Gold Member
I think if Trump wins and makes American Media stop slandering Russia, many of you will be very surprised to find out that Fury is absolutely right.
"Makes" the Media stop? So you are against freedom of speech and instead approve of dictatorship of the media by a president?
Don't do a poker face If your president just stop to pay money for the anti-russian propaganda, we will see a changed situation....
Have you seen, for example, Graham Phillips, one of free, independent journalists, at your TV? So, how could you believe in "freedom" of your media?
By "free and independent", do you mean on the Kremlin payroll?
No, I mean free and independent, as it possible: Graham Phillips
I know, what are the bots on the Kremlin payroll - they periodically attacking me at Russian forums, because I'm "foreign agent", "anti-russian liberal" and how they usually saying "shaking a boat" by asking simple questions...