You literally have to be the biggest moron in HUMAN HISTORY to believe Joe Biden got more LEGAL votes than any president in history.

Tell us slade how does it work if gas is not $ 20 bucks a gallon, shit for brains
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
Common man, how does people switching over to green energy cheap

If fucking gas is $1

Well, don't worry if Biden does get in after cheating, you can bet your bottom dollar gas will go back up to atleast 3 bucks a gallon.

Presidents don't have jack shit to do with gas prices. Never did. If this is the caliber of thought you're gonna bring to this here board you're already overmatched.
You are correct, generally speaking, but I think trump did get that asshole Saudi prince to quit dump oil on the market and it effected price at the pump. Jimmy Carter also had an effect on the price of oil, not having an effect on strangle hold of the Saudi controlled cartel, or at least I held him responsible.

I haven't researched that to much but you may be right. But I did notice gas prices really went down when the plan-demic hit and nobody was driving around. So I think that could be a factor also. But then again, more people are driving around more and the price has not really shot up to much. It is $1.70 a gallon where I am at. The lowest it went this year was 1.05 where I am at. So maybe a little bit of both.
I have done no research and am certainly no authority on oil markets. Some people on here sound a lot more competent in that area as I believe I have seen posts from an oil futures trader on here, but you never know who is bull$hit from the real $hit here at times. The way I understand it with the Saudi thing was during the beginning months of the pandemic the Saudi prince was dumping cheap oil on the world market, killing futures and with possible the intention of hurting the frackers who also must sell on the world market as there is no domestic market. Trump may have called in a marker for getting the heat off the prince's murderous ass. Like any resource price is important but stability is often more important, especially to a boom or bust industry like the frackers. Then again it might have been the ass hole prince holding trump for ransom, to send more troops to protect his oil. Hard to say for sure.
Saudi was dumping oil to hurt Iran after Obama's nuclear deal
Any time the Saudi's decide to dump oil it ain't good for us in the long term or our fracking industry in the short term. Am I correct that trump may have had some effect on influencing the ass hole prince to back off or is that just something I am remembering from some right wing rag?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
What the fuck?

So people will buy an high priced electric car, when an ice car is cheaper?
You go ahead and get the ice car. Come summer you will be sitting in water
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Tell us slade how does it work if gas is not $ 20 bucks a gallon, shit for brains
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
Common man, how does people switching over to green energy cheap

If fucking gas is $1

Well, don't worry if Biden does get in after cheating, you can bet your bottom dollar gas will go back up to atleast 3 bucks a gallon.

Presidents don't have jack shit to do with gas prices. Never did. If this is the caliber of thought you're gonna bring to this here board you're already overmatched.
You are correct, generally speaking, but I think trump did get that asshole Saudi prince to quit dump oil on the market and it effected price at the pump. Jimmy Carter also had an effect on the price of oil, not having an effect on strangle hold of the Saudi controlled cartel, or at least I held him responsible.

I haven't researched that to much but you may be right. But I did notice gas prices really went down when the plan-demic hit and nobody was driving around. So I think that could be a factor also. But then again, more people are driving around more and the price has not really shot up to much. It is $1.70 a gallon where I am at. The lowest it went this year was 1.05 where I am at. So maybe a little bit of both.
I have done no research and am certainly no authority on oil markets. Some people on here sound a lot more competent in that area as I believe I have seen posts from an oil futures trader on here, but you never know who is bull$hit from the real $hit here at times. The way I understand it with the Saudi thing was during the beginning months of the pandemic the Saudi prince was dumping cheap oil on the world market, killing futures and with possible the intention of hurting the frackers who also must sell on the world market as there is no domestic market. Trump may have called in a marker for getting the heat off the prince's murderous ass. Like any resource price is important but stability is often more important, especially to a boom or bust industry like the frackers. Then again it might have been the ass hole prince holding trump for ransom, to send more troops to protect his oil. Hard to say for sure.
Saudi was dumping oil to hurt Iran after Obama's nuclear deal
Any time the Saudi's decide to dump oil it ain't good for us in the long term or our fracking industry in the short term. Am I correct that trump may have had some effect on influencing the ass hole prince to back off or is that just something I am remembering from some right wing rag?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
What the fuck?

