You left wingers wanted he has decimated your party, nice job....

Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.
Popular in DC yes, but like crabs in a whorehouse everywhere else.


Obama's national approval is 57%, Trump's fresh-post election popularity is 48%.

Any questions?
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.
Popular in DC yes, but like crabs in a whorehouse everywhere else.

:rolleyes: Obama's popularity 57%, Trump's fresh-post election popularity 48%

Any questions?
Yes, can you get your money back from the fortune teller you used? Oh, and one more, is this you?

But if Trump lost, the GOP would have been destroyed. LOL at ADHD dupes of rating crazy media- at best.

BTW, back tracking LIB Trump may be wrecking the GOP, actually. Already making you hater dupes look like total fools...
if? maybe, but he didnt he won, so whats your point?
What difference does that all make now?
Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize.
That and we still have antiquated laws that give disproportionate power to empty land

Who owns most of that empty land?
No one. It's on rent from Jesus.

The Feds own it.
Any other off topic nonsense for us?

Just keep saying ridiculous things. :itsok:
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.
Popular in DC yes, but like crabs in a whorehouse everywhere else.


Obama's national approval is 57%, Trump's fresh-post election popularity is 48%.

Any questions?

No....obama has been protected by the press his entire Presidency.......Trump has been a target for destruction since he won the nomination........
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

Bullshit, Obama was and remains the most popular politician in DC. Democrats didn't lose because of Obama, they lost IN SPITE of Obama's popularity.

It's very tough for a party to hold on to presidency for more than 2 terms, that's why it only happened once in last 100 years. Trump was a perfect candidate to make the exception but Clinton failed to capitalize, people want that new car smell and she doesn't make a good change candidate beyond being a woman.

Yes, according to the same pollsters who said the shrilary had a 93% chance of winning the election. You go with that!
But if Trump lost, the GOP would have been destroyed. LOL at ADHD dupes of rating crazy media- at best.

BTW, back tracking LIB Trump may be wrecking the GOP, actually. Already making you hater dupes look like total fools...

Yes.....keep telling yourself that.....and keep reminding yourself that up to and until the last day of President Pence's last day in office after his 8 years after Trump's 8 years........
Dear 2aguy As a progressive Democrat who voted for Trump as a vote against liberal media and partisan abuse of govt to imposed bias beliefs without check, I applaud your enthusiasm while I caution you against furthering division that harms the nation's best interests.

Trump is calling to work with everyone to make America better and even greater. Clinton also offered to help and serve to this end.

We'd do better to rise above cries of racism and partisan corruption and cover up, and seek to correct what's wrong with govt. And how to create jobs reforming and rebuilding, instead of competing to project blame that doesn't solve anything.

Why can't we work together instead of slamming each other down.

Sorry but I don't think that's what Trump envisions as a business plan. He did dress down the media for playing biased games. So we should be better than that, too.

Shouldn't we compete to come up with the best plans we can develop as teams? Wouldn't it save more energy and resources to combine our best contributions rather than waste them competing to cut others out. Shouldn't we include all citizens, reward cost effective solutions, and make the most of all available resources?

The left makes it impossible...I have watched both parties for 30 years.......I have not just come to my opinions they come from real world experience....Bush reached out in his Presidency to the democrats and they savaged him......they are not decent people, they care only for political power...and racism is one of their primary tools...hiding behind it, exploiting it, and using it as a weapon to smear good people.......the left are violent, hateful and will do anything for we saw with hilary having bill the rapist meet with the Attorney General, and James Comey not pushing for an indictment...sorry...they cannot be worked with....they have to be defeated politically...
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’
I'm not yet convinced it was Obama. I think it's more likely that it was the crazies in the Regressive Left who took their shit too far and turned a lot of people off.

Trump's win over Clinton was not exactly overwhelming, losing in the popular vote, but the state success of the GOP can't be denied.
Oh Plrease. Trump lost the popular vote & the Democrats gained seats in Congress.

Republicans are not united as they pull apart with some of Trump cabinet pick. Trump wants Romney but is scared to appoint him. DeVos is a bad pick to traditional Republicans as they hate Bannon.

