You Guys Want To Have Unity, Or At Least Less Divisiveness? Start By Agreeing On Fact

Here's a fact....

Obama is a born and raised Muslim from Kenya whose father AND mother were CIA assets.

OP you wanna deal with facts? then deal with facts.

And another rightwingnut retard demonstrates just how out of touch with reality and filled with delusions he is. Someone like this 4Whores obviously has no way to even know what the word 'fact' refers to.
Shove it up your ass. I don't participate in "unity" with fucking commies. :rolleyes:
I'll never work another day or even another hour for the benefit of looters. I'm for me and mine from here on out. And you fuckers who made this mess... go figure it out on your own.
A business doesn't just hire people, if they have more money...the last 4 years is a testament to that fact. Corporate America's koffers have never been bigger than the last 4 years. Yet, where are the jobs?

When a business has more customers, they have more money. The volume of the customers forces them to hire more people to handle that load, those hired people then are able to go out and spend, and the cycle continues.

In that sense...yes, we agree.

When there is no demand no one hires.
Please watch this video sir...

[ame=]Nick Hanauer - YouTube[/ame]

I'd also like you to comment on it at your earlist convenience.


He had me up to "taxing the rich to make investments to make the middle class grow."

The government's "investments" over the last 4 years have all been losers. Higher taxes on the rich won't fix that.
When there is no demand no one hires.
Please watch this video sir...

[ame=]Nick Hanauer - YouTube[/ame]

I'd also like you to comment on it at your earlist convenience.


He had me up to "taxing the rich to make investments to make the middle class grow."

The government's "investments" over the last 4 years have all been losers. Higher taxes on the rich won't fix that.
Did he specifically SAY to tax the rich?

Listen...we have recent history to back up our assertions.

Under Clinton, we had the highest taxes on the rich in decades and that ushered us into the most wealth the country has experienced in decades.

Enter Bush II, slashed taxes like a mad bat out of hell, to almost zero. Before he left Office the American Economy and the World Economy damn near TOTALLY COLLAPSED.

I mean....can we get serious here?
We can create employment by hiring crews to dig holes and more crews to fill them in.
Here's a fact....

Obama is a born and raised Muslim from Kenya whose father AND mother were CIA assets.

OP you wanna deal with facts? then deal with facts.

And another rightwingnut retard demonstrates just how out of touch with reality and filled with delusions he is. Someone like this 4Whores obviously has no way to even know what the word 'fact' refers to.

Truth hurts don't it??

You clowns don't even know what a fact is.
Please watch this video sir...

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

I'd also like you to comment on it at your earlist convenience.


He had me up to "taxing the rich to make investments to make the middle class grow."

The government's "investments" over the last 4 years have all been losers. Higher taxes on the rich won't fix that.
Did he specifically SAY to tax the rich?

Listen...we have recent history to back up our assertions.

Under Clinton, we had the highest taxes on the rich in decades and that ushered us into the most wealth the country has experienced in decades.

Enter Bush II, slashed taxes like a mad bat out of hell, to almost zero. Before he left Office the American Economy and the World Economy damn near TOTALLY COLLAPSED.

I mean....can we get serious here?

It's funny how you all forget that the economy deflated when the tech bubble that grew on Blow Job Billy's watch popped right after he left office.
Here's a fact....

Obama is a born and raised Muslim from Kenya whose father AND mother were CIA assets.

OP you wanna deal with facts? then deal with facts.


I guess you don't really wanna deal with facts then.

I guess you really don't know your geography or facts very well. Obama was born in Hawaii and spent part of his childhood a FULL CONTINENT OVER FROM KENYA, over in Indonesia.

Try again stupid. And btw...............if he's a Muslim, then why did he spend 20 years attending Rev. Wright's church? Is he a secret Muslim?

Try again 4Whoreman
Ridiculous. Many companies outsource and offshore work to people who could never hope to afford their products.

You see, Labor is now capital's lil' bitch.

Yeah....we've seen the results....47% of America needing government assistance to survive....congrats.

At least you admit that your idiotic fishbowl Keynesian bullshit is, in fact, stupid Keynesian bullshit.

So we are making progress, inbred.

No's the result of your corporatism run amok.
Shove it up your ass. I don't participate in "unity" with fucking commies. :rolleyes:
I'll never work another day or even another hour for the benefit of looters. I'm for me and mine from here on out. And you fuckers who made this mess... go figure it out on your own.

So what you're saying as usual?

Don't try to bullshit us...your whole platform is one of greed and the strong preying on the weak...for you to sit there and try to tell us any different is laughable.
Shove it up your ass. I don't participate in "unity" with fucking commies. :rolleyes:
I'll never work another day or even another hour for the benefit of looters. I'm for me and mine from here on out. And you fuckers who made this mess... go figure it out on your own.

So what you're saying as usual?

Don't try to bullshit us...your whole platform is one of greed and the strong preying on the weak...for you to sit there and try to tell us any different is laughable.