So people will buy an high priced electric car, when an ice car is cheaper?
You go ahead and get the ice car. Come summer you will be sitting in water

And ..

Yo will be fried
I suspect you will simply put up with it, period. I doubt you will shut up. I can see it now. I will have to put up with whining republicans for 4 years, just as I had to put up with whining democrats for 4 years.

Poor thing.
Being you sounds really hard :itsok:
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

Way to be unifying

Always liked your brand of sarcasm. You know me well enough Azog. I am not in power over the political arena. Not my job to be unifying on a message board when people are Fkn with me. People can get happy the same way they got sad or mad or fearful or whatever emotion they are allowing to run away with them. That is by their own decision. Lack of self control along with too much politics and too little philosophy is an unhappy combination for many people. Sadly, I suspect the suicide rate to be really higher than usual in December. Failing philosophic outlook and proper adult self control, I recommend dime-store psychology. If you want to get along with people and understand where they are coming from as you interact with people on a day to day basis read I'm OK, You're OK, A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis. The games people play on here are easy and repetitive, and I suspect some on here carry them into real life.

Games? At least this board doesn't censor. Big Corps starting to do that. Wait until Amazon no longer wants your business because you don't support the (D). Happening now with MailChimp and PayPal.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
I suspect you will simply put up with it, period. I doubt you will shut up. I can see it now. I will have to put up with whining republicans for 4 years, just as I had to put up with whining democrats for 4 years.

Poor thing.
Being you sounds really hard :itsok:
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

Way to be unifying


Yeah, he brags about how well he and his family are doing......then proudly states he removed the President who did that for him.
I guess he believes if the police are defunded, his city is looted and burned to the ground by leftists he'll be better off.
I'm telling you. These people are not playing with a full deck

in fact, I think they're only holding a Joker
America hasn't been invaded by Body snatchers, more like brain snatchers.

There you go again, on and on and on. This president did not do this for me. I retired before he came to office, due to my own planning and work. He did nothing for me and mine. I cannot think of a single city that has defunded their police, certainly not the one I live in or any town of more the 200 people in Tennessee. People that ran on that mostly lost in Mayor or above elections. It is not a moderate/Centrist position. Not cities in Tennessee burned and no cities burned down. Get a grip or seek help.

Minny and NYC defunded the police as did LA. Hence the massive migration out of those areas. Tennesseing and is Tennebelieving. You have children and under Trump their 401ks did very well. He also kept us safe. Cannot recall the last terror attack in the US from Islamic radicals. BLM is another matter. Hopefully they are recognized as a terror group sooner than later.
Tell us slade how does it work if gas is not $ 20 bucks a gallon, shit for brains
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
Common man, how does people switching over to green energy cheap

If fucking gas is $1

Well, don't worry if Biden does get in after cheating, you can bet your bottom dollar gas will go back up to atleast 3 bucks a gallon.

Presidents don't have jack shit to do with gas prices. Never did. If this is the caliber of thought you're gonna bring to this here board you're already overmatched.
You are correct, generally speaking, but I think trump did get that asshole Saudi prince to quit dump oil on the market and it effected price at the pump. Jimmy Carter also had an effect on the price of oil, not having an effect on strangle hold of the Saudi controlled cartel, or at least I held him responsible.

