You gotta give Trump credit for being able to admit military defeat and go home

Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?
How many young boys were killed in Afghanistan, while your dear Boiking fiddled for eight years, chump?

Oh, that right....More than under Chimpy Bush.
Too many. His biggest mistake was not completely abandoning the middle east. Too bad he was handed a disaster. Thank goodness McCain and Romney lost or we could have added countless deaths in Iraq to that number.

You're a dumb fuck. I bet any amount of money that you voted for Hillary the Hawk Clinton in 2016, that bitch loves her some war.
Most of America voted for Hillary, so it’s not the worst guess.
As with North Vietnam more than 50 years ago, the Taliban will patiently wait for the Americans to leave, however long it takes.

Such is GWB's failed, illegal war.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?
If that were true we would never have left Iraq and we would have invaded Syria
There are troops in Syria, aren't there?

Who helped topple Mubarak?

Who said; "We came, we saw, he's dead"?

Who gave money, weapons, and training to both the Muzzy Brotherhood and ISIS?

Who let men die in Benghazi, in order to hide their failed arms deals?

Yeah, Oboingo was totally different! :rolleyes:
Your Benghazi comment is a shameless lie, and we did not invade Syria or Egypt so they cannot be compared to Dubya’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
As with North Vietnam more than 50 years ago, the Taliban will patiently wait for the Americans to leave, however long it takes.

Such is GWB's failed, illegal war.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.

Of course I trust the intelligence agencies. Their superiors in the Dubya admin were desperate for war, not the intelligence agencies. I certainly don’t trust a reality TV celebrity with zero experience or knowledge anout anything over them.

And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
As with North Vietnam more than 50 years ago, the Taliban will patiently wait for the Americans to leave, however long it takes.

Such is GWB's failed, illegal war.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?

LOL My God you are stupid. Your very own link says that Bush lied because he believed the Intelligence Community assesment of Iraq and WMDs. Your own link PROVES that the IC got it wrong when it comes to WMDs in Iraq.

LOL you leftists are such morons. Here's a fucking idea why don't you slow down on the "I got you nows" and concentrate on facts.

It's a FACT that Bush and Congress got bad intel from the very same agencies that you guys 100% trust when it comes to Russia and the orange bastard.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.

Of course I trust the intelligence agencies. Their superiors in the Dubya admin were desperate for war, not the intelligence agencies. I certainly don’t trust a reality TV celebrity with zero experience or knowledge anout anything over them.

And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
When did Obama say he knew more than intelligence agencies and experts? Oops. Go fuck yourself, piece of inbred trash

Um at what point did I say Obama ever said such? IN fact I have actually said on this board that it was stupid of Trump to say " I know more about ISIS than the Generals"

You leftists who see things in pure black and white are such simpletons.
How do they define victory?

We no longer fight to victory. Victory is going there, killing everyone and imposing our ideas on a different people. That works.

We fight with the idea that someday the enemy will change their minds. That doesn't work.

Yep. Go in kill the enemy. Knock the buildings down. Declare victory and go home.

Let them rebuild. Who cares about their hearts and minds. I sure don't
Do you think we worried about how the hearts and minds of the Germans or Japanese felt? No.

We don't let them rebuild. We rebuild. In our image, imposed on a defeated and demoralized enemy.
How do they define victory?

We no longer fight to victory. Victory is going there, killing everyone and imposing our ideas on a different people. That works.

We fight with the idea that someday the enemy will change their minds. That doesn't work.

Yep. Go in kill the enemy. Knock the buildings down. Declare victory and go home.

Let them rebuild. Who cares about their hearts and minds. I sure don't
and hopefully after we do all that, they will be our allies and stuff......and we won't have to worry about creating any new generations of terrorists
If they do... You go right back and hit them three times as hard. They fuck around again..? You eradicate them wholesale like Genghis Kahn.
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.

Of course I trust the intelligence agencies. Their superiors in the Dubya admin were desperate for war, not the intelligence agencies. I certainly don’t trust a reality TV celebrity with zero experience or knowledge anout anything over them.

And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
When did Obama say he knew more than intelligence agencies and experts? Oops. Go fuck yourself, piece of inbred trash

Um at what point did I say Obama ever said such? IN fact I have actually said on this board that it was stupid of Trump to say " I know more about ISIS than the Generals"

You leftists who see things in pure black and white are such simpletons.
Your entire post in response to Trump claiming to know more than intelligence agencies was about Obama. Maybe you need a nap. Wake up with your head pulled out of your ass.
Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.

