You left wingers wanted he has decimated your party, nice job....

5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
If it's any consolation poor whites in red states who vote GOP are also going to be cut off of the government too.

You don't know how many people vote GOP even though they benefit from liberal policies like union members who vote for Republicans.

Or anyone who might one day want an abortion.

Or anyone with a pre existing condition
Abortion is over, it's just a matter of time until the SCOTUS is fixed....
I doubt that too very much. But I hope they try it because then all the pro choice people will wake up.

If trump lowers the debt instead of it growing then he will be the greatest thing to happen to this country. You're bat shit crazy to think he will but I hope you are right.
The Trump SCOTUS will side with the baby.....your era of baby death is over, it's just a matter of time.....
Stari decisis.

They'll make it harder but not ban abortion.

But you've proven me wrong before so
Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
Hey, I'm a Republican now but stop it. Obama's a good man. Don't be a partisan hack. You're just swallowing propaganda.

You don't need to continue that crap. You won move on. Let's start cutting all the wasteful unnecessary programs and start an era of personal responsibility

obama is an asshole......he sat in an openly racist church for 20 honest to goodness racist church, with an actual, openly and proudly racist for the pastor, jeremiah wright, an American hating pastor too........this asshole racist married barak and michelle and baptized their children.....

obama called bill ayers, an actual, real, domestic terrorist bomber his good friend and worked with him...and this terrorists bomber helped obama launch his political career....bill ayers and his wife, bernadine dorhn detonated bombs in pubic buildings in the 1960s.....and he is implicated in at least one murder.....his wife, bernadine dorhn is a convicted felon because of her bombing activities.....she developed the 3 fingered salute during the Chicago democrat convention riots...the 3 fingers she created represented the fork used to rip open the stomach of Sharon Tate's stomach by the manson family when they wanted to see her dead baby............this is not a joke, this is what she actually did.......bernadine dorn introduced barak and michelle.......she worked at the law firm that michelle worked at ....

obama is an asshole through and through.......
Sure, dupe. My, you're up on all the fake news, fool.
Personally I think the high approval ratings are a combination of the approval rating for the color of his skin and the same type of poll manipulation that resulted in the such WAY off predictions Hillary would win.

Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
Hey, I'm a Republican now but stop it. Obama's a good man. Don't be a partisan hack. You're just swallowing propaganda.

You don't need to continue that crap. You won move on. Let's start cutting all the wasteful unnecessary programs and start an era of personal responsibility

obama is an asshole......he sat in an openly racist church for 20 honest to goodness racist church, with an actual, openly and proudly racist for the pastor, jeremiah wright, an American hating pastor too........this asshole racist married barak and michelle and baptized their children.....

obama called bill ayers, an actual, real, domestic terrorist bomber his good friend and worked with him...and this terrorists bomber helped obama launch his political career....bill ayers and his wife, bernadine dorhn detonated bombs in pubic buildings in the 1960s.....and he is implicated in at least one murder.....his wife, bernadine dorhn is a convicted felon because of her bombing activities.....she developed the 3 fingered salute during the Chicago democrat convention riots...the 3 fingers she created represented the fork used to rip open the stomach of Sharon Tate's stomach by the manson family when they wanted to see her dead baby............this is not a joke, this is what she actually did.......bernadine dorn introduced barak and michelle.......she worked at the law firm that michelle worked at ....

obama is an asshole through and through.......
Sure, dupe. My, you're up on all the fake news, fool.
You'll always be the village idiot, franco.
Just saying. :)
Last edited:
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
If it's any consolation poor whites in red states who vote GOP are also going to be cut off of the government too.

You don't know how many people vote GOP even though they benefit from liberal policies like union members who vote for Republicans.

Or anyone who might one day want an abortion.

Or anyone with a pre existing condition
Abortion is over, it's just a matter of time until the SCOTUS is fixed....
I doubt that too very much. But I hope they try it because then all the pro choice people will wake up.

If trump lowers the debt instead of it growing then he will be the greatest thing to happen to this country. You're bat shit crazy to think he will but I hope you are right.
The Trump SCOTUS will side with the baby.....your era of baby death is over, it's just a matter of time.....
Stari decisis.

They'll make it harder but not ban abortion.

But you've proven me wrong before so
You'l fin
Yes, I do think that was more of a contributor when he first got in than later. He's just a likable guy and that's something nobody on the right can refute.