I haven't researched that to much but you may be right. But I did notice gas prices really went down when the plan-demic hit and nobody was driving around. So I think that could be a factor also. But then again, more people are driving around more and the price has not really shot up to much. It is $1.70 a gallon where I am at. The lowest it went this year was 1.05 where I am at. So maybe a little bit of both.
I have done no research and am certainly no authority on oil markets. Some people on here sound a lot more competent in that area as I believe I have seen posts from an oil futures trader on here, but you never know who is bull$hit from the real $hit here at times. The way I understand it with the Saudi thing was during the beginning months of the pandemic the Saudi prince was dumping cheap oil on the world market, killing futures and with possible the intention of hurting the frackers who also must sell on the world market as there is no domestic market. Trump may have called in a marker for getting the heat off the prince's murderous ass. Like any resource price is important but stability is often more important, especially to a boom or bust industry like the frackers. Then again it might have been the ass hole prince holding trump for ransom, to send more troops to protect his oil. Hard to say for sure.
Saudi was dumping oil to hurt Iran after Obama's nuclear deal
Any time the Saudi's decide to dump oil it ain't good for us in the long term or our fracking industry in the short term. Am I correct that trump may have had some effect on influencing the ass hole prince to back off or is that just something I am remembering from some right wing rag?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
What the fuck?

So people will buy an high priced electric car, when an ice car is cheaper?
You go ahead and get the ice car. Come summer you will be sitting in water

And ..

Yo will be fried
Huh? Is this conversation actually making sense to you?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
That’s a great question. Why would anybody want to punish success?? Success should be applauded and rewarded
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
That’s a great question. Why would anybody want to punish success?? Success should be applauded and rewarded
So why tax the "rich" more?

Are we not punishing success?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
They can try their best to hold it back but eventually technology development will break through and it will be unstoppable. I think Biden will help the cause
How can you make break throughs when you tax business out of business?
I suspect you will simply put up with it, period. I doubt you will shut up. I can see it now. I will have to put up with whining republicans for 4 years, just as I had to put up with whining democrats for 4 years.

Poor thing.
Being you sounds really hard :itsok:
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

Way to be unifying

Always liked your brand of sarcasm. You know me well enough Azog. I am not in power over the political arena. Not my job to be unifying on a message board when people are Fkn with me. People can get happy the same way they got sad or mad or fearful or whatever emotion they are allowing to run away with them. That is by their own decision. Lack of self control along with too much politics and too little philosophy is an unhappy combination for many people. Sadly, I suspect the suicide rate to be really higher than usual in December. Failing philosophic outlook and proper adult self control, I recommend dime-store psychology. If you want to get along with people and understand where they are coming from as you interact with people on a day to day basis read I'm OK, You're OK, A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis. The games people play on here are easy and repetitive, and I suspect some on here carry them into real life.

Games? At least this board doesn't censor. Big Corps starting to do that. Wait until Amazon no longer wants your business because you don't support the (D). Happening now with MailChimp and PayPal.

Again, in the catbird seat. I avoid paying anybody with Paypal and have not for years. Never heard of MailChimp. Amazon just prefers to make money. Next?
I suspect you will simply put up with it, period. I doubt you will shut up. I can see it now. I will have to put up with whining republicans for 4 years, just as I had to put up with whining democrats for 4 years.

Poor thing.
Being you sounds really hard :itsok:
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

Way to be unifying

Always liked your brand of sarcasm. You know me well enough Azog. I am not in power over the political arena. Not my job to be unifying on a message board when people are Fkn with me. People can get happy the same way they got sad or mad or fearful or whatever emotion they are allowing to run away with them. That is by their own decision. Lack of self control along with too much politics and too little philosophy is an unhappy combination for many people. Sadly, I suspect the suicide rate to be really higher than usual in December. Failing philosophic outlook and proper adult self control, I recommend dime-store psychology. If you want to get along with people and understand where they are coming from as you interact with people on a day to day basis read I'm OK, You're OK, A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis. The games people play on here are easy and repetitive, and I suspect some on here carry them into real life.

Games? At least this board doesn't censor. Big Corps starting to do that. Wait until Amazon no longer wants your business because you don't support the (D). Happening now with MailChimp and PayPal.

Again, in the catbird seat. I avoid paying anybody with Paypal and have not for years. Never heard of MailChimp. Amazon just prefers to make money. Next?