Of course I trust the intelligence agencies. Their superiors in the Dubya admin were desperate for war, not the intelligence agencies. I certainly don’t trust a reality TV celebrity with zero experience or knowledge anout anything over them.

And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
When did Obama say he knew more than intelligence agencies and experts? Oops. Go fuck yourself, piece of inbred trash

Um at what point did I say Obama ever said such? IN fact I have actually said on this board that it was stupid of Trump to say " I know more about ISIS than the Generals"

You leftists who see things in pure black and white are such simpletons.
Your entire post in response to Trump claiming to know more than intelligence agencies was about Obama. Maybe you need a nap. Wake up with your head pulled out of your ass.

Can you just ever post like an adult? Ever? I mean a simple "Yes okay it's proven conclusively that the intelligence community was wrong about Iraq and gave Bush bad intel" would suffice

That's why you morons are such a joke. You can't ever tell the truth, about ANYTHING.
As with North Vietnam more than 50 years ago, the Taliban will patiently wait for the Americans to leave, however long it takes.

Such is GWB's failed, illegal war.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?

LOL My God you are stupid. Your very own link says that Bush lied because he believed the Intelligence Community assesment of Iraq and WMDs. Your own link PROVES that the IC got it wrong when it comes to WMDs in Iraq.

LOL you leftists are such morons. Here's a fucking idea why don't you slow down on the "I got you nows" and concentrate on facts.

It's a FACT that Bush and Congress got bad intel from the very same agencies that you guys 100% trust when it comes to Russia and the orange bastard.

LOL. You're confused. That was what they were disputing.

"This is a line of argumentation that Bush administration officials and Iraq war boosters have been clinging to ever since it became clear that U.S. troops would found no mobile biological weapons labs and no Mutual Admiration Society correspondence between Saddam and Osama. “We were wrong just like everyone else” isn’t a particularly compelling argument, though I suppose that if you’re responsible for one of the modern era’s most significant foreign policy disasters, “shared incompetence” is a more appealing excuse than “willful deception.”

They systematically lied us for over a year get us into the greatest strategic blunder in US history since Lee's failed assault on the Union forces at Gettysburg. Cost the lives of thousand of US service men and women, and countless Iraqis. Led tot he Iraq civil war and their new alignment with Iran. Not to mention spawning Al Qaeda in Iraq and eventually ISIS. No wonder the Bushes want to spread the blame around.
A shit-ton of your precious democrats threw in with that disaster, hack....Now....

View attachment 244798
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?

LOL My God you are stupid. Your very own link says that Bush lied because he believed the Intelligence Community assesment of Iraq and WMDs. Your own link PROVES that the IC got it wrong when it comes to WMDs in Iraq.

LOL you leftists are such morons. Here's a fucking idea why don't you slow down on the "I got you nows" and concentrate on facts.

It's a FACT that Bush and Congress got bad intel from the very same agencies that you guys 100% trust when it comes to Russia and the orange bastard.

LOL. You're confused. That was what they were disputing.

"This is a line of argumentation that Bush administration officials and Iraq war boosters have been clinging to ever since it became clear that U.S. troops would found no mobile biological weapons labs and no Mutual Admiration Society correspondence between Saddam and Osama. “We were wrong just like everyone else” isn’t a particularly compelling argument, though I suppose that if you’re responsible for one of the modern era’s most significant foreign policy disasters, “shared incompetence” is a more appealing excuse than “willful deception.”

They systematically lied us for over a year get us into the greatest strategic blunder in US history since Lee's failed assault on the Union forces at Gettysburg. Cost the lives of thousand of US service men and women, and countless Iraqis. Led tot he Iraq civil war and their new alignment with Iran. Not to mention spawning Al Qaeda in Iraq and eventually ISIS. No wonder the Bushes want to spread the blame around.

What the fuck are you talking about? It is 100% confirmed that Bush got bad intel. Okay yes he lied technically , but he didn't know it was a lie. He was told by the people who's job it was to determine whether Iraq had WMDs or not that they did. Congress got the EXACT same intel. That's why they agreed with Bush about going into Iraq.

The claim was that the intel community shouldn't be blamed for Bush's lie, and that's bullshit. They gave him faulty intel. As they do a lot more than you morons realize.
How do they define victory?

We no longer fight to victory. Victory is going there, killing everyone and imposing our ideas on a different people. That works.

