You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!
Oh snowflake...all he did was ride the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan and then he stayed out of the way while Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress implemented proven conservative policy. Clinton's worked! He's got junior high students such as yourself completely snowed! :lmao:

Your Snow-Job is in Complete Meltdown! Sorry I had to smack facts upside your fragile snowflake head & made you CRY.
Sweetie...I owned you. You have yet to provide a single link to back up your lies (because you can't back up lies). Meanwhile, I have Bill Clinton himself admitting that he passed up the opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden while you're claiming he didn't, and that it was George W. Bush. :laugh:
Their weird world is about to come crashing down. lol

Why then does the entire world seem to be Left wing?

They flourish on one basic concept, people are stupid and coveting......well......OK......two basic concepts.

No matter how many times is fails, it continues unabated, just like heroin addicts they are.
Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!
Oh snowflake...all he did was ride the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan and then he stayed out of the way while Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress implemented proven conservative policy. Clinton's worked! He's got junior high students such as yourself completely snowed! :lmao:

Your Snow-Job is in Complete Meltdown! Sorry I had to smack facts upside your fragile snowflake head & made you CRY.
Sweetie...I owned you. You have yet to provide a single link to back up your lies (because you can't back up lies). Meanwhile, I have Bill Clinton himself admitting that he passed up the opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden while you're claiming he didn't, and that it was George W. Bush. :laugh:
:boo_hoo14: I repeatedly kicked your A$$ so bad with every post you had to keep on & keep on moving the goal post so far that you launched completely outside the subject of your own thread of lies!!! :dig:
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Bush allowed 9/11 attacks & refused to get Bin Laden!
Like I said, once you get out of junior high, you'll get a better understanding.
A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.

Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998

Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden - The ...

You better call Bill Clinton a "liar" now! :lmao:

Both of you children need to read a good history book.

Ben Ladden wasn't really high on the list for Clintons time and could have caused a severe rift with Saudi Arabia if he were to be kill by America. Under Bush, Jr. it wasn't from the lack of effort he wasn't bagged. He was quite illusive. Under Obama, finding him in a hole in the friggin ground was just a fluke. There was a lot of holes in the ground to look in. But since Ossama was being protected by Pakistan, it made it really difficult to find him and take him. I am reasonably sure that if Pakistan wasn't a Nuclear Nation, Bush Jr. would have invaded Pakistan as well over them hiding Ossama. So it had to be handled gently and timely.

None of the 3 Presidents screwed the pooch with Ossama. Even without Ossama, history would have unfolded exactly like it did. Just the name would have changed.
I repeatedly kicked your A$$ so bad with every post you had to keep on & keep on moving the goal post so far
Feeling a little humiliated over your ignorance, I see. I don’t blame you. If I were as ignorant as you are, I would be ashamed too.

You claimed Clinton “never” passed up the chance to kill Obama, and that Bush did. I just proved you make shit up. Clinton himself is on record admitting it. Everything you’ve said in this thread has been a lie and I have exposed all of them.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Nearly four dozen police officers have resigned from the Seattle Police Department this year in what is being described as a “mass exodus” over the city’s increasingly liberal and progressive policies.
The lawless thugs and their failed left-wing policies not only cause citizens to flee their city and states, it even causes law enforcement to flee their crumbling cities and states.

Report: Seattle police flee city in ‘mass exodus’ over city’s liberal, anti-police politics
Show me a city with a strong progressive presence and leadership, and I will show a city that resembles a third-world country. From living conditions, to crime, to poverty, to dilapidation of facilities - nothing regresses the human condition like failed left-wing policy.

'20 pounds of human waste' dropped on San Francisco street corner

And I'll show you a place that had it's factories shut down and shipped overseas leaving the inhabitants with no way out years ago. I may fault Trump in many ways but I am a supporter for fair trade, not free trade. If it takes embargos and tariffs to bring those jobs back in then so be it. It's a price we need to pay.
Show me a city with a strong progressive presence and leadership, and I will show a city that resembles a third-world country. From living conditions, to crime, to poverty, to dilapidation of facilities - nothing regresses the human condition like failed left-wing policy.

