You don't hear this in U.S....Cricket player shot to death in Australia, they still play cricket?

Hmm. An unfriendly criminal in Australia. How strange.

You seem to miss the point. Australia is routinely held up as an example of success gun control and outright confiscation. So in theory this is impossible. There is no way he could have been shot to death, because banning guns should mean there are no guns.

This shooting is completely impossible.... yet it happened. How? Did the magic of gun control fail? Is Voldemort in Australia magically creating guns? What's going on Harry Potter?
Australia has more guns now than before the "confiscation." Nobody "banned guns." Regardless, I don't see how their gun control laws are a failure if their homicide and gun crime rates are a tiny fraction of ours.

Because their thug culture is less inclined to commit murder than our inner city thugs are.....they obviously have access to all the guns they want or need...but their criminal, thug culture doesn't lend itself to random murder as often as our thugs won't see Australian criminals murdering 9 year olds in alleys because the boys father is a rival gang member.....or murdering each other over facebook insults......
Yes yes friendly criminals and all that. Nothing to do with it being exponentially more difficult for a criminal to get a gun.

Maybe you should call this reporter too...they don't understand "exponentially" either......

Spike in gun crimes reveals nation's secret gun problem

Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country’s underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade.

Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period.


Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally.

Associate Professor Philip Alpers, one of Australia’s leading firearms researchers and a director of the Centre for Armed Violence Reduction at the University of Sydney, said the national ban on semi-automatic weapons following the Port Arthur massacre had spawned criminal demand for handguns.
Crazy stuff... as the number of guns in Australia have increased, so have gun crimes... whoa!
Crazy coincidence guys... every single 1st world country in the world with strict gun control and a government that can enforce gun control laws has friendly criminals! What are the odds? Everywhere else in the world criminals know that they'll be more successful if they use a gun... but in countries with gun control, they choose not to out of the goodness of their own hearts! Amazing! keep has been pointed out to you time and again that in all of those countries criminals get guns easily...and are willing to use them to do their business....they just don't murder as often.....

The story of criminals holding victims at gun point while they put hot irons on their victims to get old woman to show them where her valuables are.....that isn't nice behavior...but they didn't shoot her....they just took the iron she was using, put it at the highest setting and put it on her stomach.......

In France......I linked to the story on another thread several times this week....if you are a criminal, and you don't have an AK-47, you are considered a loser by your criminal associates...that was a statement by a French police official...

You are simply wrong.....
You seem to miss the point. Australia is routinely held up as an example of success gun control and outright confiscation. So in theory this is impossible. There is no way he could have been shot to death, because banning guns should mean there are no guns.

This shooting is completely impossible.... yet it happened. How? Did the magic of gun control fail? Is Voldemort in Australia magically creating guns? What's going on Harry Potter?
Australia has more guns now than before the "confiscation." Nobody "banned guns." Regardless, I don't see how their gun control laws are a failure if their homicide and gun crime rates are a tiny fraction of ours.

Because their thug culture is less inclined to commit murder than our inner city thugs are.....they obviously have access to all the guns they want or need...but their criminal, thug culture doesn't lend itself to random murder as often as our thugs won't see Australian criminals murdering 9 year olds in alleys because the boys father is a rival gang member.....or murdering each other over facebook insults......
Yes yes friendly criminals and all that. Nothing to do with it being exponentially more difficult for a criminal to get a gun.

Maybe you should call this reporter too...they don't understand "exponentially" either......

Spike in gun crimes reveals nation's secret gun problem

Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country’s underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade.

Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period.


Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally.

Associate Professor Philip Alpers, one of Australia’s leading firearms researchers and a director of the Centre for Armed Violence Reduction at the University of Sydney, said the national ban on semi-automatic weapons following the Port Arthur massacre had spawned criminal demand for handguns.
Crazy stuff... as the number of guns in Australia have increased, so have gun crimes... whoa!

Nope.....normal, law abiding gun owners in Australia are not using guns for crime any more than they did before the confiscation......the criminls in Australia are getting more used to using guns to commit crimes......just like in the United STates in the 1950s.....not a lot of gun crime.....then the 1960s hit......and gun crime escalated.....and it went up and spiked with the first gun control laws passed in the 1960s....and didn't go down again until the 1990s when concealed carry started to be passed in all 50 states....

More guns in private hands in this country....and our gun crime rate went down.....

More guns in private hands...and our gun murder rate went down....

More people actually carrying guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate went down......

That is a fact...

What you posted is not true or factual.
Crazy coincidence guys... every single 1st world country in the world with strict gun control and a government that can enforce gun control laws has friendly criminals! What are the odds? Everywhere else in the world criminals know that they'll be more successful if they use a gun... but in countries with gun control, they choose not to out of the goodness of their own hearts! Amazing! keep has been pointed out to you time and again that in all of those countries criminals get guns easily...and are willing to use them to do their business....they just don't murder as often.....

The story of criminals holding victims at gun point while they put hot irons on their victims to get old woman to show them where her valuables are.....that isn't nice behavior...but they didn't shoot her....they just took the iron she was using, put it at the highest setting and put it on her stomach.......