They don't control the Presidency, the House the Senate and we control 33 don't know what you are talking about....
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The GOP is stronger because it embraced the Ron Paul wing. The protectionist isolationist crowd.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The GOP is stronger because it embraced the Ron Paul wing. The protectionist isolationist crowd.

You are partially correct. What was rejected was the elitist version of globalism where there is a small ruling elite and a huge bunch or serfs. What was embraced was a view of globalism where the middle class is allowed to grow and enrich ALL the countries of the world and the elite stay small, and while wealthy we want them to remain powerless. The opposite of you.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The GOP is stronger because it embraced the Ron Paul wing. The protectionist isolationist crowd.

You are partially correct. What was rejected was the elitist version of globalism where there is a small ruling elite and a huge bunch or serfs. What was embraced was a view of globalism where the middle class is allowed to grow and enrich ALL the countries of the world and the elite stay small, and while wealthy we want them to remain powerless. The opposite of you.

What was rejected was free trade and resultant loss of jobs. Once Trump got the upper hand on that issue, he gained the kind of strength we saw all the way back to Perot.
Thanks to the left pushing their left wing crap.....the democrat party is the weakest it has been in 80 years...thank you left wing for doing what you do.....luckily.....we stopped you before you started filling mass graves...Germany, Russia, China, and Camobia were not so fortunate....

RealClearPolitics: After 8 Years of Obama, GOP ‘Strongest It’s Been in 80 Years’

The GOP is stronger because it embraced the Ron Paul wing. The protectionist isolationist crowd.

You are partially correct. What was rejected was the elitist version of globalism where there is a small ruling elite and a huge bunch or serfs. What was embraced was a view of globalism where the middle class is allowed to grow and enrich ALL the countries of the world and the elite stay small, and while wealthy we want them to remain powerless. The opposite of you.

What was rejected was free trade and resultant loss of jobs. Once Trump got the upper hand on that issue, he gained the kind of strength we saw all the way back to Perot.

Your supposed "free trade" has resulted in the destruction of the American manufacturing sector and the switching from a manufacturing based economy (which is profitable for the majority of people) to a service based economy (which is GREAT for the wealthy, not so much for the little guy) and had you a brain in your skull you would understand that.
Being popular, and passing Constitutional or Unconstitutional laws are two different things.


We are talking about elections. People elect politicians they like over the alternatives - DUH?
Nope I would not call it like or don't like.
I voted against Obama because he believes in putting party before the Constitution.
My personal like or dislike is not the same.

I voted for Trump as more answerable to checks by the Constitution whereas Clinton would not respect her own constituents within the party and silenced even them for political gain.
Trump would be stopped by either right or left the minute he stepped out of line.

So even though I don't like his ways of throwing Cruz under the bus, dividing their party, and sending wrong mixed messages in the media about sexist and racist attitudes,
I voted FOR stronger Constitutional enforcement and Against violations of the Constitution for popular politics.

Maybe you vote differently.

But I see the job of President as upholding an Oath of office and NOT JUST Some popularity game.

Trump would better enable both sides to check govt from left and right. CLINTON relied on.censoring criticism and objections from both left and right.

So if the federal offices are about protecting Constitutional rights of everyone, Trump cannot play the political and corporate games that Clinton did to undercut people left and right. Trump is held to answer by his own peers, as well as the public, while Clinton used influence to tell people what they were going to follow.

If Trump gets impeached both left and right will succeed. If Clinton was held to account, you can see that would get nowhere.

This is about Constitutional checks and balances. Sorry if you only see it as a popularity contest which I think underestimates the American public.
Trump seems to be a one man middle party, actually. Obama has nothing to do with it DUHHH. His approval is 55%, even though he was totally obstructed by mindless GOPers...
Trump seems to be a one man middle party, actually. Obama has nothing to do with it DUHHH. His approval is 55%, even though he was totally obstructed by mindless GOPers...

Yeppers.....his approval ratings are brought to you by the same people who said the shrilary had a 93% chance of winning the election.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Trump seems to be a one man middle party, actually. Obama has nothing to do with it DUHHH. His approval is 55%, even though he was totally obstructed by mindless GOPers...

Yeppers.....his approval ratings are brought to you by the same people who said the shrilary had a 93% chance of winning the election.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
nope. Trumpers were embarrassed is all...

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