'20 pounds of human waste' dropped on San Francisco street corner
And I'll show you a place that had it's factories shut down and shipped overseas leaving the inhabitants with no way out years ago.
Exactly. Due to failed left-wing policy that drove the business out of business and overseas.
Show me a city with a strong progressive presence and leadership, and I will show a city that resembles a third-world country. From living conditions, to crime, to poverty, to dilapidation of facilities - nothing regresses the human condition like failed left-wing policy.

'20 pounds of human waste' dropped on San Francisco street corner
And I'll show you a place that had it's factories shut down and shipped overseas leaving the inhabitants with no way out years ago.
Exactly. Due to failed left-wing policy that drove the business out of business and overseas.

IT wasn't a left wing policy that allowed the Corporations to shut down and move overseas. We had Tariffs in place to prevent this from happening. They were held in abeyance. But due to Regulations being either lightened or completely thrown out during the Reagan years, they got the green light. It was a huge exodus. Names like Black and Decker, Amana, RCA and more headed overseas due to the pressure from the largest Retailer in the World who threatened to open their own factories in China if they didn't move overseas. I saw this first hand and a lot of small businesses went tits up because they could not afford to move their operation overseas and Walley World was good for their word. Copyrights were completely ignored. All Walleyworld did was change one letter in the names and sold the cheap knockoffs. Quality went out the window. We used to repair the products because they were good enough to be repaired. Today, they are so cheap that they end up in the land fill. This had nothing to do with any Left Wing Policy. This had to do with short sighted Right Wing Capitalism left unchecked.

I support China getting Tariffs. I support 25% across the board. This puts our manufacturing competitive with theirs when you figure in the cost of shipping. And the quality goes up by quite a margin. The Tax base goes up, the roads get better, the schools get better, the crime goes down. But I think Trump has gone way too far with other Countries to a point of self destruction. Asia should have been the target since they are the ones that are taking advantage of the "Free Trade". I believe in "Fair Trade" and Canada has been quite fair.

So go ahead and play your petty partisan politics if you want but you sure ain't no "Patriot".
IT wasn't a left wing policy that allowed the Corporations to shut down and move overseas.
You’re correct - it wasn’t left-wing policy that “allowed” companies to move overseas. It was left-wing policy that forced corporations overseas. The highest corporate tax rates in the world (compliments of the left), the most costly regulations in the world (compliments of the left), and greedy unions (compliments of the left), all made it so that businesses simply couldn’t afford to do business in the U.S.
This had to do with short sighted Right Wing Capitalism left unchecked.
Spoken like a true fascist. Even if what you said were true (and it’s not), the government is not empowered in any capacity to “check” capitalism. Capitalism “checks” itself through competition.
IT wasn't a left wing policy that allowed the Corporations to shut down and move overseas.
You’re correct - it wasn’t left-wing policy that “allowed” companies to move overseas. It was left-wing policy that forced corporations overseas. The highest corporate tax rates in the world (compliments of the left), the most costly regulations in the world (compliments of the left), and greedy unions (compliments of the left), all made it so that businesses simply couldn’t afford to do business in the U.S.

You drank the coolaid again. In the 50s, the corporate tax rate before adjustment was 50%. It went down and by 1980 it was down to 35% before adjustment. At the 35% rate, after adjustment, it was 27.5% versus the cheapest in the world at just under 27.2%. The Corporate Tax rate has been unchanged until Trump. Reagan lowered it to 35% and it wasn't changed until Trump. The Left had nothing to do with what you claimed happened all those years. I suggest you fact check your bulls shit. And yes, I call bull shit on this one.