He isn't really a likeable guy...we only see him on camera.....he is a jerk.....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he coddles the worst dicatators and turns his back on real allies.....
Hey, I'm a Republican now but stop it. Obama's a good man. Don't be a partisan hack. You're just swallowing propaganda.

You don't need to continue that crap. You won move on. Let's start cutting all the wasteful unnecessary programs and start an era of personal responsibility

obama is an asshole......he sat in an openly racist church for 20 honest to goodness racist church, with an actual, openly and proudly racist for the pastor, jeremiah wright, an American hating pastor too........this asshole racist married barak and michelle and baptized their children.....

obama called bill ayers, an actual, real, domestic terrorist bomber his good friend and worked with him...and this terrorists bomber helped obama launch his political career....bill ayers and his wife, bernadine dorhn detonated bombs in pubic buildings in the 1960s.....and he is implicated in at least one murder.....his wife, bernadine dorhn is a convicted felon because of her bombing activities.....she developed the 3 fingered salute during the Chicago democrat convention riots...the 3 fingers she created represented the fork used to rip open the stomach of Sharon Tate's stomach by the manson family when they wanted to see her dead baby............this is not a joke, this is what she actually did.......bernadine dorn introduced barak and michelle.......she worked at the law firm that michelle worked at ....

obama is an asshole through and through.......
Sure, dupe. My, you're up on all the fake news, fool.
You'll always be the village idiot, franco.
Just saying. :)
From you fake news fools, I'll take that as a great compliment.
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
If it's any consolation poor whites in red states who vote GOP are also going to be cut off of the government too.

You don't know how many people vote GOP even though they benefit from liberal policies like union members who vote for Republicans.

Or anyone who might one day want an abortion.

Or anyone with a pre existing condition
Abortion is over, it's just a matter of time until the SCOTUS is fixed....
I doubt that too very much. But I hope they try it because then all the pro choice people will wake up.

If trump lowers the debt instead of it growing then he will be the greatest thing to happen to this country. You're bat shit crazy to think he will but I hope you are right.
The Trump SCOTUS will side with the baby.....your era of baby death is over, it's just a matter of time.....
Stari decisis.

They'll make it harder but not ban abortion.

But you've proven me wrong before so
I'd like to see laws passed making it rape or abuse to have sex that results in unwanted pregnancy unwanted children or abortion. If men are held equally responsible as women for the decision to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted maybe things will change. In case of rape the men need to be held responsible. If it is contested it can still be argued as relationship abuse or sexual abuse and could require both parties to undergo counseling to resolve any conflicts or complaints of abuse.

That should stop the targeting of women after the point of pregnancy and focus on responsibility for stopping rape, incest, sexual abuse, relationship abuse and fraud that implicates men equally if not more in cases of coercion.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Remember when you libs were touting Hilary Clinton's approval raiting as SoS? Remind me again how did that work out for you?
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Remember when you libs were touting Hilary Clinton's approval raiting as SoS? Remind me again how did that work out for you?
Fine, until Putin and Comey wrecked the election...
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Remember when you libs were touting Hilary Clinton's approval raiting as SoS? Remind me again how did that work out for you?
Fine, until Putin and Comey wrecked the election...

Wrecked the election? Comey should have sent his findings to a grand jury for them to decide how to handle the Clinton situation. He gave her a huge break.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Remember when you libs were touting Hilary Clinton's approval raiting as SoS? Remind me again how did that work out for you?
Fine, until Putin and Comey wrecked the election...

Wrecked the election? Comey should have sent his findings to a grand jury for them to decide how to handle the Clinton situation. He gave her a huge break.

Yes...considering the Grand Jury would have indicted her...
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Remember when you libs were touting Hilary Clinton's approval raiting as SoS? Remind me again how did that work out for you?
Fine, until Putin and Comey wrecked the election...

Wrecked the election? Comey should have sent his findings to a grand jury for them to decide how to handle the Clinton situation. He gave her a huge break.

Yes...considering the Grand Jury would have indicted her...
Got the inside poop, eh, dupe? lol. Obviously not...
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?

Why? Because Obabble's only real talent is to campaign for himself.
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.
Dear francoHFW both the Proogressive Left and the Constitutionalist Right were Opposed to ACA mandates . When I asked a universal care advocate why not unite to demand reform, the answer was the left had no resources to fight this corporate intrusion, so they let the Right fight against the mandates.

