You own nothing, and are happy, the elites will still own everything. 14 states sign on to no meat, dairy or cars by 2030


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This just has to stop....they are insane.......they want to take us back to a world where the elite hunt deer in the kings forest while the peasants starve......and solar and wind are energy sources for the poor, while the rich democrats drive gas guzzling SUVs........

In other words, leftist harpies are willing to give up their cars, meat, coffee creamer, and whatever else it takes to look at us and say, “Ha-ha!” We’ll see who has the last laugh when Dylan Mulvaney and I are in a gulag, scrapping for the last rotting cabbage. Bring your A-game, dudette.
As I’ve reported before, the lizard people are hoping to eradicate meat and dairy consumption by 2030 completely. The prairie fairies want your car, too, because it’s easier to enslave people when they are both underfed and unable to escape.
What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

If the people of those cities voted for this, then who are we to tell them otherwise?
Do you suppose, getting rid of meat, dairy and private ownership of automobiles by 2030 was a plank of these mayors runs for office, or just something on the candidate's mind but unsaid, when running for office?

How many in those cities would vote for someone, that said they supported this in their campaign planks? Very few, I suspect.

Be careful who you vote for to represent or lead you. You might get them.
Everything about the Democrat party synchs perfectly with the great reset.

Once a person understands that, everything they do makes sense. It isn't ineptitude we see on the part of dear leader. It is intent.
Do you suppose, getting rid of meat, dairy and private ownership of automobiles by 2030 was a plank of these mayors runs for office, or just something on the candidate's mind but unsaid, when running for office?

How many in those cities would vote for someone, that said they supported this in their campaign planks? Very few, I suspect.

Be careful who you vote for to represent or lead you. You might get them.

Did they run on it? Of course will just be a big, happy surprise for the dumb people who voted for them....
Is there a source of this "14 cities" thing? I don't see it in the "story".
Do you suppose, getting rid of meat, dairy and private ownership of automobiles by 2030 was a plank of these mayors runs for office, or just something on the candidate's mind but unsaid, when running for office?

How many in those cities would vote for someone, that said they supported this in their campaign planks? Very few, I suspect.

Be careful who you vote for to represent or lead you. You might get them.

Portlanders would eat this up ... you're not getting elected to civic office without demanding all electric vehicles, no meat, no airline travel, abortions on demand, free pot, free opium ... the list goes on ...

Pffft ... we've never wanted you to move to Oregon ... please don't, you'd hate it ... no police and it rains all the time ...
Did they run on it? Of course will just be a big, happy surprise for the dumb people who voted for them....
Whether happy or not is in the eye of the beholder, but you got my point.
This just has to stop....they are insane.......they want to take us back to a world where the elite hunt deer in the kings forest while the peasants starve......and solar and wind are energy sources for the poor, while the rich democrats drive gas guzzling SUVs........

In other words, leftist harpies are willing to give up their cars, meat, coffee creamer, and whatever else it takes to look at us and say, “Ha-ha!” We’ll see who has the last laugh when Dylan Mulvaney and I are in a gulag, scrapping for the last rotting cabbage. Bring your A-game, dudette.
As I’ve reported before, the lizard people are hoping to eradicate meat and dairy consumption by 2030 completely. The prairie fairies want your car, too, because it’s easier to enslave people when they are both underfed and unable to escape.
What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.


I read half that article and stopped. It’s just mindless blathering drivel.
PJMedia = gateway punditry = "news" for stupid people.
I read half that article and stopped. It’s just mindless blathering drivel.
They make stuff up out of thin air, and click, the rubes buy it.

Then the rubes spread it everywhere, like this place, and the other rubes believe it. As we see here.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

This is largely how we got into this fucking mess.
Always go to the bargaining table with an extreme position that can be bargained downward to attain a satisfactory result.

Replacing all gas cars with EV's is an impossible position to take, but it can be bargained away for something more realistic.
This just has to stop....they are insane.......they want to take us back to a world where the elite hunt deer in the kings forest while the peasants starve......and solar and wind are energy sources for the poor, while the rich democrats drive gas guzzling SUVs........

In other words, leftist harpies are willing to give up their cars, meat, coffee creamer, and whatever else it takes to look at us and say, “Ha-ha!” We’ll see who has the last laugh when Dylan Mulvaney and I are in a gulag, scrapping for the last rotting cabbage. Bring your A-game, dudette.
As I’ve reported before, the lizard people are hoping to eradicate meat and dairy consumption by 2030 completely. The prairie fairies want your car, too, because it’s easier to enslave people when they are both underfed and unable to escape.
What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

p j media

This just has to stop....they are insane.......they want to take us back to a world where the elite hunt deer in the kings forest while the peasants starve......and solar and wind are energy sources for the poor, while the rich democrats drive gas guzzling SUVs........

In other words, leftist harpies are willing to give up their cars, meat, coffee creamer, and whatever else it takes to look at us and say, “Ha-ha!” We’ll see who has the last laugh when Dylan Mulvaney and I are in a gulag, scrapping for the last rotting cabbage. Bring your A-game, dudette.
As I’ve reported before, the lizard people are hoping to eradicate meat and dairy consumption by 2030 completely. The prairie fairies want your car, too, because it’s easier to enslave people when they are both underfed and unable to escape.
What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

I can't imagine why people are moving away from these places. Someone needs to do a study on why people are moving away. There must be some rhyme or reason to it. If we all just put our heads together and think, maybe we'll be able to figure out why people are moving away from these places in droves. There's got to be an answer. Maybe it's even right in front of our noses and we just can't see it.

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