You gotta love the irony of Jeremiah's posts


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Jeremiah quote:
“Our *Redeemer* (*HaSheva* in Hebrew)
– the Lord of hosts is his
name – is the Holy One of Israel.”
– Isaiah 47:4 ESV

“Our HaSheva– the Lord of hosts is his
name – is the Holy One of Israel.”
– Isaiah 47:4 ESV

Thanks Jeremiah.
Yes michael you remember the other discussion board where we always teased them and said they just shot themselves in the foot and the one guy said he is wearing steel armour on his feet..... Well in this case jeremiah didnt shoot herself in the foot she manages to shoot her idol jesus in his non existant heart...
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It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is "Battling with Jacob" is a word refering to
"changing Jacob's heart" through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king of hosts) and redeemer who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land (messianic roles), is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael "battling" this Persian King.
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
This also reveals the one responsible for the original gathering of dispersed Jews and 2nd temple to be built because 1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord (king of hosts) who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia. Giving him the vision and anointing (Isaiah 45) to give the decree in 538, liberating the Jews who were captive in Babylonia and allowing them to return to their homeland. Cyrus battle was not physical it was spiritually in concious through the messenger Dan describes as Michael HaShev. This proves Moshiach already fulfilled the liberating, gathering and Temple building in those days of old as will be done in our day. This is even backed by the explicit mention that it is the redeemer doing these things, per
accounts in Isaiah 44:24-28. Since Dan explicitely reveals Michael dealing with Cyrus,
then Isaiah 44:24-28 is calling Michael the 'redeemer' (HaSheva).

Reference to the man rising up to "redeem" & save Israel means if you combine Dan 12:1-4 (same scenerio) with Jeremiah 23:5-6 you have who is savior and called
"Lord (king)of Righteousness"
( Melchi-Tsadok=Melchizedek) in Jeremiah 23:5-6 as we already know in the Jewish traditions even in Christian traditions angel (messenger/prophet) of Righteousness is Michael .
Jeremiah 11:20 he's the LORD of hosts (head [arch] of the congregation).
that judgest righteously fits in a pattern with 23:5-6 but also with Jeremiah 33:15-16.

So Jeremiah of the forum is busted by Jeremiah the Bible prophet who she borrows in name. Classic!
She said she did not want it in a song, so what better then in Book of Jeremiah.

Lets do an inventory:
Michael 1 temple rebuilt-Jesus 1 temple destroyed
Michael 1 gathering of people back to Israel- Jesus 1 dispersment of people.
Michael seventh day remeberance for his name- Jesus remembered on the Sun's day.
Michael temple (Mikdash) in his name: (Melakim [I Kings8:43 & Torah-Devarim 14:22] -Jesus nada
Michael name in the bible (Mikra)-Jesus nada
Michael name in the Torah portions (Miketz, Shevitz, VayeSHEV ) Jesus nada.
Michael in the name of the holy city; 1 Kings 11:36 & In the Words of the Archangel Michael Scroll (4Q529, 6Q23).
-Jesus nada.
Michael has the name of God in him:
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name (EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5?). -Jesus nada.
Michael's name is in the Tanakh;
SEPHER IKKARIM 28:54 scripture calls out the name of Messiah.
-Jesus nada
Michael is the only one who knows the secret wisdom of the name of God;
4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4.
-Jesus never names his father.
Michael is in the line of David (Is.11:1)
-Jesus was not even placed in a Jewish lineage.
Michael is in the line of Aaron (scrolls prerequisite)- Jesus not even in a Jewish lineage.

Michael washing us from death (Mikvah) Jesus clothed in death built his temple on the tombs of the dead.
Michael the Evening star overturns and defeats the morning star Jesus. The end!
*drops the mic and walks out the room arms folded like Run MC.*
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