In France......I linked to the story on another thread several times this week....if you are a criminal, and you don't have an AK-47, you are considered a loser by your criminal associates...that was a statement by a French police official...

You are simply wrong.....
You'd have a point if the rate of gun crimes in the countries your talking about wasn't a tiny fraction of the U.S.'s.
Why Australia will always have guns:

Why Australia will always have guns:


This is ironically one of the things I have said over and over, and people never believe me. I tell them, there are spiders in Australia and central Africa, that are aggressive, and will eat birds, and they think I'm making it up.

There are some spiders, that are simply not a joke.
Yes...they still play that odd game in Australia...........the question is...why?

No Cookies | Herald Sun

A 28-year-old man accused of gunning down a young cricketer Rahat Khan in Melbourne’s north has made his first court appearance.

Kamil Yucel, of Dallas, appeared at Melbourne Magistrates Court on Saturday charged with murder, following his arrest on Friday night.

Yucel, sporting a beard and grey windcheater, was remanded in custody during the brief hearing and ordered to reappear in the same court for a filing hearing on Wednesday.

Mr Khan, 20, from Dandenong, died of gunshot wounds in Millewa Crescent, Dallas, on Tuesday evening after a friend driving him pulled over to ask for help.
Hmm. An unfriendly criminal in Australia. How strange.

You seem to miss the point. Australia is routinely held up as an example of success gun control and outright confiscation. So in theory this is impossible. There is no way he could have been shot to death, because banning guns should mean there are no guns.

This shooting is completely impossible.... yet it happened. How? Did the magic of gun control fail? Is Voldemort in Australia magically creating guns? What's going on Harry Potter?
Australia has more guns now than before the "confiscation." Nobody "banned guns." Regardless, I don't see how their gun control laws are a failure if their homicide and gun crime rates are a tiny fraction of ours.

They had a lower level of crime and homicide, and gun crime, before they ever made their gun control laws.

If I weight 300 lbs, and you weight 200 lbs, and we both go on a diet, and you gain 20 pounds and I lose 50, You would weight 220 lbs, and I would weight 250. Would you conclude that my diet plan sucked, and yours was great? You gained weight, and I lost weight... but because you started at a lower weight, you still weight less.

Similarly, having a country that started out with a fraction of the gun crime we did, doesn't mean their gun laws are the reason it's lower there, than here. Crime has actually gone up, not down for Australia. Their gun laws have drastically increased all levels of crime across the country.

But because their crime rate was a tiny fraction of ours to begin with, it's still lower, even though it's increased.
Crazy coincidence guys... every single 1st world country in the world with strict gun control and a government that can enforce gun control laws has friendly criminals! What are the odds? Everywhere else in the world criminals know that they'll be more successful if they use a gun... but in countries with gun control, they choose not to out of the goodness of their own hearts! Amazing! keep has been pointed out to you time and again that in all of those countries criminals get guns easily...and are willing to use them to do their business....they just don't murder as often.....

The story of criminals holding victims at gun point while they put hot irons on their victims to get old woman to show them where her valuables are.....that isn't nice behavior...but they didn't shoot her....they just took the iron she was using, put it at the highest setting and put it on her stomach.......

In France......I linked to the story on another thread several times this week....if you are a criminal, and you don't have an AK-47, you are considered a loser by your criminal associates...that was a statement by a French police official...

You are simply wrong.....
You'd have a point if the rate of gun crimes in the countries your talking about wasn't a tiny fraction of the U.S.'s.

Sorry twit......our non gun murder is higher than all of their murder have no point because nothing you believe is supported by the real world........

For example....

Britain.....confiscated their guns.....and their gun crime rate spiked, then went back to the same level it was at before the confiscation.....taking guns from normal people didn't effect the gun crime went up 4% last year...violent crime in Britain went up 27% last year....

For example....

More Americans started buying and carrying guns in the twits said it would increase gun crime and gun murder......
it didn' more Americans bought and actually carried guns...the gun crime and gun murder rate went down....

For example...

As I stated before......there have been lots and lots of shootings in Australia....a country where they confiscated guns.....the only thing that kept them from being mass shootings...they didn't kill 3 people........
Crazy coincidence guys... every single 1st world country in the world with strict gun control and a government that can enforce gun control laws has friendly criminals! What are the odds? Everywhere else in the world criminals know that they'll be more successful if they use a gun... but in countries with gun control, they choose not to out of the goodness of their own hearts! Amazing! keep has been pointed out to you time and again that in all of those countries criminals get guns easily...and are willing to use them to do their business....they just don't murder as often.....

The story of criminals holding victims at gun point while they put hot irons on their victims to get old woman to show them where her valuables are.....that isn't nice behavior...but they didn't shoot her....they just took the iron she was using, put it at the highest setting and put it on her stomach.......

In France......I linked to the story on another thread several times this week....if you are a criminal, and you don't have an AK-47, you are considered a loser by your criminal associates...that was a statement by a French police official...

You are simply wrong.....
You'd have a point if the rate of gun crimes in the countries your talking about wasn't a tiny fraction of the U.S.'s.

It was a small fraction to begin with. Has it gone up or down, due to gun control laws? Answer: Up.

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