You left wingers wanted he has decimated your party, nice job....

Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.

The two issues that stand out the most for Republican voters are the Supreme Court nominations and the immigration problem. Even if he does nothing else, the election will be worth it if he can seriously address those two issues and bring satisfaction to the Republican voters.
After the 2nd Consecutive election in which Obama declared the election was all about HIM, the Democrats have been in the worst shape they''ve been in since 1928.

His Presidency was a disaster, his legacy is gone...the happiest man in the US is Carter.

The problem is that people really liked Obama personally but didn't care for his policies. Given the fact people vote for a leader the way they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant is why Obama won two terms.

The Democrat party (and Hillary in particular) were fooled into believing that people put DumBama into power because they liked his Democrat policies. Nothing is further from the truth.

How else can anybody explain how DumBama has such high approval ratings and Hillary lost the election?
Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.
So, you are saying the people of the US wanted change? Why is that if your president Obama was such a good president? Obviously he was not. Hillary's message was more of the same and very few wanted that.
America wanted change from the Obstructionist politics Democrats had imposed but for which they were falsely blaming the GOP.

America's sheep bought it and embraced the 'Trojan Horse'...much to their regret.

Hollary was not a 'horse' - she was a 'jackass' America rejected.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
If it's any consolation poor whites in red states who vote GOP are also going to be cut off of the government too.

You don't know how many people vote GOP even though they benefit from liberal policies like union members who vote for Republicans.

Or anyone who might one day want an abortion.

Or anyone with a pre existing condition
That's why we need to quit relying on govt and build schools and hospitals ourselves sealybobo Exactly!
If your rights depend on whose running Congress those aren't inalienable.

If states and people invest our income labor and taxes into school campuses like UT Rice etc, then you can develop sustainable programs tied with education jobs and housing/business development.

Why not take over bldg abandoned by Walmart and start there. Why not help charter schools succeed in distressed districts that need an influx of support.

As for your comment on Blacks letting Dems down, yes and no. See below, it goes both ways.
The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
If it's any consolation poor whites in red states who vote GOP are also going to be cut off of the government too.

You don't know how many people vote GOP even though they benefit from liberal policies like union members who vote for Republicans.

Or anyone who might one day want an abortion.

Or anyone with a pre existing condition
That's why we need to quit relying on govt and build schools and hospitals ourselves sealybobo Exactly!
If your rights depend on whose running Congress those aren't inalienable.

If states and people invest our income labor and taxes into school campuses like UT Rice etc, then you can develop sustainable programs tied with education jobs and housing/business development.

Why not take over bldg abandoned by Walmart and start there. Why not help charter schools succeed in distressed districts that need an influx of support.

As for your comment on Blacks letting Dems down, yes and no. See below, it goes both ways.
Back when we came up with public schools we wanted population growth. Perhaps the people who really run the global economy sees that everyone having lots of kids is unsustainable? Wouldn't we then take away all the things that encourage birth rates? Affordable healthcare, high paying blue collar jobs, cost of living going up, free schools, food stamps.

I'm actually in favor of lowering the population.

Middle class people should have no more than two kids. Poor people should have one or none.

If you didn't have public schools maybe a lot of people wouldn't have 3 or 4 kids. They wouldn't be able to afford it.
I voted against Obama because he believes in putting party before the Constitution.
My personal like or dislike is not the same.

I voted for Trump as more answerable to checks by the Constitution

Silly assertions about Trump being answerable to Constitution with full Republican majorities and judges he will nominate, who do you like more - Obama or Trump? Hillary or Trump.
Dear antontoo
I support Trump Clinton Cruz Sanders Stein Johnson and other Greens Libertarians D R Tea Party Occupy etc in leading movements to take back govt programs delegated back to states and parties that are not constitutionslly approved or authorized for federal govt.

So my vote is for the Constitution to be enforced

My vote was against Clinton and Democrats teaching the opposite dependence on govt.

That is what I do not "like or believe in"

I voted for Trump so both sides have free speech and free reign to DIY.

Personally I think both Clinton and Trump have the balls to lead the necessary change. But personally I do not like either of their harsh politics .

If I met either one I would probably "like" Clinton to work on women's trafficking and reparations issues for rape and legal abuse, and Sanders and Stein to work on workers and medical cooperative developments including labor backed currency to fund jobs and education in reforms using restitution and credit's from past debts owed to taxpayers from corporate abuses.

