You Knew Clinton was Dirty & You Voted for Her Anyways?

She'll always be discussed until the Witch Hunt is over and the people who were involved in it are prosecuted and punished.
Clinton Obama The DNC tried to rig an Election, like they rigged their primary, like they tried to rig the debates, rigged polls, and rigged media coverage.

Furthermore Clinton & Obama & The DNC tried to Nullify an Election of a duly elected president, after the fact, and Launched an Investigation based on a False Premise, Political Propaganda paid for and produced by The Democrat Party, and Russian Propaganda paid for and produced by The Democrat Party.

Until this matter is resolved, Hillary Clinton will be bludgeoned in here every day until The American People get Justice for the fraud Obama, Clinton, The DNC, The FBI & DOJ perpetrated upon We The People.

If there were NO CRIMES committed, people would let it go, but we are talking about Major Felonies here. The kind people hang for, so NO ONE IS GOING TO LET IT GO.
How can you have an honest discussion with a liberal when they aren’t even honest about the genitalia between their own damn legs?

7 more years if these cryin' traitor libstains.

Are you a bitter white guy over 60 afraid of change and brown people?

I bet you are!
The change you want are men in women's bathrooms. No - I don't want your change.

You can't.
Really poor deflection Comrade

Are you posting from Russia or North Korea today?

Or perhaps you are feverishly typing on your keyboard from Putin’s bunghole?


1.) Did not attempt to dispute a single point.

2.) Resorted to insults.

Another "Get off my lawn!" thread from the crazy old guys of USMB!

How about "You knew he was the fucking stupidest moron ever to be nominated yet you voted for him anyways" as the title of your thread.

Yet, you didn't attempt to dispute a single point, and you resorted to replaying something that happened two years ago rather than defend the moron you put into office.

Bitter old white guys, stuck in the 60s, afraid of the changes and the brown people, evoking the ball-crusher to deflect from the failings of President Fucking Moron.

These Hillary panty-sniffers are hilarious!
I wonder if Huma has ever been exposed to Hillarys panties
Really poor deflection Comrade

Are you posting from Russia or North Korea today?

Or perhaps you are feverishly typing on your keyboard from Putin’s bunghole?


1.) Did not attempt to dispute a single point.

2.) Resorted to insults.

How about "You knew he was the fucking stupidest moron ever to be nominated yet you voted for him anyways" as the title of your thread.

Yet, you didn't attempt to dispute a single point, and you resorted to replaying something that happened two years ago rather than defend the moron you put into office.

Bitter old white guys, stuck in the 60s, afraid of the changes and the brown people, evoking the ball-crusher to deflect from the failings of President Fucking Moron.

These Hillary panty-sniffers are hilarious!
I wonder if Huma has ever been exposed to Hillarys panties

I'm pretty sure that's her primary job.
Really poor deflection Comrade

Are you posting from Russia or North Korea today?

Or perhaps you are feverishly typing on your keyboard from Putin’s bunghole?

How about "You knew he was the fucking stupidest moron ever to be nominated yet you voted for him anyways" as the title of your thread.

Yet, you didn't attempt to dispute a single point, and you resorted to replaying something that happened two years ago rather than defend the moron you put into office.

Bitter old white guys, stuck in the 60s, afraid of the changes and the brown people, evoking the ball-crusher to deflect from the failings of President Fucking Moron.

These Hillary panty-sniffers are hilarious!
I wonder if Huma has ever been exposed to Hillarys panties

I'm pretty sure that's her primary job.
I guess she had to wash them a lot. I wonder what color they were after wearing them for 2 days
Yeah she actually did all the awful things Democrats are accusing Trump of doing, such as 'Russian Collusion.' And her and Wasserman-Schultz did rig their Party's Primary process.

The Trump Hater-Bots are just living in denial about all the Clinton corruption. They're too busy being consumed with irrational hate for Donald Trump.
Really poor deflection Comrade

Are you posting from Russia or North Korea today?

Or perhaps you are feverishly typing on your keyboard from Putin’s bunghole?

Bitter old white guys, stuck in the 60s, afraid of the changes and the brown people, evoking the ball-crusher to deflect from the failings of President Fucking Moron.

These Hillary panty-sniffers are hilarious!
I wonder if Huma has ever been exposed to Hillarys panties

I'm pretty sure that's her primary job.
I guess she had to wash them a lot. I wonder what color they were after wearing them for 2 days
I am guessing Rum and Coke colored?

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