You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.

That is the lie....the Republicans fix the economy, then the democrats crash the economy and blame the Republicans....
LOL - I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!

Clue - There aren't any!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.

That is the lie....the Republicans fix the economy, then the democrats crash the economy and blame the Republicans....
LOL - I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!

Clue - There aren't any!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
A clean up meaning taking advantage of any crisis in order to enrich themselves while pointing the fingers and/or out right lying.
The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.

That is the lie....the Republicans fix the economy, then the democrats crash the economy and blame the Republicans....
LOL - I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!

Clue - There aren't any!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
A clean up meaning taking advantage of any crisis in order to enrich themselves while pointing the fingers and/or out right lying.
LOL - All Lies Because You Can't Name a Republican President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!!!

ALL Democrat Presidents Create Jobs very few have recessions. No Democrat Ever Caused a Depression.
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We can look at California to see how well left wing policies work.

Despite seeing their state moving towards ruins, they double down on what got them there. smh
We can look at California to see how well left wing policies work.

Despite seeing their state moving towards ruins, they double down on what got them there. smh

Hmm, California is the 5th largest Economy in the world and you say they are doing everything wrong? Obviously not everything.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Average health insurance premiums have doubled since 2013
Barack Insane Obama and his Dumbocrats cronies swore to the American people that Obamacare would “lower” costs. Instead, it has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket (exactly as conservatives said they would).

8 Reasons to Still Hate Obamacare
I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
Snowflake...every economic crisis has occurred under the Dumbocrats. The Great Depression occurred under FDR and the Dumbocrats. The Great Recession occurred under Jimmy Carter (Republican Ronald Reagan bailed us out). The most recent mess occurred under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats.

Thanks for playing.
I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
Snowflake...every economic crisis has occurred under the Dumbocrats. The Great Depression occurred under FDR and the Dumbocrats. The Great Recession occurred under Jimmy Carter (Republican Ronald Reagan bailed us out). The most recent mess occurred under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats.

Thanks for playing.

LOL You are such a dishonest liar! Repubtard President Herbert Hoover's term was March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933 The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933.

Carter was the last Democrat to have a recession. Since then Repubtard Reagan caused 2 "Double Dip" Job Killing Recessions, Bush 1 caused a Job Killing Recession, Clinton NONE & created the MOST JOBS IN HISTORY, Bush 2 caused 2 Job Killing Recession & Depression, Obama NONE + Created 12 Million Jobs!!!
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Repubtard President Herbert Hoover's term was March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933 The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933.
Ahahaha! Caught you lying again.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late-1930s.
Almost the entire Great Depression occurred under FDR. And both left-wing UCLA and FDR’s own Secretary of Treasury, Henry Morgenthua Jr., are on record stating his idiotic (and unconstitutional) policies caused The Great Depression.

Great Depression - Wikipedia

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Carter was the last Democrat to have a recession.
So you believe the Obama disaster was far worse than a “recession”? Ok. Fair enough. It was pretty bad, so I won’t argue with you.
Since then Repubtard Reagan caused 2 "Double Dip" Job Killing Recessions
Ronald Reagan took the second worst economy in U.S. history from Jimmy Carter and ended with the most successful economy in U.S. history a mere 8 years later.
The OP is a LIE!!!

It's a Proven Fact that ALL Republican Presidents caused Job Killing Recessions & Depressions!!!

Democrats always create jobs!.

That is the lie....the Republicans fix the economy, then the democrats crash the economy and blame the Republicans....
LOL - I dare you to name a Repubtard President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!

Clue - There aren't any!!! However its't rare for a Democrat to cause one, they are stuck with the clean-up bill.
A clean up meaning taking advantage of any crisis in order to enrich themselves while pointing the fingers and/or out right lying.
LOL - All Lies Because You Can't Name a Republican President that didn't cause Job Killing Recessions or Depression!!!!!

ALL Democrat Presidents Create Jobs very few have recessions. No Democrat Ever Caused a Depression.
Government check?
Repubtard President Herbert Hoover's term was March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933 The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933.
Ahahaha! Caught you lying again.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late-1930s.
Almost the entire Great Depression occurred under FDR. And both left-wing UCLA and FDR’s own Secretary of Treasury, Henry Morgenthua Jr., are on record stating his idiotic (and unconstitutional) policies caused The Great Depression.

Great Depression - Wikipedia

:dance: :dance: :dance:
LOL - Your perpetual LIES don't change FACTS! The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933. Repubtard President Herbert Hoover's term was March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933

FDR was elected 3 times, more than any president in history because he was so awesome!
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Republican President Herbert Hoover voted out in first term for causing the "Great Depression" the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. Hoovervilles & massive unemployment were the icons of the great depression.