So do PayPal and mailchiml. So does Airbnb. So does Twitter. But they are now censoring those who say disagree with the BLM message. I dont Like censorship. Period.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
In Californication i saw solar panel farms, most of the panels had 3 inches of dirt on them. I asked someone when they get clean, the response was, "when it rains". I asked when it rains, they say sometime in February. So for 11 months out of the year, you have shit for energy, but hey, you fucking deserve to make a choice, do you charge your car while the stuff in your fridge rots, or do you charge you cell phone and laptop, but not drive that day.

Here is the Fresno Airport.

20200909_092947.jpg 20200909_114022.jpg

Here is Texas, do you see anything different?

The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
That’s a great question. Why would anybody want to punish success?? Success should be applauded and rewarded
So why tax the "rich" more?

Are we not punishing success?
I guess that depends on how you see it. I grew up being taught that paying taxes is a privilege. The more you pay the better off your doing so if you’re lucky enough to be giving a lot to your community then you’re doing pretty good. My mom would always complain about paying taxes and the above is how my dad always responded to her. Funny thing is she was a democrat and he was a Republican. Go figure

Obviously somebody else who was raised to believe that government is stealing from them are going to see taxation as punishment. So I guess this comes down to perspective
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
They can try their best to hold it back but eventually technology development will break through and it will be unstoppable. I think Biden will help the cause
How can you make break throughs when you tax business out of business?
You can’t. Businesses shouldn’t be taxed out of business
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
In Californication i saw solar panel farms, most of the panels had 3 inches of dirt on them. I asked someone when they get clean, the response was, "when it rains". I asked when it rains, they say sometime in February. So for 11 months out of the year, you have shit for energy, but hey, you fucking deserve to make a choice, do you charge your car while the stuff in your fridge rots, or do you charge you cell phone and laptop, but not drive that day.

Here is the Fresno Airport.

View attachment 417909 View attachment 417911

Here is Texas, do you see anything different?

View attachment 417913View attachment 417914
I live in both Cali and Texas so yes I see many differences. Regarding solar... it sounds like you are using cherry picked examples. I just set my mom up with a system for her place in California. About half her neighbors have a set up. She now pays $0 for electricity and actually sells energy back to PGE. It’s not hard or difficult to do and it makes a difference so why not support efforts like that.

solar isn’t quite there to power commercial buildings but one step at a time, we will get there. Nobody is talking about flipping a switch and completely cutting of coal, but we can do better in many areas
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
In Californication i saw solar panel farms, most of the panels had 3 inches of dirt on them. I asked someone when they get clean, the response was, "when it rains". I asked when it rains, they say sometime in February. So for 11 months out of the year, you have shit for energy, but hey, you fucking deserve to make a choice, do you charge your car while the stuff in your fridge rots, or do you charge you cell phone and laptop, but not drive that day.

Here is the Fresno Airport.

View attachment 417909 View attachment 417911

Here is Texas, do you see anything different?

View attachment 417913View attachment 417914
I live in both Cali and Texas so yes I see many differences. Regarding solar... it sounds like you are using cherry picked examples. I just set my mom up with a system for her place in California. About half her neighbors have a set up. She now pays $0 for electricity and actually sells energy back to PGE. It’s not hard or difficult to do and it makes a difference so why not support efforts like that.

solar isn’t quite there to power commercial buildings but one step at a time, we will get there. Nobody is talking about flipping a switch and completely cutting of coal, but we can do better in many areas
Cherry picked, i was there for a month, no rain, plenty of wildfires created by a prog who used Molotov Cocktails to start them(the guy was a known arsonist, yet was still released by the Prog state government), while in Texas where they have plenty of money, can make sure their land is fruitful and bountiful, and healthy. But you go ahead and believe what your masters tell you, because as the slave you are, if you dare go against them, you will be called a name....And we know how you pansy ass progs feel when called a name.

The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
That’s a great question. Why would anybody want to punish success?? Success should be applauded and rewarded
So why tax the "rich" more?

