You can't make this up.

so no other states can prevent criminals from driving through their state

thus making illegal, human trafficking easier.

I'm sure the illegal chicks on their way to a life of whoring will be glad to know that they will now get there quicker with no chance of being saved by the police.
I don't think interstate compacts apply to illegals.

Il circumvented the law.

the compact isn't with a person, it's with the states and their id's. So there isn't a fucking thing a cop in another state can or will do, since he has no evidence that that person is a criminal.

Just imagine election day. The latino vote has been bought and paid for.

You don't think these temp licenses will be different from the standard licenses issued to citizens? They'd have to be.
That would be unconstitutional.

The Soviet constitution doesn't apply.

{Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;}

Try again.
Illegals don't have rights protected to citizens of any states no matter what privileges a state may grant them. If one state wants to give illegals driving privileges they can but other states do not have to allow those illegals the same privileges

You're not understanding. If Ill. driver's licenses are going to be scrutinized by [insert state here] differently than other states, then CITIZENS WILL BE HINDERED TOO.

No, they won't. The illegal alien licenses are not the same as a citizen's license. They will be different.
The vote in Illinois passed the Senate and will be presented to the House probably this month. Ray Long from the Chicago Tribune reported “Under the program, undocumented immigrants would be eligible for the special, three-year licenses to drive a vehicle. It would be a different in color from a regular driving license. It also cannot be used for identification purposes, such as for boarding a plane, buying a gun or voting.”

Undocumented immigrants should be granted Illinois driver?s licenses | Whatchoo Got To Say?

Other states could still honor citizen licenses and easily not honor illegal immigrant licenses.
Well, it is always "just the law." Remember the SCOTUS is the federal government and if it overturns a state law that is imposing. You used the word "evul", not me.

Now, I am not aware of anything in the US Constitution which says Illinois does not have the authority to do what they have done. So basically, this would be a question of federal law overshadowing state law. You are in favor of that, I have to assume.

I'm in favor of criminals not being coddled. or their lives being made easier.

Well, the only way for what you want to happen to actually happen is for federal law to overshadow state law. If federal law overshadows state law in conditions you want, it will also do so under conditions you don't want. We are really talking about tossing out state's rights. Either the state has the right to establish its own licensing standards, or it does not. You are arguing it does not. Do you really want to go down that path?

If a state decided to allow say 13 year old children to drive, should other states be required to honor that license? I say each state have the right to say no if the individual does not meet their standards.
Do people in Illinois really want a driver passing them on the highway who cannot read the damn road signs? Apparently, some in Illinois do want exactly that. Who cares about safety when a politician can merely buy votes.
Do people in Illinois really want a driver passing them on the highway who cannot read the damn road signs?

They managed to find their way from Mexico all the way to Chicago.
Make the licensing a sting operation and send them back to Brazil. I don't care if they started out in Brazil or not.
Other States should tell them they won't honor the temp licenses and the illegals will be charged if caught driving in their States.

I would agree with that. I remember one Dem politician that was concerned about the alarming number of accidents involving illegal aliens. He suggested giving them driver's license, as if that would address the problem. As if making them appear legit would suddenly improve their driving ability. Typical lib thinking.

They are trying their best to legitimize them. This way they can walk into any welfare office and have ID or successfully avoid ICE officials if they have ID.

It's just a stupid idea. Some who are here on a work permit should be allowed a temporary non-citizen driver's license if they pass a driving test. Why should any state hand a driver's license to a person just for the asking? I doubt they'd go to driver's ed even if we did pay for it. I suspect the standards of driving in some countries just sucks and we have enough stupid drivers.
Good job, did ya notice I specified the temp licenses? If most states do not allow illegals driving privileges there is no reason they would have to recognize those who do. Criminal aliens don't have the same rights as citizens.

Even focusing on temp licenses would create the same problem (does Illinois even issue temp licenses?) There are plenty of people in Illinois who apply for new licenses every day.

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