We fight with the idea that someday the enemy will change their minds. That doesn't work.

Yep. Go in kill the enemy. Knock the buildings down. Declare victory and go home.

Let them rebuild. Who cares about their hearts and minds. I sure don't
Do you think we worried about how the hearts and minds of the Germans or Japanese felt? No.

We don't let them rebuild. We rebuild. In our image, imposed on a defeated and demoralized enemy.

Germans were trying desperately to get into the American sector of Germany during the occupation. I don't know anyone who was in occupied Japan.
How do they define victory?

We no longer fight to victory. Victory is going there, killing everyone and imposing our ideas on a different people. That works.

We fight with the idea that someday the enemy will change their minds. That doesn't work.

Yep. Go in kill the enemy. Knock the buildings down. Declare victory and go home.

Let them rebuild. Who cares about their hearts and minds. I sure don't
and hopefully after we do all that, they will be our allies and stuff......and we won't have to worry about creating any new generations of terrorists

I don't give a shit if they are our allies. If they start shit, we finish it.
Of course I trust the intelligence agencies. Their superiors in the Dubya admin were desperate for war, not the intelligence agencies. I certainly don’t trust a reality TV celebrity with zero experience or knowledge anout anything over them.

And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
When did Obama say he knew more than intelligence agencies and experts? Oops. Go fuck yourself, piece of inbred trash

Um at what point did I say Obama ever said such? IN fact I have actually said on this board that it was stupid of Trump to say " I know more about ISIS than the Generals"

You leftists who see things in pure black and white are such simpletons.
Your entire post in response to Trump claiming to know more than intelligence agencies was about Obama. Maybe you need a nap. Wake up with your head pulled out of your ass.

Can you just ever post like an adult? Ever? I mean a simple "Yes okay it's proven conclusively that the intelligence community was wrong about Iraq and gave Bush bad intel" would suffice

That's why you morons are such a joke. You can't ever tell the truth, about ANYTHING.
1 piece of bad intel does not mean a celebrity grifter knows more than our intelligence agencies. Had that intel gone to an administration that wasn’t desperate for war in Iraq, the next report may have negated it. Instead, it went to an administration that proclaimed countless lies that the intelligence community DID NOT corroborate, because they desperately wanted war, and so did their supporters.
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?

LOL My God you are stupid. Your very own link says that Bush lied because he believed the Intelligence Community assesment of Iraq and WMDs. Your own link PROVES that the IC got it wrong when it comes to WMDs in Iraq.

LOL you leftists are such morons. Here's a fucking idea why don't you slow down on the "I got you nows" and concentrate on facts.

It's a FACT that Bush and Congress got bad intel from the very same agencies that you guys 100% trust when it comes to Russia and the orange bastard.

LOL. You're confused. That was what they were disputing.

"This is a line of argumentation that Bush administration officials and Iraq war boosters have been clinging to ever since it became clear that U.S. troops would found no mobile biological weapons labs and no Mutual Admiration Society correspondence between Saddam and Osama. “We were wrong just like everyone else” isn’t a particularly compelling argument, though I suppose that if you’re responsible for one of the modern era’s most significant foreign policy disasters, “shared incompetence” is a more appealing excuse than “willful deception.”

They systematically lied us for over a year get us into the greatest strategic blunder in US history since Lee's failed assault on the Union forces at Gettysburg. Cost the lives of thousand of US service men and women, and countless Iraqis. Led tot he Iraq civil war and their new alignment with Iran. Not to mention spawning Al Qaeda in Iraq and eventually ISIS. No wonder the Bushes want to spread the blame around.

What the fuck are you talking about? It is 100% confirmed that Bush got bad intel. Okay yes he lied technically , but he didn't know it was a lie. He was told by the people who's job it was to determine whether Iraq had WMDs or not that they did. Congress got the EXACT same intel. That's why they agreed with Bush about going into Iraq.

The claim was that the intel community shouldn't be blamed for Bush's lie, and that's bullshit. They gave him faulty intel. As they do a lot more than you morons realize.

"We know also that the Bush administration encouraged the CIA to go as far as possible in supporting its case. The Washington Post reported in June 2003 that Cheney and his Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, personally visited CIA analysts working on the National Intelligence Estimate of 2002 in order to inspire a re-examination of the case, something that no one could remember happening in any previous administration.

