You can't fix stupid


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


Republicans, what do you like about your leaders so far? All I see is compromise to continue the status quo.
The mission is clear.

Two more years of making sure Obama fails.

Good job boys!

Keep your heads on a swivel.

America has a long memory concerning traitors.

You won't have the protection of your position forever.

Just keep stealing from America and see what your Judas pieces of gold are worth.

Thing is that Boner and that other closet faggot are not as stupid as those morons that keep electing them. They count on the willful ignorance of their constituents. So do the thieves that pay them for their treachery.

What they have cost this country in lives of our young and the lives of foreigners they have ruined and butchered just so Dick Cheney could make a fortune is unimaginable. Extending the atrocity they have perpetuated and allowed by Bush's arrogance and lack of curiosity about the warnings before 9/11 and on through the worst financial disaster they caused and topping it off by cheating this nation out of the hundreds of thousands of jobs we could have added to the recovery based on the cynical need to make sure the n*gger had a failed presidency has been beyond the pale.

I hope that their closet boyfriends give them all AIDS and ass cancer.
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The mission is clear.

Two more years of making sure Obama fails.

Good job boys!

Keep your heads on a swivel.

America has a long memory concerning traitors.

You won't have the protection of your position forever.

Just keep stealing from America and see what your Judas pieces of gold are worth.

Thing is that Boner and that other closet faggot are not as stupid as those morons that keep electing them. They count on the willful ignorance of their constituents. So do the thieves that pay them for their treachery.

What they have cost this country in lives of our young and the lives of foreigners they have ruined and butchered just so Dick Cheney could make a fortune is unimaginable. Extending the atrocity they have perpetuated and allowed by Bush's arrogance and lack of curiosity about the warnings before 9/11 and on through the worst financial disaster they caused and topping it off by cheating this nation out of the hundreds of thousands of jobs we could have added to the recovery based on the cynical need to make sure the n*gger had a failed presidency has been beyond the pale.

I hope that their closet boyfriends give them all AIDS and ass cancer.
Very thing an be said about obutthurt Reid and pelvis ripping America off and voted in by low information voters. Obutthurt is a failure.

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