You left wingers wanted he has decimated your party, nice job....

............... :lol:

Ya... I don't know a single person that would say the kenyan has been a good president, not one, and that even includes democrats.
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
............... :lol:

Ya... I don't know a single person that would say the kenyan has been a good president, not one, and that even includes democrats.
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
............... :lol:

Ya... I don't know a single person that would say the kenyan has been a good president, not one, and that even includes democrats.
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
Don't talk much politics....too bad nanny GOPers ruined drunk driving. Hurts congressional/exec working too...
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
As if someone WASN'T putting America first, dupe. He conned the abortion antigay hater people too...
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
l'm interested and hopeful his foreign policy won't suq- the infrastructure SOUNDS good. But a giant tax cut for the 1% etc won't do any good except for the GOP establishment. That's all he's said so far lol. I hope he's a gd genius.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Your party has lost more than 900 state and federal legislative seats in the past eight years. It's pretty hard to argue Obama has not played a role in that
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
As if someone WASN'T putting America first, dupe. He conned the abortion antigay hater people too...
He sent hildaskank packing. That is ALL that matters. All the rest is just a lonely river filled with the tears of leftist traitors.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
As if someone WASN'T putting America first, dupe. He conned the abortion antigay hater people too...
He sent hildaskank packing. That is ALL that matters. All the rest is just a lonely river filled with the tears of leftist traitors.
If she wasn't going to win big, I'd prefer the big orange nutjob. Until he feqs up...
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
And you conned the undecideds and independents
What CON? lol. She's not corrupt either. So that's all for that crap, dupe. Even if you are a Dem or Indie.
I meant trump duped the independents and undecideds who if not for trump normally vote democratic.

They liked trumps message not the GOP's message. They just rode his coat tails.

Either that or Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were stolen.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
Where do you live, Hicksville?
Yep... don't come here.
I already live there. We have more cows than people, and it went 76% for Trump. Hey, he was my favorite GOP, because he's not GOP. I refuse to end friendships over it, but some of the dupes will. Mainly because they talked to my ASSHOLE brother about it...

HEY!!!. This is just politics. Don't tell me where to go LOL. I love em but I'm not crazy enough to argue politics with em lol...
Yeah you must be my neighbor then, because I can smell MANURE from my house. Hey, this is WISCONSIN, the dairy capitol of the world. There's two major liberal hell holes and that's Madison and Milwaukee, and I stay the hell away from them as much as possible. I live out in Podunk on a dead end road in SW WI and I freakin' love it. Sounded like a war zone last week with deer hunting going on, and yes, I have dem friends that voted BOTH times for obama, but went Trump this time. They're totally old school blue dog dems and they put America first, and they do think obama had us on the wrong path.

Yeah you argue with some of the farmers around here, especially after they get a belly full of Pabst, lol, and you're libel to have to pick yourself up off the floor... :lol:

That's the way we do it around here.
The GOP didn't 'miss it' - the All-In media had it wrong, the libtards on this board got it wrong...and they weren't just slightly wrong...they were WAY off!
Because Trumpers were so pissed off they lied to the Goper trust media FOURTEEN %. This too is a science. But not great for a COUNTRY. And the GOPers 14% believe in our media BECAUSE THEY"RE DUPED. MAINLY that Dems and Libs are LYING lol. Trump is now dumping their asses. At least he'll shake things up. And he's not a real GOP. He just knows how to con people lol.
He doesn't have to be real GOP, and actually that's a good thing, because the conservative base is PISSED OFF at the establishment GOP. If he does half the things he's said he's going to do, no one has anything to worry about because it will be good for America. There is NOTHING, WRONG, with putting America FIRST for a change, people WANT that. Trump isn't "conning" anyone. He's just a straight talker and the media and the establishment aren't used to that, but the PEOPLE LOVE IT.
The PEOPLE believe a pile GOP BS, nonetheless. Read sig.
And you conned the undecideds and independents
What CON? lol. She's not corrupt either. So that's all for that crap, dupe. Even if you are a Dem or Indie.
I meant trump duped the independents and undecideds who if not for trump normally vote democratic.

They liked trumps message not the GOP's message. They just rode his coat tails.

Either that or Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were stolen.
But he got the dupes by just parroting their BS New GOP hate, conspiracy theories, and innuendo (lock her up!, etc etc)
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The people we tried to help decimated our party. The poor didn't vote, women who are pro choice didn't show up, people on welfare didn't, affirmative action, unions, pro social security and Medicare, taxing the rich, affordable college,

All the people who agree with us but didn't vote destroyed the democratic party. So if they don't vote they don't matter.

You cons showed up so you get to do your way again. Good luck. Don't fuck it up like last time
5% of them. Suppressed at all?
5% didn't vote Dem. Blacks weren't excited for her like Obama.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Your party has lost more than 900 state and federal legislative seats in the past eight years. It's pretty hard to argue Obama has not played a role in that
Where? lol. DUPED. They are terrible voters. Easily duped by the giant GOP propaganda bs machine...never heard of GOP obstruction or W...
And you conned the undecideds and independents
What CON? lol. She's not corrupt either. So that's all for that crap, dupe. Even if you are a Dem or Indie.
I meant trump duped the independents and undecideds who if not for trump normally vote democratic.

They liked trumps message not the GOP's message. They just rode his coat tails.

Either that or Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were stolen.
But he got the dupes by just parroting their BS New GOP hate, conspiracy theories, and innuendo (lock her up!, etc etc)

And fixing NAFTA, tpp, help blue collar. It wasn't all racism and conspiracy theories. And since it is true bill signed NAFTA and hillary was for top.

Remember the debate where he said you've been in government for 30 yrs why haven't you done anything already? That may have won over a lot of whites who aren't racist. My neighbor across the hall has black friends so he's not racist but probably doesn't like illegals or Muslims.

He certainly had a nationalistic rhetoric. We lost. Now it's going to take us being right to get power back. And maybe the people we fight for need to start fighting for themselves.

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