You getting text messages from Trump?

I’ve been getting nonstop text messages from both sides over the last couple of weeks. It’s annoying.

I never respond to the messages because I value my privacy .
I took a shot and texted back "stop". I got a response saying I would no longer receive messages.

Thank God. Nothing worse than spammers and telemarketers
As a general rule, the right owns the CIA and the DNI, and the left dominates the FBI and the NSA, though there does seem to be some overlap and conflict with in each of these, there is nothing hard and fast about these rules.

Chances are, some database somewhere decided you and your contacts were important? :dunno:

Contact Bezos over at Amazon, the tech support at FB or the folks at Google, they would probably be of more help than we would.

I have to agree!
Time to jettison Afghanistan.

We are just not going to change those people, they will never trust a government supported by us or anyone else for that matter, and they're not interested in "progressive" or any other changes in their lives. They want to be rock farmers and warlords. The idea of "freedom" to them is to be able to keep their ways and not have a bunch of gringos or our fellow heathen minority comrades, in there teaching little girls they have an opinion or a right not to be beaten.

We needed to secure oil sources to keep the world's supply stable, that's our gig in the middle east and as a consequence now involved in their centuries old jihad against the euro weenies who just about tied it up during the crusades but we still need the Turkish peninsula back and Constantinople as an Incorporated City again.

Or we wash our hands of it and use our own fuckin oil. Let the muscovites and gooks divide up the eastern hemisphere (Except the Philippines Taiwan and Japan) or fight over it. We have lots of problems in this hemisphere that we can deal with easily and without a bunch of interventionist bullshit. If Venezuelans want to starve to death, fine. Countries that want our assistance need to adopt our bill of rights. The WHOLE THING and allow a free market economy. We can fund the construction of infrastructure and shit to give them a leg up but this drug war bullshit is only feeding the commie terrorists. The way we do shit seems to fuck ourselves.
Or we wash our hands of it and use our own fuckin oil
Sorry professor, our oil industry is not nationalized. You can continue to vote for people who give the oil companies handouts, and they will continue to sell to the entity who pays them the most for their oil. Duh, people.
Or we wash our hands of it and use our own fuckin oil
Sorry professor, our oil industry is not nationalized. You can continue to vote for people who give the oil companies handouts, and they will continue to sell to the entity who pays them the most for their oil. Duh, people.

It's stupefying how many wags are willing to opine on topics the machinations of which they have zero clue. Oil is an international fungible commodity. It ain't run by any "us" or "them"; it's run by freaking oil companies.
Dunno, but leaving your Bluetooth and NFC on will kill your battery quicker. And shorten its lifespan.
Have gotten them sporadically for the last week or so then today alone 4 more.
What the literal fuck.... I've never donated to him nor any other candidate in the last decade. Not volunteered, not signed up for a yard sign. Nothing...
I did sign a petition some months ago for a local tax issue but don't recall giving out my phone number.

So how am I now being spammed with text messages and how do I make it stop?

View attachment 226971

Change your number.

Have gotten them sporadically for the last week or so then today alone 4 more.
What the literal fuck.... I've never donated to him nor any other candidate in the last decade. Not volunteered, not signed up for a yard sign. Nothing...
I did sign a petition some months ago for a local tax issue but don't recall giving out my phone number.

So how am I now being spammed with text messages and how do I make it stop?

View attachment 226971

Change your number.

Not a fucking chance. I've had the same number for 25 years.
Have gotten them sporadically for the last week or so then today alone 4 more.
What the literal fuck.... I've never donated to him nor any other candidate in the last decade. Not volunteered, not signed up for a yard sign. Nothing...
I did sign a petition some months ago for a local tax issue but don't recall giving out my phone number.

So how am I now being spammed with text messages and how do I make it stop?

View attachment 226971

Change your number.

Not a fucking chance. I've had the same number for 25 years.

No one pays attention to phone numbers anymore, I have three of them and couldn't tell you what they were by heart.
Have gotten them sporadically for the last week or so then today alone 4 more.
What the literal fuck.... I've never donated to him nor any other candidate in the last decade. Not volunteered, not signed up for a yard sign. Nothing...
I did sign a petition some months ago for a local tax issue but don't recall giving out my phone number.

So how am I now being spammed with text messages and how do I make it stop?

View attachment 226971

Change your number.

Not a fucking chance. I've had the same number for 25 years.

No one pays attention to phone numbers anymore, I have three of them and couldn't tell you what they were by heart.
Well is your phone number on your vehicles, trailers & clothes? Yall know I run a business so don't be stupid.
And I have customers from decades ago that still call me. My number will never change. When I get too old it will go to either my kids or grandkids to do with as they please. Never piss away a gravy train.

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