You left wingers wanted he has decimated your party, nice job....

After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine
The mindless GOP obstruction started 2/4/2010 and lasted til now. The stimulus and D/F regs were simply in reaction to the corrupt W word depression- what RW BS . Which you dupes don't even know happened lol...ACA is the GOP plan and will work even better when it's TrumpCare, dupes.
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.
You dupes don't know what they are or what's happened in the last 30 years. Just great at bs gossip and blind hate tho...
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.

Indeed. They have two main excuses:

1. They weren't didn't properly communicate Their Message (a humble brag that the public is too stupid to understand what they stand for).

2. And all the DEPLORABLE isms.

The loons just don't get that insulting people is not an effective method of engendering support.
BS, dupe. Putin and Comey. Period.
These stupid Moon Bats were idiots electing that Obama asshole who turned out to be the worst President this country ever had and then they wonder why the Democrats are being destroyed as a party.

Of course the Moon Bats are incapable of learning from their mistakes. They chose that Crooked Hillary bitch as their candidate. A corrupt, dishonest and incompetent piece of shit and then they wonder why she wasn't ahead 50 percentage points in the election.
ACA will survive, with national exchanges and a couple other amendments as TrumpCare lol...
Sure francoHFW
And as a Constitutionalist I won't stop until I find a legal team to sue to separate funding by party.

Right to health care through govt constitutes a political belief that must remain optional to follow, but regulations such as ACA can't be made mandatory without violating equal beliefs in states rights, due process of laws before depriving law abiding citizens of liberty, and the necessity of a Constitutional amendment before granting federal government more powers to mandate health care insurance and regulations to this degree.

If I can't find a lawyer to sue, I'll ask help of the public to sue both politicians and officials of both parties for doing nothing to stop unwarranted mandates that constitute taxation without representation.

All that Obama and Congress had to do was make mandates and programs *Optional* to follow and fund and these would have been *Constitutional.*
That's all the change needed!

Now that GOP has proposed an alternative version that removes mandates all Congress has to do is keep both versions as optional, let states vote on which version they prefer and/or let states give taxpayers the option of choosing one track or the other to pay their taxes under.

And THAT would respect free choice.

francoHFW as a Democrat who is sick of Anti Choice hypocrisy and oppressive mandates forced by Democratic leaders, I am SICK of fellow liberals and Democrats continuing to back this CRAP.

I thought it would be OVER and people would GET that the huge RED map on Election Day was HUGE NO to mandated social programs through federal govt that take resources and control away from people and states.

Why are you SOOOO against free choice?

Why CAN'T we have TWO separate tracks through govt -- one for people who want to fund universal care through federal govt and one who believe in investing in proven nonprofit and educational programs for sustainable health care through free market means.

What do I have to DO? Sue Obama and the Democrats who push this crap?

Sue Roberts and Cruz and any GOP who knew this was a failed bill but let it run as a strategy to vote out the party behind it, at the expense of taxpayers stuck while they play political games???

After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.

Indeed. They have two main excuses:

1. They weren't didn't properly communicate Their Message (a humble brag that the public is too stupid to understand what they stand for).

2. And all the DEPLORABLE isms.

The loons just don't get that insulting people is not an effective method of engendering support.

And Hillary didn't just insult a few people, she insulted 10's of millions of likely voters. That's just DUMB. Which is a great contradiction with these people, the left claims to be the educated and enlightened, yet they continue to do really DUMB things. That they also claim is the right who are backwoods redneck stupid hicks makes it all the more hilarious.
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine
The mindless GOP obstruction started 2/4/2010 and lasted til now. The stimulus and D/F regs were simply in reaction to the corrupt W word depression- what RW BS . Which you dupes don't even know happened lol...ACA is the GOP plan and will work even better when it's TrumpCare, dupes.

You have not explained why the American people chose the GOP over Democrats even when Dem's had the advantage of the first black president in the White House. Why did the American people reject your side?
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.
You dupes don't know what they are or what's happened in the last 30 years. Just great at bs gossip and blind hate tho...

We beat you with BS and gossip? I thought you libs were the smart ones. Though that Bush a man who could barely speak a complete sentence whooped your ass twice in a row suggests the left may not be that smart.

We did swiftboat Hillary's ass pretty good with WikiLeaks and Comey's letter to congress. Man that felt good throwing her under the bus at the last minute. :eusa_dance:
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine
The mindless GOP obstruction started 2/4/2010 and lasted til now. The stimulus and D/F regs were simply in reaction to the corrupt W word depression- what RW BS . Which you dupes don't even know happened lol...ACA is the GOP plan and will work even better when it's TrumpCare, dupes.

You have not explained why the American people chose the GOP over Democrats even when Dem's had the advantage of the first black president in the White House. Why did the American people reject your side?
Putin and Comey and e-mails ring a bell?
These stupid Moon Bats were idiots electing that Obama asshole who turned out to be the worst President this country ever had and then they wonder why the Democrats are being destroyed as a party.

Of course the Moon Bats are incapable of learning from their mistakes. They chose that Crooked Hillary bitch as their candidate. A corrupt, dishonest and incompetent piece of shit and then they wonder why she wasn't ahead 50 percentage points in the election.
It's simple- A giant GOP propaganda machine and ignoramuses like you.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

He said his legacy and policy was on the table in 2014 and 2016. Both times it was a landslide..

His legacy remained in 2015 and it will remain in 2017. He's got some of that potent legacy.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

He said his legacy and policy was on the table in 2014 and 2016. Both times it was a landslide..

His legacy remained in 2015 and it will remain in 2017. He's got some of that potent legacy.

In your world tell that to the Senate democrats they should of smoked the republicans this year.
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.

Indeed. They have two main excuses:

1. They weren't didn't properly communicate Their Message (a humble brag that the public is too stupid to understand what they stand for).

2. And all the DEPLORABLE isms.

The loons just don't get that insulting people is not an effective method of engendering support.

And Hillary didn't just insult a few people, she insulted 10's of millions of likely voters. That's just DUMB. Which is a great contradiction with these people, the left claims to be the educated and enlightened, yet they continue to do really DUMB things. That they also claim is the right who are backwoods redneck stupid hicks makes it all the more hilarious.

It's a rather interesting to deconstruct their "you're stupid" style of persuasion.

The Leftwingers are desperate to be accepted into the Annointed Elite of Right Thinking People. They get programmed this way through years of conditioning at schools and colleges, as well as by the MSM and Hollywood Corporate Pop Culture. To be called one of the "Deplorable" epithets or STUPID is a horrifying prospect to them, so they virtue signal by labeling anyone who is not in the Prog Tent with one or more of the outsider adjectives. They think that everyone is programmed to be controlled by such epithets, and that by frequent application, they will shame others into submission.

Fortunately, there are plenty of people in the country who haven't been brainwashed into Prog Bots.
If the police were out arresting liberals, obama and the clintons wouldnt even be on the suspect list.

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