Democrat President FDR Elected to 4 terms as US President before dying, because he saved the country from Repubtard Disasters! FDR was elected more than any president in history because he was so awesome!

Your perpetual LIES don't change FACTS! The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933. Repubtard President Herbert Hoover's term was March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933


This is what every Republican President in History Causes!!!


Hoovervilles were everywhere

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You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Like democracy?
The Great Depression was from Aug 1929 to Mar 1933.
View attachment 197902

Oh snowflake...I provided a link. You’ve got nothing. Seriously - what grade are you in?

You provided a link and your link says you are full of it, cupcake. It was triggered in 1929. But he is also wrong about it ending in 1934. What brought the depression out was the exporting of goods to Europe starting in 1938 which put a lot of people back to work. The New Deal was a stopgap only and didn't really break the Depression but it did buy time and prevent a full blown armed revolution. It would have been 75,000 Regular Army with some National Guard of about that many against 2 million armed WWI Veterans and armed Rural people that were hungry, cold and had suffering Wives and Children.

I don't fully fault Hoover with the Depression. Some of it was inherited from Wilson due to Wilson's inability to really do anything the last year of his Presidency due to extreme poor health. But Hoover should have been able to stop it in it's tracks in the first couple of years in office. He didn't and it festered. It broke in 1929 and by 1933, a disaster. FDR took office in 1934 and the nation was on the brink of a revolution. He and Congress did something fast. Maybe not the best thing but was something and the people accepted it. Had it not been for the coming of WWII we still might have had a civil war on our hands that the Union could not have won. And it would not have been the South shall Rise Again. It would have been the total collapse of the United States of America where the Rural States would have violently broken from the nation which in effect, would have ended the United States.

SFBs, you really need to do some reading other than the crap that your masters only allow you to read.
Regardless of money or finances being involved, left-wing agenda's/governmental policies that enforce or empower such agenda's always end in long-term disaster. The toll on human beings is un-measured because the left lives in denial about their failed agenda's while hiding the results and/or it's failures. Hollywood is becoming unhinged before the nation's very eyes in which is yet a prime example of the disasterous failures it is now trying to cover up or hide behind.

Why is Hollywood coming unglued ? Robert De-niro drops F-bombs at the Tony awards. The misguided sheep applaud him.

Why is Hollywood so rattled by this President ??

Why does Hollywood disrespect Trump so bad ?? Can a person be involved in Hollywood, and yet never escape afterwards ?? It's as if the contract with the devil can't be broken, otherwise in according to Hollywood it can't. Has Trump broken the contract with the devil, and so the devil is sending his minions after Trump in an attempt to bring him back to the plantation for his ultimate punishment for trying to escape ??







FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
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FDR Ended Hoovers Great Depression Giving Him Greatest Election Victories!!!
Ok, now go back and tell us what led up to the depression before Hoover got blamed for not getting the nation out of it instantly. Was it the banks that caused it ? Was it trade that caused it ? Was it Hoover himself that caused it ?? Was it U.S. policy prior to Hoover that caused it ?

A little story, and it's true. Once upon a time there was a construction company that had many separate crews working. The leadership was conservative at the time. Everything was being run in an orderly structured way. Books were kept, and tools were accounted for. Safety was dominate over everything.

There was a tool shed full of new tools, and if a crew broke a tool, they would have to produce the old tool in order to get another tool. If couldn't produce the broken tool, then it was considered lost or stolen.

There was a ladder system pay scale, and a benefits scale. Quality of work was front and center.

Well, the conservative leader moved up the ladder and out of the state, and a liberal leftist leader moved in and took over.

He instantly began trying to destroy any structural system that was built, but did it in a way that made it appear that the conservative system was to oppressive and strict that it had to be changed, and he was gonna change it. He underminded everything that had been successful in the past, and them implemented his own system. To win the troops over, he ripped the lock off of the tool shed, and told the crews to get what they needed regardless (no accounting for).

An emergency job came up where tools were distributed without record of, and some expensive stuff got gone, missing or stolen during the operation. The operation began failing along with the liberal leadership.

It's easy if one is a scheming manipulating power grabber, and is a very liberal leaned character to then manipulate the minds of the sheep in order to make them think that life is just a party while wanting more and more and more until the situation collapses under the weight of it all.

Now it's easy to stand behind FDR, but did he fall into a political fire storm that started way before Hoover, and did it put him into a position where he could have rolled a biscuit out into the street, and the poor sheep would have worshipped him like a king at the moment while in the moment ??

Did FDR just tear the lock off of the tool shed, and he did so due to a long term situation that finally blew taking Hoover's presidency with it ??

With only 4 years in office, how can any president be blamed for a full blown depression ???

Are you an opportunist found in your cherry picking of history, and this in order to compare it to now for political attacks and purposes ?

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