You may have missed it. FOX CAN NOW LEGALLY LIE!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fox News Wins Lawsuit To Misinform Public

In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information. In a six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals decided the FCC’s position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a “law, rule, or regulation.”
Fox News Wins Lawsuit To Misinform Public

In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information. In a six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals decided the FCC’s position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a “law, rule, or regulation.”

Jimmy, this might be a good time to add information that you obviously don't have, and it will same you the embarrassment of posting silly stuff like this OP.

Do you know why the Obama administration began it's drumbeat against Fox? Because Fox actually called them on lying!

And they demanded that they be allowed to lie, without it being corrected! Can you beat that.

1. Is there a reason for attacks on Fox News by this administration, other than the thin-skinned nature of this Chicago thug administration? Anita Dunn was asked exactly that by Howard Kurtz, on CNN, and she said “…we had told Chris Wallace that having fact-checked an administration guest on his show, something I've never seen a Sunday show do, and Howie, you can show me examples of where Sunday shows have fact-checked previous weeks' guests. “’

2. Background? The White House sent Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August, and she denied the fact that the VA suggests that vets might wish to end their lives if in a wheelchair…

WALLACE: I want to ask you about the worksheet, page 21 in the V.A. booklet. You're a hero who, despite severe injuries, lives a full life, but you have to get around some of the time in a wheelchair yourself.
Do you have any problem with the V.A. asking elderly veterans whether life is worth living if they have a disability, if they live in a nursing home, if they're unable to shake the blues?... why would a question — I can understand questions about if you're in an irreversible coma, do you want us to pull the plug. But why — as I asked Mr. Towey, why would you even have a question in a — in an end-of-life counseling book about if
you're in a wheelchair, if you're living in a nursing home, does that make life worth living?

DUCKWORTH: And let me make a correction. We've not used it since 2007 when, under the Bush administration, we decided to go ahead and revise it.

WALLACE: ... that's just not true. The VHA put out a directive on July 2nd, 2009, and I want to put up two pages from that directive. The first one, page 8, "Primary care practitioners are responsible for giving patients pertinent educational materials, e.g. refer patients to the 'Your Life, Your Choices' module."
And on page 9 it says, "If they request more information, patients may be directed to the exercises in 'Your Life, Your Choices.'"
So as of July 2nd, 2009, last month, more than a month ago, V.A. health practitioners were told to refer all veterans, not just end-of-life veterans but all 24 million veterans, to this document, "Your Life, Your Choices."
The transcript is here: Transcript: 'Death Book' Debate on 'FOX News Sunday' - FOX News Sunday | Chris Wallace -

3. So, the administration feels it is not only free to lie to the American public, but that it is the obligation of the ‘news’ media to roll over and play dead in response. And when an outlet tells the truth, and calls attention to lies, then it’s minions (read 'JimH52') go out and slander it, and convince the easily led to pile on the contumely.

a. ““Let’s fact-check Anita Dunn, because last Sunday she said that Fox ignores Republican scandals, and she specifically mentioned the scandal involving Nevada senator John Ensign,” Wallace added. “A number of Fox News shows have run stories about Senator Ensign. Anita Dunn’s facts were just plain wrongTammy Duckworth : Kevin Trudeau Show

Now, Jimmy, don't you feel better knowing the backstory?
See how much you learn coming here?
The fact is that Fox (and they are not the only one) lies. All that other stuff is just stuff.
I wish they would pass a law that forbid politicians from lying. Wouldn't that be cool? No more politicians!
The fact is that Fox (and they are not the only one) lies. All that other stuff is just stuff.

"Oh, everybody does it!" ????

Tinny, don't be so even handed.

Among news outlets, Fox has been singled out by the most powerful organization in the world, the White House.
Is this the 'hope and change that the American people voted for, or is this Chicageo thugs in typecast mode?

1.” President Obama is working systematically to marginalize the most powerful forces behind the Republican Party, setting loose top White House officials to undermine conservatives in the media, business and lobbying worlds….

Obama aides are using their powerful White House platform, combined with techniques honed in the 2008 campaign, to cast some of the most powerful adversaries as out of the mainstream and their criticism as unworthy of serious discussion.

Everyone from White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has piled on Fox News by contending it’s not a legitimate news operation.
Obama strategy: Marginalize most powerful critics - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen -

a. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals,” p. 130.

b. So a new White House strategy has emerged: rather than just giving reporters ammunition to "fact-check" Obama's many critics, the White House decided it would become a player, issuing biting attacks on those pundits, politicians and outlets…"It's opinion journalism masquerading as news," [Anita] Dunn says.” Calling 'Em Out: The White House Takes on the Press - TIME

Then well meaning, but not particularly bright folks, like Jimmy, actually belive the hype...

