You People Are Not Citizens

I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

For some reason either you are confused or just plain do not know what you are talking about. Read post #11 and 12.... The argument is YOU asked. who are the white illegals??? I said European, Asian and middle easterns.....that was the argument dude....You ask for a link I provided two links...
NOW you are talking about Mexicans. I am not talking about illegal Mexicans.
What's your point, that I can't talk about Mexican illegals because you want to talk about white ones?

NO... You stick with the same issue, discuss with the same issue and argue with the same issue... But you cannot just change the issue at your convenience just because you don't what you are talking about...
The issue is illegal immigration, asshole. That's what I'm discussing. You don't like what I'm saying? Too fucking bad.
You still don't know what you are talking about asshole. Yes we are talking about illegal immigration but not Mexicans. Remember? HELLOOOO.
You don't get to cherry pick which illegals we talk about, dickwad. Read the OP. Does it specify we can only address white illegals?
Who are the white illegals?

European, asians, middle easternean.

Dude I don't have to provide you link. The problem is you only think that Hispanics are the only illegals in US.

If you make a claim and want that claim to be given credibility, you do.

I already did asshole.

Who are the white illegals?

European, asians, middle easternean.

Dude I don't have to provide you link. The problem is you only think that Hispanics are the only illegals in US.

If you make a claim and want that claim to be given credibility, you do.

I already did asshole.

You did? Is that why you said you don't have to provide a link?
Now as an American trying to migrate to Asia or other part of the world is a different story. And it's VERY easy. You can migrate and accept you with an open arm because you bring in dollars that helps the economy. Not a liability. Even if you migrate there illegally NONE will question you unless you commit a crime.

I see. Another one that doesn't understand that doing something ILLEGALLY means you committed a crime.

Show me in my post that I do not understand something illegal. Racist asshole. Did I insult your dumb knowledge because you never heard this before? Dumbass.

Your last sentence of "Even if you migrate there illegally NONE will question you unless you commit a crime". If you are somewhere you aren't legally supposed to be, you've committed a crime to be there.

Another one that plays the race card when NOTHING related to race was said in my statement.
For some reason either you are confused or just plain do not know what you are talking about. Read post #11 and 12.... The argument is YOU asked. who are the white illegals??? I said European, Asian and middle easterns.....that was the argument dude....You ask for a link I provided two links...
NOW you are talking about Mexicans. I am not talking about illegal Mexicans.
What's your point, that I can't talk about Mexican illegals because you want to talk about white ones?

NO... You stick with the same issue, discuss with the same issue and argue with the same issue... But you cannot just change the issue at your convenience just because you don't what you are talking about...
The issue is illegal immigration, asshole. That's what I'm discussing. You don't like what I'm saying? Too fucking bad.
You still don't know what you are talking about asshole. Yes we are talking about illegal immigration but not Mexicans. Remember? HELLOOOO.
You don't get to cherry pick which illegals we talk about, dickwad. Read the OP. Does it specify we can only address white illegals?

That idiot addresses being somewhere illegally then says no one will question you unless you commit a crime.
What's your point, that I can't talk about Mexican illegals because you want to talk about white ones?

NO... You stick with the same issue, discuss with the same issue and argue with the same issue... But you cannot just change the issue at your convenience just because you don't what you are talking about...
The issue is illegal immigration, asshole. That's what I'm discussing. You don't like what I'm saying? Too fucking bad.
You still don't know what you are talking about asshole. Yes we are talking about illegal immigration but not Mexicans. Remember? HELLOOOO.
You don't get to cherry pick which illegals we talk about, dickwad. Read the OP. Does it specify we can only address white illegals?

That idiot addresses being somewhere illegally then says no one will question you unless you commit a crime.

That is because you have not travel overseas...and you don't understand immigration in other countries....
For some reason either you are confused or just plain do not know what you are talking about. Read post #11 and 12.... The argument is YOU asked. who are the white illegals??? I said European, Asian and middle easterns.....that was the argument dude....You ask for a link I provided two links...
NOW you are talking about Mexicans. I am not talking about illegal Mexicans.
What's your point, that I can't talk about Mexican illegals because you want to talk about white ones?

NO... You stick with the same issue, discuss with the same issue and argue with the same issue... But you cannot just change the issue at your convenience just because you don't what you are talking about...
The issue is illegal immigration, asshole. That's what I'm discussing. You don't like what I'm saying? Too fucking bad.
You still don't know what you are talking about asshole. Yes we are talking about illegal immigration but not Mexicans. Remember? HELLOOOO.
You don't get to cherry pick which illegals we talk about, dickwad. Read the OP. Does it specify we can only address white illegals?

I did not cherry pick Dick Breath... You did.
That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

NOW WILL TALK MEXICANS. Since you live in Southern California I'm sure you are familiar with Register, LA times, Press enterprise and San Diego Tribune newspapers....You said these illegals commit murders, rapes, violent crimes everyday..... Provide a link that these are happening EVERYDAY.... If you can't provide a link you are lying. Remember EVERYDAY. I'm waiting...
Our borders are closed. We do not have such thing as open borders. Illegal crossings is almost at zero. Keep that in mind.
Fuck off, I'm not jumping through hoops for you. Do your own research, I don't need to convince you, it's not like you'll accept anything I post anyway.

No No No No..... You are lying and I know you don't know what you are talking about...You asked for a link I provided you links..., Now I'm asking you for a link of your racist bullshit.. NOW you are backing off...That's unfair dumbass.
Bullshit, you provided one link and want me to provide how many? How many days am I supposed to cover of Mexicans committing crimes? You want a link for each day? You're not worth that much of my time, sorry.

