You can't make this up far left politifact checks Trumps 4.1% GDP growth rate hits Trump for calling

Welcome to they train you to think that. Welcome to being an Obama DEMOCRATIC victim.

There's a whole range of news sources... unless you're a FOX cult only type of guy.
You definitely want to check out:
'allsides com unbiased balanced news'

My sources from within Canada... CBC, BBC, Reuters, AP.

In the US: Avoid FOX at all cost lol this obviously is a GOP propaganda machine. Appeals to the shrinking and brainwashed Trump base.

Left leaning CNN has always corroborated with non-US sources and Melania Trump loves it. ;)... Not to mention that they've been spot on concerning each Trump minion fail now in US prisons.

Huffingpost: a bit too left for my taste.... tabloid material (undisputed Trump haters)

So why aren't you posting at "Canuckian Messageboard" Too slow, eh?

What about the Muslim terrorist up there and they're trying to take everybody's pistols?
So why aren't you posting at "Canuckian Messageboard" Too slow, eh?

What about the Muslim terrorist up there and they're trying to take everybody's pistols?

This is way too much fun lol. Not to mention that we're not that many peeps up north (frozen keyboards).
What about the Muslim terrorist up there and they're trying to take everybody's pistols?

Very hard to get pistols here. Not that we really need em. Maybe up north where you got some bears. There might be a terrorist somewhere... haven't met him yet lol
Forced mandatory abortions for all who vote democrat.
Best source is actual Americans and their circumstances. You’re a phony.

Best source of information is a 'free press' (First Amendment maybe?).
The job of Americans is to vote for someone that supports it and not someone that denigrates or muzzles it. Unless you would prefer a dictatorship ?
Your choice ;)
Left wing propaganda is not the epitome of free press.

What are you complaining ? You got FOX. and lemme check:

15) Twitchy: Michelle Malkin’s Twitter based news site.
14) Doug Ross: Larwyn’s Linx is great.
13) Weasel Zippers: Not as much volume as other places, but quality work.
12) Free Republic: Better known for commenting than news, but still good.
11) Bad Blue: Outstanding Twitter based news
10) The Right Scoop: Videos, links, and heavily updated.
9) Daily Caller: The place to go for original conservative reporting.
8) Lucianne: Old reliable. When I have trouble finding something good, I go here.
7) Gateway Pundit: It’s unbelievable to me that any one person can be this on top of things.
6) Breitbart: The combined Breitbart collective is AMAZING for links and journalism.
5) Instapundit: Glenn Reynolds has been the best known linker in the blogosphere for more than a decade.
4) The Blaze: Beck’s news machine is already a must read.
3) Memorandum: What people are talking about right now on both sides of the blogosphere. (Not conservative per se, but still good)
2) Hot Air: Frequently updated headlines, plus the latest news stories.
1) The Drudge Report: Whatever Drudge links becomes what everyone is talking about.
Best source is actual Americans and their circumstances. You’re a phony.

Best source of information is a 'free press' (First Amendment maybe?).
The job of Americans is to vote for someone that supports it and not someone that denigrates or muzzles it. Unless you would prefer a dictatorship ?
Your choice ;)
Left wing propaganda is not the epitome of free press.

What are you complaining ? You got FOX. and lemme check:

15) Twitchy: Michelle Malkin’s Twitter based news site.
14) Doug Ross: Larwyn’s Linx is great.
13) Weasel Zippers: Not as much volume as other places, but quality work.
12) Free Republic: Better known for commenting than news, but still good.
11) Bad Blue: Outstanding Twitter based news
10) The Right Scoop: Videos, links, and heavily updated.
9) Daily Caller: The place to go for original conservative reporting.
8) Lucianne: Old reliable. When I have trouble finding something good, I go here.
7) Gateway Pundit: It’s unbelievable to me that any one person can be this on top of things.
6) Breitbart: The combined Breitbart collective is AMAZING for links and journalism.
5) Instapundit: Glenn Reynolds has been the best known linker in the blogosphere for more than a decade.
4) The Blaze: Beck’s news machine is already a must read.
3) Memorandum: What people are talking about right now on both sides of the blogosphere. (Not conservative per se, but still good)
2) Hot Air: Frequently updated headlines, plus the latest news stories.
1) The Drudge Report: Whatever Drudge links becomes what everyone is talking about.
You just illustrated the problem; a corrupt, left-wing-biased media has created that backlash.
Forced mandatory abortions for all who vote democrat.

You need to read: When abortion was a crime.

Leslie J. Reagan

(ps the Exorcist is small beans compared to this)


A bit of history is required here...

To finance the costly IRAQI/AFGHAN...etc wars and stimulate the economy G.W. Bush deregulated the markets making credit easier. (ie. Buy a house without the required income to cover mortgage = unsecured credit)... resulting in the financial markets crash of 2008.

2009: Democrats (Obama) regulate markets, bail out GM and banks... thus avoiding a nose dive of world markets and a depression way beyond the great depression of the 1930s.

2017/2018: On the coattails of regulated financial market recovery... Trump undoes Obama's protective market regulations (access to credit$$$) thus once again artificially boosting growth rates...

You've heard of 'fake news'..... welcome to 'fake growth' ;)
Where is my photo of a pile of bull shit.... Keep on spinning snowflake...
Shows you how desperate they are becoming.
Welcome to they train you to think that. Welcome to being an Obama DEMOCRATIC victim.

There's a whole range of news sources... unless you're a FOX cult only type of guy.
You definitely want to check out:
'allsides com unbiased balanced news'

My sources from within Canada... CBC, BBC, Reuters, AP.

In the US: Avoid FOX at all cost lol this obviously is a GOP propaganda machine. Appeals to the shrinking and brainwashed Trump base.

Left leaning CNN has always corroborated with non-US sources and Melania Trump loves it. ;)... Not to mention that they've been spot on concerning each Trump minion fail now in US prisons.

Huffingpost: a bit too left for my taste.... tabloid material (undisputed Trump haters)
These sock accounts hit their diminishing returns a year ago.
Says the gal/guy with an Obama2020 username. Lol
Welcome to they train you to think that. Welcome to being an Obama DEMOCRATIC victim.

There's a whole range of news sources... unless you're a FOX cult only type of guy.
You definitely want to check out:
'allsides com unbiased balanced news'

My sources from within Canada... CBC, BBC, Reuters, AP.

In the US: Avoid FOX at all cost lol this obviously is a GOP propaganda machine. Appeals to the shrinking and brainwashed Trump base.

Left leaning CNN has always corroborated with non-US sources and Melania Trump loves it. ;)... Not to mention that they've been spot on concerning each Trump minion fail now in US prisons.

Huffingpost: a bit too left for my taste.... tabloid material (undisputed Trump haters)
One quarter? OK.

Then accept equally the last two years of Obama's term were better than the first 18 months of Trump's term.

Fair is fair.

iow, Trump is playing catch up. I hope he does for all of our sakes.

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