You Forgot AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, Michelle. What About THAT Racism ?

The way it has "worked" , as you call it, is to wreck the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans...
Such total bullshit total bullshit doesn't even begin to cover it. You are a bitter old white man too blind to see that it wasn't about you nor is life fair. Suck it up, Whitey, you got to be top dog by default long enough and there is no violin small enough for me to play for your "suffering". Take your whitey as victim act to the grave, where it belongs.
Obviously you're nothing but a fucking racist ****** idiot, and you're lucky I'm not in front of you right now, or you'd be having your ass handed to you, big time, just like I'm handing you your ass verbally in this thread, and you know it.
Big Whitey on the Internet. Go cry in your beer, Adolph...
You name and throughout history and one constant remains.

Give anything to blacks and whites will be mad about it. You name it and they've opposed it while crying foul
I'm not mad about giving to Blacks. I'm mad about taking away from Whites, and others.

And everything ever given to blacks, whites see it as taking away from them.

Whites have the playground so of course asking them to share the playground is taking away from them because you want it all like it used to be.

Boo hoo...
That "boo hoo" attitude is exactly why I have no sympathy whatsoever for Blacks in this day and age. I say ban AA in all 50 states. Tie the tubes of all the welfare brood sows who think they can have 10 kids on the taxpayer's buck, and if the prisons are filling up with criminal blacks who can't get civilized, build more prisons, and execute more prisoners, and do it faster.
The way it has "worked" , as you call it, is to wreck the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans...
Such total bullshit total bullshit doesn't even begin to cover it. You are a bitter old white man too blind to see that it wasn't about you nor is life fair. Suck it up, Whitey, you got to be top dog by default long enough and there is no violin small enough for me to play for your "suffering". Take your whitey as victim act to the grave, where it belongs.
Obviously you're nothing but a fucking racist ****** idiot, and you're lucky I'm not in front of you right now, or you'd be having your ass handed to you, big time, just like I'm handing you your ass verbally in this thread, and you know it.
Big Whitey on the Internet. Go cry in your beer, Adolph...
Nah. I'll just piss in yours, like Patton did in the Rhine river. :laugh:
My reasons are none of your business. Had whitey treated the rest of society fairly, he didn't, there would have been no need for AA. Call it racism if you like but it truth it is payback, which is a bitch eh? In a zero-sum game somebody has to lose. For centuries the darkies lost out because of race, now whitey does at times. Cry me a fuckin' river...
Payback ? Against whom ? Hundreds of people who never did anyone any harm, that's whom. You are talking like an idiot. AA victims never harmed anyone, and 2015 Blacks, or 2005 Blacks never experienced Jim Crow.

And Jim Crow wasn't done by "Whitey, you asshole. It was done by a tiny minority of Whites only, just like how slavery began, and was maintained.

NO!! Nobody has to lose. If you want to do AA to help the disadvantaged, than help the disadvantaged, not people of a race.

AA was about undermining institutionalized racism, which it did. Move along, shortly it will be as well, especially since the races are merging, another good effect of AA.
Affirmative action is not racism. It is a remedy for past racism.
No statement in USMB has ever been more stupid that that. So when the racial discrimaintion is against Blacks it's racism. And when the racial discrimination is against Whites it's not, right ? You just confessed to being a balfaced RACIST, plain and simple.

Affirmative action is a remedy, upheld as constitutional.
That "boo hoo" attitude is exactly why I have no sympathy whatsoever for Blacks in this day and age. I say ban AA in all 50 states. Tie the tubes of all the welfare brood sows who think they can have 10 kids on the taxpayer's buck, and if the prisons are filling up with criminal blacks who can't get civilized, build more prisons, and execute more prisoners, and do it faster.
The stupid lazy fuck like rabbits uppity criminal ******* ruined this poor guy's life, obviously. Oh, the tragedy.

And we are now on page five of your Boo Hoo, woe is me, they ruined my life, whitey.
Affirmative action is not racism. It is a remedy for past racism.
No statement in USMB has ever been more stupid that that. So when the racial discrimaintion is against Blacks it's racism. And when the racial discrimination is against Whites it's not, right ? You just confessed to being a balfaced RACIST, plain and simple.

Affirmative action is a remedy, upheld as constitutional.
You don't "remedy" racial discrimination against a relatively small group of people, by replacing it with racial discrimination against a relatively much larger group of people. The average 10 year old can figure that out.
That "boo hoo" attitude is exactly why I have no sympathy whatsoever for Blacks in this day and age. I say ban AA in all 50 states. Tie the tubes of all the welfare brood sows who think they can have 10 kids on the taxpayer's buck, and if the prisons are filling up with criminal blacks who can't get civilized, build more prisons, and execute more prisoners, and do it faster.
The stupid lazy fuck like rabbits uppity criminal ******* ruined this poor guy's life, obviously. Oh, the tragedy.

