot leftists claims on USMB that Venezuela's collapse isn't due to socialism but, rather, due to "corruption". The left simply cannot bring themselves to accept reality.

Venezuelan journalist hits Jim Carrey with scathing reality check for praising socialism

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