I'd "like" Ben Carson to integrate campus plans for reforming public housing and prisons into medical programs that work, and like Trump to replicate model military teaching hospitals and secure prisons along the border along with production facilities to offer jobs education and services legally to workers enrolled in registered programs just like community colleges that track educational and work study credits.

This isn't about personal like or dislike because I can't stand politics or anyone having to play those games.

It's about spiritual duty to humanity and society vested in Constitutional principles and process of realizing self govt.

Sorry you only see this as personal but the political process is spiritual to me.

It's about equal protections and Restorative Justice regardless what I like or don't like about people personally.

I'd like to see consensus on laws and political process. I don't like or agree with bullying. Since both Clinton and Trump bully through the media I don't like either one.

I'd like a system that doesn't require or reward bullying.

I voted against Clinton and liberal media as being the bigger bully.

In your terms if you call that disliking Clinton's politics more then that's your way of saying it, not mine.

I think both politics need to change, regardless if I like them or not.

What matters is equal Constitutional protection and process. That's up to we the people Regardless who s in office or not, and who we like or dislike.
Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
Poor Blacks say the Democrats let them down but I say poor blacks let the Democrats down so they get what they deserve.

Did Obama give them healthcare? So why didn't they show up in 2010 to vote out the GOP obstructionists? Same for all the other people who didn't show up in 2010. That gave the GOP back both houses.

And now I'm starting to not care about people who don't matter. If you don't vote you don't get your way. Republicans showed up and convinced independent and moderates. Sucks but it's true
Yes and no sealybobo
1. Obama didn't give us health care but corporate mandates so insurance lobbies would approve the bill at our expenses while they got trillions paid up front. The left still lobbying for universal care also oppose the mandates that insert corporate insurance in the way and cost us trillions. My friends all left without ability to pay can tell you it didn't help but cost us insurance plans that went up or dropped coverage.
2. The Black Democrats in districts like mine got left behind losing schools property and community to corporate interests the Democrat officials have to kowtow to for staying in office. Did any of these ask Obama to step in with his executive orders on African American education? No, there is a class division and lack of connection within the party and the Black community because of corporatized politics.

If anything it's mutual. If your political party leaders suckered millions if not billions out of community programs left with nothing and volunteers like me work two jobs to cover costs, in order to afford candidates to run for office claiming govt is going to take care of you, what can you expect except a deeper divide between the working poor left with no representation while corporate politicians make deals at the top that don't help the people at the bottom.

So now you blame the people stuck at the bottom. Who promised them help, isn't it fraud if they don't deliver what they advertise in the media and platforms? What do we need to do sealybobo SUE Democrats to pay back funds into programs as promised? Or its corporate fraud?
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Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....

Yes, but you're viewing him the same way I am which is from a political spectrum. Many people do not. They base their support and vote on personality. The guy portrays himself as a super nice guy, barely a bad word to speak about anybody including our enemies, has a nice looking family, all that.
Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
Hey, I'm a Republican now but stop it. Obama's a good man. Don't be a partisan hack. You're just swallowing propaganda.

You don't need to continue that crap. You won move on. Let's start cutting all the wasteful unnecessary programs and start an era of personal responsibility
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.
Dear antontoo
Being popular, and passing Constitutional or Unconstitutional laws are two different things.

2aguy is rightfully pointing out this problem with D politicians putting what is a popular belief over what is constitutional duty of govt.

OBAMA s oath of office is not based on doing and saying what is popular because that is relative and biased.

His duty is to uphold the Constitution which he violated by pushing mandates and beliefs that violate equal freedom and protection for citizens who ended up penalized, fined and deprived of liberty without due process.

First with the ACA mandates, then with the lobbying for laws and rulings favoring Beliefs about LGBT orientation and transgender identity that are faith based, and taking the side of people blaming law enforcement collectively for being racist, instead of distinguishing which are the abusers, similar to rejecting all Muslims as enabling terrorism.

Those may be popular issues, but that doesn't help with enforcing laws, never being a party to their evasion, and exposing corruption wherever discovered. The Democrats like Obama and Clinton clear put Partisan interests above duty to represent ALL Americans, not just their party or whatever is popular.

See Code of Ethics for Govt Service

With all due respect, your failure is in thinking liberals have any code of ethics.
Apparently miketx they believe in Statist rule by court judges.
So we'd have to sue the party for abusing govt to impose faith based beliefs that discriminate by creed and charge Obama Pelosi Roberts and all other proponents who passed or approved ACA mandates and biased marriage laws (both Doma and rulings on marriage that were biased not neutral) as conspiring to violate equal civil rights UNLESS they work to correct these biases by consensus which includes people of all beliefs and creeds.