Well I guess we'll see how it goes when those greedy, strong employers start culling the weak employee herd. Double digit unemployment will be making a comeback. If I have to let people go, the first ones out the door will be those that voted for Obama.
Shove it up your ass. I don't participate in "unity" with fucking commies. :rolleyes:
I'll never work another day or even another hour for the benefit of looters. I'm for me and mine from here on out. And you fuckers who made this mess... go figure it out on your own.

So what you're saying as usual?

Don't try to bullshit us...your whole platform is one of greed and the strong preying on the weak...for you to sit there and try to tell us any different is laughable.

Well I guess we'll see how it goes when those greedy, strong employers start culling the weak employee herd. Double digit unemployment will be making a comeback. If I have to let people go, the first ones out the door will be those that voted for Obama.

Bullshit....the ONLY reason they would do that is lack of demand....If there's money to be made, they aren't going to cut off their noses to spite their face.

They need to pay their fucking employees a decent them with benefits....get disposable income in THEIR pockets and see his quickly this economy recovers.

what kind of business are you in? how many employees do you have? if you're a small business, Obama has had a small business growth plan on the table for over a year....your boys in the House don't want anything to do with it....same with a jobs plan.
So what you're saying as usual?

Don't try to bullshit us...your whole platform is one of greed and the strong preying on the weak...for you to sit there and try to tell us any different is laughable.

Well I guess we'll see how it goes when those greedy, strong employers start culling the weak employee herd. Double digit unemployment will be making a comeback. If I have to let people go, the first ones out the door will be those that voted for Obama.

Bullshit....the ONLY reason they would do that is lack of demand....If there's money to be made, they aren't going to cut off their noses to spite their face.

They need to pay their fucking employees a decent them with benefits....get disposable income in THEIR pockets and see his quickly this economy recovers.

what kind of business are you in? how many employees do you have? if you're a small business, Obama has had a small business growth plan on the table for over a year....your boys in the House don't want anything to do with it....same with a jobs plan.

You and Obama need to understand that business owners are not going to be your pack mules. We're not going to carry this for you. ObamaCare, carbon tax, regulations,. All of those will take their toll on the job market. Obama's "plans" are simply gimmicks to try to get a short term result. A tax credit does not pay for the costs of an employee.
Well I guess we'll see how it goes when those greedy, strong employers start culling the weak employee herd. Double digit unemployment will be making a comeback. If I have to let people go, the first ones out the door will be those that voted for Obama.

Bullshit....the ONLY reason they would do that is lack of demand....If there's money to be made, they aren't going to cut off their noses to spite their face.

They need to pay their fucking employees a decent them with benefits....get disposable income in THEIR pockets and see his quickly this economy recovers.

what kind of business are you in? how many employees do you have? if you're a small business, Obama has had a small business growth plan on the table for over a year....your boys in the House don't want anything to do with it....same with a jobs plan.

You and Obama need to understand that business owners are not going to be your pack mules. We're not going to carry this for you. ObamaCare, carbon tax, regulations,. All of those will take their toll on the job market. Obama's "plans" are simply gimmicks to try to get a short term result. A tax credit does not pay for the costs of an employee.

OK....first guys fucked yourselves on Obamacare....Imagine a small business that has to pay a little more in taxation, but doesn't have to pay for the extremely expensive health care Insurance for their employees....That was called....THE PUBLIC OPTION.

There has been no "carbon tax" to date......

regulations? very generic that I hear all the time....but never any's either just the word, or some huge number attached to it.
Shove it up your ass. I don't participate in "unity" with fucking commies. :rolleyes:
I'll never work another day or even another hour for the benefit of looters. I'm for me and mine from here on out. And you fuckers who made this mess... go figure it out on your own.

So what you're saying as usual?

Don't try to bullshit us...your whole platform is one of greed and the strong preying on the weak...for you to sit there and try to tell us any different is laughable.

Fuck you, mooch.
Well I guess we'll see how it goes when those greedy, strong employers start culling the weak employee herd. Double digit unemployment will be making a comeback. If I have to let people go, the first ones out the door will be those that voted for Obama.

Bullshit....the ONLY reason they would do that is lack of demand....If there's money to be made, they aren't going to cut off their noses to spite their face.

They need to pay their fucking employees a decent them with benefits....get disposable income in THEIR pockets and see his quickly this economy recovers.

what kind of business are you in? how many employees do you have? if you're a small business, Obama has had a small business growth plan on the table for over a year....your boys in the House don't want anything to do with it....same with a jobs plan.

You and Obama need to understand that business owners are not going to be your pack mules. We're not going to carry this for you. ObamaCare, carbon tax, regulations,. All of those will take their toll on the job market. Obama's "plans" are simply gimmicks to try to get a short term result. A tax credit does not pay for the costs of an employee.

Besides that, it's always the so-called "liberal" in any employee group who's a worthless **** needing to be fired anyway. They don't know the meaning of WORK. If they did, they wouldn't be voting for looters to raid their paychecks.

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