You know it's a scandal: Subpoenas flying - Squealing for immunity



UPDATED: Christie bridge scandal: N.J. Assembly panel releases full subpoena list, including governor's office |

TRENTON — The state Assembly committee investigating the George Washington Bridge scandal released the list of names of the 18 high-level Port Authority and Christie administration officials and two offices that received subpoenas within the last 24 hours.

Official at center of Christie Bridgegate scandal says he'll talk if prosecutors give him IMMUNITY

In it, former deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly – publicly fired last week by Gov. Christie – wrote Wildstein that it was 'time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,' a New Jersey town where morning commuters enter the busy George Washington Bridge.
'Got it,' replied Wildstein in the email.
The result was a four-day rearrangement of traffic cones on the bridge's entry tollgates, choking off the flow of cars from Fort Lee and bringing the town to a standstill for hours on end.


I wonder how hilarious the parents of six and seven year old children sat in traffic for four hours thought the joke was? You think they are still laughing?

You would think after years of Republicans spending millions on so called Obama scandals, they would have something. Anything. Crispie's scandal is a real scandal. No matter how much Republicans try to minimize the danger it put tens of thousands of real and regular Americans in. How many Americans are Republicans willing to hurt to "get Obama"?
Someone evidently did something wrong -- and the justified investigation yielding subpoenas IS likely to get some of the recipients of the subpoenas to wish for, seek or demand "immunity."

But that still does not mean that Chrispy Cream was involved.

Sorry rderp.

Your faux analysis is as dopey and hackneyed as always.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.
Full court press by the federal authority that authorized 3,000 illegal weapons to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels and was granted immunity by the president. Traffic cones on the GWB are far more dangerous than Hillary's incompetence at Benghazi.
Bring it on. Let it be a lesson to N.J. politicians. You can steal billions in investment stocks like former democrat governor Jon Corzine but if you stop traffic in Ft. Lee and you are a republican your fat ass.
Bring it on. Let it be a lesson to N.J. politicians. You can steal billions in investment stocks like former democrat governor Jon Corzine but if you stop traffic in Ft. Lee and you are a republican your fat ass.

This is why no one pays attention to this Christie "Scandal"
You know it's a scandal: Subpoenas flying - Squealing for immunity

That happens every day in recreational drug cases. The last one in the line, who has nobody left to rat out, gets burned for the full criminal charges.

It's not about politics. It's how the current system works.

Imagine how many squealers there would be, were Holder dishing out the immunity.
I thought I was gonna like Chris Christie.

But over time, I saw him for what he is: a mere RINO.

The biggest call for him to be the GOP Presidential nominee comes from

the liberal Dims who want a weak RINO opponent to run against Shrillary. So, I am not a Chris Christie fan.

Now, on the other hand, the charges against him are (SO FAR) ALL pure speculation, innuendo and conjecture. I may not be a fan of the governor, but I know a left wing smear campaign when I smell it's stink. I am no fan of their bullshit, either.

Meanwhile, more people died at Chappaquiddick than during the GWB Bridge-gate mess. More died in Benghazi, for that matter. More died because of Obama/Holder gun running to Mexican murdererous drug cartel shitheads, too.

Fuck the lolberal Democrat Parody hypocrite shit slingers.

That is all.
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Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Love honest right wingers telling us exactly how they feel. When you point out right wing racism, USMB conservatives become outraged. "Oh, they don't speak for us". Only they do.
This is hilarious. After the half dozen scandals the president has been involved in the left constantly found excuse after excuse as to why they were not scandals or why he was not to blame. Over and over again we had to hear excuses and deflection. Then Christie has some connection to a few orange cones and it’s suddenly scandal time.

Add to that the fact that the right does not like Christie at all but rather he is the golden go to ‘R’ for the dems. This is the guy that the left has been telling the right they must run or lose. He was the one they ‘could vote for.’ You just can’t make shit up more ironic and laughable.
Phony scandal. :(

Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Love honest right wingers telling us exactly how they feel. When you point out right wing racism, USMB conservatives become outraged. "Oh, they don't speak for us". Only they do.

No. They don't. and of all people, some asshole like YOU claiming they do is almost self-standing proof that they don't.

Take away the racist overlay, OKTexas is saying something worthwhile. I reject the racism. But you ignore the substance in order to dwell on the racism. We all know why, too. It's because you have nothing intelligent, principled or logical to offer.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Love honest right wingers telling us exactly how they feel. When you point out right wing racism, USMB conservatives become outraged. "Oh, they don't speak for us". Only they do.

Actually you dishonest piece of dogsqueeze? They don't.
Bring it on. Let it be a lesson to N.J. politicians. You can steal billions in investment stocks like former democrat governor Jon Corzine but if you stop traffic in Ft. Lee and you are a republican your fat ass.
Progressives are fickle...not too long ago they were in love with Krispy Kreme after the arm-in-arm meeting he had with the boy king tyrant after Sandy...doesn't take them long to turn, does it?

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