Both parties opposed, but the elitist corporatist Democrats kept pushing their mandates. So don't blame GOP for opposition, if anything blame both for not correcting the mandates in time so that voters just voted NO.

To be honest one of my conservative friends suggested the best policy was to LET ACA FAIL so it could be blamed on Dems. Had they altered it, GOP would be blamed. So they let it ride.

And the election results came out NO to Democrat mandates that don't help anyone but just cost us more.
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?
But if Trump lost, the GOP would have been destroyed. LOL at ADHD dupes of rating crazy media- at best.

BTW, back tracking LIB Trump may be wrecking the GOP, actually. Already making you hater dupes look like total fools...

But he didn't lose and he was a highly flawed candidate that should have been easy to beat!

Sent from my iPhone using
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine
ACA will survive, with national exchanges and a couple other amendments as TrumpCare lol...
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.
After 8 years under the first black president why isn't the Democratic party dominate vs a beat to hell pile of rubble?
Pure obstruction and bs GOP propaganda...dupe.

Why didn't the Dem's crush the GOP in 2010 and 2014? Why didn't they retake the House in 2012? Why did the American people reject Dem's in historic blow out losses with Obama on his throne?

Because Obabbles gotta Obabble.

The collapse of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama occurred in three stages, each corresponding to a national response to Obama’s policy and political overreach.

In Stage One, the Democrats were decimated in the House of Representatives (and the carnage at the state level began). From Inauguration Day in 2009 until July 2010, the Obama White House oversaw the passage of 1) the stimulus package, the most expensive piece of legislation in American history; 2) the second half of the TARP-TALF financial-bailout bill; 3) the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reforms; and 4) the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Not since 1933 had there been a more aggressive legislative and regulatory agenda, and Obama’s determined march not only featured $2.7 trillion in new spending but the wholesale revision of the nation’s health-care system.

It was too much, too fast, too soon, and there was a national uprising against it that came to be known as the “Tea Party.” What resulted was a midterm in 2010 that cost the Democrats 63 House seats, the largest such defeat in 72 years. Democrats had built a massive majority over two successive elections in 2006 and 2008 and saw it wiped out in one go. Consider this fact: In the 2006 midterms, when an anti-GOP wave began, Democratic candidates for the House received a national total of 42.3 million votes. In the next midterm election, 2010, they received 38.9 million votes, a decline of 9 percent. In 2014, they were down to 35.6 million votes, a 10 percent decline from the 2010 midterms. In all, Democrats have gained a total of two seats back from their 2010 low. That means they have suffered a net loss of 61 Democratic elected officials from the House of Representatives in the Obama era.

Stage Two was the decimation of the Democratic Senate majority. In 2014, Democrats watched incumbent after incumbent swept away in a Republican wave eerily similar to the House wave four years earlier. In 2010, Democrats had held on to control of the Senate with candidates who received 29 million votes in aggregate even as the House was going Republican. In 2014, Democrats received 8.2 million fewer votes—a decline of 23 percent from 2010.

In all, nine Democratic senators were axed in 2014, the largest swing since the Ronald Reagan election in 1980. What had happened to cause it? A year earlier, in October 2013, Obamacare had been rolled out—and computer systems and software costing $1 billion crashed and crashed hard. ISIS flowered malignantly in Syria and Iraq and began beheading Americans. There was a border crisis as thousands of children from Mexico and Central America made their way into the United States and were put up in makeshift housing. Republicans won by nationalizing their Senate races, as Philip Rucker and Robert Costa of the Washington Post noted at the time: “Make it all about Obama, Obama, Obama. Every new White House crisis would bring a new Republican ad. And every Democratic incumbent would be attacked relentlessly for voting with the president 97 or 98 or 99 percent of the time.”

Stage Three only began on Election Night, and its contours are yet to be determined: the decimation of the Obama legacy itself....

Bare, Ruined Choirs - Commentary Magazine

Yet faced with the brutal and historic rejection by the American people, the left continues to believe its not their policies or positions on the issues that laid waste to their entire party.

Indeed. They have two main excuses:

1. They weren't didn't properly communicate Their Message (a humble brag that the public is too stupid to understand what they stand for).

2. And all the DEPLORABLE isms.

The loons just don't get that insulting people is not an effective method of engendering support.

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