Even with the lowering of the Corporate Tax Rate, there was no evidence of the raising of the profits of the corporations at all. I suggest you read up on this. Corporate tax rates and economic growth since 1947

As for Unions. The threat of the Union is neither good nor bad. If Corporations or Businesses were to take the lead like Coors Beer has, there would be no need for a Union. This is why Coors has no Union. They treat their workers BETTER and pay them better than the union counterparts at Anheiser Busch. Busch has tried to operate behind the scenes to get a union into coors for decades. They know that it would hurt Coors. After all these years, it's Coors that has grown and Busch that is on the chopping block and looking for a bailout. Businesses don't need to have a union if they treat their workers fair. But many treat their workers like peons and the Unions gain footholds. Again, the threat of the union is neither good nor bad. But if you have a bad business then you are going to get a bad union. If you have a good business you are either going to have no union or a good union. I know a number of Businesses that welcomed in Unions because the benefits that come with a Union saves them money and helps to keep the workers happy. But I know a number of Businesses that are so poorly manpower managed that they need to be unionized so bad it hurts but will never be. If the Management treats the workers fairly, there isn't a need for a Union and the Union can be voted out. Simple as that. If the Business uses that as an excuse, they were going to shut things down with or without the union anyway.

Now, let's take a look at RCA. RCA was manufactured in Tennessee. They put out a fantastic product. They were selling to Walmart. Walmart wanted them to sell at X dollars to them. RCA said they couldn't do that. Walmart said that they had no choice. Either they move their operations to China or Walmart would come up with a name very close to RCA and make their own and no longer buy from RCA. RCA had no choice. They shut their non union shop down and move it all to China and the quality went way down in the process.

Now, let's look at Zenith. Zenith was by far the best TV set in the World. They were a Union shop. Walmart pulled the same routine on them. Zenith told Walmart where to stick it and shut down their TV line completely.

Walmart has that kind of power or at least it used to. Amazon is getting to that point these days. These corporations tell you what you what they are going to buy your product for and you had damned well better meet that price point. And Unions have little to do with it. With the exception that the Union Shop has higher quality in manufacturing of goods on the average than the overseas non union shops. We used to demand high quality and repair it when it malfunctioned. Now, we expect X number of returns and when it dies, we throw it away.

It's not Taxes or Unions that moved the manufacturing overseas, it was the blind greed. But China is in dire straits right now and some are returning to the US. Not because of the Tariffs but because China is getting extremely hard to work with and the profits are getting slimmer. Not to mention, the transportation costs are skyrocketing. When you shut a non union factory down in Tennessee so that it can be moved to China just so some large Corporation can make only a few bucks on each sale, greed is the only answer. Reagan removed the regulations that prevented this from happening. Before, this just wasn't even thought of. Union Factories moved to Tennessee where Unions were unwelcome and wages were a lot lower so moving that factory overseas before 1980 just didn't happen. Ever wonder why Toyota assembles in Tennessee?

Your whole reasoning is just plain Bullshit.
This had to do with short sighted Right Wing Capitalism left unchecked.
Spoken like a true fascist. Even if what you said were true (and it’s not), the government is not empowered in any capacity to “check” capitalism. Capitalism “checks” itself through competition.

Wrong. Ever hear of Price Fixing and a hole lot of underhanded things that business do that harms the consumers and workers? Government have to ride herd over Capitalists hard all the time. One of the worst things that happened was the loosing up the competition laws during Reagans time. Just as soon as that was done, we all of a sudden had tons of "Mergers". It's still happening even today. Yes, I know, the Feds step in sometimes but it has to be pretty damned bad before they do. How many airlines are left today.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high!” ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
Damn history books keep saying Republicans were in power when the greatest economic disaster ever, hit America. And worse, calling historians commies, hasn't seemed to work too well. It's the damn schools teaching kids to read that's the problem. And that goes back to Jefferson and his ilk.
Before the Left can control a nation, the leftist and/or weakest population MUST be adequately dumbed down to tree stump IQ.
That way they can be easily manipulated and pumped full of racist nonsense and confused to the point of not knowing their own gender.
This is EXACTLY what the US public school system under Progressive Unions has been so good at over the last 40+ years.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
Damn history books keep saying Republicans were in power when the greatest economic disaster ever, hit America. And worse, calling historians commies, hasn't seemed to work too well. It's the damn schools teaching kids to read that's the problem. And that goes back to Jefferson and his ilk.

So the answer is to no teach the children to read. Wow, what a concept. Instant ultra rightwing redneck.

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