You just have to LOVE this..Class Action Lawsuit : Up to 2 Million Bernie Sanders Donors Sue The DNC


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
In the aftermath of the DNC scandal where hacked emails released by Wikileaks proved the DNC plotted to “take down” Bernie Sanders, Sanders donors are firing back by launching a massive class action lawsuit against the DNC.

The suit alleges fraud and collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC.

The lawsuit is an attempt to fundamentally change DNC procedures.

Approximately two million people donated approximately seven million times at an average rate of $27 per contribution.

Legal experts say that this suit could be one of the largest class actions in American history.

Perhaps they can sue the Hildebeast also?

Class Action Lawsuit : Up to 2 Million Bernie Sanders Donors Sue The DNC

What about the millions and millions of primary voters who were effectively disenfranchised by the DNC?

People should have been tarred and feathered over this.
Wow! good for them.

The problem with left wing is it attracts the most nasty bullies. It's good to see the nicer element trying to oust the rot.

All political organisations are completely infected by these Stalinist, sneaky people who love the progressive culture but couldn't give a shit about people.

Looks like the extreme left is starting to wake up to these thought police who are making everyone's life a bloody misery.
I donated $27 to a candidate who promised to change the system and all I got was a crusty old curmudgeon who lied to me, abandoned me, and went back home to sleep.
Fuck this!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my $27 bucks baaacckk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ack-1:
In the aftermath of the DNC scandal where hacked emails released by Wikileaks proved the DNC plotted to “take down” Bernie Sanders, Sanders donors are firing back by launching a massive class action lawsuit against the DNC.

The suit alleges fraud and collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC.

The lawsuit is an attempt to fundamentally change DNC procedures.

Approximately two million people donated approximately seven million times at an average rate of $27 per contribution.

Legal experts say that this suit could be one of the largest class actions in American history.

Perhaps they can sue the Hildebeast also?

Class Action Lawsuit : Up to 2 Million Bernie Sanders Donors Sue The DNC

Lol Vag looks like you and all the dumbass berners are in sync with each other. Birds of a feather and all that :thup: :laugh:
In the aftermath of the DNC scandal where hacked emails released by Wikileaks proved the DNC plotted to “take down” Bernie Sanders, Sanders donors are firing back by launching a massive class action lawsuit against the DNC.

The suit alleges fraud and collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC.

The lawsuit is an attempt to fundamentally change DNC procedures.

Approximately two million people donated approximately seven million times at an average rate of $27 per contribution.

Legal experts say that this suit could be one of the largest class actions in American history.

Perhaps they can sue the Hildebeast also?

Class Action Lawsuit : Up to 2 Million Bernie Sanders Donors Sue The DNC

Lol Vag looks like you and all the dumbass berners are in sync with each other. Birds of a feather and all that :thup:
Well, I must admit, OldSickFool, i would enjoy seeing them win and tearing the DemoRAT party apart with the settlement!:laugh:
One has to wonder who all those Bernie supporters will be voting for?

Oh and most were less then pleased when Bernie backed Hitlery.

I'm sure Trump is sitting back and just licking his chops. LOL
What about the millions and millions of primary voters who were effectively disenfranchised by the DNC?

People should have been tarred and feathered over this.

Don't worry about the millions that were disenfranchised, worry more about Voter-ID and the two or three people per state that it negatively effects.

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