You can tell a lot about a country by the way they treat their Veterans.

I think it's obvious by now that most of these guys don't have much like for the Negro in Chief. They're obviously racists.

You are right, but the shutdown is the least of their problems.

I'd like to see vets get immediate care at any hospital rather than having to find the closest VA hospital. I'd like the paperwork to get cut down to make any needs they have met more efficiently. I'd like the military to stop blowing off PTSD. And the latest over-medication scandal is horrible.
I think it's obvious by now that most of these guys don't have much like for the Negro in Chief. They're obviously racists.

The Secretary of Defense is white! The racist bull shit only exists in your delusional world.
Wounded Warrior project helps injured vets...
Helping wounded vets move from 'surviving' to 'thriving'
February 3, 2014 WASHINGTON — Back when Michael Baker was a nuclear submarine technician in the Navy, he was a triathlete who spent as much time as he could exploring the Hawaiian outdoors near his naval base.
But since a motorcycle accident eight years ago left him with extensive brain damage and without half of his right foot, much of his life is now spent confined to a couch of in his parents’ home in West Virginia. His mother, Cathy, is relieved that he isn’t in a medical institution, but she quibbles with government officials labeling him a veteran who is “living independently.” He requires 24-hour supervision; some days even crossing the room seems an insurmountable challenge. “He still wants to do things, to be productive and useful with his life,” she said. “He has lost so much, but he hasn’t lost everything.”

In recent years, lawmakers and veterans groups have focused largely on making sure the Department of Veterans Affairs is prepared the fulfill the basic medical needs of the wave of new veterans: ending the benefits backlog, improving mental health care and expanding outreach efforts. But absent from much of that conversation is an in-depth look at what it means to fully repay — or repair — veterans who return from service with life-altering injuries. Benefits from the VA can be generous, but they are limited to medical needs and crises. They often don’t cover broader emotional and spiritual needs, like the desire to be a productive member of a local community.

This year, officials from Wounded Warrior Project will set aside $30 million to help about 300 injured veterans get closer to true independence, through additional medical care, therapy and assistance programs. It’s a dramatic expansion of the group’s three-year-old Independence Program, designed to provide financial security and peace of mind for wounded veterans. It’s a lot of money, but officials say it meets just a fraction of the need.

“There’s a new vision of success for many of these wounded veterans,” said Steve Nardizzi, executive director of the Wounded Warrior Project. “It’s not institutional care or isolation at home. “The vision for success should be the same as you and me: Having a happy life, getting back with their families, getting a job and being as independent as they can be.”


See also:

New GI Bill tool helps calculate benefits, compares schools
February 5, 2014 ~ The Department of Veterans Affairs has launched a new tool to help servicemembers, veterans and their families calculate Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and compare schools and training programs nationwide.
The GI Bill Comparison Tool brings together information from more than 17 online sources and three federal agencies and seeks to provide key information about costs and quality of education. The comparison tool was developed in response to President Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13607 of April 27, 2012, which instructed agencies to establish standards for educational institutions that interact with servicemembers, veterans and their families, provide information on the costs and quality of institutions and programs, prevent deceptive recruiting practices and provide quality academic and student support services, according to a VA statement announcing the launch of the program.

The order was preceded by years of predatory practices in which institutions and programs failed to deliver on educational promises, leading many in Washington to suggest that large amounts of benefit dollars were being wasted. The VA still has to work out some bugs with the new site, but customers will be able to calculate and even apply for their benefits, take an interests-and-aptitudes assessment, compare schools and programs, peruse careers and job opportunities and have access to counseling services. Users also will be able to compare the number of students receiving VA benefits at each school.

In addition to calculating benefit funding, the tool also shows how much users can receive for books and living stipends and whether the school in question participates in the VA’s Yellow Ribbon Program, which helps students avoid out-of-pocket tuition and fees that may exceed the Post 9/11 GI Bill tuition benefit. The tool also shows how the school compares to others in graduation rates and financial aid, according to a statement from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who along with Student Veterans of America and the American Legion have worked closely with the White House and legislators on initiatives such as the comparison tool.

“Before this tool launched, estimating how much beneficiaries may receive under the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit was challenging,” VA Deputy Undersecretary for the Office of Economic Opportunity Curtis Coy wrote in a VA blog posting. “The new comparison tool makes it easy to estimate Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits with just one click.” Coy also said that the VA will add functionality in the future, such as the ability to compare up to three schools side-by-side.

Spending more money to keep veterans out of the memorial than it would take to keep it open was a very nasty move. Of course, the sequester cuts were all designed to inflict the most pain on people.

Cutting military retiree benefits is another low blow. There are also plans to keep raising the cost of Tri-care so people will be forced onto Obamacare.

Historically, blue states were bad about getting absentee ballots to overseas military personnel. Last election, the ballots got there but managed to get mislabeled as ammo and sent elsewhere. Funny how that type of shit keeps happening.

Hillary once admitted that she "loathed" the military. Most liberals don't show much love. Ayers group even planned to kill a bunch of military people at Fort Dix, NJ.

Then we have Hanoi Jane, who was a traitor to our military and now she's one of Michelle Obama's idols.

The left has never been fond of our military and they've said such awful things over the years. Words are one thing, but disrespecting them by cutting benefits, closing memorials and planning to take away Tri-care to force them onto a crappy insurance plan that isn't going to be accepted by the best hospitals and doctors is super low. Meanwhile, they want to give more to illegals and their voter base. It won't make any liberals lose sleep to know how the current policies harm the military because they hate them. No appreciation for the fact that our military has given everything for our freedom.

Now that little turd brain spokesperson says "freedom" is just another buzzword. Not surprisingly, it has no meaning to lefties. Never mind the people who fought for it and died for it. Now it's just a stupid word that means nothing to them. It's something they are taking from us every day and the reason they are anti-military is because they are stupid enough to think that our enemies would come to the table and talk out the differences. They trust enemies more than citizens.

It goes far beyond a mean gesture to close the memorial. That is just another indication of how they all loathe the military. They only love sheeple who vote for them. Sadly, those sheeple are willing to cede all our freedom and liberty just to get money from the government each month.
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I agree and if they are going to cut benifits for military retirees then they need to cut benifits for all Federal retirees. Every one to include the House, the Senate and the White House. Anyone who draws retirement from the taxpayers should bear the same cuts as they inflict on military retirees.
It's a mystery to me why any soldier is a republican, they are eager to send them to fight but find them an expensive nuisance when they get home.

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