I've asked help to find lawyers to write up a class action. Can we start a petition and see if lawyers will help?

Both left and right opponents to ACA mandates might agree if we add charges that the responsible officials personally raise and pay trillions in reimbursement and restitution to taxpayers to invest in their own health care programs of choice. Since these were political beliefs proclaimed in Democratic Party platforms why not hold that party and its leaders responsible for paying back the costs. The vote in Congress was all Democrats. That's a private political belief so shouldn't the party be held to it not taxpayers or parties voting NO.
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Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
Hey, I'm a Republican now but stop it. Obama's a good man. Don't be a partisan hack. You're just swallowing propaganda.

You don't need to continue that crap. You won move on. Let's start cutting all the wasteful unnecessary programs and start an era of personal responsibility

obama is an asshole......he sat in an openly racist church for 20 honest to goodness racist church, with an actual, openly and proudly racist for the pastor, jeremiah wright, an American hating pastor too........this asshole racist married barak and michelle and baptized their children.....

obama called bill ayers, an actual, real, domestic terrorist bomber his good friend and worked with him...and this terrorists bomber helped obama launch his political career....bill ayers and his wife, bernadine dorhn detonated bombs in pubic buildings in the 1960s.....and he is implicated in at least one murder.....his wife, bernadine dorhn is a convicted felon because of her bombing activities.....she developed the 3 fingered salute during the Chicago democrat convention riots...the 3 fingers she created represented the fork used to rip open the stomach of Sharon Tate's stomach by the manson family when they wanted to see her dead baby............this is not a joke, this is what she actually did.......bernadine dorn introduced barak and michelle.......she worked at the law firm that michelle worked at ....

obama is an asshole through and through.......
He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....

Yes, but you're viewing him the same way I am which is from a political spectrum. Many people do not. They base their support and vote on personality. The guy portrays himself as a super nice guy, barely a bad word to speak about anybody including our enemies, has a nice looking family, all that.

The truth about obama is nasty.....I just posted this but I'll post it so you see it in your alerts...

obama is an asshole......he sat in an openly racist church for 20 honest to goodness racist church, with an actual, openly and proudly racist for the pastor, jeremiah wright, an American hating pastor too........this asshole racist married barak and michelle and baptized their children.....

obama called bill ayers, an actual, real, domestic terrorist bomber his good friend and worked with him...and this terrorists bomber helped obama launch his political career....bill ayers and his wife, bernadine dorhn detonated bombs in pubic buildings in the 1960s.....and he is implicated in at least one murder.....his wife, bernadine dorhn is a convicted felon because of her bombing activities.....she developed the 3 fingered salute during the Chicago democrat convention riots...the 3 fingers she created represented the fork used to rip open the stomach of Sharon Tate's stomach by the manson family when they wanted to see her dead baby............this is not a joke, this is what she actually did.......bernadine dorn introduced barak and michelle.......she worked at the law firm that michelle worked at ....

obama is an asshole through and through.......
He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....

Yes, but you're viewing him the same way I am which is from a political spectrum. Many people do not. They base their support and vote on personality. The guy portrays himself as a super nice guy, barely a bad word to speak about anybody including our enemies, has a nice looking family, all that.

this is the woman who is good freinds with barak and michelle........they are assholes and clueless....would you have this woman as a friend?

Would you have a person like this in your any capacity?

Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia

Controversial statements about Tate-LaBianca murders[edit]
Dohrn was criticized for comments she reportedly made about the murders of actress Sharon Tate and retail store owners Leno and Rosemary LaBianca by the Charles Mansonclan. In a speech during the December 1969 "War Council" meeting organized by the Weathermen, attended by about 400 people in Flint, Michigan, Dohrn said, "First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the pig Tate's stomach! Wild!"[18][19][20] In greeting each other, delegates to the war council often spread their fingers to signify the fork.[10]
What amazes me are the voters that voted for him the second time.
Sadly, some people don't learn until they've been smacked more than once.

After 8years of Obama, I couldn't believe the DNC actually thought Hillary could beat Trump. Wtf were they thinking!? LOL
Then again... we have learned they aren't too smucking fart. That's been proven with the leaked emails. :)

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