Are we not punishing success?
I guess that depends on how you see it. I grew up being taught that paying taxes is a privilege. The more you pay the better off your doing so if you’re lucky enough to be giving a lot to your community then you’re doing pretty good. My mom would always complain about paying taxes and the above is how my dad always responded to her. Funny thing is she was a democrat and he was a Republican. Go figure

Obviously somebody else who was raised to believe that government is stealing from them are going to see taxation as punishment. So I guess this comes down to perspective
I am OK paying taxes but it should be based on consumption not because I make more. If I make $1mil and pay 35% that’s $350k. Why should I pay more? In MA, I pay Federal, state, excise, RE, gas and on purchases. Truly believe I pay more than my “fair share”.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

Then start
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?
Again super nut, how does green energy work if gas is $1 bucks?
What do you mean when you ask how does green energy work with low oil prices?! It just works. That’s like asking why anybody would buy a $50k Tesla when you could buy a $30k Honda
In Californication i saw solar panel farms, most of the panels had 3 inches of dirt on them. I asked someone when they get clean, the response was, "when it rains". I asked when it rains, they say sometime in February. So for 11 months out of the year, you have shit for energy, but hey, you fucking deserve to make a choice, do you charge your car while the stuff in your fridge rots, or do you charge you cell phone and laptop, but not drive that day.

Here is the Fresno Airport.

View attachment 417909 View attachment 417911

Here is Texas, do you see anything different?

View attachment 417913View attachment 417914
I live in both Cali and Texas so yes I see many differences. Regarding solar... it sounds like you are using cherry picked examples. I just set my mom up with a system for her place in California. About half her neighbors have a set up. She now pays $0 for electricity and actually sells energy back to PGE. It’s not hard or difficult to do and it makes a difference so why not support efforts like that.

solar isn’t quite there to power commercial buildings but one step at a time, we will get there. Nobody is talking about flipping a switch and completely cutting of coal, but we can do better in many areas
Cherry picked, i was there for a month, no rain, plenty of wildfires created by a prog who used Molotov Cocktails to start them(the guy was a known arsonist, yet was still released by the Prog state government), while in Texas where they have plenty of money, can make sure their land is fruitful and bountiful, and healthy. But you go ahead and believe what your masters tell you, because as the slave you are, if you dare go against them, you will be called a name....And we know how you pansy ass progs feel when called a name.

View attachment 417918
Wow, that was a super mature post. Thanks for sharing!
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
I’d love to have green energy. Why arent you taking my bet? Is it because you know you are full of shit?

I would love to have Tesla free energy. But the Cabal is not going to let that happen because they can't make money off free energy. We all should have had free energy a long time ago and most great inventions have been hidden and or taken out by the oil cartel. Also another reason why Hemp was taken out the picture. All our vehicles could be ran on hemp. Really all we need oil for is plastics.
Plastics has been made out of green crap

Even green crap needs oil to keep the electricity going. I think it is funny, these people thinking driving a battery powered car will hurt the environment less. What they don't think about is that electricity they are getting comes from oil and coal. So it ends up being worse for the environment. Just ridiculous. :D
Have you heard of the TESLA power wall?
Powered out of what ?

So we can subsidize the rich even more?
Yes of course. Dont you want to support our rich? They get beat up so bad by these Dems and their taxes. Give them a break

Powered by solar
Why would you want to punish success? Doesn't seem logical?
That’s a great question. Why would anybody want to punish success?? Success should be applauded and rewarded
So why tax the "rich" more?

Are we not punishing success?
I guess that depends on how you see it. I grew up being taught that paying taxes is a privilege. The more you pay the better off your doing so if you’re lucky enough to be giving a lot to your community then you’re doing pretty good. My mom would always complain about paying taxes and the above is how my dad always responded to her. Funny thing is she was a democrat and he was a Republican. Go figure

Obviously somebody else who was raised to believe that government is stealing from them are going to see taxation as punishment. So I guess this comes down to perspective
Taxes is not charity

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