You Mean That Government Employees Can't Save Money&Have No Credit Line.Awe,This Is So Sad !!

OMG !!! they are all gonna starve soon !! boo hoo hoo!,,,but wait, isnt Kraft Mac-Cheese only 1.00 a box?
What if TSA all walk out and gov't can't hire more in an emergency ?? Think 1000's maybe millions of air travelers won't get hurt ??

Yeah that would be terrible! who would be left to confiscate Grandma's shampoo and nail clippers before giving her a thorough cavity search? not to mention miserably fail all those pen tests the DHS regularly runs on the TSA.

The TSA is a disastrous failure and should be privatized
Fire 'em all, like Reagan did with PATCO.
Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
View attachment 239481

you seem to also be seething with hate; that's too bad
I hate nobody, and you are still a little statist bitch.
What if TSA all walk out and gov't can't hire more in an emergency ?? Think 1000's maybe millions of air travelers won't get hurt ??

Yeah that would be terrible! who would be left to confiscate Grandma's shampoo and nail clippers before giving her a thorough cavity search? not to mention miserably fail all those pen tests the DHS regularly runs on the TSA.

The TSA is a disastrous failure and should be privatized
Fire 'em all, like Reagan did with PATCO.
You have a death wish oddball?
republicans on this thread are the goats in the biblical parable of the Sheep and the Goats

waxed over cold, antichrist minions

enjoy your cold and depraved lives while you can....


Actually, they're more like the Biblical definition of a fool.

A fool is someone who has said that there is no God.

That's what the psalmist tells us.
Or maybe we don't worship a graven image: The State.
No you worship a swine an orange douche
I'm not here trying to abuse scripture to try and browbeat and shame people, Corky...Now get back to your golden calf.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
80% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Redirect Notice
Yet Pelosi sent 54 Billion in aid to foreign countries and keeps our gov. Shut down and the citizens vulnerable to death by criminal illegal aliens! She shits on Americans!
How is that in any way related to the topic?
Need it spelled out? 54 billion foreign aid! She refuses to spend 5.6 Billion to build a wall, provide security to Americans, and put those living “paycheck to paycheck” back to work. Why does she favor foreign interlopers?
Maybe because the 54 billion is for national security and the 5 is for tRump's ego.
Supposing you're right (which you are not) money can't wave a gun in my face and kidnap me for non-compliance, like your god The State does all day every day....Enjoy worshiping Baal.
Scripture speaks specifically on this.

"You cannot serve both God and mammon." Matthew 6:24

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

That's the last I'm stating on this in this thread. Carry on heathen.
well, Trump did say that most of them are democrats, that pretty much explains how great they all are at saving money
What if TSA all walk out and gov't can't hire more in an emergency ?? Think 1000's maybe millions of air travelers won't get hurt ??

Yeah that would be terrible! who would be left to confiscate Grandma's shampoo and nail clippers before giving her a thorough cavity search? not to mention miserably fail all those pen tests the DHS regularly runs on the TSA.

The TSA is a disastrous failure and should be privatized
Fire 'em all, like Reagan did with PATCO.
You have a death wish oddball?
As though a gubmint agency to secure airports is an absolute necessity?....Yeah, I was right about you chumps worshiping The State...How pathetic.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
It's not just government workers, you know....more than 75% of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
Supposing you're right (which you are not) money can't wave a gun in my face and kidnap me for non-compliance, like your god The State does all day every day....Enjoy worshiping Baal.
Scripture speaks specifically on this.

"You cannot serve both God and mammon." Matthew 6:24

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

That's the last I'm stating on this in this thread. Carry on heathen.
You're the one worshiping The State, Dudley....Mebby you could dig up the one about the plank in your eye.
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
and if nancy is so worried/concerned for all of these government employees, why didnt she just send all of them a check for about 5000 dollars? I mean, how much is she worth?
Why do you harp on Pelosi. She doesn't own this shutdown....tiny trump does. Proudly.
Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
View attachment 239481

you seem to also be seething with hate; that's too bad
I hate nobody, and you are still a little statist bitch.

Yes; keep lying to yourself. That is the sure sign of a brain washed fool.

And you seem to also be seething with hate. Bad combo.
I hate nobody, and you are still a little statist bitch.
The PALOOKA states he doesn't hate anyone, but yet in post #61 can be found thanking a post stating to let the government workers starve.

In this life you're either serving God or Satan. Every choice in your life is a marked decision to serve one of them, no other choice.

I see which choice you've made.

Keep it up bruh, you're doing WELL!!!

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