Top administration officials, including President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, were also aware of some notable people in the intelligence community who disagreed about WMD claims. Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIA’s Europe division, revealed on “60 Minutes” that in the fall of 2002 President Bush, Vice President Cheney, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and others were told by CIA Director George Tenet that Iraq’s foreign minister—who agreed to act as a spy for the United States—had reported that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction program. Two former senior CIA officials later confirmed this account to Salon’s Sidney Blumenthal.

Secretary of State Colin Powell also disagreed at one time—although well before his much-publicized speech to the United Nations in February 2003. Speaking two years earlier in Cairo, Powell had this to say: “He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors.”

Think Again: Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction: Did “Everyone” Agree?

Got that? They were told in 2002 that Iraq had no WMD program.
Who wanted more American soldiers to die when it became apparent Iraq had no WMD’s? How many people did you call ”soldier hating traitors” for wanting to bring them home?

Yet you gleefully now trust the intelligence agencies which got it wrong when it came to Iraq.


Don't blame the intelligence agnecies.

"But the Bush administration absolutely did engage in willful deception. Quite a bit of it, in fact. It’s one thing to simply repeat an intelligence assessment that is wrong, and quite another to take a disputed, credibly challenged intelligence assessment and state it as uncontested fact. That’s a lie, and senior Bush officials did it often. There’s no better example of this than the aluminum tubes.

Yes, Bush lied about Iraq: Why are we still arguing about this?

LOL My God you are stupid. Your very own link says that Bush lied because he believed the Intelligence Community assesment of Iraq and WMDs. Your own link PROVES that the IC got it wrong when it comes to WMDs in Iraq.

LOL you leftists are such morons. Here's a fucking idea why don't you slow down on the "I got you nows" and concentrate on facts.

It's a FACT that Bush and Congress got bad intel from the very same agencies that you guys 100% trust when it comes to Russia and the orange bastard.

LOL. You're confused. That was what they were disputing.

"This is a line of argumentation that Bush administration officials and Iraq war boosters have been clinging to ever since it became clear that U.S. troops would found no mobile biological weapons labs and no Mutual Admiration Society correspondence between Saddam and Osama. “We were wrong just like everyone else” isn’t a particularly compelling argument, though I suppose that if you’re responsible for one of the modern era’s most significant foreign policy disasters, “shared incompetence” is a more appealing excuse than “willful deception.”

They systematically lied us for over a year get us into the greatest strategic blunder in US history since Lee's failed assault on the Union forces at Gettysburg. Cost the lives of thousand of US service men and women, and countless Iraqis. Led tot he Iraq civil war and their new alignment with Iran. Not to mention spawning Al Qaeda in Iraq and eventually ISIS. No wonder the Bushes want to spread the blame around.

What the fuck are you talking about? It is 100% confirmed that Bush got bad intel. Okay yes he lied technically , but he didn't know it was a lie. He was told by the people who's job it was to determine whether Iraq had WMDs or not that they did. Congress got the EXACT same intel. That's why they agreed with Bush about going into Iraq.

The claim was that the intel community shouldn't be blamed for Bush's lie, and that's bullshit. They gave him faulty intel. As they do a lot more than you morons realize.

Yup. Bush got the same intel every intelligence agency in the world got. they all thought he had WMD's. In fact he probably did. He just shipped it all to Syria.

Not Bush's fault if the intel was bad.
And yet you trusted a community organizing 1 term Senator who didn't know shit. Just shut the fuck up.
When did Obama say he knew more than intelligence agencies and experts? Oops. Go fuck yourself, piece of inbred trash

Um at what point did I say Obama ever said such? IN fact I have actually said on this board that it was stupid of Trump to say " I know more about ISIS than the Generals"

You leftists who see things in pure black and white are such simpletons.
Your entire post in response to Trump claiming to know more than intelligence agencies was about Obama. Maybe you need a nap. Wake up with your head pulled out of your ass.

Can you just ever post like an adult? Ever? I mean a simple "Yes okay it's proven conclusively that the intelligence community was wrong about Iraq and gave Bush bad intel" would suffice

That's why you morons are such a joke. You can't ever tell the truth, about ANYTHING.
1 piece of bad intel does not mean a celebrity grifter knows more than our intelligence agencies. Had that intel gone to an administration that wasn’t desperate for war in Iraq, the next report may have negated it. Instead, it went to an administration that proclaimed countless lies that the intelligence community DID NOT corroborate, because they desperately wanted war, and so did their supporters.

Who cares, your claim that the IC didn't get it wrong about Iraq was wrong, but you aren't an honest enough person to admit it.

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