And we are now on page five of your Boo Hoo, woe is me, they ruined my life, whitey.
It's not about me. It's about the racist hypocrites who bitch about discrimination, and then perpetrate it themselves, against the overwhelming majority of the country. A stunning abandonment of integrity.
You don't "remedy" racial discrimination against a relatively small group of people, by replacing it with racial discrimination against a relatively much larger group of people.
How do you remedy it?
The way it has "worked" , as you call it, is to wreck the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans...
Such total bullshit total bullshit doesn't even begin to cover it. You are a bitter old white man too blind to see that it wasn't about you nor is life fair. Suck it up, Whitey, you got to be top dog by default long enough and there is no violin small enough for me to play for your "suffering". Take your whitey as victim act to the grave, where it belongs.
Obviously you're nothing but a fucking racist ****** idiot, and you're lucky I'm not in front of you right now, or you'd be having your ass handed to you, big time, just like I'm handing you your ass verbally in this thread, and you know it.
Big Whitey on the Internet. Go cry in your beer, Adolph...
Nah. I'll just piss in yours, like Patton did in the Rhine river. :laugh:
Considering that you are mostly piss and vinegar, that comes as no shock.
That "boo hoo" attitude is exactly why I have no sympathy whatsoever for Blacks in this day and age. I say ban AA in all 50 states. Tie the tubes of all the welfare brood sows who think they can have 10 kids on the taxpayer's buck, and if the prisons are filling up with criminal blacks who can't get civilized, build more prisons, and execute more prisoners, and do it faster.
The stupid lazy fuck like rabbits uppity criminal ******* ruined this poor guy's life, obviously. Oh, the tragedy.

And we are now on page five of your Boo Hoo, woe is me, they ruined my life, whitey.
It's not about me. It's about the racist hypocrites who bitch about discrimination, and then perpetrate it themselves, against the overwhelming majority of the country. A stunning abandonment of integrity.
The actions of the majority are why AA was (and is) necessary.
My reasons are none of your business. Had whitey treated the rest of society fairly, he didn't, there would have been no need for AA. Call it racism if you like but it truth it is payback, which is a bitch eh? In a zero-sum game somebody has to lose. For centuries the darkies lost out because of race, now whitey does at times. Cry me a fuckin' river...
Payback ? Against whom ? Hundreds of people who never did anyone any harm, that's whom. You are talking like an idiot. AA victims never harmed anyone, and 2015 Blacks, or 2005 Blacks never experienced Jim Crow.

And Jim Crow wasn't done by "Whitey, you asshole. It was done by a tiny minority of Whites only, just like how slavery began, and was maintained.

NO!! Nobody has to lose. If you want to do AA to help the disadvantaged, than help the disadvantaged, not people of a race.

AA was about undermining institutionalized racism, which it did. Move along, shortly it will be as well, especially since the races are merging, another good effect of AA.
The races are not merging at all. Quite the contrary, race relations have never been worse over the country, as a whole.

Poll 57 Percent of Americans Say Race Relations in U.S. Are Bad - NBC News

Confidence in Race Relations Tumbles - Rasmussen Reports
Affirmative action is not racism. It is a remedy for past racism.
It's racism, Carbineer.

Not only does it satisfy the literal definition of the word, it satisfies the spirit of it as well. Affirmative Action is the racism of low expectation. It remedies nothing; it's instrumental in perpetuating the belief that blacks are inferior students and workers; it breeds resentment.

Two wrongs don't make a right, and Affirmative Action is both morally and pragmatically wrong.
AA worked, quite well, so well in fact it's almost no longer necessary. How sad, for your kind...
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

I think it's rather amazing that society's attitudes about blacks have managed to change as much as they have despite the persistent racism of Affirmative Action.

But why don't we agree on something: If it's no longer necessary, let's get rid of it. ;)
The attitudes changed because of AA, and its time is coming to an end.
FALSE! If anything, the crusade of Al Sharpton, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Stephanie Rawlings, et al to incite Blacks against Whites (and police) has created a more racist/divisive attitude among Blacks than I've ever seen, even though they have all the advantages of AA, and it is banned in still only 8 states, and only partially in some of those.
I've not seen as much racism TOWARDS blacks as I've seen here.....since the 60s. Now, granted, it's mostly cowards hiding behind anonymous nics like internet white sheets.....but still....
My reasons are none of your business. Had whitey treated the rest of society fairly, he didn't, there would have been no need for AA. Call it racism if you like but it truth it is payback, which is a bitch eh? In a zero-sum game somebody has to lose. For centuries the darkies lost out because of race, now whitey does at times. Cry me a fuckin' river...
Payback ? Against whom ? Hundreds of people who never did anyone any harm, that's whom. You are talking like an idiot. AA victims never harmed anyone, and 2015 Blacks, or 2005 Blacks never experienced Jim Crow.

And Jim Crow wasn't done by "Whitey, you asshole. It was done by a tiny minority of Whites only, just like how slavery began, and was maintained.

NO!! Nobody has to lose. If you want to do AA to help the disadvantaged, than help the disadvantaged, not people of a race.

AA was about undermining institutionalized racism, which it did. Move along, shortly it will be as well, especially since the races are merging, another good effect of AA.
The races are not merging at all. Quite the contrary, race relations have never been worse over the country, as a whole.

Poll 57 Percent of Americans Say Race Relations in U.S. Are Bad - NBC News

Confidence in Race Relations Tumbles - Rasmussen Reports
Race relations are bad, thanks to people like you, but the races are still fucking each others brains out and making little multiracial babies, which is a very good thing for a society like ours. When Whitey rules bad shit happens, and is approved of.
You don't "remedy" racial discrimination against a relatively small group of people, by replacing it with racial discrimination against a relatively much larger group of people.
How do you remedy it?
Pure fucking magic apparently because you can't be unfair to anyone just because for centuries you were unfair.
Nobody living today was unfair "for centuries" (or unfair at all, anytime)
Why do you say this stupid shit, when it's so obviously untrue?

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