You Folks Miss This?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
In the IG report it states several FBI agents got "gifts" from different news services. You know anytime a cop takes a gift it's a BRIBE. They got dinners, drinks and trips to golf resorts. But the IG report FAILED to say who the FBI agents were and which news services.

So the IG is fully aware of the bribes to who and from who. The one agent got gifts from 18 different news services. WHO was that person and what did he get? 18 gifts over a period of about 15 months. Which members of our current press pool have been giving bribes to agents?

Bribes are ILLEGAL folks, don't care if its a cop on the beat or the FBI. This IG report is starting to look like a white wash out of Comey's book. They find hundreds of pages of political bias but not enough? But I'm more interested in the BRIBES. That IS criminal and CAN be convicted.

The fact those names were left out is no accident. The FBI's connection to the press maybe the MOST damning info out there. And we have a RIGHT to know.

I ate out with two of my nephews last week for lunch. One of my nephews is a cop, and he was in uniform. When the bill came, another customer had already paid for my nephew that is a cop.
Meanwhile Trump runs a corrupt university and foundation and the right wing snowflakes are occupied with the FBI? Where do they sell those blinders?

Police officers and veterans often have their meals etc paid for, it is nice gesture especially if done anonymously.

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