Dude...I provided you 2 links... Go back and read....You made a claim that they committed crime everyday in Southern California. Then prove it. If you can't then you are lying....
Um, yeah, you do. You made the claim, you have to back it up. Not for me to prove you wrong, you have to prove yourself right or you withdraw your claim. Now do one or the other.
An hour later.

Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

How did you came up with surnames Hernandez, Sanchez and Garcia? Did you just pulled that from your ass?
An hour later.

Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

How did you came up with surnames Hernandez, Sanchez and Garcia? Did you just pulled that from your ass?
Oh, the cockroaches of the far right can pull them from their armpits.

Pitiful people.

Illegals are subject to the law, like all of us, and to its protections, like all of us.
NO... You stick with the same issue, discuss with the same issue and argue with the same issue... But you cannot just change the issue at your convenience just because you don't what you are talking about...
The issue is illegal immigration, asshole. That's what I'm discussing. You don't like what I'm saying? Too fucking bad.
You still don't know what you are talking about asshole. Yes we are talking about illegal immigration but not Mexicans. Remember? HELLOOOO.
You don't get to cherry pick which illegals we talk about, dickwad. Read the OP. Does it specify we can only address white illegals?

That idiot addresses being somewhere illegally then says no one will question you unless you commit a crime.

That is because you have not travel overseas...and you don't understand immigration in other countries....

I understand that doing something illegally means it's a crime. You don't seem to understand that.
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

NOW WILL TALK MEXICANS. Since you live in Southern California I'm sure you are familiar with Register, LA times, Press enterprise and San Diego Tribune newspapers....You said these illegals commit murders, rapes, violent crimes everyday..... Provide a link that these are happening EVERYDAY.... If you can't provide a link you are lying. Remember EVERYDAY. I'm waiting...
Our borders are closed. We do not have such thing as open borders. Illegal crossings is almost at zero. Keep that in mind.
Fuck off, I'm not jumping through hoops for you. Do your own research, I don't need to convince you, it's not like you'll accept anything I post anyway.

No No No No..... You are lying and I know you don't know what you are talking about...You asked for a link I provided you links..., Now I'm asking you for a link of your racist bullshit.. NOW you are backing off...That's unfair dumbass.

It is not credible that you are unaware of the high rate of crime by illegals.

This took me seconds to find. I skipped the top three links because I thought you might dismiss them, but the Atlantic is hardly a right wing rag.

How Donald Trump Found an Audience on Crime and Illegal Immigration
Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

How did you came up with surnames Hernandez, Sanchez and Garcia? Did you just pulled that from your ass?
Oh, the cockroaches of the far right can pull them from their armpits.

Pitiful people.

Illegals are subject to the law, like all of us, and to its protections, like all of us.

Not sure of your point here.

Are you denying that illegals commit a lot of crime?
Illegals commit crime at a lower rate than citizens.

SUre. IF you lump in all races AND include second generation immigrants, legal and illegal to pump up the numbers for citizens.

AND That does not mean that the crime rate for illegals is not high, nor is a problem that can be avoided by simply NOT having them here, or at least can easily be addressed by reducing the numbers of illegals that are allowed to remain here.

At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again.
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

How did you came up with surnames Hernandez, Sanchez and Garcia? Did you just pulled that from your ass?
Oh, the cockroaches of the far right can pull them from their armpits.

Pitiful people.

Illegals are subject to the law, like all of us, and to its protections, like all of us.

Not sure of your point here.

Are you denying that illegals commit a lot of crime?
Not as much as legals. There is no evidence that they do.
Illegals commit crime at a lower rate than citizens.

SUre. IF you lump in all races AND include second generation immigrants, legal and illegal to pump up the numbers for citizens.

AND That does not mean that the crime rate for illegals is not high, nor is a problem that can be avoided by simply NOT having them here, or at least can easily be addressed by reducing the numbers of illegals that are allowed to remain here.

At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again.
Your opinion only, podjo. Illegals commit less crime than citizens per capita.
Illegals commit crime at a lower rate than citizens.

SUre. IF you lump in all races AND include second generation immigrants, legal and illegal to pump up the numbers for citizens.

AND That does not mean that the crime rate for illegals is not high, nor is a problem that can be avoided by simply NOT having them here, or at least can easily be addressed by reducing the numbers of illegals that are allowed to remain here.

At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again.
Your opinion only, podjo. Illegals commit less crime than citizens per capita.

It's a pretty reasonable opinion, with some facts in there (still high crime rate) that you did nothing to address.

SUre. IF you lump in all races AND include second generation immigrants, legal and illegal to pump up the numbers for citizens.

AND That does not mean that the crime rate for illegals is not high, nor is a problem that can be avoided by simply NOT having them here, or at least can easily be addressed by reducing the numbers of illegals that are allowed to remain here.

At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again
I certainly agree with "At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again."
I certainly agree with "At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again."

And yet, as discussed in the link I provided to the Atlantic that is not being done to the tune of tens of thousands a year.

Illegals who have served time for killing people are being released back into the US.
I certainly agree with "At the very least, illegal criminals who serve sentences for additional crimes should be deported after their time is served with the warning of more time if they are ever in the country again."
And yet, as discussed in the link I provided to the Atlantic that is not being done to the tune of tens of thousands a year. Illegals who have served time for killing people are being released back into the US.
This is different argument than before.

However, they should be jailed for life if they come back after deportation.

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