2. Let’s recall another President who behaved this way

“What was different about Colson and Dean’s effort, though, was the open declaration of war upon anyone who seemed to disagree with administration policies. Colson later expanded his list to include hundreds of people, including Joe Namath, John Lennon, Carol Channing, Gregory Peck, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Congressional Black Caucus, Alabama Governor George Wallace. All this came out during the Watergate hearings. You could see an administration spiraling downwards, and, of course, we all know where that led.

The only reason I mention this is because I have an uneasy feeling only 10 months into this new administration that we are beginning to see the symptoms of this same kind of animus developing in the Obama administration.

According to Politico, the White House plans to “neuter the United States Chamber of Commerce,” an organization with members in almost every major community in America. The chamber had supported the President’s stimulus package and defended some of his early appointments, but has problems with his health care and climate change proposals.

The White House communications director recently announced that the administration would treat a major television network, FOX News, as “part of the opposition.” On Sunday, White House officials were all over talk shows urging other news organizations to boycott Fox and not pick up any of its stories. Those stories, for example, would include the video that two amateur filmmakers made of ACORN representatives explaining how to open a brothel. That is a story other media managed to ignore until almost a week after Congress decided to cut ACORN’s funding."
“Don’t create an enemies list.” | Flopping Aces

The only difference was those other thugs weren't from Chicago.
This was not a defense. It was added evidence against FOX. Are you kidding?
Fox News Wins Lawsuit To Misinform Public

In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information. In a six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals decided the FCC’s position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a “law, rule, or regulation.”

Since Fox News is such a compulsive liar, according to you - you shouldn't have difficulty citing three of their biggest lies.

Go ahead.



You gonna fill in the three blanks Jim? ^^^

Of course you're not.

You're a blithering idiot....
You don't prove negatives, dipshcitt.

Follow the link and accept the truth or continue blissfully living the interweb myth lie that fits your leftloon politics.

Please tell us who owns and funds that site?

Why should anyone with a brain believe what some bought and sold internets site says on the subject?
Good grief, Charlie Brown!

How many times does this stupid shit have to be debunked?

FOX, Lies & Videotape: debunking an internet myth*»*Blog*»* Center for Competitive Politics

Perhaps we should feel some sympathy for the left. Their assimilation into the borg of the Obamanation is so total that they really have lost the ability to critically analyze information.... I'm being reasonable and assuming that, at some stage of their lives, they did actually possess that ability.
Vegan News - In the News

August 24, 2000



Fox TV Forced to Pay Jane Akre $425,000 After Monsanto rBGH Scandal

Wilson (second from left) and Akre (far right) celebrate their victory with their lawyers
In a landmark whistleblower case based out of Tampa, FL, journalist Jane Akre was awarded damages of $425,000 after the jury found that Fox News took retaliatory personnel action against her for threatening to expose their refusal to broadcast a report she made that was critical of Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). (see earlier story)

Her husband and partner in the case, fellow journalist Steve Wilson, was not awarded damages because the jury did not find that his unwillingness to alter what he and Akre uncovered about rBGH was the sole reason for his dismissal from Fox station WTVT. Mr. Wilson, who represented himself in the courtroom, was portrayed as a "difficult" employee during his tenure at the station for his refusal to lie during a broadcast, leading the jury to determine that there may have been other factors that lead to his being fired. 14, 2003/2D01-529.pdf

Now actually read this and realise that Fox won the case by getting the judge to agree woith their stance that the FCC had no power to punish a news station for lying or removing a story that was about physical harm to veiwers.

Fox KNEW this milk was harmful to children and they desided not to run the story.


They then fired these reporters because they didnt want reporters who did these types of stories that reported harm to citizens by corporations.

Then to keep from paying these reporters more money they convinced a judge that news can lie with impunity.

Fox paid the bill to get this done.

No shill internets site changes the fact that Fox paid to have a judge convinced that news doesnt have to tell the truth.

That is the favorite station of the right in this country.
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No one?

So you think anyone who believes facts you dont like doesnt exsist?

The woman won her court case and Fox only won on appeal by convincing a judge that there was no law that prevented them from misinforming their public.

Its in the court documents.

Not all people are one of your fellow clucking future Mc Nuggets
This topic belongs in the ROMPER Room.

It'll end up there. All Fail&Won'tGo's threads end up in the Romper Room. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature would be embarrassed by that... but not Fail&Won'tGo.... he's really, really dumb.

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